Command examples:
Face Your Partner; Dosado
Face Your Corner; Allemande Left
Circle Left; Swing Your Partner
4 Ladies Promenade Inside; Swing Your Partner
Description: From a Squared Set of Normal Couples, each dancer's Partner is the adjacent dancer, and
each dancer's Corner is the next dancer "around the nearest corner of the square" from them.
From a Couple, or Mini-Wave, each dancer is the other's Partner.
From an Infacing Circle Of 8 of alternating men and women, the man's Partner is the next dancer
counterclockwise around the circle from him and the corner is clockwise around the circle. For the
women, the Partner is clockwise around the circle and the Corner is counterclockwise.
Partners and Corners may change throughout the dance, especially during the singing call. Each
Allemande Left, Swing, or Promenade establishes a new Current Partner. Your Original Partner
remains the dancer with whom you initially joined the square.
Comments: In "4 Ladies Promenade Inside; Swing Your Partner", Partner refers to the dancer who was
your partner just prior to the call.
From a BBGG Infacing Circle Of 8 "Swing Your Partner" will have every man swing a woman because
Swing requires a man and a woman.
For the purposes of resolving the square (i.e., getting dancers back to their original partners and
corners) it may be useful for callers to consider the man's corner as the next woman clockwise around
the square (after adjusting Ocean Waves back to Facing Couples, having everyone face the center of the
set, and blending into an Infacing Circle Of 8). This will make the man's partner (the person the man
would promenade after an Allemande Left) be the next woman counterclockwise from him, after