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Square Dance Calls authored by Mel Rich

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  1. Veer Left/Right

This may not be a complete list of all calls authored by Mel Rich.

 Veer Left/Right 


A general directional term directed ordinarily to couples, but also can apply to individual dancers in certain circumstances (Curlicue, Men Veer Left, for example). Dancers will walk forward on a diagonal in the direction indicated to make a regular or a two-faced line with another couple. NOTE: two couples may be actively veering toward each other (after a Dive Thru they can both Veer Left or Right to a two-faced line in the middle); or one couple may be inactive and be joined by the veering couple (the inactive couple may be facing the veering couple or have their backs to them). BACKGROUND NOTE: Before the term "Veer" was adopted into Mainstream terminology, some other terms were used to describe this same movement.

Mel Rich pre 1964

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.
28-March-2025 23:25:55
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