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 Bend the Line


20.a. Case 1: One-Faced Line, Two-Faced Line (4 dancers)

Starting formations: One-Faced Line, Two-Faced Line

Command examples:
Bend The Line
Each Side, Bend The Line (from a Tidal Line or Tidal Two-Faced Line)

Dance action: Each half of the line, working as a unit, turns 90 degrees to face the center of the formation.

Ending formation: Facing Couples

Timing: 4

Styling: As ends move forward, the centers back up, equally. Use a couple handhold. In the event a new line is formed, immediately join hands in the new line.

Comments: From a Tidal formation it is helpful, but not necessary, to say "Each Side".

A couple on the outside of the set (e.g., after a Couples Circulate 1 1/2) can be asked to Bend The Line. In this case, they assume the other half of their line is towards the center of the set and, working as a unit, turn 90 degrees to face the center of the set.

20.b. Case 2: Tidal Line (8 dancers)

Starting formation: Tidal Line

Command examples:
Line of 8, Bend The Line
Bend The Big Line
Work 4 By 4 and Bend The Line

Dance action: Same as 23.a

Ending formation: Facing Lines

Timing: 6

Styling: Retain handholds in each half of the line. As the very ends move forward, the very centers back up, equally. Adjust to Facing Lines at the end.

Comments: From a line of 6, the call "Lines of 6, Bend The Line" is also acceptable. Attempts to get dancers to bend lines of 2 dancers (e.g., Bend The Little Bitty Line) are considered very unusual and should not be used.

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Bend The Line

ID: 3828
  Handle=161 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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