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Old Card New Trick  by Vic Ceder

  • CALLERLAB Convention, 2023, Reno, NV - Old Card New Trick
    Moderator Bob Riggs, Panelist Vic Ceder Panelist Betsy Gotta

    Square Dancing has a rich history with many calls that didn't make the list. Learn how to utilize past calls or higher-level calls that aren't currently in use at the Basic, Mainstream or Plus Programs . These calls can help add variety to your program during a dance by calling the parts without even giving it a name.
  • These are ideas from which a few tips could be themed.

Directional Calling

Directional calling involves using the following techinques:

  1. Descriptive English terms
    (this technique may not work well in other countries)
    • Heads Pass Thru, Separate, go stand behind the Sides (Cloverleaf)
    • Dixie Style to a Wave, Boys slide nose-to-nose past each other (Dixie Sashay)
    • From R-H Waves (Boys on End): Recycle, Sweep 1/4, Boys walk across, Swing this girl
    • Heads Pass Thru, step forward, both turn right, single file around one, come into the middle...
    • Men Star Right, pick up partner for (wrong way) star promenade, men make an arch, ladies run right, find your corner, allemande left
    • Men go center back to back Ladies promenade the outside track (or vice-versa)
    • From promenade (or single file promenade)... Men turn in make a R-H star, girls keep going around...
    • All Promenade Single File, Girls step out and backtrack once around, Boys step in behind your girl, all star by the right...
    • Allemande left, turn partner right, men star left 1/2 across, turn your opposite right, men star right again, find corner, allemande left
    • Couple #1 you promenade, now 2 wheel in behind.. And then it's 3...and...4
    • From Promenade: men roll back to (promenade) the next girl...
    • Join hands circle left, first gent backtrack, everybody follow in single file...
    • Heads move in, stand back-to-back, sides separate and star thru
    • *S*T*A*R*S* - All stars are directional
    • Heads Square Thru 4, Sides Face Grand Square (keep moving)... Heads Cloverleaf, come down the middle & Pass Thru, Cloverleaf, come down the middle & Square Thru 3; Allemande Left (or Swing Corner + Promenade).
  2. Specifying dancers or positions versus a specific amount

    Phrases such as 'to your partner' or 'to your corner', instead of giving a specific amount or fraction.
    Dancers need to recognize their partner, corner, opposite, or R-H Lady.

    • Men Star Right one time to your corner, Allemande Left
      Men Star Right one time to your partner, Left Arm Turn to an Allemande Thar
    • Turn your partner by the right, find your corner...
    • From Single File Promenade: Girls backtrack, all keep moving, pass your partner, second time you meet...
  3. Cueing higher-level calls
    • "Ends Circulate, Centers Trade" (Acey Deucey)
    • "1/2 Tag, Scoot Back" (Tag Back)
    • "1/2 Tag, Follow Your Neighbor" (Tag Your Neighbor)
    • "Recycle, Sweep 1/4" (Linear Cycle)
    • From normal Facing Lines (after Right & Left Thru): "Put the Lady in front for a Double Pass Thru" (Vertical Tag The Line)
    • From Parallel Waves: "Leaders Fold, all Double Pass Thru" (Vertical Tag The Line)

Directionalized Calls:

