Timing: Tandem Couples - 4, Box Circulate or Z - 6
Starting formation: Tandem Couples, Box Circulate, or Tandem Dancers in a Z (e.g. from a wave after the
Ends Fold)
Lead dancers do their part of a Peel Off turning away from the center of the formation and walking in an
approximate semicircle to become the ends of a four-dancer line or wave. Trailing dancers do their part of
a Trail Off stepping forward as necessary and walking in a small semicircle around the center point to
become the centers of the forming line or wave. When the trailers are a Couple and must cross paths, the
dancer on the right has the right-of-way so the Beau allows the Belle to cross in front (Half Sashay). When
the trailers are facing opposite directions they step forward as necessary to the centerline and Trade with
each other (using the same hand as the handedness of the formation).
As in Peel Off and Trail Off, always adjust to end in a four-dancer line or wave with each dancer having
turned half (180 degrees). Peel and Trail, including all necessary adjustments, is danced as one continuous
motion that cannot be fractionalized.
Peel and Trail from Tandem Couples will end in a One-Faced line. Peel and Trail from a Box Circulate or
from a Right or Left Hand Z will end in an opposite-handed Wave.
Everyone can Roll after a Peel and Trail.
For the four dancers, the center of the ending formation is the same as the center of the starting formation;
however, square breathing adjustments may reposition the whole line or wave.
When the trailers start facing in the same direction, their dance action feels like a Left Shoulder Partner