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Square Dance Calls authored by Ralph Pavlik

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2 records

  1. Here Come The Judge
  2. Switcheroo The Diamond

This may not be a complete list of all calls authored by Ralph Pavlik.

 Here Come The Judge 


From a line of four: Right end of the line crosses over to the other end of the line to reverse facing direction as the other three face toward the vacated end, take one step forward than turn another quarter int he same turning direction. Finishes in a line of four facing opposite to original direction.

Ralph Pavlik 1968

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Switcheroo The Diamond 


From parallel waves or two faced lines: Ends do half of a Trade as centers flip into vacated end spots to form twin diamonds. Then all diamond circulate. Centers of each diamond arm turn 3/4 as the ends Circulate once. Waves finish as two faced lines and vice versa.

Ralph Pavlik 1973

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.
28-March-2025 06:56:35
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