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Trade The Wave    handle = 1184

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 Trade The Wave 

Owner of Burleson's does not give permission to display this definition.

This definition is from Burleson's Encylopedia of Square Dancing by Bill Burleson.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Trade The Wave

 Trade The Wave 


From a wave: All take one step forward, do a Partner Trade (with the one facing the same way) then step back into a wave. Right hand waves change to left hand waves and vice versa.

Harry Ed Dunkle 1967

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Trade The Wave

 Trade The Wave 


Starting formation - Any four-dancer ocean wave. TIMING - 6

Dancers facing the same direction in the wave Trade with each other. Right-hand waves become left-hand waves and vice versa. Ends of the wave become centers and vice versa.

STYLING: As in any trade, dancers first step slightly forward to clear the wave before turning toward dancer with whom they are trading. Assume hands up position in basic ocean wave styling.

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Trade The Wave

 Trade The Wave 


Trade the wave has been around since 1967 and I have felt that it really has always been a mainstream family figure fitting into the Trade Family. Most useful at the Mainstream level as a method of changing from Left Handed Waves into Right Handed Waves. The acceptance of Dixie Style to a Wave and the previous Quarterly experimental Follow Your Neighbor, both ending in Left Handed Waves has brought out a new interest in TRADE THE WAVE. As the action is smooth and quick way to return to Right Hand waves......TEACHING HINTS.....Set up the Left Hand Wave, Have the dancers lean forward and "peek" at the dancer facing the same way....Tell the dancers on the call Trade The Wave they will step Thru the wave and trade places with the Dancers facing the same direction and reform a right handed wave.....A good "crutch" is to say....Take a Peek....then call Trade The Wave to reform Left Handed Waves....Your introduction of Trade The wave is best started from Left Handed waves and over th enext three months aquaint your dancers with both actions.

Harry Ed Dunkle 1967

This definition is from Square Dance Callers Notes by Jack Lasry.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Trade The Wave
29-March-2025 04:54:21
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