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5900 records
11-March-2025 11:40
δ Rainbow Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Dragon Frontiers
δ Rainbow Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Holon Phantoms
Écrapince (Corphish) - Primal Clash
Évoli (Eevee) - Jungle
ア―ケオス Aakeosu (Archeops) - BW Red Collection
Aaron's Collection - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Abomasnow - DP - Stormfront
Abomasnow (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Abra - Base Set
Abra - Base Set 2
Abra - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Abra - Expedition
Abra - Legendary Collection
Abra - Team Rocket
Abra - Team Rocket
Abra (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Abra (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Abra (Reverse Holo) - Expedition
Absol - EX Legend Maker
Accelgor - Dark Explorers
Accelgor - Furious Fists
Accelgor - Noble Victories
Accelgor Team Plasma (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Blast
アチャモ Achamo (Torchic) - BW Dark Rush
アチャモ Achyamo (Torchic) - Platinum 1 (Japanese Pt1)
Acro Bike - Primal Clash
Aegislash - XY
Aerodactyl - Dark Explorers
Aerodactyl - Fates Collide
Aerodactyl - Fossil
Aerodactyl - Fossil
Aerodactyl - Platinum - Arceus
Aerodactyl (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Aerodactyl GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Aggron - Dragons Exalted
Aggron - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Aggron - Plasma Blast
Aggron - Platinum - Rising Rivals
アギルダ― Agirudaa (Accelgor) - BW Red Collection
Aipom - DP - Majestic Dawn
Aipom - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Aipom - Dragons Exalted
Aipom - HS - Triumphant
Aipom - Neo Genesis
Aipom - Neo Revelation
Aipom - Steam Siege
Aipom (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
悪エネルギー Aku Enerugii (Darkness Energy) - Neo Genesis
悪エネルギ― Aku Enerugii (Darkness Energy) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
アクロマ Akuroma (Colress) - BW Plasma Gale
Alakazam - Base Set
Alakazam - Base Set 2
Alakazam - Expedition
Alakazam - Legendary Collection
Alakazam 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Alakazam 4 LV. X - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Alakazam Spirit Link - Fates Collide
Alakazam Spirit Link (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
All-Night Party - BREAKpoint
Alomomola - Black & White
Alomomola - Dragons Exalted
Alomomola - Phantom Forces
Alph Lithograph - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Altaria - EX Power Keepers
Altaria - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Altaria Spirit Link - Fates Collide
Ambipom - DP - Majestic Dawn
Ambipom - Dragons Exalted
Ambipom - Steam Siege
Ambipom G - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Amoonguss - Next Destinies
Amoonguss - Steam Siege
Amoonguss (Reverse Holo) - Next Destinies
Amoonguss (Reverse Holo) - Noble Victories
Amoonguss Team Plasma - Plasma Storm
Ampharos - Aquapolis
Ampharos - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Ampharos - DP - Secret Wonders
Ampharos - Dragons Exalted
Ampharos - Neo Genesis
Ampharos - POP Series 7
Ampharos (Reverse Holo) - Dragons Exalted
- HeartGold & SoulSilver
Ampharos Spirit Link - Ancient Origins
Ancient Tomb - EX Hidden Legends
アンノーン Annoon (Unown Engage) - "Neo 2" 9-Card Binder Set
アンノーン Annoon (Unown Find) - Neo Discovery
アンノーン Annoon (Unown Normal df) - "Neo 2" 9-Card Binder Set
アンノーン Annoon (Unown Observe) - "Neo 2" 9-Card Binder Set
Anorith δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Anorith - EX Legend Maker
Anorith - EX Power Keepers
Anorith - Steam Siege
Aqua Diffuser (Reverse Holo) - Double Crisis
Aquali (Vaporeon) - Jungle
Arbok - EX Sandstorm
Arbok - Fossil
Arbok δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Arcade Game (Goldenrod Game Corner) - Neo Genesis
Arcanine - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Arcanine - Base Set
Arcanine - Base Set 2
Arcanine - DP - Secret Wonders
Arcanine - Evolutions
Arcanine - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Arcanine - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Arcanine - Next Destinies
Arcanine - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Arcanine - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Arcanine - Wizards Black Star Promo
Arcanine (Reverse Holo) - Aquapolis
Arcanine (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Arceus - DP Promos
Arceus - Platinum - Arceus
Arceus - Platinum - Arceus
Arceus - Platinum - Arceus
Arceus (Full Art) - XY Black Star Promos
Arceus (Full Art) - XY Black Star Promos
Arceus LV. X - DP Promos
Arceus LV. X - Platinum - Arceus
Archen - Plasma Blast
Archie's Ace in the Hole - Primal Clash
Ariados - Aquapolis
Ariados - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Ariados - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Ariados - Neo Genesis
Ariados (Reverse Holo) - Ancient Origins
アリゲイツ Arigeitsu (Croconaw) - Neo Genesis
アリゲイツ Arigeitsu (Croconaw) - "Neo 1" 9-Card Binder Set
Armaldo - EX Power Keepers
Armaldo - Steam Siege
Armaldo δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Armor Fossil - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Armor Fossil - Platinum
Armor Fossil Shieldon - Steam Siege
Armor Fossil Shieldon (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
Aromatisse - BREAKthrough
Aron - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Aron - EX Crystal Guardians
Aron - EX Legend Maker
Aron - EX Legend Maker
Aron - EX Power Keepers
Aron - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Aron - HS - Triumphant
Aron - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Aron (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Articuno - Fossil
Articuno - Fossil
Articuno - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Articuno - Roaring Skies
Articuno - Roaring Skies
Articuno - Wizards Black Star Promo
Articuno - Wizards Black Star Promo
Articuno (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Articuno (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Aspicot (Weedle) - Primal Clash
Aspicot (Weedle) - XY
Audino - Boundaries Crossed
Audino - Dragons Exalted
Audino - Emerging Powers
Audino - Noble Victories
Audino (Reverse Holo) - Boundaries Crossed
Audino (Reverse Holo) - Emerging Powers
Audino Spirit Link - Fates Collide
Avalugg - Flashfire
Avalugg - Steam Siege
Avalugg (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Avenaros Training (Buck's Training) - DP - Legends Awakened
Axew - BREAKthrough
Axew - BREAKthrough
Axew - Dragon Vault
Axew - Dragon Vault
Axew - Noble Victories
Axew - Plasma Blast
AZ - Phantom Forces
AZ (Reverse Holo) - Phantom Forces
Azelf - Plasma Blast
Azelf (Pokémon Play) (Reverse Holo Shiny) - DP - Legends Awakened
Azumarill - Aquapolis
Azumarill - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Azumarill - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Azumarill - EX Sandstorm
Azumarill - Steam Siege
Azumarill (Reverse Holo) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Azurill - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Azurill - EX Delta Species
バチュル Bachuru (Joltik) - BW Dark Rush
Bagon - DP - Secret Wonders
Bagon - DP - Stormfront
Bagon - Dragon Vault
Bagon - EX Dragon
Bagon - EX Dragon
Bagon - EX Power Keepers
Bagon - Plasma Blast
Bagon - Platinum - Arceus
Bagon - Roaring Skies
Bagon - Roaring Skies
Bagon δ - EX Delta Species
Bagon δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Bagon Scrye - Nintendo Black Star Promos
バクフーン Bakufuun (Typhlosion) - "Neo 1" 9-Card Binder Set
Balignon (Shroomish) - Primal Clash
Balloon Berry (Pokémon Tool) - EX Dragon
Balloon Berry (Pokémon Tool) - Neo Revelation
Baltoy - Ancient Origins
Baltoy - Ancient Origins
Baltoy - Dragons Exalted
Baltoy - EX Emerald
Baltoy - EX Emerald
Baltoy - EX Hidden Legends
Baltoy - EX Holon Phantoms
Baltoy - EX Power Keepers
Banette - EX Power Keepers
Banette - Platinum
Banette - Roaring Skies
バンギラス Bangirasu (Tyranitar) - Neo Discovery
バオッキ― Baokkii (Simisear) - BW Plasma Gale
バオッキ― Baokkii (Simisear) - Collection Y
Barbaracle - Flashfire
Barbaracle (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Barboach - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Barboach - EX Holon Phantoms
Barboach - Primal Clash
Barschwa (Feebas) - DP - Great Encounters
バルチャイ Baruchai (Vullaby) - BW Dark Rush
バルジ―ナ Barujiina (Mandibuzz) - BW Dark Rush
Basculin - Next Destinies
Bastiodon - Platinum
Bastiodon GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Battle City - BW Promos
Battle Compressor (Team Flare Gear) - Phantom Forces
Bayleef - BREAKpoint
Bayleef - Call of Legends
Bayleef - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Bayleef - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Bayleef - Neo Genesis
Bayleef - Neo Genesis
Beartic Team Plasma - Plasma Storm
Beautifly - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Beautifly - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Beautifly - Platinum
Beautifly - POP Series 1
Bebe's Search - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Bebe's Search - DP - Secret Wonders
Bebe's Search - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Bebe's Search (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Beedrill - Base Set
Beedrill - Base Set 2
Beedrill - DP - Great Encounters
Beedrill - Evolutions
Beedrill - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Beedrill - Legendary Collection
Beedrill - Plasma Freeze
Beedrill - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Beedrill - Primal Clash
Beedrill δ - EX Delta Species
Beedrill G - Platinum - Arceus
Beedrill G (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Arceus
Beginning Door - Platinum - Arceus
Beheeyem BREAK - XY Black Star Promos
ベイリーフ Beiriifu (Bayleef) - Neo Genesis
ベイリーフ Beiriifu (Bayleef) - "Neo 1" 9-Card Binder Set
Beldum δ - EX Delta Species
Beldum - Ancient Origins
Beldum - EX Deoxys
Beldum - EX Hidden Legends
Beldum - EX Hidden Legends
Beldum - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Beldum - HS - Undaunted
Beldum - HS - Unleashed
Beldum - Plasma Freeze
Bellossom δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Bellossom - Ancient Origins
Bellossom - Aquapolis
Bellossom - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Bellossom - Boundaries Crossed
Bellossom - EX Hidden Legends
Bellossom - EX Unseen Forces
Bellossom - Neo Genesis
Bellsprout - Base Set 2
Bellsprout - DP - Legends Awakened
Bellsprout - Furious Fists
Bellsprout - HS - Triumphant
Bellsprout - Jungle
Bench Shield (Pokémon Tool) - Platinum - Arceus
Bent Spoon (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Bergmite - Flashfire
Bergmite - Steam Siege
Bergmite (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
ベロリンガ Beroringa (Lickitung) - Jungle
Berry (Pokémon Tool) - Neo Genesis
Bertha's Warmth - Platinum - Rising Rivals
ベトベタ― Betobetaa (Grimer) - Fossil
Bianca - Legendary Treasures
Bibarel - DP - Stormfront
Bibarel - Dragons Exalted
Bibarel - Primal Clash
Bidiza (Bidoof) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Bidiza (Bidoof) - DP - Stormfront
Bidoof - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Bidoof - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Bidoof - DP - Stormfront
Bidoof - Dragons Exalted
Bidoof - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Bidoof - POP Series 6
Bidoof - Primal Clash
Bidoof - XY
ビ―ドル Biidoru (Weedle) - Base Set
ビ―ドル Biidoru ("Beetle" - Weedle) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
ビクティニ Bikutini (Victini) - National Beginning Set
Bill - Base Set
Bill - Base Set 2
Bill - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Bill - Legendary Collection
Bill (Bill) - Base Set
Bill's Maintenance - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Bill's Maintenance - Expedition
Bill's Teleporter - Neo Genesis
Binacle - Fates Collide
Binacle - Flashfire
Binacle - Roaring Skies
Binacle (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
ビッパ Bippa (Bidoof) - Collection Y
ビリリダマ Biriridama (Voltorb) - Base Set
ビリリダマ Biriridama (Voltorb) - Collection Y
ビリリダマ Biriridama (Voltorb) - National Beginning Set
ビリリダマ Biriridama (Voltorb) - Team Rocket
Bisharp - Dark Explorers
Bisharp - Noble Victories