  • All Eight Chain
    Definition: From a Circle or Squared Set. Face your Corner; Right Pull By; Left to the next for a Boys Courtesy Turn the Girls. Ends in a Squared Set.
    Called directionally: Face your corner, right pull by, Boys courtesy turn the next.
    Comment: Can be generalized. For example,
    • From Normal Facing Lines: Ends only right pull by then move along and Boy Courtesy Turn the Girl.
    • From Normal Starting Double Pass Thru: Centers right pull by; all the Boys Courtesy Turn The facing Girl.
    Sample choreo:
    • Walk around your corner, See Saw your partner -- face your corner, Right Pull By, courtesy turn the next -- Circle Left... (repeat to end paired with original partner)...
    • Four Ladies Chain 3/4 -- Circle Left -- Allemande Left -- Box Gnat -- Pull By, Courtesy Turn The Next -- Circle Left -- Allemande Left To An Allemande Thar -- Shoot The Star -- Right & Left Grand
  • Boomerang
    Definition: From Tandem Couples. Leaders Zoom as Trailers Step Forward & Partner Trade. Ends in Facing Couples.
    Called directionally: Zoom, Leaders Trade (or Ends Trade or Centers Trade, as appropriate).
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Star Thru -- Double Pass Thru -- Zoom, New Ends Trade -- Allemande Left
    • Side Ladies Chain -- Heads Square Thru 4 -- Slide Thru -- Right & Left Thru -- Flutter Wheel -- Reverse Flutter Wheel -- Half Sashay -- Pass Thru -- Wheel & Deal -- Zoom, New Centers Trade-- Right & Left Grand
  • Bounce
    Definition: From a Two-Faced Line. Veer Back-to-Back; designated dancers U-Turn Back in flow direction. Ends in a 2 x 2.
    Called directionally: Veer (Right or Left); (someone) U-Turn Back.
    Comment: This definition can also be applied from Facing Couples. I.e., Veer Left (or Right) & (designated dancers) U-Turn Back. From Normal Facing Couples: Right & Left Thru; Veer Left & Boys U-Turn Back is an easy and different way to setup a L-H Wave.
    Sample choreo:
    • Four Ladies Chain -- Heads Square Thru 4 -- Right & Left Thru -- Veer Left -- Couples Circulate -- Veer Right & Boys U-Turn Back -- Circulate -- Boys Run -- Right & Left Grand
    • Heads Square Thru 4 -- Right & Left Thru -- Veer Left & Boys U-Turn Back -- Left Swing Thru -- Circulate Twice -- Allemande Left -- Right & Left Grand
  • Cast Back
    Definition: From a 2 x 2. Leaders or those designated, as one movement, Peel Off & Step Ahead to end adjacent to the dancer (or position) that was immediately behind them. Trailers and non-designated dancers do not move.
    Called directionally: From Completed Double Pass Thru or Trade By: Ends do your part Peel Off (check a Line)
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Star Thru -- Double Pass Thru -- Ends only Peel Off -- Everybody Hinge -- Centers Pass Thru -- All Wheel & Deal, Centers Sweep 1/4 -- Centers Square Thru 4 -- Right & Left Grand
    • Heads Lead Right -- All Square Thru 3 -- Ends Do Your Part Peel Off -- All Dosado, Step To A Wave -- Grand Swing Thru -- Recycle -- Load The Boat -- Allemande Left
  • Chisel Thru
    Definition: From Facing Lines. Concentric Pass In; Ends Pass In as Centers Pass Out; all Pass In. Ends in Facing Lines.
    Called directionally: From Normal Facing Lines only: Pass Thru & Bend The Line; Slide Thru Twice.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Lead Right & Circle To A Line -- Pass Thru & Bend The Line -- Slide Thru Twice -- Right & Left Thru -- Flutter Wheel -- Reverse Flutter Wheel -- Pass Thru & Bend The Line -- Slide Thru Twice -- Roll (to face) -- Right & Left Grand
  • Circle To A Two-Faced Line
    Definition: From Facing Couples. Circle Left 1/2 & Veer Left. Ends in a Right-Hand Two-Faced Line.
    Directionally: Circle Four 1/2 way, Veer Left.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Lead Right -- Circle Four 1/2 way & Veer Left -- Couples Circulate -- Bend The Line -- Slide Thru -- Square Thru 3 -- Allemande Left
    • Heads Square Thru 4 -- Circle 1/2 & Veer Left -- Ferris Wheel -- Zoom -- Double Pass Thru -- Cloverleaf -- Centers Square Thru 3 -- Allemande Left
  • Couple Up
    Definition: From Mini-Wave Box. Box Circulate; Leaders U-Turn Back (toward the Center of the Box). Ends in Facing Couples.
    Called directionally: Split (or Box) Circulate, Leaders (or Boys or Girls, as appropriate) U-Turn Back
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Lead Right -- all Touch 1/4 -- Scoot Back -- Split Circulate, Girls U-Turn Back -- Pass Thru -- Wheel & Deal -- Centers Pass Thru -- all Touch 1/4 -- Split Circulate, Boys U-Turn Back -- Star Thru -- Allemande Left
    • Heads Square Thru 4 -- Touch 1/4 -- Split Circulate, Boys U-Turn Back -- Square Thru 4 -- Trade By -- Touch 1/4 -- Split Circulate, Girls U-Turn Back -- Slide Thru -- Allemande Left
  • Dixie Spin
    Definition: From Facing Couples or a Single Double Pass Thru. Dixie Style To A Wave; Fan The Top. Ends in a L-H Wave.
    Called directionally: Dixie Style To A Wave; Fan The Top.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Lead Right & Circle To A Line -- Right & Left Thru -- Dixie Style To A Wave -- Fan The Top -- Left Grand Swing Thru -- Girls Run -- Bend The Line -- Allemande Left
  • Half Tag, Trade, & Roll
