Starting formation - waves, columns, lines and two-faced lines. GENERAL RULE: Directed (active)
dancers move forward along the circulate path to the next position. The circulate paths for various
formations are indicated by the dotted lines in the diagrams.
(a) (NAMED DANCERS): Directed dancers (e.g., boys, girls, centers, ends) circulate using the general rule.
(b) ALL 8 CIRCULATE: Starting formation - any 2x4 arrangement of dancers including lines, waves, and
columns. Dancers in a column move forward one position on the column circulate path. Dancers in a wave
or line move forward one position on the wave or line circulate path.
(c) COUPLES CIRCULATE: Starting formation - lines or two-faced lines. Each couple, working as a unit,
moves forward along the circulate path to the next position, using the general rule.
(d) SINGLE FILE CIRCULATE: Starting formation - columns. Each dancer moves forward along the
circulate path to the next position, using the general rule.
(e) SPLIT CIRCULATE: Starting formation - lines, waves or columns. The formations divide into two
separate boxes and dancers circulate within their own foursome, using the general rule. BOX
CIRCULATE: Starting formation - box circulate. Each dancer moves forward along the circulate path to
the next position, using the general rule.
STYLING: All dancers use couple handhold when doing a couples circulate. Couples traveling the shorter
distance should adjust with shorter steps to coincide with those traveling the longer distance. Those
traveling the longer distance should avoid rushing. Arms should be held in natural dance position and
ready to assume appropriate position for the next call. TIMING: From ocean waves (OW), centers, 4
steps; ends, 4 steps; all, 4 steps; couples, 4 steps.
(Editor's Note: In the following six circulate "paths", the facing directions of all of the dancers in any of
the examples could be reversed so that 12 different "paths" will result.)
There has been occasional confusion on the proper use of all of the circulates.
- From right- or left-hand columns, the following calls are equivalent and ask the dancers to move
forward one position on the column circulate path: SINGLE FILE CIRCULATE, COLUMN
- From two-faced lines, the following calls are equivalent and ask the dancer to move forward one
position on the wave or line circulate path (which for two-faced lines is the same as the couples circulate
- From lines and waves, the following calls are equivalent and ask the dancer to move forward one
position on the wave or line circulate path: ALL 8 CIRCULATE, EVERYONE CIRCULATE, or simply
- It is improper to call SINGLE FILE CIRCULATE from other than right- or left-hand columns.
- COUPLES CIRCULATE is only called from right- or left-hand two-face lines.
- It is improper to teach that ALL 8 CIRCULATE always means that ends stay ends and centers stay
centers. This statement is true from lines and waves, but not from columns.
- It is improper to call ALL 8 CIRCULATE from columns and expect the center 4 dancers to work
together and the outside 4 dancers to work together.
- If the desired action is to divide the waves or columns into two separate groups, and have each group
perform a circulate-type action, SPLIT CIRCULATE is the correct term to use.
- If the desired action is to have the center 4 of waves, two-faced lines, or columns perform a
circulate-type action within the center, BOX CIRCULATE is a correct term to use, but it may require
naming those dancers. For example, Heads Touch 1/4; Heads BOX CIRCULATE, or Pass To The
Center; Centers Touch 1/4 and BOX CIRCULATE).
- It is improper to simply call BOX CIRCULATE from waves, lines, or columns. You must specify who
- From waves and two-faced lines, "CENTERS CIRCULATE", "CENTER 4, BOX CIRCULATE", and
"CENTER BOX OF 4, CIRCULATE" are all acceptable.
- From columns, "CENTER 4, BOX CIRCULATE" and "CENTER BOX OF 4, CIRCULATE" are
acceptable. "CENTERS CIRCULATE" is ambiguous and its usage should be avoided. It could mean
centers do your part of column circulate, or it could mean for the center 4 to circulate in the center.