Bisharp - XY
Bisharp Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
Black Kyurem - Boundaries Crossed
Black Kyurem (Holographic) - Boundaries Crossed
Black Kyurem EX - Plasma Storm
Black Kyurem Full Art - XY Black Star Promos
Blacksmith - Flashfire
Blaine - Gym Challenge
Blaine - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Arcanine - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Charizard - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Charmander - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Charmander - Gym Heroes
Blaine's Charmeleon - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Dodrio - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Dodrio - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Doduo - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Gamble - Gym Heroes
Blaine's Growlithe - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Growlithe - Gym Heroes
Blaine's Growlithe - Gym Heroes
Blaine's Kangaskhan - Gym Heroes
Blaine's Last Resort - Gym Heroes
Blaine's Magmar - Gym Heroes
Blaine's Mankey - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Moltres - Gym Heroes
Blaine's Ninetales - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Ponyta - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Ponyta - Gym Heroes
Blaine's Quiz #1 - Gym Heroes
Blaine's Quiz #2 - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Quiz #3 - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Rapidash - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Rhyhorn - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Tauros - Gym Heroes
Blaine's Vulpix - Gym Challenge
Blaine's Vulpix - Gym Heroes
Blastoise - Base Set
Blastoise - Base Set 2
Blastoise - Boundaries Crossed
Blastoise - Plasma Blast
Blastoise (Reverse Holo) - HS - Unleashed
Blastoise EX - Evolutions
Blastoise EX - Generations
Blastoise EX - XY Black Star Promos
Blastoise Spirit Link - Evolutions
Blaziken - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Blaziken - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Blaziken - POP Series 1
Blaziken FB - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Blend Energy Grass Fire Psychic Darkness (Special Energy Card) - Dragons Exalted
Blissey - Aquapolis
Blissey - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Blissey - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Blissey - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Blissey - Platinum
- HeartGold & SoulSilver
Blitzle - Boundaries Crossed
Blitzle - BREAKpoint
Bojelin (Floatzel) - DP - Great Encounters
Boldore - Dragons Exalted
Boldore - Emerging Powers
Boldore - Emerging Powers
Boldore - Phantom Forces
Bonsly - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Boost Energy (Special Energy Card) - Aquapolis
Boost Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Dragon Frontiers
Boost Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Unseen Forces
Bouffalant - Dragons Exalted
Bounce Energy (Special Energy Card) - Skyridge
Braixen - Fates Collide
Braixen - XY
Braixen (Reverse Holo) - XY
Braviary - BREAKthrough
Braviary - Plasma Storm
Braviary - Steam Siege
Breloom - EX Emerald
Breloom - EX Sandstorm
Brigette - BREAKthrough
Brock - Gym Heroes
Brock - Gym Heroes
Brock's Diglett - Gym Challenge
Brock's Dugtrio - Gym Challenge
Brock's Geodude - Gym Challenge
Brock's Geodude - Gym Heroes
Brock's Geodude - Gym Heroes
Brock's Geodude - Gym Heroes
Brock's Golbat - Gym Heroes
Brock's Golem - Gym Heroes
Brock's Graveler - Gym Challenge
Brock's Graveler - Gym Challenge
Brock's Graveler - Gym Heroes
Brock's Grit - Evolutions
Brock's Grit - Evolutions
Brock's Lickitung - Gym Heroes
Brock's Mankey - Gym Heroes
Brock's Mankey - Gym Heroes
Brock's Ninetales - Gym Challenge
Brock's Onix - Gym Heroes
Brock's Onix - Gym Heroes
Brock's Primeape - Gym Challenge
Brock's Protection - Gym Challenge
Brock's Rhydon - Gym Heroes
Brock's Rhyhorn - Gym Heroes
Brock's Rhyhorn - Gym Heroes
Brock's Sandshrew - Gym Heroes
Brock's Sandshrew - Gym Heroes
Brock's Sandslash - Gym Challenge
Brock's Sandslash - Gym Heroes
Brock's Training Method - Gym Heroes
Brock's Vulpix - Gym Challenge
Brock's Vulpix - Gym Heroes
Brock's Zubat - Gym Heroes
Brock's Zubat - Gym Heroes
Brock's Zubat - Gym Heroes
Bronzong - BREAKthrough
Bronzong - Platinum - Arceus
Bronzong - Platinum - Arceus
Bronzong 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Bronzong G - Platinum
Bronzor - BREAKthrough
Bronzor - DP - Majestic Dawn
Bronzor - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Bronzor - Fates Collide
Bronzor - Next Destinies
Bronzor - Phantom Forces
Bronzor - Platinum - Arceus
Bronzor - Platinum - Arceus
Bronzor (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Bronzor (Reverse Holo) - HS - Triumphant
Bubble Coat (Pokémon Tool) - DP - Legends Awakened
ブビィ Bubii (Magby) - Neo Genesis
Buddy-Buddy Rescue - BREAKthrough
Budew - DP - Stormfront
Buffer Piece (Pokémon Tool) - EX Dragon
Buffer Piece (Pokémon Tool) - EX Dragon Frontiers
Buizel - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Buizel - DP - Great Encounters
Buizel - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Buizel - DP: Trainer Kit #1 (Gold & Blue)
Buizel - Flashfire
Buizel - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Buizel - POP Series 9
Bulbasaur - Base Set
Bulbasaur - Base Set
Bulbasaur - Base Set 2
Bulbasaur - Dark Explorers
Bulbasaur - DP - Secret Wonders
Bulbasaur - EX Crystal Guardians
Bulbasaur - EX Crystal Guardians
Bulbasaur - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Bulbasaur - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Bulbasaur - Legendary Collection
Bulbasaur - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Bulbasaur - POP Series 2
Buneary - Boundaries Crossed
Buneary - DP - Legends Awakened
Buneary - DP Promos
Buneary - Flashfire
Buneary - Platinum - Arceus
Buneary - POP Series 9
Bunnelby - Phantom Forces
Bunnelby - Primal Clash
Bunnelby - XY
Bunnelby (Reverse Holo) - Phantom Forces
ブラッキー Burakkii (Umbreon) - "Neo 2" 9-Card Binder Set
ブラズマフリゲ―ト Burazuma Furigeeto (Plasma Frigate) - BW Plasma Gale
Burmy - Fates Collide
Burmy Plant Cloak - DP - Secret Wonders
Burmy Plant Cloak - Platinum - Arceus
Burmy Plant Cloak - POP Series 7
Burmy Plant Cloak (Reverse Holo) - DP - Secret Wonders
Burmy Sandy Cloak - Platinum - Arceus
Burmy Trash Cloak - DP - Secret Wonders
Burmy Trash Cloak - Platinum - Arceus
Bursting Balloon - BREAKpoint
Butterfree - Base Set 2
Butterfree - Flashfire
Butterfree - Jungle
Butterfree - Jungle
Butterfree - Neo Discovery
Butterfree - Southern Islands
Butterfree (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
ブーバー Buubaa (Magmar) - Fossil
ブーバー Buubaa (Magmar) - Neo Genesis
フ―スタ― Buusutaa ("Booster" - Flareon) - BW Dark Rush
Cacnea - DP - Great Encounters
Cacnea - EX Emerald
Cacnea - EX Power Keepers
Cacnea - Plasma Freeze
Cacnea - POP Series 2
Cacturne - BREAKthrough
Cacturne - DP - Great Encounters
Cacturne δ - EX Crystal Guardians
Caitlin - Plasma Blast
Camerupt - Boundaries Crossed
Camerupt - EX Deoxys
Camerupt - EX Dragon
Camerupt - EX Emerald
Camerupt - EX Holon Phantoms
Camerupt ex - EX Emerald
Camerupt EX - Primal Clash
Camerupt EX Full Art - Primal Clash
Camerupt Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos
Carbink - Fates Collide
Card-Flip Game (Goldenrod Game Corner) - Neo Genesis
Carnivine - Dark Explorers
Carnivine - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Carnivine - Platinum
Carnivine - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Carnivine - POP Series 8
Carracosta - Noble Victories
Carracosta - Plasma Blast
Carvanha δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Carvanha - EX Power Keepers
Carvanha - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Carvanha - HS - Triumphant
Carvanha - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Cascoon - Dragons Exalted
Cascoon - Platinum
Cascoon - Roaring Skies
Cascoon (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Cassius - XY
Castform - DP - Legends Awakened
Castform - EX Delta Species
Castform Snow-cloud Form - DP - Legends Awakened
Castform Sunny Form - DP - Legends Awakened
Caterpie - Base Set
Caterpie - Base Set 2
Caterpie - Evolutions
Caterpie - Flashfire
Caterpie - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Caterpie - Legendary Collection
Caterpie - Neo Discovery
Caterpie (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Caterpie (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Cedric Juniper - Legendary Treasures
Celadon City Gym - Gym Heroes
Celebi - Wizards Black Star Promo
Celebi - XY Black Star Promos
Celebi ex - POP Series 2
Celios Netzwerk (Celio's Network) - EX Crystal Guardians
Celio's Network - EX Crystal Guardians
Celio's Network - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Cercle des Ombres (Shadow Circle) - XY
Cerulean City Gym - Gym Heroes
Chétiflor (Bellsprout) - Jungle
Chétiflor (Bellsprout) - Furious Fists
Challenge! - Legendary Collection
Challenge! - Team Rocket
Challenge! - Team Rocket
Chandelure - Steam Siege
Chandelure EX - Legendary Treasures
Chansey - Aquapolis
Chansey - Base Set
Chansey - Base Set 2
Chansey - Dark Explorers
Chansey - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Chansey - Expedition
Chansey - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Chansey - Phantom Forces
Chansey (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Chansey (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
チャオブ― Chaobuu (Pignite) - National Beginning Set
Chaos Gym - Gym Challenge
Chaos Tower - Fates Collide
Charity - Gym Heroes
Charizard - Base Set
Charizard - Base Set 2
Charizard - Boundaries Crossed
Charizard - EX Power Keepers
Charizard - Expedition
Charizard - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Charizard - Legendary Collection
Charizard (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Charizard EX - Evolutions
Charizard EX - Flashfire
Charizard Spirit Link - Evolutions
Charmander δ - POP Series 5
Charmander - Base Set
Charmander - Base Set 2
Charmander - Boundaries Crossed
Charmander - Evolutions
Charmander - EX Crystal Guardians
Charmander - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Charmander - EX Power Keepers
Charmander - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Charmander - Expedition
Charmander - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Charmander - Legendary Collection
Charmander - Legendary Treasures
Charmander - Platinum - Arceus
Charmander - Team Rocket
Charmander - Team Rocket
Charmander δ - EX Crystal Guardians
Charmander (Reverse Holo) - Expedition
Charmeleon - Base Set
Charmeleon - Base Set 2
Charmeleon - Boundaries Crossed
Charmeleon - Evolutions
Charmeleon - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Charmeleon - EX Power Keepers
Charmeleon - Expedition
Charmeleon - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Charmeleon - Platinum - Arceus
Charmeleon δ - EX Crystal Guardians
Charmeleon (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Charmeleon (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Arceus
Charmian (Glameow) - DP - Great Encounters
Charon's Choice (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Charpenti (Timburr) - XY
Chatot - Dark Explorers
Chatot - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Chatot - DP - Majestic Dawn
Chatot - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Cheerleader's Cheer - HS - Unleashed
Chenipan (Caterpie) - Neo Discovery
Cheren - Emerging Powers
チェレン Cheren (Cheren) - National Beginning Set
Cherrim - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Cherrim - DP - Stormfront
Cherrim - HS - Unleashed
Cherrim - POP Series 8
Cherrim (Reverse Holo) - HS - Unleashed
Cherrim (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Storm
Cherubi - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Cherubi - HS - Unleashed
Cherubi - Platinum - Arceus
Cherubi - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Cherubi (Reverse Holo) - HS - Unleashed
Chesnaught EX - XY Black Star Promos
Chespin - BREAKthrough
Chespin - BREAKthrough
Chespin - XY
Chespin (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
チコリータ Chikoriita (Chikorita) - Neo Genesis
チコリータ Chikoriita (Chikorita) - "Neo 1" 9-Card Binder Set