    Definition: From a Line of 4. 1/2 Tag, Trade, and Roll. Ends in Facing Couples.
    Called directionally: Half Tag, Trade & Roll.
    Comment: This combination was quite popular many years ago.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads 1/2 Square Thru -- Right & Left Thru -- Veer Left -- Couples Circulate -- 1/2 Tag, Trade & Roll -- Allemande Left
    • Heads Lead Right & Circle To A Line -- Pass Thru -- 1/2 Tag, Trade & Roll -- Circle To A Line -- Pass Thru -- Tag The Line Left -- Promenade Home
  • Jaywalk
    Definition: Diagonal Pass Thru.
    Called directionally: Girls (or Boys or Heads, or Sides) (on the) diagonal Pass Thru.
    Comment: Lots of possibilities here. See also 'Diagonal' entry under 'Concepts' below.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Lead Right & Circle to a Line -- Forward & Back -- Boys Diagonal Pass Thru -- all Cast Off 3/4 -- Ends Circulate, Centers Trade -- Allemande Left -- Right & Left Grand
    • Heads Pass The Ocean -- Girls On The Diagonal Pass Thru -- Centers Chain Down The Line, Others Trade & Roll -- All Pass Thru -- Ends Cross Fold -- Square Thru 3 -- Allemande Left
  • Pair Off
    Definition: From a Squared Set or other applicable formation. Designated Dancers step forward as necessary (to meet) then turn 1/4 in place away from the center of the set.
    Called directionally: Heads move into the middle and face your corner.
    Comment: Quick and easy setup to Zero Box.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads move into the center and face your corner -- all Square Thru 4 -- Ends Fold -- all Pass Thru -- Right & Left Grand
    • Heads Square Thru 4 -- Dosado To A Wave -- Spin Chain The Gears -- Single Hinge -- Girls Run -- Pass Thru -- Wheel & Deal, Centers Sweep 1/4 -- Centers Face Out -- Right & Left Grand
  • Release Reycle
    Definition: From a 1/4 Tag. End of Center Wave Step Forward as unapproached Outside Dancer Veer Out to hook onto Very Centers; (Outsides work with Phantoms:) all Recycle. Ends in a Starting Double Pass Thru.
    Called directionally: From normal 1/4 Tag formation: Girls stand pat, Boys extend to the next Girl; All Recycle.
    Comment: Similarly, Release Wheel & Deal from R-H Mini-Wave between R-H Two-Faced Line.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Pass The Ocean -- Those Ladies Trade -- Girls stand pat, Boys extend to the next Girl -- All Recycle -- Centers Pass Thru -- all Box The Gnat -- Right & Left Grand
    • Heads Pass The Ocean -- Ping Pong Circulate -- Girls stand pat, Boys extend to the next Girl -- All Recycle -- Centers Sweep 1/4 & Backaway -- All Join Hands, Circle Left -- Allemande Left -- Box The Gnat, Change Hands -- Allemande Left -- Right & Left Grand
  • Rip The Line
    Definition: From a Line of 4. Ends Cross Fold as Centers U-Turn Back (turning toward each other). Ends in a "Z" or a 2x2.
    Called directionally: Ends Cross Fold, Centers U-Turn Back.
    Comment: Normal Lines Back-to-Back end in normal Starting Double Pass Thru.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Lead Right & Circle to a Line -- Pass Thru -- Ends Cross Fold, Centers U-Turn Back -- Centers Square Thru 3 -- all Pass Thru -- Allemande Left
    • Heads Lead Right & Circle To A Line -- Star Thru -- Centers U-Turn Back & Pass Thru -- Centers In, Cast Off 3/4 -- Ends Cross Fold, Centers U-Turn Back -- all Pass Thru -- Allemande Left
  • Sashay Thru
    Definition: From Facing Couples. 3/4 Dosado; Centers slide nose-to-nose past each other (Slither). Ends in a Left-Hand Two-Faced Line.
    Comment: Equivalent to Veer Right.
    Called directionally: 3/4 Dosado, Centers (or Boys or Girls, as appropriate) slide nose-to-nose past each other (Half Sashay?).
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Lead Right -- Eight Chain 2 -- 3/4 Dosado & Boys slide nose-to-nose past each other -- Promenade Home
    • Heads Square Thru 4 -- 3/4 Dosado & Boys slide nose-to-nose past each other -- Couples Circulate -- Ferris Wheel -- Centers Square Thru 3 -- Allemande Left
  • Star Twirl
    Definition: From (opposite sex) Facing Dancers. Star Thru; California Twirl. Ends in a Couple.
    Called directionally: Star Thru (same girl) California Twirl
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Star Thru, Same Girl California Twirl (Zero Box)
  • Substitute
    Definition: From Tandem Couples. Lead Couple make an arch and backover Trailing Couple as Trailing Couple moves under and through the arch. Ends in Tandem Couples.
    Called directionally: From Starting Double Pass Thru: Centers make an arch, backup over the outsides.
    Comment: Equivalent to Zoom.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Star Thru -- Centers make an arch, backup over the outsides -- Double Pass Thru -- Centers In, Cast Off 3/4 -- Slide Thru -- Centers Square Thru 3 -- Allemande Left
  • Suzy-Q
    Definition: From Facing Couples. Turn Thru; 1/4 In and Left Turn Thru; 1/4 In and Turn Thru; 1/4 In and Left Arm Turn to a Courtesy Turn. Ends in Facing Couples.
    Comment: A zero.
    Called directionally: From Squared Set: Heads turn your opposite right, turn your partner left, turn opposite right, turn partner left for a Courtesy Turn.
  • The "K"
    Definition: From a Line or Columns. Centers Trade as Ends U-Turn Back.
