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 All 8 Walk and Dodge


Timing: 6

From a static square with everyone in a mini-wave, those facing in walk forward across the set to take the place of the dancer who was directly in front of him. Those facing out step sideways into the position vacated by the "walker". Ends in a static square with everyone facing out. If all the "walkers" move at the same rate, there will be a momentary star 1/2 way through the call.

Teaching hints to tell the dancers:

  1. Based on the call, identify the 4 dancers whom you will work with.
  2. Do the call as if the other 4 dancers weren't there. Avoid colliding with them either by using a star when you go through the middle of passing them on the perimeter.
  3. At the end of the call you must adjust (without turning) to the nearest static square footprints of the wall you are facing.
  4. If you end on Thar spots, you don't adjust.

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

ID: 3942 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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