Chikorita - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Chikorita - EX Unseen Forces
Chikorita - Expedition
Chikorita - Expedition
Chikorita - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Chikorita - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Chikorita - Neo Genesis
Chikorita - Neo Genesis
Chikorita (Reverse Holo) - Expedition
Chimchar - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Chimchar - Platinum
Chimchar - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Chimchar - POP Series 8
Chimchar - POP Series 9
Chimchar - Steam Siege
Chimchar (Reverse Holo) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Chimecho - EX Emerald
Chinchou - Aquapolis
Chinchou - Boundaries Crossed
Chinchou - DP - Legends Awakened
Chinchou - EX Hidden Legends
Chinchou - EX Legend Maker
Chinchou - EX Legend Maker
Chinchou - EX Power Keepers
Chinchou - HS - Unleashed
Chinchou - Neo Genesis
Chinchou - Neo Revelation
Chingling - DP - Majestic Dawn
Chingling - DP - Mysterious Treasures
チョボマキ Chobomaki (Shelmet) - BW Red Collection
チョンチ― Chonchii (Chinchou) - National Beginning Set
チョロネコ Choroneko (Purrloin) - BW Plasma Gale
Chrysacier (Metapod) - Flashfire
チョンチー Chyonchii (Chinchou) - Neo Genesis
Cilan - Next Destinies
Cinccino - Emerging Powers
Cinccino - Fates Collide
Cinccino (Radiant) - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Cinnabar City Gym - Gym Challenge
Clamperl - DP - Great Encounters
Clamperl - EX Legend Maker
Clauncher - Furious Fists
Clauncher - Steam Siege
Claw Fossil - DP - Legends Awakened
Claw Fossil - EX Sandstorm
Claw Fossil Anorith - Steam Siege
Clawitzer - Furious Fists
Claydol - EX Holon Phantoms
Clefable - Base Set 2
Clefable - Call of Legends
Clefable - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Clefable - Expedition
Clefable - Furious Fists
Clefable - Jungle
Clefable - Jungle
Clefairy - Base Set
Clefairy - Base Set 2
Clefairy - BREAKpoint
Clefairy - Call of Legends
Clefairy - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Clefairy - DP - Secret Wonders
Clefairy - Evolutions
Clefairy - Expedition
Clefairy - Furious Fists
Clefairy - Furious Fists
Clefairy - Generations
Clefairy - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Clefairy - Neo Genesis
Clefairy - Plasma Storm
Clefairy Doll - Base Set
Clefairy Muñeca (Clefairy Doll) - Base Set
Cleffa - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Cleffa - EX Unseen Forces
Cleffa - Neo Genesis
Cleffa - Wizards Black Star Promo
Cleffa (Reverse Holo) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Cloyster - Fossil
Cloyster - Fossil
Cloyster δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Cobalion - Steam Siege
Cofagrigus - Noble Victories
Colimucus (Sliggoo) - Flashfire
Combee - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Combee - DP - Stormfront
Combee - Plasma Storm
Combee - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Combusken - Dark Explorers
Combusken - EX Crystal Guardians
Combusken - EX Dragon
Combusken - EX Emerald
Combusken - EX Power Keepers
Combusken - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Combusken - POP Series 4
Combusken - Primal Clash
Computer Error (Rocket's Secret Machine) - Wizards Black Star Promo
Computer Search - Base Set
Computer Search - Base Set 2
Cool Porygon - Wizards Black Star Promo
Copycat - Expedition
Copycat - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Cornélia (Korrina) - Furious Fists
Corphish - EX Dragon
Corphish - EX Holon Phantoms
Corphish - Primal Clash
Corsola - DP - Secret Wonders
Corsola - EX Hidden Legends
Corsola - Expedition
Corsola - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Corsola - Neo Discovery
Corsola - XY
Corsola (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Cottonee - Emerging Powers
Cottonee - Fates Collide
Counterattack Claws (Pokémon Tool) - Neo Destiny
Cradily (Reverse Holo) - EX Sandstorm
Cranidos - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Crawdaunt - EX Dragon
Crawdaunt - EX Dragon
Crawdaunt (Reverse Holo) - EX Dragon
Cresselia - DP - Great Encounters
Croâporal (Frogadier) - XY
Croagunk - Boundaries Crossed
Croagunk - Boundaries Crossed
Croagunk - DP - Majestic Dawn
Croagunk - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Croagunk - Legendary Treasures
Croagunk - Platinum - Arceus
Croagunk - POP Series 8
Croagunk - POP Series 9
Croagunk - Steam Siege
Crobat - HS - Unleashed
Crobat - Neo Revelation
Crobat - Phantom Forces
Crobat δ - EX Delta Species
Croconaw - Call of Legends
Croconaw - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Croconaw - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Croconaw - Neo Genesis
Croconaw - Neo Genesis
Croconaw - Phantom Forces
Croconaw δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Crushing Hammer - Emerging Powers
Crustle - Noble Victories
Cryogonal - Boundaries Crossed
Cryogonal (Pokémon Play) (Reverse Holo) - Noble Victories
Cryogonal Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
Crystal Energy (Special Energy Card) - Aquapolis
Crystal Shard (Pokémon Tool) - EX Crystal Guardians
Crystal Shard (Pokémon Tool) - Skyridge
Cubchoo - Emerging Powers
Cubchoo - Next Destinies
Cubchoo (Reverse Holo) - Emerging Powers
Cubone - Aquapolis
Cubone - Base Set 2
Cubone - BREAKthrough
Cubone - DP - Legends Awakened
Cubone - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Cubone - Expedition
Cubone - HS - Triumphant
Cubone - Jungle
Cubone (Cubone) - Jungle
Curse Powder (Pokémon Tool) - EX Unseen Forces
Cyndaquil - BREAKthrough
Cyndaquil - Call of Legends
Cyndaquil - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Cyndaquil - EX Hidden Legends
Cyndaquil - EX Sandstorm
Cyndaquil - EX Unseen Forces
Cyndaquil - Expedition
Cyndaquil - Expedition
Cyndaquil - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Cyndaquil - Neo Destiny
Cyndaquil - Neo Genesis
Cyndaquil - Neo Genesis
Cyndaquil δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Cyndaquil (Reverse Holo) - EX Sandstorm
Cynthia's Feelings - DP - Legends Awakened
ダ―クトリニティ Daaku Toriniti ("Dark Trinity" - Shadow Triad) - BW Thunder Knuckle
ダ―クライ Daakurai (Darkrai) - XY Black Star Promos
グ―クライ Daakurai EX (Darkrai EX) - BW Dark Rush
ダブラン Daburan (Duosion) - BW Psycho Drive
ダゲキ Dageki (Sawk) - BW Dragon Blade
ダグトリオ Dagutorio (Dugtrio) - Collection Y
ダグトリオ Dagutorio (Dugtrio) - Platinum 1 (Japanese Pt1)
ダイケンキ Daikenki (Samurott) - National Beginning Set
ダンバル Dambaru (Beldum) - BW Thunder Knuckle
Damhirplex (Stantler) - DP - Secret Wonders
Dark Alakazam - Team Rocket
Dark Alakazam - Team Rocket
Dark Arbok - EX Team Rocket Returns
Dark Arbok - Team Rocket
Dark Arbok - Team Rocket
Dark Arbok - Team Rocket
Dark Arbok (WOTC Stamp) - Team Rocket
Dark Blastoise - Legendary Collection
Dark Blastoise - Team Rocket
Dark Blastoise - Team Rocket
Dark Celebi - EX Hidden Legends
Dark Charizard - Team Rocket
Dark Charizard - Team Rocket
Dark Charmeleon - Team Rocket
Dark Claw (Pokémon Tool) - Dark Explorers
Dark Crobat - Neo Destiny
Dark Donphan - Neo Destiny
Dark Dragonair - EX Team Rocket Returns
Dark Dragonair - Legendary Collection
Dark Dragonair - Team Rocket
Dark Dragonair - Team Rocket
Dark Dragonite - Team Rocket
Dark Dragonite - Team Rocket
Dark Dragonite (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Dark Dugtrio - Team Rocket
Dark Dugtrio - Team Rocket
Dark Dugtrio - Team Rocket
Dark Electrode - Team Rocket
Dark Electrode - Team Rocket
Dark Flareon - Team Rocket
Dark Flareon - Team Rocket
Dark Gloom - Team Rocket
Dark Gloom - Team Rocket
Dark Golbat - Team Rocket
Dark Golbat - Team Rocket
Dark Golduck - Team Rocket
Dark Gyarados - Team Rocket
Dark Gyarados - Team Rocket
Dark Gyarados (Prerelease) - Team Rocket
Dark Haunter - Neo Destiny
Dark Hypno - Team Rocket
Dark Hypno - Team Rocket
Dark Jolteon - Team Rocket
Dark Jolteon - Team Rocket
Dark Kadabra - Team Rocket
Dark Kadabra - Team Rocket
Dark Machamp - Team Rocket
Dark Machamp - Team Rocket
Dark Machoke - Team Rocket
Dark Magcargo - Neo Destiny
Dark Magneton - EX Team Rocket Returns
Dark Magneton - Team Rocket
Dark Magneton - Team Rocket
Dark Magneton - Team Rocket
Dark Muk - Team Rocket
Dark Muk - Team Rocket
Dark Omanyte - Neo Destiny
Dark Persian - Team Rocket
Dark Persian - Team Rocket
Dark Persian - Wizards Black Star Promo
Dark Primeape - Team Rocket
Dark Primeape - Team Rocket
Dark Pupitar - EX Team Rocket Returns
Dark Pupitar - Neo Destiny
Dark Quilava - Neo Destiny
Dark Raichu - Legendary Collection
Dark Raichu - Team Rocket
Dark Rapidash - Team Rocket
Dark Raticate - EX Team Rocket Returns
Dark Raticate - Team Rocket
Dark Raticate - Team Rocket
Dark Slowbro - Team Rocket
Dark Slowbro - Team Rocket
Dark Slowbro (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Dark Vaporeon - Team Rocket
Dark Vaporeon - Team Rocket
Dark Vaporeon (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Dark Vileplume - Team Rocket
Dark Vileplume - Team Rocket
Dark Wartortle - Legendary Collection
Dark Wartortle - Team Rocket
Dark Wartortle - Team Rocket
Dark Weezing - EX Team Rocket Returns
Dark Weezing - Team Rocket
Dark Weezing - Team Rocket
Dark Weezing - Team Rocket
Darkness Energy - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Darkness Energy - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Darkness Energy - DP - Secret Wonders
Darkness Energy - Emerging Powers
Darkness Energy - Kalos Starter Set
Darkness Energy (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Darkness Energy (Special Energy Card) - DP - Secret Wonders
Darkness Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Power Keepers
Darkness Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Darkness Energy (Special Energy Card) - Neo Genesis
Darkness Energy (Special Energy Card) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Darkrai - DP - Great Encounters
Darkrai - DP Promos
Darkrai - XY Black Star Promos
Darkrai G - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Darmanitan - Black & White
Darmanitan - Boundaries Crossed
Darumaka - Black & White
Darumaka - Boundaries Crossed
Darumaka - Next Destinies
ダストダス Dasutodasu (Garbodor) - BW Red Collection
Dawn Stadium - DP - Majestic Dawn
Dedenne - Furious Fists
Dedenne - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Dedenne - Phantom Forces
Dedenne (Reverse Holo) - Furious Fists
Deerling - Black & White
Deerling - Emerging Powers
Deerling - Fates Collide
Defender - Base Set
Defender - Base Set 2
ディグダ Deiguda (Diglett) - Base Set
ディグダ Deiguda (Diglett) - Team Rocket
Deino - Dragons Exalted
Deino - Dragons Exalted
Deino - Noble Victories
Deino - Phantom Forces
Deino - Plasma Freeze
Deino - Plasma Freeze
Deino - Steam Siege
Delcatty - Boundaries Crossed
Delcatty - EX Power Keepers
Delcatty - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Delcatty - EX: Trainer Kit #1 (Red & Blue)
Delcatty (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Delibird - Boundaries Crossed
Delibird - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Delibird - POP Series 7
Delphox (Reverse Holo) - XY
デンチュラ Denchura (Galvantula) - BW Dark Rush
デンジの哲学 Denji no Tetsugaku (Volkner's Philosophy) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
デンリュウ Denryuu (Ampharos) - Neo Genesis
デンリュウ Denryuu (Ampharos) - Neo Revelation
Deoxys δ - POP Series 4
Deoxys - EX Deoxys
Deoxys Defense Forme - DP - Legends Awakened
Department Store Girl - Platinum - Arceus
デスマ―ン Desukaan (Cofagrigus) - BW Dark Rush
デスマス Desumasu (Yamask) - BW Dark Rush
Devolution Spray - Base Set
Devolution Spray - Base Set
Devolution Spray - Evolutions
Devolution Spray - Fates Collide
Dewgong - Base Set
Dewgong - Base Set
Dewgong - Base Set 2
Dewgong - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Dewgong - Evolutions
Dewgong - Fates Collide
Dewgong - Legendary Collection
Dewgong - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Dewgong (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Dewott - Boundaries Crossed
Dewott - Steam Siege
Dialga - DP - Great Encounters
Dialga - DP - Great Encounters
Dialga (Full Art) - XY Black Star Promos
Dialga (Reverse Holo) - Call of Legends
Diancie - Generations (Radiant Collection)
ディアルガ G Diaruga G (Dialga G) - Platinum 1 (Japanese Pt1)
Digger (Rocket's Secret Machine) - Team Rocket
Diggersby - Primal Clash
Diggersby - XY
Diglett - Base Set
Diglett - Base Set