    Called directionally: Centers Trade, Ends U-Turn Back
    Comment: Quick, useful, and gives dancers practice with Trades.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Right & Left Thru & Pass The Ocean -- Extend -- Swing Thru -- Boys Trade, Girls U-Turn Back -- Couples Circulate -- Bend The Line -- Square Thru 3 -- Allemande Left
    • Heads Lead Right & Circle To A Line -- Pass Thru -- Centers Trade, Ends U-Turn Back -- Pass Thru -- Bend The Line -- Square Thru 3 -- Centers Trade, Ends U-Turn Back -- Square Thru 4 -- Trade By -- Right & Left Grand
    • Heads Slide Thru -- Double Pass Thru -- Centers Trade, Ends U-Turn Back -- Double Pass Thru -- Centers Trade, Ends U-Turn Back -- Centers Swing Thru -- Extend -- Swing Thru -- Boys Run -- Slide Thru -- Box The Gnat -- Right & Left Grand
  • Throw in the Clutch
    Definition: From a Thar or Wrong Way Thar. Keeping the center star intact, drop joined hands with adjacent dancer; Walk forward in a circle at least until you meet the same person again.
    Comment #1: Also known as Throw The Clutch In Low.
    Comment #2: Used with directional calling. The caller indicates how far to go and whom to meet for the next call. E.g., second time you meet your partner (or corner)...
    Called directionally: Walk around your corner, turn partner left to an Allemande Thar, Boys back in... Boys keep the star, all drop hands, walk forward, keep moving, pass your partner, find the next, Allemande Left.
    Comment #3: Can also be called as Slip The Clutch, pass one, pass another, keep going, find your partner (or corner)...
  • Triple Allemande
    Definition: From Circle or Squared Set. Allemande Left; Ladies Star Right as Men Promenade outside; Meet same corner, Left Arm Turn 1/2; Men Star Right as Ladies Promenade outside; Meet same corner, Allemande Left.
    Comment #1: Same as Face Corner; All 8 Left Spin The Top Twice; followed by Allemande Left.
    Comment #2: Not truly three Allemande Lefts, since after the second Arm Turn, Men and Ladies are facing the wrong direction.
    Called directionally: (Triple Allemande) Allemande Left, Ladies star Gents move around, (same corner) Allemande Left, Men star Ladies move around, (same corner) Allemande Left.
  • Turn & Left Thru
    Definition: From Facing Couples. Turn Thru; Courtesy Turn. Ends in Facing Couples.
    Called directionally: Turn Thru & Courtesy Turn
    Comment #1: Standard starting position is Half-Sashayed Facing Couples.
    Comment #2: Turn & Left Thru was on the Plus list many years ago.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Pass Thru -- Separate Around Two (hook on the end) To Lines -- All Turn Thru & Courtesy turn -- Square Thru 3 -- Allemande Left
    • Heads Lead Right & Circle To A Line -- Pass Thru -- Tag The Line, Face In -- Turn Thru & Courtesy Turn -- Slide Thru -- Square Thru 3 -- Allemande Left
  • Turn Over
    Definition: From a Mini-Wave Box (or other applicable formations). Cast Off 3/4 & Slither. A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Two-Faced Line.
    Called directionally: Cast Off 3/4, Centers slide nose-to-nose past each other.
    Comment: Also possible from Back-to-Back Lines (Cast Off 3/4 & Centers Half Sashay)
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Pass The Ocean -- Extend -- Cast Off 3/4 & Centers slide nose-to-nose past each other -- Ferris Wheel -- (Single File) Ladies Chain -- 1/2 Square Thru -- Trade By -- Slide Thru Twice -- Allemande Left
    • Heads Pass The Ocean -- Same 4 Swing Thru -- Extend -- Swing Thru -- Cast Off 3/4 & Girls slide nose-to-nose past each other -- Ferris Wheel -- Centers Right & Left Thru -- Double Pass Thru -- Leaders Trade -- All Pass Thru -- Allemande Left
  • With The Flow
    Definition: From Facing Couples. This call must be preceded by a call in which the dancers have some sort of turning flow (i.e., all dancers are moving in a Clockwise or Counter Clockwise direction). Any call that can be followed by Sweep 1/4 can also be followed by With The Flow. The dancers closest to the flow direction Walk as the others Dodge. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box.
    Called directionally: Boy Walk, Girl Dodge (or Girl Walk, Boy Dodge)
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Lead Right -- All Veer Left -- Chain Down The Line -- Girl Walk, Boy Dodge -- Centers Trade -- Left Swing Thru -- Girls Run -- Allemande Left
    • Heads Square Thru 4 -- Circle To A Line -- Right & Left Thru -- Flutter Wheel -- Boy Walk, Girl Dodge -- Single Hinge -- Acey Deucey -- Single Hinge & Roll -- Right & Left Grand
  • You All
    Definition: Centers Hinge as Ends U-Turn Back.
    Called directionally: Centers Hinge, Ends U-Turn Back
    Comment: Changes a Line into a Diamond and vice versa.
    Sample choreo:
    • Heads Lead Right -- All Veer Left -- Girls Hinge, Boys U-Turn Back -- Girls Swing Thru, Boys Circulate Twice -- Girls Cast Off 3/4 -- All Left Swing Thru -- Recycle -- Allemande Left
    • Heads Square Thru 4 -- Circle To A Line -- Right & Left Thru -- Dixie Style To A Wave -- Boys Hinge Girls U-Turn Back -- Diamond Circulate -- Girls Swing Thru -- Diamond Circulate -- Boys Hinge, Girls U-Turn Back -- Left Swing Thru -- Girls Run -- Promenade Home

