In this definition, the term "center point" refers to the center of the 4-dancer formation on your side of the
set, or the center of the whole set, if you are not part of a 4-dancer formation.
Starting formations: A Tandem and a center point to work away from. Usually Tandem Couples or a Box
Command examples:
Boys Zoom
Girls Zoom
Ends Zoom
Dance action: Lead dancer walks in a full circle, turning away from the center point, and ending up on the
spot of the trailing dancer. The trailing dancer walks forward to take the spot of the lead dancer.
Ending formation: Same as starting formation
Timing: 4
Styling: Lead dancers hold arms in natural dance position. For women, skirt work is optional. When the
trailing dancers form a Couple, they maintain a couple handhold.
It is important that the lead dancers initiate the roll out movement with a slight forward motion to
allow sufficient room for the trailing dancers to step forward comfortably.
Comments: Unlike Run or Fold, Zoom does not require naming or activating the leaders (except from a
Promenade - see below). While this may seem to be helpful, it often makes it unclear who should be
active. Suggested helping words are "Zoom, Leaders go back". See the sections "Additional Detail:
Centers Zoom" and "Additional Detail: Extra words".
It is acceptable to call Zoom to dancers on the outside of the square who form a Tandem (e.g., from
Ocean Waves or Two-Faced Lines, Ends Zoom).
As a gimmick, some callers use Zoom while promenading, mainly as a way to convert an out-of-sequence
promenade into an in-sequence promenade. In this case, the dancers in a couple must be named and
they act as leaders and work with the couple following them in the promenade (e.g., Promenade, Keep
Walking; Heads Zoom; Promenade Home). Some callers feel that this is not smooth and that there isn't
enough room to properly perform the move. Some callers feel that the proper command is "Heads are
leaders, All Zoom".
It is acceptable to call to call Zoom while Single File Promenading. For example, "Boys Are Leads, Boys
Zoom" or simply "Boys Zoom".