Diglett - Base Set 2
Diglett - DP - Secret Wonders
Diglett - Evolutions
Diglett - EX Crystal Guardians
Diglett - EX Crystal Guardians
Diglett - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Diglett - Fates Collide
Diglett - Generations
Diglett - HS - Triumphant
Diglett - Platinum
Diglett - Team Rocket
Diglett - Team Rocket
Diglett - XY
Diglett (Reverse Holo) - DP - Secret Wonders
Diglett (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
ディグダ Diguda (Diglett) - Collection Y
Ditto - Fossil
Ditto - Fossil
Ditto - Skyridge
Ditto (Charmander) - EX Delta Species
Ditto (Ditto) - Fossil
Ditto (Geodude) - EX Delta Species
Ditto (Mr. Mime) - POP Series 3
Ditto (Pikachu) - EX Delta Species
Ditto (Squirtle) - EX Delta Species
Dive Ball - Primal Clash
Dodrio - Base Set 2
Dodrio - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Dodrio - EX Emerald
Dodrio - EX Emerald
Dodrio - EX Hidden Legends
Dodrio - Jungle
Dodrio - XY
Doduo - Base Set
Doduo - Base Set
Doduo - Base Set 2
Doduo - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Doduo - Evolutions
Doduo - EX Emerald
Doduo - EX Emerald
Doduo - EX Hidden Legends
Doduo - HS - Undaunted
Doduo - XY
Doduo (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
ドガ―ス Dogaasu (Koffing) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
ドガース Dogaasu (Koffing) - Team Rocket
ドッコラ― Dokkoraa (Timburr) - Collection X
Dome Fossil - Platinum - Arceus
Dome Fossil Kabuto - Fates Collide
Dome Fossil Kabuto (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Donphan - Call of Legends
Donphan - DP - Secret Wonders
Donphan - EX Deoxys
Donphan - Neo Genesis
ド―ド― DooDoo (Doduo) - Base Set
ド―ド― Doodoo (Doduo) - BW Plasma Gale
ド―タクン G Dootakun G (Bronzong G) - Platinum 1 (Japanese Pt1)
Doublade - BREAKpoint
Double Aqua Energy (Special Energy Card) - Double Crisis
Double Aqua Energy (Special Energy Card) (Reverse Holo) - Double Crisis
Double Colorless Energy - Base Set
Double Colorless Energy - Base Set 2
Double Colorless Energy - Evolutions
Double Colorless Energy - Fates Collide
Double Colorless Energy (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Double Colorless Energy (Special Energy Card) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Double Colorless Energy (Special Energy Card) - Next Destinies
Double Colorless Energy (Special Energy Card) - XY
Double Colorless Energy (Special Energy Card) (Reverse Holo) - Next Destinies
Double Full Heal - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Double Gust - Neo Genesis
Double Rainbow Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Emerald
Dragonair δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Dragonair - Base Set
Dragonair - Base Set 2
Dragonair - DP - Legends Awakened
Dragonair - Dragon Vault
Dragonair - Dragon Vault
Dragonair - HS - Triumphant
Dragonair - Plasma Freeze
Dragonair (Dragonair) - Base Set
Dragonair (Reverse Holo) - Expedition
Dragonite - Dragon Vault
Dragonite - Fossil
Dragonite - Fossil
Dragonite - Roaring Skies
Dragonite - Wizards Black Star Promo
Dragonite EX - Evolutions
Dragonite EX - Evolutions
Dragonite EX - Furious Fists
Drapion - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Drapion (Reverse Holo) - BREAKpoint
Drapion 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Draschel (Shelgon) - DP - Secret Wonders
Dratini - Base Set
Dratini - Base Set 2
Dratini - Dragon Vault
Dratini - Dragon Vault
Dratini - Expedition
Dratini - HS - Triumphant
Dratini - Legendary Collection
Dratini - Plasma Freeze
Dratini - Roaring Skies
Dratini - Team Rocket
Dratini - Team Rocket
Dratini δ - EX Delta Species
Dratini (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Drifblim - Steam Siege
Drifblim (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Drifblim (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
Drifloon - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Drifloon - DP - Legends Awakened
Drifloon - DP - Majestic Dawn
Drifloon - Plasma Blast
Drifloon - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Drifloon - Steam Siege
Drifloon (Reverse Holo) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Drifloon (Reverse Holo) - DP - Stormfront
Driftlon (Drifloon) - DP - Legends Awakened
Drilbur - Dark Explorers
Drilbur - Emerging Powers
Drilbur - Emerging Powers
Drowzee - Base Set
Drowzee - Base Set 2
Drowzee - BREAKpoint
Drowzee - Evolutions
Drowzee - EX Delta Species
Drowzee - Furious Fists
Drowzee - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Drowzee - Legendary Collection
Drowzee - Team Rocket
Drowzee - Team Rocket
Drowzee (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Druddigon - Dragon Vault
Druddigon - Flashfire
Druddigon - Noble Victories
Druddigon - Plasma Blast
Druddigon Dragon Vault - Dragon Vault
Dual Ball - Call of Legends
Dual Ball - HS - Unleashed
Dual Ball (Reverse Holo) - HS - Unleashed
Ducklett - Boundaries Crossed
Ducklett - BREAKpoint
Ducklett - Dark Explorers
Ducklett - Plasma Blast
Ducklett (Reverse Holo) - Boundaries Crossed
Ducklett (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Blast
Duflor δ (Gloom δ) - EX Holon Phantoms
Dugtrio - Base Set
Dugtrio - Base Set 2
Dugtrio - DP - Secret Wonders
Dugtrio - Evolutions
Dugtrio - EX Crystal Guardians
Dugtrio - Platinum
Dugtrio - XY
Dugtrio (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Dummisel (Dunsparce) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Dunsparce - Boundaries Crossed
Dunsparce - EX Legend Maker
Dunsparce - EX Sandstorm
Dunsparce - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Dunsparce - HS - Unleashed
Dunsparce - Neo Discovery
Dunsparce - Roaring Skies
Dunsparce - XY
Dunsparce (Reverse Holo) - EX Sandstorm
Duosion (Reverse Holo) - Noble Victories
Durant - BREAKpoint
Durant - Dragons Exalted
Durant - Flashfire
Durant - Noble Victories
Dusclops - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Dusclops - DP - Stormfront
Dusclops - DP - Stormfront
Dusclops - Flashfire
Dusk Ball - DP - Majestic Dawn
Dusk Ball - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Dusknoir - DP - Stormfront
Duskull - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Duskull - DP - Secret Wonders
Duskull - DP - Stormfront
Duskull - DP - Stormfront
Duskull - DP - Stormfront
Duskull - EX Deoxys
Duskull - EX Emerald
Duskull - EX Power Keepers
Duskull - Flashfire
Duskull (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Dustox - Dragons Exalted
Dustox - Platinum
Dustox - Roaring Skies
Dwebble - Boundaries Crossed
Dwebble - Legendary Treasures
Dwebble (Reverse Holo) - Boundaries Crossed
エアームド Eaamudo (Skarmory) - "Neo 3" 9-Card Binder Set
Ecogym - Neo Genesis
エーフィ Eefi (Espeon) - "Neo 2" 9-Card Binder Set
Eelektrik - Noble Victories
Eelektrik - Primal Clash
Eelektross - Noble Victories
Eevee - Ancient Origins
Eevee - Call of Legends
Eevee - Dark Explorers
Eevee - Dark Explorers
Eevee - DP - Majestic Dawn
Eevee - DP - Majestic Dawn
Eevee - EX Sandstorm
Eevee - EX Unseen Forces
Eevee - EX Unseen Forces
Eevee - Furious Fists
Eevee - Jungle
Eevee - Jungle
Eevee - Legendary Collection
Eevee - Neo Discovery
Eevee - Neo Discovery
Eevee - Plasma Freeze
Eevee - Plasma Freeze
Eevee - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Eevee - POP Series 3
Eevee - Skyridge
Eevee - Team Rocket
Eevee - Team Rocket
Eevee - Wizards Black Star Promo
Eevee (Radiant) - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Eevee (Reverse Holo) - HS - Undaunted
Ekans - EX Sandstorm
Ekans - Expedition
Ekans - Fossil
Ekans - Fossil
Ekans - Team Rocket
Ekans - Team Rocket
Ekans - XY
Ekans δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
エコロジム Ekoro Jimu (Ecogym) - Neo Genesis
Electabuzz - Base Set
Electabuzz - Base Set 2
Electabuzz - Boundaries Crossed
Electabuzz - BREAKpoint
Electabuzz - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Electabuzz - DP - Secret Wonders
Electabuzz - Evolutions
Electabuzz - EX Unseen Forces
Electabuzz - Furious Fists
Electabuzz - Neo Genesis
Electabuzz - Wizards Black Star Promo
Electabuzz - Wizards Black Star Promo
Electabuzz δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Electabuzz (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Electabuzz (Reverse Holo) - Furious Fists
Electivire - Boundaries Crossed
Electivire - DP - Secret Wonders
Electivire - HS - Triumphant
Electrike - DP - Majestic Dawn
Electrike - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Electrike - Dragons Exalted
Electrike - EX Crystal Guardians
Electrike - EX Deoxys
Electrike - EX Deoxys
Electrike - EX Emerald
Electrike - EX Emerald
Electrike - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Electrike - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Electrike - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Electrike - Platinum
Electrike - Platinum - Arceus
Electrike - Platinum - Arceus
Electrike - Primal Clash
Electrike - Primal Clash
Electrike - Roaring Skies
Electrode - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Electrode - Base Set
Electrode - Base Set 2
Electrode - Boundaries Crossed
Electrode - DP - Secret Wonders
Electrode - DP - Stormfront
Electrode - Evolutions
Electrode - EX Emerald
Electrode - HS - Triumphant
Electrode - Jungle
Electrode - Jungle
Electrode - Jungle
Electrode - XY
Electrode (Reverse Holo) - Aquapolis
Electrode (Reverse Holo) - DP - Stormfront
Electrode (Reverse Holo) - HS - Triumphant
Electrode G - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Elekid - Aquapolis
Elekid - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Elekid - Neo Genesis
Elekid δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Elgyem - BREAKthrough
Elgyem - Noble Victories
Elgyem - Noble Victories
Elgyem - Plasma Storm
Elgyem (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Emcee's Chatter - HS - Unleashed
Emolga - Emerging Powers
Emolga - Next Destinies
Emolga EX - XY
Emolga Full Art (Radiant) - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
エモンガ Emonga EX (Emolga EX) - Collection Y
Empoleon - BREAKthrough
Empoleon - Dark Explorers
Empoleon - DP - Majestic Dawn
Empoleon BREAK - XY Black Star Promos
Empoleon LV. X - DP Promos
エンブオ― Enbuoo (Emboar) - National Beginning Set
Eneco (Skitty) - DP - Legends Awakened
Eneco (Skitty) - EX Power Keepers
Energiesuche (Energy Search) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Energiesuche (Energy Search) - Fossil
Energy Ark - Neo Discovery
Energy Charge - Neo Genesis
Energy Flow - Gym Heroes
Energy Pickup - DP - Legends Awakened
Energy Pouch - Fates Collide
Energy Recycle System - EX Dragon
Energy Recycler (Reverse Holo) - Ancient Origins
Energy Removal - Base Set
Energy Removal - Base Set 2
Energy Removal 2 - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Energy Removal 2 - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Energy Removal 2 - EX Power Keepers
Energy Removal 2 - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Energy Reset - Fates Collide
Energy Reset (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Energy Restore - DP - Majestic Dawn
Energy Restore - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Energy Restore - Expedition
Energy Restore - Platinum - Arceus
Energy Retrieval - Base Set
Energy Retrieval - Base Set 2
Energy Retrieval - Black & White
Energy Retrieval - Evolutions
Energy Retrieval - Legendary Collection
Energy Retrieval - Plasma Blast
Energy Search - Black & White
Energy Search - Boundaries Crossed
Energy Search - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Energy Search - DP - Majestic Dawn
Energy Search - DP: Trainer Kit #1 (Gold & Blue)
Energy Search - DP: Trainer Kit #1 (Gold & Blue)
Energy Search - EX Crystal Guardians
Energy Search - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Energy Search - Expedition
Energy Search - Fossil
Energy Switch - Black & White
Energy Switch - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Energy Switch - EX Power Keepers
Energy Switch - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Energy Switch (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Energy Switch (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
エネルギーチャージ Enerugii Chyaaji (Energy Charge) - Neo Genesis
Enhanced Hammer - Phantom Forces
エンペルト Enperuto (Empoleon) - BW Dark Rush
Entei - Aquapolis
Entei - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Entei - DP - Secret Wonders