Easily-Taught Calls:

After a brief teach, the following calls could enhance a dance.
  • Ah So
    Definition: From a Wave. Ends Cross Fold while holding onto adjacent dancers. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box.
  • Bring Us Together
    Definition: From a Squared Set. Desiginated dancers move in, Circle Left 1/2 then dodge to the left as Others individually turn to face promenade direction, Single File Promenade 1/4 (to Face In), then Veer Right to end in Facing Lines.
    Comment #1: From a Squared Set (with partner, in sequence), ends in Zero Lines.
    Comment #2: In my opinion, Heads Bring Us Together is a much better call than Heads Lead Right & Circle To A Line.
  • Flare The Star
    Definition: From Facing Couples. Right-hand star, original Beaus 1/2 way across and flip away to the left as original Belles star one full turn; original Beaus Courtesy Turn the original Belles Ends in Facing Couples.
    Comment: Equivalent to Flutter Wheel
  • Red Hot
    Short Definition: Turn R-H Lady by the right, turn partner left (full turn), turn corner right, back to partner to await the next call (e.g., Courtesy Turn or Roll Promenade).
    Long Definition:
    • From a Squared Set or Promeande: Ladies cross to the left in front of partner and go to the man behind. All right arm turn half; go to the corner spot (original partner) for a left arm turn full around; go to the new corner spot (original corner) for a right arm turn half;
    • "Promenade with the girl you've got, pull the girls to the middle and you go Red Hot" (Right hand lady with a right hand around, partners all with a left hand around, full turn to the left hand lady (corner) with a right hand around, back to partner with a left hand around and roll promenade around the town).
    Comment: Red Hot is usually always cued.
    Red Hot doesn't have to be called from a Promenade. For example,
    • From a Thar (men in center, in sequence, with partner): "Shoot that Star and go Red Hot".
    • From Circle Left (in sequence, with partner): "Whirl 'em Away and go Red Hot".
    • From a Squared Set: "Men Star Left, Pass your Partner and go Red Hot".
  • Rip & Snort
    Definition: From a Circle (usually moving) (with all hands joined). The designated couple (couple #1, couple #2, tallest couple, youngest couple, etc.) will lead through an arch formed by the couple across from them. After going through the arch, the lead couple will let go of inside hands and separate while everyone else retains hold of hands. The lead dancers pull all the connected dancers with them through the arch and the arching couple turns under their own arms without letting go (a "dishrag twirl"). All join hands again in the original circle.
    Comment: Can also be done from a group of 4, such as from an Eight Chain Thru formation. I.e., Circle Four 4/4, Inside Couple Rip & Snort.
  • Star The Route
    Definition: From a Squared Set. Heads Star Right 3/4 (to face original couple on their right); All Star Left one full turn; Heads Star Right 1/2 (to face original couple on their left); All Star Left one full turn; Heads Star Right 3/4 to end at home position. Ends in a Squared Set.
    Comment #1: The L-H Stars are mixed sex stars (two boys together and two girls together).
    Comment #2: Can be used as a singing call break.
  • Spin Chain The Star
    Definition: From Parallel Waves (or Eight Chain Thru). Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Trailing End 1/2 Circulate (to form center star) as Lead End Circulate; Center Star turns 1/2; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as remaining person in star moves up to end in Parallel Waves.
    Called directionally: Spin Chain Thru But The Boys (or Girls) do a "Big" Scoot Back.
    • From Parallel Waves. First teach a "Big" Scoot Back: Ends do a disconnected Scoot Back with each other (i.e., Out-Facing End Circulate to the other end of their line as In-Facing Ends scoot with each other). "Big" Scoot Back is equivalent to Ends Trade.
    • Now have the dancers do a Spin Chain Thru, stopping at the 1/2 way point (after Arm Turn 1/2 and Centers Cast 3/4). At this point tell the Ends to do a "Big" Scoot Back, having the Trailing End ride across using the center star.

