Caitlyn's Pokémon Card Collection
Caitlyn's Pokémon Card Collection
Type=Fairy Fairy

33 records


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Aromatisse  Pokémon
Character = Aromatisse   Card Set = BREAKthrough   Card # in Set = 106 / 162   Country = USA   Year = 2015   Illustrator = Mizue   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
Its scent is so overpowering that, unless a Trainer happens to really enjoy the smell, he or she will have a hard time walking alongside it.
Carbink  Pokémon
Character = Carbink   Card Set = Fates Collide   Card # in Set = 50 / 124   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = kawayoo   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Grass x2   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
It has slept underground for hundreds of millions of years since its birth. It's occasionally found during the excavation of caves.
Dedenne  Pokémon
Character = Dedenne   Card Set = Furious Fists   Card # in Set = 34 / 111   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 2  
Its whiskers serve as antennas. By sending and receiving electrical waves, it can communicate with others over vast distances.
Dedenne  Pokémon
Character = Dedenne   Card Set = Phantom Forces   Card # in Set = 70 / 119   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
Its whiskers serve as antennas. By sending and receiving electrical waves, it can communicate with others over vast distances.
Dedenne  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Dedenne   Card Set = Generations (Radiant Collection)   Card # in Set = RC10 / RC32   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = kanahei   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1! Beep...
Dedenne (Reverse Holo)  Pokémon   Reverse Holographic
Character = Dedenne   Card Set = Furious Fists   Card # in Set = 34 / 111   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Fighting x2   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
Its whiskers serve as antennas. By sending and receiving electrical waves, it can communicate with others over vast distances.
Diancie  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Diancie   Card Set = Generations (Radiant Collection)   Card # in Set = RC22 / RC32   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = Mizue   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
Open the magic door and a dream-colored party will start again today. I'll teach you the secret password.
Flabébé  Pokémon
Character = Flabébé   Card Set = Flashfire   Card # in Set = 62 / 106   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 40   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 3  
It draws out and controls the hidden power of flowers. The flower Flabébé holds is most likely part of its body.
Flabébé  Pokémon
Character = Flabébé   Card Set = BREAKthrough   Card # in Set = 101 / 162   Country = USA   Year = 2015   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 30   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
When it finds a flower it likes, it dwells on that flower its whole life long. It floats in the win's embrace with an untroubled heart.
Flabébé  Pokémon
Character = Flabébé   Card Set = Generations (Radiant Collection)   Card # in Set = RC17 / RC32   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = Saya Tsuruta   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 40   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
It's OK. No one will take away your flower. You look cute even when you're angry.
Flabébé (Flabébé)  Pokémon
Character = Flabébé   Card Set = Flashfire   Card # in Set = 63 / 106   Country = France   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 40   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
Capable de libérer et de contrôler la force cachée des plantes. La fleur qu'il tient fait partie de lui.
Floette  Pokémon
Character = Floette   Card Set = Flashfire   Card # in Set = 65 / 106   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 2  
It flutters around fields of flowers and cares for flowers that are starting to wilt. It draws out the hidden power of flowers to battle.
Floette  Pokémon
Character = Floette   Card Set = BREAKthrough   Card # in Set = 102 / 162   Country = USA   Year = 2015   Illustrator = Midori Harada   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
When the flowers of a well-tended flower bed bloom, it appears and celebrates with an elegant dance.
Floette  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Floette   Card Set = Generations (Radiant Collection)   Card # in Set = RC18 / RC32   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = Eske Yoshinob   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
The five of us team up to be the Pretty Young Girl Force! We'll show you some beautiful moves!
Florges  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Florges   Card Set = Flashfire   Card # in Set = 66 / 106   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 110   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
It claims exquisite flower gardens as its territory, and it obtains power from basking in the energy emitted by flowering plants.
Florges  Pokémon
Character = Florges   Card Set = BREAKthrough   Card # in Set = 103 / 162   Country = USA   Year = 2015   Illustrator = Hajime Kusajima   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 110   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
In times long past, governors of castles would invite Florges to create flower gardens to embellish the castle domains.
