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All 4 Couples CONCEPT    handle = 127

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 All 4 Couples / All 8 Concepts 


Timing: various

From the general versions of static square, circle, and Thar: These concepts are applied to 4-dancer calls, and allow all eight dancers to do the call at once. Each group of 4 dancers work with themselves as though the other group wasn't there.

When the dancers would normally walk through the middle of the square (e.g. as part of a Pass Thru or Pull By), they walk around the perimeter instead. All the hand actions and shoulder passes are the same as for the basic call. However, passing the other dancers (e.g., heads passing sides) alternates between right shoulders and left shoulders. An example of this shoulder passing can be found in All 4 Couples Right and Left Thru.

When two dancers would normally walk through the center of the square (e.g. as part of a centers Pull By or centers arm turn), they still go through the center--they adjust into a star as they go, to avoid collisions. Examples of this can be found in All 8 Swing Thru and All 8 Dixie Style To A Wave.

Some calls contain both traffic patterns. From a squared set, All 4 Couples Square Chain Thru would be danced as a pass your corner right shoulder, Right Pull By, pass the next left shoulder, step to left-hand wave with the next, all arm turn 1/2 by the left, center 4 star 1/2 by the right, all left turn thru and pass the next left shoulders. Ends in a squared set with everyone facing out. The dancers who started on the head spots are now on the side spots.

At the end of the call, you must adjust to the nearest static square footprints of the wall you are facing. For example, if you end facing the head walls, adjust (without turning) to the nearest head position. If you end on that spot, you don't adjust.

The initial traffic pattern determines the name of the concept. If the initial traffic pattern requires all dancers to walk around the perimeter, "All Four Couples" is used. Otherwise, "All Eight" is used.

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

All 4 Couples CONCEPT

 All Four Couples Cross Trail 

Owner of Burleson's does not give permission to display this definition.

This definition is from Burleson's Encylopedia of Square Dancing by Bill Burleson.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

All 4 Couples CONCEPT

 All Four Couples Movements 


All Four Couples movements are generally started from a squared set. They also generally involve dancers walking past their corners and starting the actual movement with the next dancer met.

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

All 4 Couples CONCEPT

 All Four Couples Right And Left Thru 

Owner of Burleson's does not give permission to display this definition.

This definition is from Burleson's Encylopedia of Square Dancing by Bill Burleson.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

All 4 Couples CONCEPT

 All Four Couples Suzy Q 

Owner of Burleson's does not give permission to display this definition.

This definition is from Burleson's Encylopedia of Square Dancing by Bill Burleson.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

All 4 Couples CONCEPT
29-March-2025 04:54:06
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