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 Leaders / Trailers


An understanding of Leaders and Trailers is important, as they are used to define calls (e.g., Cloverleaf) and teach calls (e.g., Zoom). Also, these terms are used by some callers during a dance (e.g., Leaders Trade).

Command Examples:
Double Pass Thru; Leaders Trade
Lines Forward And Back; Pass Thru; Tag The Line; Leaders U-Turn Back

Description: In any box-type formation (e.g., box circulate, tandem couples), those facing out of the box are Leaders and those facing into the box are Trailers.

In other 2-dancer formations (e.g., a tandem, facing dancers, back-to-back dancers), those facing directly away from the center of the 2-dancer formation are Leaders, and those facing directly toward the center of the formation are Trailers. Anyone else is neither a Leader nor a Trailer.

In the diagrams below, the dancers marked "L" are Leaders and the dancers marked "T" are Trailers.

Comments: At Mainstream, the use of Leaders and Trailers is usually restricted to tandem couples or tandem dancers.

Often there is more than one option for designating active dancers. Even though "Leaders/Trailers" may be correct, the more commonly used "Boys/Girls", "Centers/Ends", "First/Next" might be a better choice for dancer success.

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.


ID: 3801
  Handle=1433 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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