Klefki  Pokémon
Character = Klefki   Card Set = Furious Fists   Card # in Set = 73 / 111   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
These key collectors threaten any attackers by fiercely jingling their keys at them.
Klefki  Pokémon
Character = Klefki   Card Set = Steam Siege   Card # in Set = 80 / 116   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = Saya Tsuruta   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 3  
It never lets go of a key that it likes, so people give it the keys to vaults and safes as a way to prevent crime.
ペロリ―ム Peroriimu (Slurpuff)  Pokémon   Holographic   First Edition
Character = Slurpuff   Card Set = Collection X   Card # in Set = 43 / 60   Country = Japan   Year = 2013   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
It can distinguish the faintest of scents. It puts its sensitive sense of smell to use by helping pastry chefs in their work.
Slurpuff  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Slurpuff   Card Set = XY   Card # in Set = 95 / 146   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
It can distinguish the faintest of scents. It puts its sensitive sense of smell to use by helping pastry chefs in their work.
Slurpuff  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Slurpuff   Card Set = Generations (Radiant Collection)   Card # in Set = RC20 / RC32   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = MAHOU   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 2  
The cakes Slurpuff makes always look just like that one Pokémon it likes.
Spritzee  Pokémon
Character = Spritzee   Card Set = XY   Card # in Set = 92 / 146   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 3  
It emits a scent that enraptures those who smell it. This fragrance changes depending on what it has eaten.
Spritzee  Pokémon
Character = Spritzee   Card Set = Flashfire   Card # in Set = 67 / 106   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 2  
It emits a scent that enraptures those who smell it. This fragrance changes depending on what it has eaten.
Spritzee  Pokémon
Character = Spritzee   Card Set = BREAKpoint   Card # in Set = 84 / 122   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = kirisAki   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
In the past, rather than using perfume, royal ladies carried a Spritzee that would waft a fragrance they liked.
Swirlix  Pokémon
Character = Swirlix   Card Set = XY   Card # in Set = 94 / 146   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 3  
To entangle its opponents in battle, it extrudes white threads as sweet and sticky as cotton candy.
Swirlix  Pokémon
Character = Swirlix   Card Set = Phantom Forces   Card # in Set = 68 / 119   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = Satoshi Shirai   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
To entangle its opponents in battle, it extrudes white threads as sweet and sticky as cotton candy.
Swirlix  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Swirlix   Card Set = Generations (Radiant Collection)   Card # in Set = RC19 / RC32   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = Yuka Morii   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
My fluffy heart makes me feel like a marshmallow. A thrilling macaron full of colorful magic. Everybody's crazy about the taste of candy! ☆
Sylveon EX  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Sylveon   Card Set = Generations (Radiant Collection)   Card # in Set = RC21 / RC32   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = sui   Rarity = Rare EX   HP Value = 170   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
Sylveon EX (Full Art)  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Sylveon   Card Set = Generations (Radiant Collection)   Card # in Set = RC32 / RC32   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = Kanako Eo   Rarity = Rare EX   HP Value = 170   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
Xerneas  Pokémon   Holographic   Promo
Character = Xerneas   Card Set = XY Black Star Promos   Card # in Set = XY5   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   HP Value = 130   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
Legends say it can share eternal life. It slept for a thousand years in the form of a tree before its revival.
Xerneas  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Xerneas   Card Set = Steam Siege   Card # in Set = 81 / 116   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = Megumi Mizutani   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 130   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
When the horns on its head shine in seven colors, it is said to be sharing everlasting life.
Xerneas EX  Pokémon   Holographic   Promo
Character = Xerneas   Card Set = XY Black Star Promos   Card # in Set = XY7   Country = USA   Year = 2014   Illustrator = 5ban Graphics   Rarity = Rare EX   HP Value = 170   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1  
Xerneas EX  Pokémon   Holographic   Promo
Character = Xerneas   Card Set = XY Black Star Promos   Card # in Set = XY149   Country = USA   Year = 2016   Illustrator = Eske Yoshinob   Rarity = Rare EX   HP Value = 170   Weakness = Metal x2   Resistance = Darkness -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kalos   Quantity = 1 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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