Square Dance Calls authored by Walt Wentworth
4 records
| Blow Your Top |  |
- Note: A gimmick term meaning All Eight Spin The Top.
Allemande Left and "Blow Your Top," turn partner right, girls star left boys move up outside, same girl turn by the right, boys star left, girls move up outside, same girl turn by the right, to the corner, Allemande.
- Walt Wentworth 1967
| Put 'Em In The Kitchen |  |
- From facing pairs: Turn Thru with the one you face and all (right-face) U-turn back. Finishes with facing pairs. (See "Scooter Poot").
- Walt Wentworth 1972
| Single Ferris Wheel |  |
- From box formation: Trailing (facing) dancers step up shoulder to shoulder and Single Wheel to face each other. Lead dancers Fold behind wheelers. Finishes in one single file column of two facing another single file column of two.
- Walt Wentworth 1974
| Spin Prowl |  |
- Heads Part: Spin the Top, Pass Thru to the side position. Face partner and Turn Thru then walk to the corner of the set and turn to face the head position. Walk forward to the head position and Star Thru with the one coming at you.
Sides Part: Face partner, Turn Thru and walk to the corner of the set and face in. Walk to head position and Star Thru with the one coming at you. In the middle Spin the Top, then Pass Thru and walk to the side position to face partner.
All do the above pattern twice thru to return home with partners.
- Walt Wentworth 1967