Entei - HGSS Promos
Entei - POP Series 2
Entei - Wizards Black Star Promo
エンテイ Entei (Entei) - "Neo 2" 9-Card Binder Set
エンテイ Entei (Entei) - "Neo 3" 9-Card Binder Set
エレブ― Erebuu (Electabuzz) - Base Set
Erika - Gym Heroes
Erika - Gym Heroes
エリカのフシギバナ Erika no Fushigibana (Erika's Venusaur) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
エリカのハクリュ― Erika no Hakuryuu (Erika's Dragonair) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
エリカのクサイハナ Erika no Kusaihana (Erika's Gloom) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
エリカのマダツボミ Erika no Madatsubomi (Erika's Bellsprout) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
エリカのナゾノクサ Erika no Nazonokusa (Erika's Oddish) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
エリカのナゾノクサ Erika no Nazonokusa (Erika's Oddish) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
エリカのプリン Erika no Purin (Erika's Jigglypuff) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
エリカのウツボット Erika no Utsubotto (Erika's Victreebel) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
エリカのウツドン Erika no Utsudon (Erika's Weepinbell) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
Erika's Bellsprout - Gym Challenge
Erika's Bellsprout - Gym Heroes
Erika's Bellsprout - Gym Heroes
Erika's Bulbasaur - Gym Challenge
Erika's Clefable - Gym Heroes
Erika's Clefairy - Gym Challenge
Erika's Clefairy - Gym Heroes
Erika's Dragonair - Gym Heroes
Erika's Dratini - Gym Heroes
Erika's Exeggcute - Gym Heroes
Erika's Exeggcute - Gym Heroes
Erika's Exeggutor - Gym Heroes
Erika's Gloom - Gym Heroes
Erika's Gloom - Gym Heroes
Erika's Ivysaur - Gym Challenge
Erika's Jigglypuff - Gym Challenge
Erika's Kindness - Gym Challenge
Erika's Maids - Gym Heroes
Erika's Oddish - Gym Challenge
Erika's Oddish - Gym Heroes
Erika's Oddish - Gym Heroes
Erika's Paras - Gym Challenge
Erika's Perfume - Gym Heroes
Erika's Tangela - Gym Heroes
Erika's Venusaur - Gym Challenge
Erika's Victreebel - Gym Heroes
Erika's Vileplume - Gym Heroes
Erika's Weepinbell - Gym Heroes
Erika's Weepinbell - Gym Heroes
エリキテル Erikiteru (Helioptile) - Wild Blaze
Escape Rope - Primal Clash
Escavalier - Dark Explorers
Escavalier Team Plasma - Plasma Blast
Espeon - Aquapolis
Espeon - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Espeon - DP - Majestic Dawn
Espeon - EX Sandstorm
Espeon - Neo Discovery
Espeon 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Espeon Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
Espurr - BREAKpoint
Espurr - Flashfire
Espurr - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Espurr (Reverse Holo) - BREAKpoint
Espurr (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
エテボ―ス Eteboosu (Ambipom) - BW Dragon Blast
Evoli (Eevee) - DP - Majestic Dawn
Evosoda - XY
Excadrill - Dark Explorers
Excadrill (Reverse Holo) - Emerging Powers
Excavarenne (Diggersby) - XY
Excelangue (Lickitung) - Jungle
Exeggcute δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Exeggcute - Aquapolis
Exeggcute - Base Set 2
Exeggcute - DP - Legends Awakened
Exeggcute - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Exeggcute - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Exeggcute - Jungle
Exeggcute - Jungle
Exeggcute - Legendary Collection
Exeggcute - Neo Destiny
Exeggcute - Roaring Skies
Exeggcute (Exeggcute) - Jungle
Exeggutor - Base Set 2
Exeggutor - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Exeggutor - Jungle
Exeggutor - Legendary Collection
Exeggutor - Southern Islands
Exeggutor (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Exp. Share - Dragon Vault
EXP.ALL (Pokémon Tool) - Neo Destiny
Expert Belt (Pokémon Tool) - Platinum - Arceus
Expert Belt (Pokémon Tool) {Reverse Holo} - Platinum - Arceus
Exploud - DP - Great Encounters
Exploud - Fates Collide
Exploud - Phantom Forces
Exploud (Reverse Holo) - Phantom Forces
Férosinge (Mankey) - Jungle
Faded Town - Ancient Origins
Fairy Energy - Evolutions
Fairy Energy - Kalos Starter Set
Fairy Energy - XY
Fairy Garden - Fates Collide
Fairy Garden - XY
Fan Rotom (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Farfetch'd - Base Set
Farfetch'd - Base Set 2
Farfetch'd - DP - Secret Wonders
Farfetch'd - Evolutions
Farfetch'd - Neo Revelation
Fast Ball - Skyridge
Fearow - Base Set 2
Fearow - DP - Majestic Dawn
Fearow - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Fearow - Jungle
Fearow - Jungle
Fearow - Roaring Skies
Fearow δ - EX Crystal Guardians
Fearow (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Fearow (Reverse Holo) - DP - Majestic Dawn
Feebas - Dragons Exalted
Feebas - EX Emerald
Feebas - EX Emerald
Feebas - EX Emerald
Feebas - Flashfire
Feebas - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Feebas - Primal Clash
Feebas δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Felicity's Drawing - DP - Great Encounters
Fennekin - BREAKthrough
Fennekin - Fates Collide
Fennekin - Fates Collide
Feraligatr - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Feraligatr - Expedition
Feraligatr - Neo Genesis
Feraligatr - Neo Genesis
Feraligatr - Phantom Forces
- HeartGold & SoulSilver
Ferroseed - BREAKpoint
Ferroseed - Emerging Powers
Ferroseed - Emerging Powers
Ferrothorn - Emerging Powers
Fervor - Gym Challenge
Feuer Energie (Fire Energy) - Base Set
Fighting Energy - Base Set
Fighting Energy - Base Set
Fighting Energy - Base Set
Fighting Energy - Base Set 2
Fighting Energy - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Fighting Energy - DP - Secret Wonders
Fighting Energy - Evolutions
Fighting Energy - EX Delta Species
Fighting Energy - EX Deoxys
Fighting Energy - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Fighting Energy - EX Unseen Forces
Fighting Energy - Expedition
Fighting Energy - Gym Challenge
Fighting Energy - Gym Heroes
Fighting Energy - Neo Genesis
Fighting Energy - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Fighting Energy - Primal Clash
Fighting Energy - XY
Fighting Stadium - Furious Fists
Finneon - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Finneon - DP - Stormfront
Finneon - Phantom Forces
Fire Energy - Base Set
Fire Energy - Base Set
Fire Energy - Base Set
Fire Energy - Base Set 2
Fire Energy - Boundaries Crossed
Fire Energy - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Fire Energy - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Fire Energy - DP - Secret Wonders
Fire Energy - Evolutions
Fire Energy - EX Delta Species
Fire Energy - EX Deoxys
Fire Energy - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Fire Energy - EX Unseen Forces
Fire Energy - EX: Trainer Kit #1 (Red & Blue)
Fire Energy - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Fire Energy - Expedition
Fire Energy - Gym Challenge
Fire Energy - Gym Heroes
Fire Energy - Gym Heroes
Fire Energy - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Fire Energy - Neo Genesis
Fire Energy - Primal Clash
Fire Energy - XY
Fire Energy (Reverse Holo) - Legendary Treasures
First Ticket - Dragon Vault
Fisherman - BREAKthrough
Fisherman - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Flaaffy - Call of Legends
Flaaffy - DP - Secret Wonders
Flaaffy - EX Unseen Forces
Flaaffy - Expedition
Flaaffy - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Flaaffy - Neo Genesis
Flaaffy - Platinum
Flaaffy - POP Series 7
Flaaffy (Reverse Holo) - EX Dragon
Flaaffy (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Flabébé - Flashfire
Flabébé - BREAKthrough
Flabébé - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Flabébé (Flabébé) - Flashfire
Flareon - Call of Legends
Flareon - Jungle
Flareon - Jungle
Flareon - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Flareon - POP Series 3
Flareon 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Flareon EX - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Flareon EX (Full Art) - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Flareon Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
Flemmli (Torchic) - EX Crystal Guardians
Flemmli (Torchic) - EX Crystal Guardians
Fletchinder - Flashfire
Fletchinder - Roaring Skies
Fletchinder - Steam Siege
Fletchling - Flashfire
Fletchling - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Fletchling - Roaring Skies
Fletchling - Steam Siege
Fletchling - XY
Flint's Willpower - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Float Stone - Plasma Freeze
Floatzel - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Floatzel - DP - Great Encounters
Floatzel - Flashfire
Floatzel - HS - Unleashed
Floatzel (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Floatzel GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Floatzel GL LV. X - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Floette - BREAKthrough
Floette - Flashfire
Floette - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Floral Crown - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Florges - BREAKthrough
Florges - Flashfire
Flurmel (Whismur) - EX Crystal Guardians
Flygon - EX Dragon
Flygon - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Flygon - POP Series 4
Flygon EX - XY Black Star Promos
Flygon LV. X - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Flying Pikachu - Evolutions
Flying Pikachu - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Flying Pikachu - Wizards Black Star Promo
Focus Band (Pokémon Tool) - Neo Genesis
Foongus - Dragons Exalted
Foongus - Plasma Storm
Foongus - Steam Siege
Foongus (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
フォレトス Foretosu (Forretress) - Wild Blaze
Formeo (Castform) - DP - Legends Awakened
Forretress - POP Series 3
Forretress (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Forretress G - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Fossil Egg - Neo Discovery
Fossil Excavation Kit - Fates Collide
Fossil Excavator - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Fossil Researcher - Furious Fists
Fraxure - BREAKthrough
Fraxure - Dragon Vault
Fraxure - Dragon Vault
Fraxure - Noble Victories
Fraxure (Pokémon Play) (Reverse Holo) - Noble Victories
Fresh Water Set - Primal Clash
Frillish - Boundaries Crossed
Frillish - Next Destinies
Frillish - Noble Victories
Frillish - Phantom Forces
Frizelbliz (Electrike) - DP - Majestic Dawn
Froakie - BREAKpoint
Froakie - BREAKthrough
Froakie - Kalos Starter Set
Froakie - XY
Froakie (Reverse Holo) - XY
Frogadier - BREAKthrough
Frogadier - XY
Froslass - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Froslass GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Frost Rotom (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Frozen City Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
Fuchsia City Gym - Gym Challenge
Full Heal - Base Set
Full Heal - Base Set
Full Heal - Base Set 2
Full Heal - Evolutions
Full Heal - Expedition
Full Heal - Furious Fists
Full Heal - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Full Heal Energy (Special Energy Card) - Legendary Collection
Full Heal Energy (Special Energy Card) - Team Rocket
Full Heal Energy (Special Energy Card) - Team Rocket
Furfrou - Flashfire
Furfrou - Phantom Forces
フリ―ジオ Furiijio (Cryogonal) - BW Hail Blizzard
フリ―ジオ Furiijio (Cryogonal) - BW Red Collection
Furret - EX Team Rocket Returns
Furret - Flashfire
Furret - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Furret - Neo Genesis
Furret - Neo Genesis
Furret (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Furret (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
フシデ Fushide (Venipede) - BW Freeze Bolt
フシギバナ Fushigibana (Venusaur) - Pokémon Song Best Collection CD - Promo
フシギダネ Fushigidane (Bulbasaur) - Base Set
フシギダネ Fushigidane (Bulbasaur) - BW Dark Rush
フシギソウ Fushigisou (Ivysaur) - Base Set
ふたのカセキ Futa no Kaseki (Cover Fossil) - BW Red Collection
フタチマル Futachimaru (Dewott) - National Beginning Set
フーディン Fuudin (Alakazam) - Base Set
フ―ディン四 LV.X Fuudin 4 LV.X (Alakazam 4 LV.X) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
Gabite - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Gabite - Dragons Exalted
Gabite - Legendary Treasures
Gabite - POP Series 9
Gabite (Reverse Holo) - BREAKpoint
ガブリアス Gaburiasu (Garchomp) - BW Dragon Blade
Galactic HQ - Platinum
Gallade - Legendary Treasures
Gallade 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Gallade 4 LV. X - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Gallade Spirit Link - Roaring Skies