  • On The N-th Hand
    • Square Thru, On 4th Hand, Left Swing Thru
    • Right & Left Grand, on 3rd Hand, Turn Thru
  • Diagonal
    • From normal Facing Lines: End Ladies Diagonal Chain
    • From Facing Lines with Partner: Heads Diagonal Right & Left Thru
    • Boys on the Diagonal Pass Thru
    • Heads Star Thru, Girls Diagonal Double Pass Thru
  • Twice
    • Heads Star Thru; Everybody Zoom, Girls Twice
    • From Parallel Waves: Circulate, Centers Twice
    • Split Circulate Twice
    • Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Boys Go Twice
    • Heads Star Thru & Spread; All Pass Thru; Girls Bend The Line Twice
    • Heads Pass The Ocean; Ping Pong Circulate Twice; Centers Swing Thru Twice; Extend Twice; Centers Swing Thru Twice; Ends Cloverleaf as Centers Explode The Wave; Allemande Left
  • But
    • From R-H Wave (Boys as Ends): Linear Cycle But Girls (when you meet) Scoot Back
    • From Normal Back-to-Back Lines: Chase Right But Boys Swing Thru
  • Left
    • Left Box The Gnat (Swat The Flea)
    • Heads Left Square Thru 4; Left Dosado & Left Step To A Wave...
    • Heads Left Square Thru; Left Touch 1/4; Left Scoot Back; Girls Run Left...
  • Around The Outside
    • Heads Square Thru 4, Sides around the outside Right & Left Thru
    • From Facing Lines: Ends around the outside Square Thru 3
    • From Tidal Wave (Girls as outside 4): Girls around the outside Recycle
    • Similarly, Thru The Diamond
      • Heads Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More; Those Girls Hinge; Sides thru the diamond (do a) Right & Left Thru...

