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Plenty    handle = 770

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From 1/4 Tag or 3/4 Tag: This call has 3 parts:

  1. Little
  2. Split Circulate 2 (formerly called "Turn the Star 1/2")
  3. Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 and Roll while the centers 1/2 Zoom to form a wave
Ends in quarter tag.

Notes: The caller can vary the number of Split Circulates (e.g., "Plenty, do 3 Split Circulates", "Plenty, but Split Circulate 3").

From Diamonds, if you want the points to go as they are, the proper usage is "Plenty, points go as you are". The command "Plenty" would start with the points doing a 1/4 Right.

Since the first part is a Little, the outside dancers normally begin with a Quarter Right but the caller can tell them to quarter in a different direction (e.g., "Plenty, outsides face in", "Left Plenty" (the outsides quarter left), "Right Plenty" (the outsides quarter right).

Scoot and Plenty
From quarter tag: Scoot Back, then Right Plenty or Left Plenty, depending on the hand with which the Scoot Back was done. The outsides can also take a direction, as in "Scoot and Plenty, Outsides Out."

Left Scoot and Plenty
From left-hand quarter tag only: (This usage is to be avoided, except when helping the dancers since this call is no different from Scoot and Plenty from this formation.) Scoot Back, then Left Plenty. The outsides always go to the left.

Notes: Traditional usage says that on a Plenty the outsides go to the Right. This makes sense because they shouldn't be responsible for the handedness of the ocean wave behind them. Traditional usage has the outsides on a Scoot and Plenty from a left-hand quarter tag go to the left. This makes sense because it is one call and the dancers just used the left hand on the Scoot Back, so they should automatically continue to the left after the Scoot Back.

From a left-hand quarter tag, the command "Scoot Back and Plenty" is two calls, and the outsides should go to the right even though "Scoot and Plenty would have them go to the left. It is unfortunate that these two similar-sounding phrases have a different dance action. Callers should avoid trying to trick dancers in this way.

On a Left 3/4 Tag and Plenty, dancers will go to the right. Use Left 3/4 Tag and Left Plenty to have the dancers go to the left.

From a left-hand quarter tag, Scoot Chain Thru and Plenty will have the dancers go to the right. Use Scoot Chain Thru and Left Plenty to have the dancers go to the left.

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.



Owner of Burleson's does not give permission to display this definition.

This definition is from Burleson's Encylopedia of Square Dancing by Bill Burleson.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

17-December-2024 23:14:37
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