Galopa (Rapidash) - Jungle
Galvantula - Dark Explorers
Galvantula - Phantom Forces
Galvantula - Plasma Storm
Galvantula (Reverse Holo) - Dark Explorers
ガマガル Gamagaru (Palpitoad) - BW Red Collection
ガマゲロゲ Gamageroge (Seismitoad) - BW Red Collection
Gamblast (Clawitzer) - Furious Fists
Gambler - Fossil
ガメノデス Gamenodesu (Barbaracle) - Wild Blaze
Garchomp - Dragons Exalted
Garchomp - POP Series 9
Gardevoir - Ancient Origins
Gardevoir - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Gardevoir - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Gardevoir (Radiant) - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Gardevoir EX - Steam Siege
Gardevoir EX (Full Art) - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Gardevoir LV. X - DP - Secret Wonders
Gardevoir Spirit Link - Primal Clash
Gardevoir Spirit Link - Steam Siege
Gastly - Base Set
Gastly - Base Set 2
Gastly - BREAKthrough
Gastly - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Gastly - Evolutions
Gastly - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Gastly - EX Legend Maker
Gastly - Expedition
Gastly - Fossil
Gastly - HS - Triumphant
Gastly - Legendary Collection
Gastly - Neo Destiny
Gastly - Platinum - Arceus
Gastrodon East Sea - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Gastrodon West Sea - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Geckarbor (Treecko) - EX Crystal Guardians
ゲンガ― GL Gengaa GL (Gengar GL) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
Gengar - BREAKthrough
Gengar - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Gengar - Expedition
Gengar - Fossil
Gengar - Fossil
Gengar - Platinum - Arceus
Gengar (Gengar) - Fossil
Gengar GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Gengar Spirit Link - Phantom Forces
Geodude - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Geodude - DP: Trainer Kit #1 (Gold & Blue)
Geodude - EX Dragon
Geodude - Expedition
Geodude - Flashfire
Geodude - Fossil
Geodude - Fossil
Geodude - Generations
Geodude - Legendary Collection
Geodude - Platinum - Arceus
Geodude - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Geodude (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Arceus
Geowaz (Golem) - Fossil
Geradaks (Linoone) - DP - Great Encounters
Ghetsis Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
Giant Stump - EX Legend Maker
Gible - BREAKpoint
Gible - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Gible - Dragons Exalted
Gible - Dragons Exalted
Gible - Legendary Treasures
Gible - POP Series 9
Gigalith - Dragons Exalted
ギギアル Gigiaru (Klang) - BW Dark Rush
ギギギアル Gigigiaru (Klinklang) - BW Dark Rush
G団の発明 G-109 SP レ―ダ― Ginga Dan no Hatsumei G-109 SP Reedaa (Galactic's Invention G-109 SP Radar) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
Giovanni - Gym Challenge
Giovanni - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Gyarados - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Last Resort - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Machamp - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Machoke - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Machop - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Magikarp - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Meowth - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Meowth - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Nidoking - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Nidoqueen - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Nidoran ♀ - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Nidoran ♂ - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Nidorina - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Nidorino - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Persian - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Pinsir - Gym Challenge
Giovanni's Scheme - BREAKthrough
Girafarig - EX Dragon
Girafarig - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Girafarig - Neo Destiny
Girafarig - Neo Genesis
Giratina - Platinum
Giratina LV. X - DP Promos
Glaceon - DP - Majestic Dawn
Glaceon - Furious Fists
Glaceon - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Glaceon EX - Fates Collide
Glaceon Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
Glalie - EX Power Keepers
Glalie Team Plasma - Plasma Blast
Glameow - BREAKpoint
Glameow - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Glameow - DP - Great Encounters
Glameow - DP - Majestic Dawn
Gligar - DP - Legends Awakened
Gligar - DP - Legends Awakened
Gligar - Neo Destiny
Gligar - Neo Genesis
Gligar - Phantom Forces
Gliscor - DP - Legends Awakened
Gliscor - Roaring Skies
Gliscor (Reverse Holo) - Phantom Forces
Gliscor 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Gloom - Ancient Origins
Gloom - DP - Legends Awakened
Gloom - EX Hidden Legends
Gloom - Jungle
Gloom - Jungle
Gloom - Neo Genesis
ゴビット Gobitto (Golett) - BW Red Collection
ゴチミル Gochimiru (Gothorita) - National Beginning Set
ゴチム Gochimu (Gothita) - National Beginning Set
Golbat - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Golbat - EX Delta Species
Golbat - Fossil
Golbat - HS - Unleashed
Golbat - Neo Revelation
Golbat - Phantom Forces
Golbat (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Golbat (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Storm
Gold Berry (Pokémon Tool) - Neo Genesis
Goldeen - Base Set 2
Goldeen - BREAKthrough
Goldeen - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Goldeen - DP: Trainer Kit #1 (Gold & Blue)
Goldeen - EX Deoxys
Goldeen - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Goldeen - Expedition
Goldeen - Jungle
Goldeen - Neo Revelation
Goldeen (Goldeen) - Jungle
Goldeen (Reverse Holo) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Goldeen (Reverse Holo) - Expedition
Goldini (Goldeen) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Golduck - Aquapolis
Golduck - Boundaries Crossed
Golduck - EX Sandstorm
Golduck - Fossil
Golduck - Legendary Collection
Golduck δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Golem - Fossil
Golem - Legendary Collection
Golem (Reverse Holo) - DP - Secret Wonders
Golem (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Arceus
Golem 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Golem EX - Generations
Golett - Dragons Exalted
Golett - Furious Fists
Golett - Noble Victories
Golking (Seaking) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Golurk - Ancient Origins
Good Manners - Gym Heroes
Goodra (Reverse Holo) - Phantom Forces
Goomy - Ancient Origins
Goomy - Flashfire
Goomy - Phantom Forces
Goop Gas Attack - Team Rocket
ゴ―スト Goosuto (Haunter) - Base Set
Gorebyss - DP - Great Encounters
Gorebyss - EX Legend Maker
ゴロ―ン Goroon (Graveler) - Wild Blaze
ゴル―グ Goruugu (Golurk) - BW Red Collection
Gothita - Dragons Exalted
Gothita - Emerging Powers
Gothita - Emerging Powers
Gothita - Fates Collide
Gothita - Furious Fists
Gothita - Legendary Treasures
Gothita - Legendary Treasures
Gothita (Reverse Holo) - Emerging Powers
Gothita (Reverse Holo) - Furious Fists
Gothitelle - Emerging Powers
Gothorita - Dragons Exalted
Gothorita - Emerging Powers
Gothorita - Furious Fists
Gourgeist - Phantom Forces
ゴ―ルドポ―ション Gourudo Poushon (Gold Potion) - BW Freeze Bolt
Granbull - BREAKthrough
Granbull - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Granbull - Neo Genesis
Granbull (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Grass Energy - Base Set
Grass Energy - Base Set
Grass Energy - Base Set
Grass Energy - Base Set 2
Grass Energy - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Grass Energy - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Grass Energy - DP - Secret Wonders
Grass Energy - Evolutions
Grass Energy - EX Delta Species
Grass Energy - EX Deoxys
Grass Energy - EX Holon Phantoms
Grass Energy - EX Power Keepers
Grass Energy - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Grass Energy - EX Unseen Forces
Grass Energy - Expedition
Grass Energy - Generations
Grass Energy - Gym Challenge
Grass Energy - Gym Heroes
Grass Energy - Neo Genesis
Grass Energy - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Gravalanch (Graveler) - Flashfire
Graveler - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Graveler - DP: Trainer Kit #1 (Gold & Blue)
Graveler - EX Dragon
Graveler - EX Legend Maker
Graveler - Flashfire
Graveler - Fossil
Graveler - Generations
Graveler - Neo Revelation
Graveler - Platinum - Arceus
Great Ball - Boundaries Crossed
Great Ball - XY
Greedy Dice - Steam Siege
Grelaçon (Bergmite) - Flashfire
Greninja - XY Black Star Promos
Greninja (Reverse Holo) - XY
Greninja EX - XY Black Star Promos
Grimer - Aquapolis
Grimer - DP - Secret Wonders
Grimer - EX Dragon
Grimer - EX Legend Maker
Grimer - Fossil
Grimer - HS - Undaunted
Grimer - Legendary Collection
Grimer - Plasma Freeze
Grimer - Team Rocket
Grimer - Team Rocket
Grimer (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Groink (Grumpig) - DP - Legends Awakened
Grotle - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Grotle - DP - Majestic Dawn
Groudon - Call of Legends
Groudon - DP - Legends Awakened
Groudon - EX Emerald
Groudon - EX Emerald
Groudon - Primal Clash
Groudon (Reverse Holo) - DP - Legends Awakened
Groudon EX - Dark Explorers
Groudon Spirit Link - Primal Clash
Grovyle - EX Crystal Guardians
Grovyle - EX Emerald
Grovyle - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Grovyle - Plasma Freeze
Grovyle - Platinum - Arceus
Grovyle - Platinum - Arceus
Growlithe - Base Set
Growlithe - Base Set 2
Growlithe - BREAKpoint
Growlithe - DP - Secret Wonders
Growlithe - Evolutions
Growlithe - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Growlithe - EX Sandstorm
Growlithe - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Growlithe - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Growlithe - Neo Destiny
Growlithe - Next Destinies
Growlithe - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Growlithe - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Growlithe (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Growlithe (Reverse Holo) - Next Destinies
Grumpig - DP - Legends Awakened
Grumpig - EX Crystal Guardians
Grumpig - EX Deoxys
Grumpig - EX Emerald
Grumpig - EX Emerald
Grumpig - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Grumpig - XY
Gulpin - DP - Legends Awakened
Gulpin - EX Crystal Guardians
Gulpin - EX Emerald
Gulpin - EX Hidden Legends
Gulpin - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Gulpin - Phantom Forces
Gulpin - Platinum - Arceus
Gulpin - Platinum - Arceus
グラ―ドン Guraadon EX (Groudon EX) - BW Hail Blizzard
グライガー Guraigaa (Gligar) - Neo Genesis
グランブル Guranburu (Granbull) - Neo Genesis
Gurdurr - Dark Explorers
Gurdurr - XY
グレッグル Guregguru (Croagunk) - National Beginning Set
Gust Of Wind - Base Set
Gust Of Wind - Base Set 2
Gyarados - Ancient Origins
Gyarados - Base Set
Gyarados - Base Set 2
Gyarados - Dragons Exalted
Gyarados - Evolutions
Gyarados - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Gyarados - Legendary Collection
Gyarados - Legendary Treasures
Gyarados (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Gyarados EX Full Art - BREAKpoint
Gyarados Spirit Link - BREAKpoint
鋼エネルギー Hagane Enerugii (Metal Energy) - Neo Genesis
鋼エネルギ― Hagane Enerugii (Metal Energy) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
ハガネール Haganeeru (Steelix) - Neo Genesis
ハガネ―ル Haganeeru (Steelix) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
Hand Scope - Phantom Forces
ハネッコ Hanekko (Hoppip) - Expedition 1 (Japanese)
ハピナス Hapinasu ("Happiness" - Blissey ) - BW Dark Rush
Happiny - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Happiny - POP Series 8
Hariyama - EX Delta Species
Hariyama - EX Emerald
Hariyama - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Hariyama - Plasma Freeze
Hariyama - Platinum - Arceus
Hariyama (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Arceus
ハスボ― Hasuboo (Lotad) - Platinum 1 (Japanese Pt1)
ハト―ボ― Hatoubou (Tranquill) - BW Freeze Bolt
Haunter - Base Set
Haunter - Base Set 2
Haunter - BREAKthrough
Haunter - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Haunter - Evolutions
Haunter - EX Legend Maker
Haunter - Expedition
Haunter - Fossil
Haunter - Fossil
Haunter - Legendary Collection
Haunter - Platinum - Arceus
Haunter - Platinum - Arceus