Blended Calls

A second call is given before the dancers complete the first call. Dancers smoothly blend the two calls together.

Example of Non-Blended vs Blended:

From Facing Couples. Right & Left Thru followed by
  1. Right-Hand Star -- smooth for Square Dancers - why? because they're not expecting it. After Right & Left Thru, turning direction is to the left, so it's natural to want to place the right-hand into the star.
  2. Left-Hand Star -- smooth for Contra Dancers - why? precisely because they are expecting it. After the Right & Left Thru, the Lady knows to walk forward as the Gent dodges to the right to follow her smoothly into a left-hand star. Dancewise, they do a partial Courtesy Turn, having the Lady then step in front of the Gent to form the left-hand star.

Blended Calls - Case 1:
(I like these)
  • Heads Promenade 1/2, Lead Right and Circle To A Line
  • From Facing Lines: Reverse Flutter Wheel, Promenade Home
For the above examples, if the dancers fully complete the first call, then do the second, an awkward movmement results. However, if the second call is delivered with plenty of time before finishing the first call, dancers can smoothly blend into the second call.

Blended Calls - Case 2:
(I don't like these because the second call is not legal from the ending position of the first call)
  • From R-H Box, Ladies as Trailers: Scoot Back, Star Thru
  • From Parallel R-H Waves (Boys as Centers, all with corner): Scoot Back to the Corner, Allemande Left
  • From R-H Wave, Boys as Ends: Swing Thru (or Spin The Top), Star Thru
  • From R-H Box: Scoot Back, Single Circle To A Wave
For the above examples, extra words should be given so that dancers know they are not expected to complete the first call. Use words such as 'but' or '(start a) X but finish with a Y' (e.g., Scoot Back But Finish with a Star Thru).

Orbiting Figures

Two couples move around the outside in single file as the others do a set of calls inside, resulting in a surprise Allemande Left.

An Orbiting Figure is called from Promenade (with partners, in sequence), as follows...
    Promenade, Don't Stop, Don't Slow Down...
    Heads put the Lady in front (Single File), keep moving...
    (pick a figure below)
    (with appropriate timing) Allemande Left.

  • Sides wheel in and Dosado,
    Slide Thru,
    Square Thru 3/4...
  • Sides wheel in and Dosado,
    Slide Thru and Touch 1/4,
    Box Circulate Twice...
  • Sides wheel in and Flutter Wheel,
    Sweep 1/4,
    Right & Left Thru with a Full Turn Around...
  • Sides Half Sashay,
    Sides wheel in, Dosado and
    do the Centers Part of Load The Boat...
22-December-2024 03:25:38
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