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Square Dance Calls authored by Clarence Watson

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13 records



From a facing man and lady: Join right hands and raise them high. Man walks forward past the lady and makes a quarter right-face turn (exactly as in Star Thru). Lady makes a 3/4 left-face turn under man's arm to finish facing opposite to the man and shoulder to shoulder with him. Finishes in a two-person "mini wave."

Clarence Watson 1963

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.



From (opposite sex) Facing Dancers.

Place right hands forward, Men palm out,
Ladies palm in, join hands to make an arch;
exchange places, Men turn 1/4 to the right,
as Ladies turn 3/4 to the left under the arch.

Ends in a right-hand mini-wave.

Comments and Examples:

Ending position is equivalent to Touch 1/4.

Clarence Watson 1963


 Dixie Star Thru 


From two single file lines of two facing--girls in one file, men in the other. The lead pair steps forward to Star Thru then the trailers step forward to Star Thru behind them. Finishes with one couple behind another.

Clarence Watson 1962

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Quarter In 


A directional term that means "Face Your Partner" or "Face Your Neighbor." The only time it means "Face the Center of the Set" is when dancers do not have another dancer adjacent to them.

Jim Faulkenberry and Clarence Watson 1959

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Quarter Out 


A directional term that means "Turn Your Back on Your Partner" or "Turn Your Back on Your Neighbor." The only time it means "Turn Your Back on the Center of the Set" is when dancers do not have another dancer adjacent to them.

Jim Faulkenberry and Clarence Watson 1959

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Shoot The Moon 


From a circle of eight with dancers facing out: Designated active couples will break hand holds (with partner) and move forward to form two lines facing out. Without hesitating, the centers will arch and ends will turn in, with the arching couple doing a California Twirl. Finishes in double pass thru formation.

Clarence Watson 1963

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Spin The Wheel 


From facing lines: Inside couples do a Right and Left Thru while the ends Pass Thru and then Star Thru behind the other couples. If Spin the Wheel full around is called, those doing the Right and Left Thru will courtesy turn full around to face out. Can finish in double pass thru formation, Trade By formation (Spin the Wheel); completed double pass thru formation or eight chain thru formation (Spin the Wheel Full Around).

Clarence Watson 1962

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Split Square Thru 


From an applicable T-Bone 2 x 2, or other applicable formations.

Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives (1/4 In); all Finish a Square Thru n (i.e., Left Square Thru n - 1).

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.

Clarence Watson 1968

Split Square Thru (n)

 Split Square Thru 


From a squared set: Actives give a right to opposite and pull by to face the outside two. Give a left to the outside person and complete a left square thru 3/4 with these people. Original actives will use four hands while the inactives will use only three. Finishes in Trade By formation.

Clarence Watson 1968

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Split Square Thru (n)



From double pass thru or completed double pass thru formation: Leads couple makes an arch and backs up while the trailing couple moves forward ducking through the arch. Finishes with trailing couple ahead of the lead couple. NOTE: Zoom is replacing this movement in many areas.

Clarence Watson 1961

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.



From Tandem Couples.

Lead Couple make an arch and backover Trailing Couple
as Trailing Couple moves under and through the arch.

Ends in Tandem Couples.

Comments and Examples:

From other formations (e.g., Eight Chain Thru, 1/4 Box),
Centers arch and move over Outsides who move into the middle.

Clarence Watson 1961


 Wheel And Deal 


From a line of four: The right-hand couple wheels around with the left side person as a pivot. The left hand couple wheels behind the other couple with the right side person as a pivot. Finishes with one couple behind the other. BACKGROUND NOTE: In club dancing, Wheel and Deal pretty well replaced Shuffle the Deck as a means of converting lines to double pass thru or completed double pass thru formation. Shuffle the Deck is currently one of Challenge Dancing's Basic Calls.
From a two-faced line: With the inside dancers as pivots, couples wheel around to face one another. BACKGROUND NOTE: When the subject of doing a wheel and deal from a two-faced line first came up, there was a short-lived controversy about whether the couples should finish back to back if they were "right ends" and finish facing each other only if they were "left ends" in the two-faced line. Practical considerations finally dictated that couples ended up facing one another whether they wheeled to the right or left.

Clarence Watson 1960

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Wind The Chain 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 


Shortened version of Windmill Chain or Flying Chain. Wind the Chain One Quarter means man star promenades with his partner 3/4 around, chains her out at the side and moves to the next girl. At this point, the girl chaining into the center does a Star Thru with the inside man. With a slight amount of fudging, the move finishes in eight chain thru formation. Wind the Chain One Half would have the actives star promenade 3/4, chain out at the side, pick up the next girl, take her across and chain her out and move to the next girl. Here again, do a Star Thru into eight chain thru formation. (Outside men courtesy turn the girls chaining out).

Clarence Watson and Claud McComas 1971

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.
27-March-2025 22:48:06
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