From parallel lines with centers (Hubs) facing in:
Hubs 1/4 Thru: All Cast Off 1/4 (centers walk forward, ends pivot); new centers Trade.
Hubs 3/4 Thru: All Cast Off 3/4; new centers Trade.
Hubs Chain Across: All Cast Off 1/4; new centers Trade; ends face and Courtesy Turn or Left Courtesy Turn the Centers to form facing lines with original centers as ends.
Hubs Scoot Chain Thru: Centers Extend, Swing Thru, Extend; counterclockwise ends (left end if facing out, right end if facing in) will Dodge.
Hubs Chain Thru: Centers Extend; Very centers Trade then Cast Off 3/4 with wave ends; ends Flip and Roll to become ends of 3x1 lines.