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Red Hot    handle = 2079

1 record

  1. Red Hot

 Red Hot 


From Promenade.

Ladies cross to the left in front of partner and go to the man behind.
All right arm turn half;
go to the corner spot (original partner) for a left arm turn full around;
go to the new corner spot (original corner) for a right arm turn half;
and back home to partner to take the next call.

"Promenade with the girl you've got, pull the girls to the middle and you go Red Hot
(Right hand lady with a right hand around, partners all with a left hand around,
full turn to the left hand lady with a right hand around,
back to partner with a left hand around and roll promenade around the town)."

Red Hot doesn't have to be called from a Promenade. For example,

  • From a thar formation (men in center) with partner you can "Shoot that Star and go Red Hot".
  • From a circle of eight you can "Whirl 'em Away and go Red Hot".
  • From a squared set, you can have the "Men Star Left, Pass your Partner and go Red Hot".

Comments and Examples:

Definition is somewhat verbatim from
"The Handbook Of Modern Square Dancing",
compiled and arrranged by Jay King.

The sister call is named Ice Cold:
From Wrong Way Promenade (Ladies inside, Men outside).
Men pull ladies in front (like Ladies Run Left), all go to corner for Left Thru;
back to partner for right arm turn full around;
go to right-hand lady for Left Turn Thru.
Ends facing partner in a Wrong Way Grand Formation.

Red Hot -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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