Haunter (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Haunter (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Hawlucha - BREAKthrough
Hawlucha - Fates Collide
Hawlucha - Roaring Skies
Hawlucha - Steam Siege
Haxorus - Dragon Vault
Haxorus - Plasma Blast
ハヤシガメ Hayashigame (Grotle) - BW Plasma Gale
Head Ringer (Team Flare Hyper Gear) - Phantom Forces
Heal Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Deoxys
Healing Scarf - Roaring Skies
Heat Rotom (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Heatran - Phantom Forces
Heatran - POP Series 8
Heavy Ball - BREAKthrough
Heikos Training (Wally's Training) - EX Emerald
Helioptile - Flashfire
Helioptile - Phantom Forces
Helioptile - Phantom Forces
Helioptile (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Helix Fossil - Platinum - Arceus
Helix Fossil Omanyte - Fates Collide
Heracross - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Heracross - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Heracross - Neo Genesis
Heracross 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
ヘラクロス Herakurosu (Heracross) - Neo Genesis
Herbal Energy (Special Energy Card) - Furious Fists
Herdier - Black & White
Herdier - Boundaries Crossed
Herdier - XY
Here Comes Team Rocket! - Evolutions
Here Comes Team Rocket! - Team Rocket
Here Comes Team Rocket! - Team Rocket
ヘルガー Herugaa (Houndoom) - Neo Revelation
Hex Maniac - Ancient Origins
Hex Maniac (Reverse Holo) - Ancient Origins
High Pressure System - POP Series 3
ヒ―ドラン Hiidoran EX (Heatran EX) - BW Spiral Force
ひかるカブトプス Hikaru Kabutopusu (Shining Kabutops) - Neo Destiny
ヒンバス Hinbasu (Feebas) - BW Dragon Blade
ヒノアラシ Hinoarashi (Cyndaquil) - "Neo 1" 9-Card Binder Set
ヒポポタス Hipopotasu (Hippopotas) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
Hippopotas - BREAKthrough
Hippopotas - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Hippopotas - DP - Majestic Dawn
Hippopotas - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Hippopotas - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Hippopotas (Hippopotas) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Hippowdon - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Hippowdon 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Hippowdon LV. X - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Hitmonchan - Base Set
Hitmonchan - Base Set 2
Hitmonchan - Evolutions
Hitmonchan - Platinum
Hitmonchan (Reverse Holo) - Best of Game Promos
Hitmonchan (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Hitmonlee - Call of Legends
Hitmonlee - DP - Legends Awakened
Hitmonlee - Fossil
Hitmonlee - Fossil
Hitmonlee - HS - Undaunted
Hitmonlee - Legendary Collection
Hitmonlee - Neo Destiny
Hitmontop - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Hitmontop - Neo Discovery
Hitmontop - Wizards Black Star Promo
ヒトデマン Hitodeman (Staryu) - Base Set
ヒトデマン Hitodeman (Staryu) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
ヒトカゲ Hitokage (Charmander) - BW Freeze Bolt
ヒトモシ Hitomoshi (Litwick) - BW Hail Blizzard
ヒトモシ Hitomoshi (Litwick) - BW Red Collection
ヒヤップ Hiyappu (Panpour) - BW Psycho Drive
ヒヤップ Hiyappu (Panpour) - Collection Y
Ho-Oh - Call of Legends
Ho-oh - Neo Revelation
Ho-Oh - POP Series 5
Ho-oh - Wizards Black Star Promo
Ho-Oh - XY Black Star Promos
Ho-Oh BREAK - XY Black Star Promos
Ho-Oh EX - BREAKpoint
ホイ―ガ Hoiiga ("Wheega" - Whirlipede) - Collection Y
Holon energy FF (Special Energy Card) - EX Dragon Frontiers
Holon Energy GL (Special Energy Card) - EX Delta Species
Holon Energy WP (Special Energy Card) - EX Delta Species
Holon's Voltorb - EX Delta Species
Honchkrow - Dragons Exalted
Honchkrow - HS - Undaunted
Honchkrow - Phantom Forces
Honchkrow G - Platinum
Honedge - BREAKpoint
Honedge - Primal Clash
Honedge - XY
Honedge - XY Black Star Promos
炎のト―チ Honoo no Toochi ("Flame Torch" - Fiery Torch) - XY Black Star Promos
Hooligans Jim & Cas - Dark Explorers
Hoothoot - BREAKthrough
Hoothoot - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Hoothoot - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Hoothoot - Neo Genesis
Hoothoot - Plasma Freeze
Hoothoot (Hoothoot) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Hoppip - DP - Secret Wonders
Hoppip - Dragons Exalted
Hoppip - Expedition
Hoppip - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Hoppip - Neo Discovery
Hoppip - Neo Genesis
Hoppip - Steam Siege
Hoppip (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
Horsea - DP - Legends Awakened
Horsea - EX Dragon
Horsea - Fossil
Horsea - Fossil
Horsea - HS - Unleashed
Horsea - Neo Genesis
Horsea - Primal Clash
Houndoom - DP - Great Encounters
Houndoom 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
- HS - Undaunted
Houndoom G - Platinum
Houndour - Call of Legends
Houndour - DP - Great Encounters
Houndour - Dragons Exalted
Houndour - EX Dragon
Houndour - EX Team Rocket Returns
Houndour - EX Team Rocket Returns
Houndour - Expedition
Houndour - HS - Undaunted
Houndour - Neo Discovery
Houndour - Plasma Blast
ホウオウ Houou (Ho-Oh) - "Neo 3" 9-Card Binder Set
Hugh - Boundaries Crossed
Hunduster (Houndour) - DP - Legends Awakened
Huntail - EX Legend Maker
Hydreigon - Dragons Exalted
Hydreigon - Steam Siege
Hydreigon (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
Hydreigon BREAK - Steam Siege
Hyper Devolution Spray - Neo Discovery
Hyperheiler (Full Heal) - Base Set
Hypno - BREAKpoint
Hypno - Fossil
Hypno - Fossil
Hypno - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Igglybuff - DP - Great Encounters
Igglybuff - Neo Discovery
Igglybuff - Wizards Black Star Promo
Igglybuff (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
イイブイ Iibii (Eevee) - BW Dark Rush
イーブイ Iibui (Eevee) - "Neo 2" 9-Card Binder Set
いいきずぐすり Iikizugusuri (Super Potion) - Base Set
Illumise - DP - Great Encounters
Illumise - EX Emerald
Illumise - EX Sandstorm
Illumise - XY
Imakuni?'s Doduo - Evolutions
Imposter Oak's Revenge - Team Rocket
Imposter Oak's Revenge - Team Rocket
Imposter Professor Oak - Base Set
Imposter Professor Oak - Base Set 2
Infernape - Platinum
Infernape 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Infernape 4 LV. X - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Inkay - BREAKthrough
Inkay - Roaring Skies
Inkay - XY
Inkay - XY
Inkay (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
イノムー Inomuu (Piloswine) - Neo Genesis
Insécateur (Scyther) - Jungle
Interviewer's Questions - HS - Unleashed
Iris - Plasma Blast
イルミ―ゼ Irumiize (Illumise) - Collection Y
イシツブテ Ishitsubute (Geodude) - Expedition 1 (Japanese)
いたずらスコップ Itazura Sukoppu ("Prank Scoop" - Trick Shovel) - Wild Blaze
Item Finder - Base Set
Item Finder - Base Set 2
イトマル Itomaru (Spinarak) - Neo Genesis
Ivysaur - Base Set
Ivysaur - Base Set 2
Ivysaur - Dark Explorers
Ivysaur - DP - Secret Wonders
Ivysaur - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Ivysaur - Legendary Collection
Ivysaur - POP Series 2
Ivysaur - POP Series 3
Ivysaur - Southern Islands
Ivysaur (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
イワ―ク Iwaaku (Onix) - Base Set
イワーク Iwaaku (Onix) - Neo Genesis
イワパレス Iwaparesu (Crustle) - BW Red Collection
ジャノビ― Janobii (Servine) - National Beginning Set
ジャロ―ダ Jarooda (Serperior) - National Beginning Set
Jaw Fossil - Furious Fists
Jellicent - Boundaries Crossed
Jellicent - Next Destinies
Jellicent - Noble Victories
Jellicent Team Plasma - Plasma Storm
Jigglypuff - Base Set 2
Jigglypuff - EX Crystal Guardians
Jigglypuff - EX Hidden Legends
Jigglypuff - Fates Collide
Jigglypuff - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Jigglypuff - Jungle
Jigglypuff - Jungle
Jigglypuff - Neo Destiny
Jigglypuff - Next Destinies
Jigglypuff - Southern Islands
Jigglypuff - Wizards Black Star Promo
Jigglypuff - XY
Jigglypuff (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
ジラ―チ Jiraachi (Jirachi) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
Jirachi - DP - Legends Awakened
Jirachi - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Jirachi - Nintendo Black Star Promos
Jirachi - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Jirachi - XY Black Star Promos
Jirachi - XY Black Star Promos
Jirachi (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Jirachi EX Full Art - Plasma Blast
Jirachi Full Art - XY Black Star Promos
Jolteon - DP - Majestic Dawn
Jolteon - HS - Undaunted
Jolteon - Jungle
Jolteon - Jungle
Jolteon - Legendary Collection
Jolteon - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Jolteon - POP Series 3
Jolteon (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Jolteon EX Full Art - Generations
Jolteon Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
Joltik - Black & White
Joltik - Black & White
Joltik - Dark Explorers
Joltik - Dark Explorers
Joltik - Emerging Powers
Joltik - Steam Siege
Joltik (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
Judge - HS - Unleashed
Jumpluff - Dragons Exalted
Jumpluff - Neo Genesis
Jumpluff - Steam Siege
Junk Arm - HS - Triumphant
Jynx - Base Set
Jynx - Base Set 2
Jynx - Expedition
Jynx - Furious Fists
Jynx - HeartGold & SoulSilver
カバルドン Kabarudon (Hippowdon) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
カビゴン Kabigon (Snorlax) - National Beginning Set
カブルモ Kaburumo (Karrablast) - BW Red Collection
Kabuto - DP - Majestic Dawn
Kabuto - EX Legend Maker
Kabuto - EX Power Keepers
Kabuto - EX Sandstorm
Kabuto - Fates Collide
Kabuto - Fossil
Kabuto - Fossil
Kabuto - Neo Discovery
Kabuto - Platinum - Arceus
カブト Kabuto (Kabuto) - Fossil
Kabuto (Kabuto) - Fossil
Kabutops - Fates Collide
Kabutops - Fossil
Kabutops - Fossil
Kabutops - Skyridge
Kabutops (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Kabutops ex - EX Sandstorm
カブトプス Kabutopusu (Kabutops) - Fossil
カチコ―ル Kachikooru (Bergmite) - Wild Blaze
Kadabra - Base Set
Kadabra - Base Set
Kadabra - Base Set 2
Kadabra - Legendary Collection
カエンジシ Kaenjishi (Pyroar) - Wild Blaze
Kahlberg (Stark Mountain) - DP - Legends Awakened
カイリキ― Kairikii (Machamp) - Base Set
カイリキ― Kairikii GL (Machamp GL) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
カイリュー Kairyuu (Dragonite) - Fossil
かいぞうハンマ― Kaizou Hanmaa ("Remodeling Hammer" - Enhanced Hammer) - BW Dark Rush
Kakuna - Base Set
Kakuna - Base Set
Kakuna - Base Set 2
Kakuna - DP - Great Encounters
Kakuna - Evolutions
Kakuna - EX Delta Species
Kakuna - HS - Unleashed
Kakuna - Legendary Collection
Kakuna - Plasma Freeze
Kakuna - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Kakuna - XY
Kakuna (Reverse Holo) - HS - Unleashed
カメックス Kamekkusu (Blastoise) - Pokémon Song Best Collection CD - Promo
カモネギ Kamonegi (Farfetch'd) - National Beginning Set
Kangaskhan - Aquapolis
Kangaskhan - Base Set 2
Kangaskhan - DP - Majestic Dawn
Kangaskhan - Fates Collide
Kangaskhan - Jungle
Kangaskhan - Jungle
Kangaskhan - Jungle
Kangaskhan - Plasma Blast
Kangaskhan (Kangaskhan) - Jungle
Kanivanha (Carvanha) - DP - Secret Wonders
カラカラ Karakara (Cubone) - Jungle
Karen - XY Black Star Promos
Karen Full Art - XY Black Star Promos
Karrablast - Dark Explorers
Karrablast - Plasma Blast
カシラのサイホ―ン Kashira no Saihoon (Blaine's Rhyhorn) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カスミのヒトデマン Kasumi no Hitodeman (Misty's Staryu) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カスミのニョロボン Kasumi no Nyorobon (Misty's Poliwrath) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カスミのニョロゾ Kasumi no Nyorozo (Misty's Poliwhirl) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カスミのシ―ドラ Kasumi no Shiidora (Misty's Seadra) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カスミの勝負 Kasumi no Shoubu (Misty's Duel) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カスミのタッツ― Kasumi no Tattsuu (Misty's Horsea) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カスミのタッツ― Kasumi no Tattsuu (Misty's Horsea) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カスミのブ―バ― Katsura no Buubaa (Blaine's Magmar) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カスミのガル―ラ Katsura no Garuura (Blaine's Kangaskhan) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カツラのギャンブル Katsura no Gyanburu (Blaine's Gamble) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カツラのマンキ― Katsura no Mankii (Blaine's Mankey) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カツラのリザ―ド Katsura no Rizaado (Blaine's Charmeleon) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
