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Alter The Wave    handle = 139

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 Alter the Wave 


From a wave: All Swing, then the centers Cast Off 3/4 while the ends U-Turn Back. All Counter Rotate the diamond 1/2 (formerly called "turning the star 1/2"), and Flip the Diamond. Ends in a wave.
One can also "Counter Rotate the Diamond" by other amounts than 1/2. For example, Alter the Wave, but Counter Rotate the Diamond 3/4:
Teaching Hint: One can think of the Counter Rotate as two Diamond Circulates (except that the centers of the diamond remain centers throughout).

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Alter The Wave

 Alter The Wave 


From a wave: All arm swing half. Centers arm swing 3/4 while ends U-turn back (continuing to turn in the direction of the original arm swing). Make a four-hand star with inside hands and turn the star halfway. Those who did the 3/4 arm swing keep starring hands joined with dancer in front and "push" that lead dancer into the center of a new wave as they themselves become ends of the new wave. Finishes in a wave oriented the same as the original wave (Right hand waves become left hand waves and vice versa).

Lee Kopman 1970

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Alter The Wave
17-December-2024 22:54:17
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