- From a four-person box with adjacent hands joined: Those facing out of the box do a box circulate. Those facing into the box step forward and do a Turn Thru or Left Thru Thru (depending on which arms are adjacent as they walk straight ahead and meet the dancer from the trailing position of the adjacent file of two) and then walk ahead into the spot in the box that was adjacent to them at the start where they rejoin inside hands with adjacent dancer. Finishes in a four person box with hands joined. NOTE: Scoot Back is ordinarily done from parallel waves (which is really two boxes side by side.) Scoot Back is an interesting way of accomplishing a half arm turn with adjacent dancer in a box formation. It has a "Slip the Clutch" feeling about it since the facing in dancers in right hand waves must release hand holds, step ahead, turn thru with the same hand, step ahead and then reestablish hand holds with the same hand once more.
- Lee Kopman 1969