Note: The call indicates fractions such as 1/6 - 2/6 - 3/6 - 4/6 - 5/6 and 6/6 (or all the way).
From parallel waves or two faced lines: Ends Circulate once and a half as centers Fan Chain Thru 3/4. Finishes in a six hand wave with lonesome two facing in circulate direction and standing at the midpoint of the wave. The six hand wave then does a Tag the Line as indicated: 1/6--the lead two (in each facing file of three) stop shoulder to shoulder. 2/6--move up until the first and second two are shoulder to shoulder. 3/6--move up until all three are shoulder to shoulder. 4/6--move up until the lead two are clear and the trailing four are shoulder to shoulder etc. until on 6/6 the files of three have passed each other completely.