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Walk & Dodge    handle = 1267

3 records

  1. Box Walk And Dodge
  2. Walk And Dodge
  3. Walk And Dodge

 Box Walk And Dodge 

Owner of Burleson's does not give permission to display this definition.

This definition is from Burleson's Encylopedia of Square Dancing by Bill Burleson.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Walk & Dodge

 Walk And Dodge 


Starting formation - box circulate or facing couples. From box circulate formation, each dancer facing into the box walks forward to take the place of the dancer who was directly in front of him. Meanwhile, each dancer facing out of the box steps sideways (dodges) into the position vacated by the "walker" who was formerly beside him. Dancers end side by side, both facing out. If walk and dodge is called from facing couples, the caller must designate who is to walk and who is to dodge (e.g., "men walk, ladies dodge"). Ending is a box circulate formation.

STYLING: Arms in natural dance position. Skirt work for the ladies is optional. Hands should be ready to assume appropriate position for the next call. TIMING: 4 steps.

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Walk & Dodge

 Walk And Dodge 

Owner of Burleson's does not give permission to display this definition.

This definition is from Burleson's Encylopedia of Square Dancing by Bill Burleson.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Walk & Dodge -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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