From a wave: Ends arm turn half with adjacent dancer; new centers arm turn 3/4 and spread.
New ends do a Partner Tag movement (thru the center) and take the next call.
COMMENT: Rotary Tag and Spin Tag are two different names for essentially the same
kind of movement. Take your pick. Following are some other movements that were written
using one or the other of the above movements as a take off point. [Ed. note:
Mr. King is referring to Rotary Tag Thru The Star and Spin Tag And Anything.
For the "following" movements, see Rotary Tag (Right/Left) To A Wave/Line,
Rotary Tag The Diamond, Spin Tag The Deucey (Right/Left), Spin Tag The Gears,
Spin/Fan Tag The Top and Fan Tag (Right/Left) And Flip.)