Magic Galaxy: From point-to-point diamonds: Very centers Hinge and Spread.
Magic Hourglass: From parallel diamonds: Very centers Hinge.
Magic Hourglass Circulate: From a magic hourglass: All follow the back of the dancer ahead; thus, very centers and infacing points Cross while others do a normal Hourglass Circulate.
Magic Galaxy Circulate: From a magic galaxy: Analogous to Magic Hourglass, short six move along a magic path (with outfacing centers and outside [tall] two doing a normal Galaxy Circulate).
Magic Flip (either): Points Flip to nearest center; centers Magic Circulate.
Magic Cut (either): Points slide together and Trade (Cut); centers Magic Circulate.
Switch To A Magic Hourglass: From parallel waves: Centers Run; ends Magic Hourglass Circulate.