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Square Dance Calls authored by Gordon Blaum

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8 records

 Curlicue And A Quarter More 


Version #1

From a man facing a girl: Curlicue, then cast off 1/4 with this same person. Finishes in a two person mini wave. (Gordon Blaum 1967)

COMMENT: Use "Curlicue then Single Hinge".

Version #2

From a man facing a girl: Curlicue then each person turns individually a quarter more in the direction of body flow. Finishes with one person behind another (both face the same way). (author unknown)

COMMENT: Use "Curlicue Roll".

Gordon Blaum 1967

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Ends Wheel 


From lines: Ends step forward and turn back. Finishes in eight chain thru formation.

COMMENT: Was the forerunner of what has come to be called "Ends Fold."

Gordon Blaum

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Outsides Cross Thru 


From a double pass thru formation: The trailing couples will do an outsides in then a centers crossfold.

Gordon Blaum 1966

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Outsides Thru 


From a double pass thru formation: The trailing people will do an outsides in then a centers fold.

Gordon Blaum 1966

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Spread To A Line 


From a double pass thru or completed double pass thru formation: Trailing couple steps apart and the lead couple backs up between them to make lines of four.

Gordon Blaum 1961

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Swing The Wave 


From parallel waves or eight chain thru formation: All arm turn 3/4 and centers of new parallel waves arm turn 3/4. Centers of the new wave across the set Trade and then arm turn 3/4 with the wave ends. Finishes in parallel waves.

Gordon Blaum 1968

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Trade The Wave And A Quarter More 


From a wave: Do a Trade The Wave then each dancer Rolls in the direction of body motion. Finishes in single file double pass thru formation.

Gordon Blaum 1967

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 U-Trail In 


Same as Cross Cloverleaf.

Gordon Blaum 1963

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.
28-March-2025 08:05:26
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