Version #1
From parallel waves: Those facing in step forward and form a four hand left hand star. Those facing out step forward, then face each other and make two hand right hand stars. Three stars turn half. The outside two of the two hand stars walk forward to be the ends of new waves. The center two of the two hand stars do a Quarter Left to become centers of new waves. The outside two of the four hand star walk straight ahead to become centers of the waves. Inside two of the four hand star walk out to become ends of the new waves. (H. Orlo Hoadley 1970)
Version #2
From facing lines: Each pair of facing couples makes a right hand four hand star. Left side persons turn the star about once and a quarter. Right side persons remain in the star for about a half turn, then Circulate once. Finishes in parallel two faced lines. (Reath Blickenderfer 1972)