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Square Dance Calls authored by Nate Bliss

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8 records

 Dixie Tag (1/4, 1/2, 3/4) 


From lines of four, waves or two faced lines: Face Down the Line and then perform a Tag the Line movement as directed by a Dixie Chain procedure--i.e., leaders step up and join right hands (1/4). Leaders pull by with a right and join lefts in parallel waves (Dixie Half Tag). Leaders pull by with a right, then a left and the trailers join right hands in the center wave (Dixie Tag Three Quarters). Those trailers pull by with a right and all end in completed double pass thru formation on a regular Dixie Tag.

Nate Bliss 1971

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Fan The Daisy 


From double pass thru formation: Centers Fan Thru then Turn Thru with the outside two. In the middle Fan Thru again. Finishes in completed double pass thru formation.

Nate Bliss 1969

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Hubs Anything 


From parallel lines with centers (Hubs) facing in:

Hubs 1/4 Thru: All Cast Off 1/4 (centers walk forward, ends pivot); new centers Trade.

Hubs 3/4 Thru: All Cast Off 3/4; new centers Trade.

Hubs Chain Across: All Cast Off 1/4; new centers Trade; ends face and Courtesy Turn or Left Courtesy Turn the Centers to form facing lines with original centers as ends.

Hubs Scoot Chain Thru: Centers Extend, Swing Thru, Extend; counterclockwise ends (left end if facing out, right end if facing in) will Dodge.

Hubs Chain Thru: Centers Extend; Very centers Trade then Cast Off 3/4 with wave ends; ends Flip and Roll to become ends of 3x1 lines.

Nate Bliss

This definition is from SCVSDA Note Service by Bill Davis.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Rims Anything 


From parallel lines with ends facing in:

Rims 1/4 Thru: Ends and adjacent centers Cast In 1/4 (Bend the line or single Hinge); new centers Trade.

Rims 3/4 Thru: Ends and adjacent centers Cast In 3/4; new centers Trade.

Rims Chain Across: All Cast In 1/4; new centers Trade; ends Face Out (if necessary) and Courtesy Turn or Left Courtesty Turn centers to form facing lines. Rims become centers.

Rims Scoot Chain Thru: Rims Extend, Swing Thru, Turn Thru; clockwise centers (beau if infacing, belles if outfacing) will Dodge.

Rims Chain Thru: Rims Extend; Very Centers Trade and Cast Off 3/4 with wave ends; centers Run (Switch) and Roll to become ends of 3 x 1 lines.

Nate Bliss

This definition is from SCVSDA Note Service by Bill Davis.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Split Shift To A Line 


From one couple behind another: Trailing dancers do a Centers Out or Outsides Out to form a line of four. Double Split Shift (two trailers move up to form a line of six); Triple Split Shift (three trailers move up to form a line of eight).

COMMENT: This call is covered by the terms Centers Out or Outsides Out (plus Double and Triple Center/Outsides Out).

Nate Bliss 1976

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Tea Party Promenade 


From a squared set: Head ladies Chain 3/4 as the head men promenade one quarter (into right hand man's position). Courtesy turn original partner. Simultaneously the side couples promenade one quarter and wheel to the right 3/4 around to end in heads' position. From here, new heads do the heads part and the new sides do the sides part. Repeat four times to return all home. Partners are retained throughout.

Nate Bliss 1972

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Tea Party Promenade 


From Squared Set.

Head Ladies Chain 3/4 as Head Man Promenade 1/4
then (Heads) Courtesy Turn original partner as
Sides around the outside Veer Right (to the next Head position)
and (push) Cast Right 3/4.

Repeat for a total of 4 times.

Comments and Examples:

32 beats

Nate Bliss 1972

 Ten Pins 


From parallel waves do the following calls in the exact sequence listed:

  1. Slip
  2. Slide
  3. Swing
  4. Slither
  5. Mix
  6. Zig
  7. Zag
  8. Zoom
  9. Zing
  10. Roll

Any number may be called for, e.g. 5 pins. If other calls are used after an initial call say 7 pins + Column Circulate, the command "Complete your Spare" means do the remaining 3 calls. All ten can be called as 10 Pins or as Strike.

Nate Bliss

This definition is from SCVSDA Note Service by Bill Davis.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.
28-March-2025 23:25:52
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