カツラのリザ―ドン Katsura no Rizaadon (Blaine's Charizard) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キャタピ― Kaytapii (Caterpie) - Base Set
Kecleon - DP - Secret Wonders
Kecleon - Plasma Freeze
Kecleon - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Kecleon (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Keldeo - Boundaries Crossed
Keldeo - XY Black Star Promos
Keldeo EX - Boundaries Crossed
ケンタロス Kentarosu (Tauros) - Jungle
ケルディオ Kerudio (Keldeo) - National Beginning Set
きのみ Ki no Mi (Berry) - Neo Genesis
きほんちょうエネルギ― Kihon Chou Enerugii (Basic Psychic Energy) - National Beginning Set
きほんほのおエネルギ― Kihon Honoo Enerugii (Basic Fire Energy) - National Beginning Set
きほんかみなりエネルギ― Kihon Kaminari Enerugii (Basic Electric Energy) - National Beginning Set
きほんくさエネルギ― Kihon Kusa Enerugii (Basic Grass Energy) - National Beginning Set
きほんみずエネルギ― Kihon Mizu Enerugii (Basic Water Energy) - National Beginning Set
きほんとうエネルギ― Kihon Tou Enerugii (Basic Fighting Energy) - National Beginning Set
Kingdra - HS - Unleashed
Kingdra - Neo Genesis
Kingdra - Neo Revelation
Kingdra - Plasma Freeze
Kingdra δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Kingdra EX (Full Art) - Fates Collide
Kingler - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Kingler - Expedition
Kingler - Fossil
Kingler (Kingler) - Fossil
キレイハナ Kireihana (Bellossom) - BW Freeze Bolt
キレイハナ Kireihana (Bellossom) - Neo Genesis
キリキザン Kirikizan (Bisharp) - BW Red Collection
キリンリキ Kirinriki (Girafarig) - Neo Genesis
Kirlia - BREAKthrough
Kirlia - EX Dragon Frontiers
Kirlia - EX Emerald
Kirlia - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Kirlia - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Kirlia - POP Series 7
Kirlia δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Kirlia (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Kirlia (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Storm
きずぐすり Kizu Gusuri (Potion) - National Beginning Set
きずぐすり Kizugusuri (Potion) - Base Set
Klang - Dark Explorers
Klang - Steam Siege
Klang (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Storm
Klang (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
Klefki - Furious Fists
Klefki - Steam Siege
Klink - Dark Explorers
Klink - Emerging Powers
Klink - Plasma Storm
Klink - Steam Siege
Klinklang - Steam Siege
Knacklion (Trapinch) - DP - Secret Wonders
Knofensa (Bellsprout) - DP - Legends Awakened
Koffing - Base Set
Koffing - Call of Legends
Koffing - Evolutions
Koffing - EX Delta Species
Koffing - EX Delta Species
Koffing - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Koffing - Expedition
Koffing - Fates Collide
Koffing - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Koffing - Plasma Storm
Koffing - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Koffing - Team Rocket
Koffing - Team Rocket
Koffing (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
コフキムシ Kofukimushi (Scatterbug) - Collection X
Koga - Gym Challenge
Koga - Gym Challenge
Koga's Arbok - Gym Challenge
Koga's Beedrill - Gym Challenge
Koga's Ditto - Gym Challenge
Koga's Ekans - Gym Challenge
Koga's Golbat - Gym Challenge
Koga's Grimer - Gym Challenge
Koga's Kakuna - Gym Challenge
Koga's Koffing - Gym Challenge
Koga's Koffing - Gym Challenge
Koga's Muk - Gym Challenge
Koga's Ninja Trick - Gym Challenge
Koga's Ninja Trick - Gym Challenge
Koga's Pidgeotto - Gym Challenge
Koga's Pidgey - Gym Challenge
Koga's Pidgey - Gym Challenge
Koga's Pidgey - Gym Challenge
Koga's Tangela - Gym Challenge
Koga's Weedle - Gym Challenge
Koga's Weezing - Gym Challenge
Koga's Zubat - Gym Challenge
コイル Koiru (Magnemite) - Base Set
コイル Koiru (Magnemite) - Team Rocket
コヅョフ― Kojofuu (Mienfoo) - National Beginning Set
ココドラ Kokodora (Aron) - BW Dragon Blast
Kokowei (Exeggutor) - DP - Legends Awakened
Kopffossil (Skull Fossil) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
コラッタ Koratta (Rattata) - Base Set
コラッタ Koratta (Rattata) - Expedition 1 (Japanese)
コロトック Korotokku (Kricketune) - Platinum 1 (Japanese Pt1)
Korrina - Furious Fists
Korrina Full Art - Furious Fists
コツョフ― Koshofuu (Mienfoo) - BW Red Collection
コションド Koshondo (Mienshao) - BW Red Collection
Krabby - EX Crystal Guardians
Krabby - Fossil
Krabby - Phantom Forces
Krabby (Krabby) - Fossil
Krebscorps (Corphish) - DP - Legends Awakened
Kricketot - BREAKpoint
Kricketot - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Kricketot - Next Destinies
Kricketot - Platinum
Kricketune - BREAKpoint
Kricketune - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Kricketune - Next Destinies
Kricketune - Platinum
Krokorok - Dark Explorers
Krokorok - Flashfire
Krokorok - Plasma Freeze
Krokorok - XY
Krokorok (Pokémon Play) (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Krookodile - XY
Krookodile Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
クイタラン Kuitaran (Heatmor ) - BW Red Collection
クマシュン Kumashun (Cubchoo) - BW Plasma Gale
Kungfouine (Mienfoo) - Furious Fists
クヌギダマ Kunugidama (Pineco) - Neo Discovery
クサイハナ Kusaihana (Gloom) - Neo Genesis
Kussilla (Smoochum) - DP - Secret Wonders
Kyogre - EX Emerald
Kyogre - Primal Clash
Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND (Bottom) - HS - Undaunted
Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND (Top) - HS - Undaunted
Kyogre ex - EX Crystal Guardians
Kyogre ex - Nintendo Black Star Promos
Kyogre EX (Kyogre EX) - XY Black Star Promos
キョウのア―ボック Kyou no Aabokku (Koga's Arbok) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのベトベタ― Kyou no Betobetaa (Koga's Grimer) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのベトベトン Kyou no Betobeton (Koga's Muk) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのビ―ドル Kyou no Biidoru (Koga's Weedle) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのドガ―ス Kyou no Dogaasu (Koga's Koffing) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのドガ―ス Kyou no Dogaasu (Koga's Koffing) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのゴルバット Kyou no Gorubatto (Koga's Golbat) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのコク―ン Kyou no Kokuun (Koga's Kakuna) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのマタドガス Kyou no Matadogasu (Koga's Weezing) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのメタモン Kyou no Metamon (Koga's Ditto) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのモンヅャラ Kyou no Monjara (Koga's Tangela) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのピジョン Kyou no Pijon (Koga's Pidgeotto) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのポッポ Kyou no Poppo (Koga's Pidgey) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのポッポ Kyou no Poppo (Koga's Pidgey) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのスピア― Kyou no Supiaa (Koga's Beedrill) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
キョウのズバット Kyou no Zubatto (Koga's Zubat) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
Kyurem ex - BW Promos
Lady Outing - EX Deoxys
Lairon - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Lairon - Dragons Exalted
Lairon - EX Power Keepers
Lairon - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Lairon - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Lairon - HS - Triumphant
Lairon - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Lairon (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Lake Boundary - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Lampent - Noble Victories
Lampent - Phantom Forces
Lampent - Plasma Storm
Lampent - Steam Siege
Lampent (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Freeze
Landorus - Furious Fists
Lanette's Net Search - EX Emerald
Lanturn - EX Hidden Legends
Lanturn - EX Power Keepers
Lanturn - HS - Unleashed
Lanturn - Neo Genesis
Lanturn - Plasma Freeze
Lapras - Fossil
Lapras - Fossil
Lapras - Next Destinies
Lapras - Next Destinies
Lapras - Platinum
Lapras - Southern Islands
Lapras (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Lapras ex - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Larvesta - Dark Explorers
Larvesta - Dark Explorers
Larvesta - Plasma Blast
Larvesta - Steam Siege
Larvitar - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Larvitar - DP - Stormfront
Larvitar - EX Dragon Frontiers
Larvitar - EX Emerald
Larvitar - EX Team Rocket Returns
Larvitar - EX Unseen Forces
Larvitar - Fates Collide
Larvitar - Fates Collide
Larvitar - HS - Unleashed
Larvitar - HS - Unleashed
Larvitar - Neo Destiny
Larvitar - Neo Discovery
Larvitar - POP Series 1
Larvitar (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Lass - Base Set
Lass - Base Set 2
Lass's Special - Fates Collide
Latias - Dragon Vault
Latias - HGSS Promos
Latias - Nintendo Black Star Promos
Latias - POP Series 7
Latias (Reverse Holo) - DP - Great Encounters
Latios - DP - Great Encounters
Latios - Dragon Vault
Latios - HGSS Promos
Latios - Nintendo Black Star Promos
Latios - POP Series 7
Latios ex - EX Dragon
Latios EX - XY Black Star Promos
Latios Spirit Link - Roaring Skies
Leafeon - DP - Majestic Dawn
Leafeon - DP - Majestic Dawn
Leafeon - Furious Fists
Leafeon - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Leavanny - Legendary Treasures
Leavanny (Reverse Holo) - Emerging Powers
Ledian - Neo Genesis
Ledian δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Ledyba - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Ledyba - Neo Destiny
Ledyba - Neo Genesis
Ledyba - Skyridge
Ledyba - XY
Ledyba δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Ledyba (Reverse Holo) - Southern Islands
Lepumentas (Claydol) - DP - Great Encounters
Level Ball - Ancient Origins
Level Max (Reverse Holo) - Platinum
Lickilicky - DP - Secret Wonders
Lickilicky - Furious Fists
Lickilicky - HS - Triumphant
Lickitung - Aquapolis
Lickitung - Base Set 2
Lickitung - DP - Secret Wonders
Lickitung - Furious Fists
Lickitung - HS - Triumphant
Lickitung - Jungle
Lickitung - Platinum
Lickitung - Southern Islands
Lickitung δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Lickitung (Reverse Holo) - Furious Fists
Liepard - Black & White
Liepard - Emerging Powers
Liepard - Phantom Forces
Life Herb - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Life Herb - EX Hidden Legends
Light Dewgong - Neo Destiny
Light Dragonair - Neo Destiny
Light Flareon - Neo Destiny
Light Golduck - Neo Destiny
Light Jolteon - Neo Destiny
Light Machamp - Neo Destiny
Light Machoke - Neo Destiny
Light Slowbro - Neo Destiny
Light Sunflora - Neo Destiny
Light Vaporeon - Neo Destiny
Light Wigglytuff - Neo Destiny
Lightning Energy - Base Set
Lightning Energy - Base Set
Lightning Energy - Base Set 2
Lightning Energy - Boundaries Crossed
Lightning Energy - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Lightning Energy - DP - Secret Wonders
Lightning Energy - Evolutions
Lightning Energy - EX Delta Species
Lightning Energy - EX Deoxys
Lightning Energy - EX Emerald
Lightning Energy - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Lightning Energy - EX Unseen Forces
Lightning Energy - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Lightning Energy - Expedition
Lightning Energy - Gym Challenge
Lightning Energy - Gym Heroes
Lightning Energy - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Lightning Energy - Neo Genesis
Lightning Energy - Primal Clash
Lightning Energy (Reverse Holo) - Legendary Treasures
Lileep - EX Legend Maker
Lileep - EX Sandstorm
Lileep (Reverse Holo) - EX Sandstorm
Lilligant - Black & White
Lilligant - Boundaries Crossed
Lilligant - Noble Victories
Lillipup - Black & White
Lillipup - Boundaries Crossed
Lillipup - XY
Lillipup (Pokémon Play) (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Linoone - EX Emerald
Linoone - EX Sandstorm
Linoone - Primal Clash
Litleo - Flashfire
Litleo - Phantom Forces
Litleo - Steam Siege
Litleo (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Litwick - Next Destinies
Litwick - Noble Victories
Litwick - Phantom Forces
Litwick - Steam Siege
Lombre - EX Deoxys
Lombre - EX Deoxys
Lombre - Plasma Storm
Lombre - Platinum
Lombre - Primal Clash
Lombrero (Lombre) - EX Crystal Guardians
Lopunny - Boundaries Crossed
Lopunny - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Lopunny - POP Series 9
Lost Remover - Call of Legends
Lost World - Call of Legends
Lotad - DP - Secret Wonders
Lotad - EX Crystal Guardians
Lotad - EX Deoxys
Lotad - EX Sandstorm
Lotad - Platinum
Lotad - Primal Clash
Loturzel (Lotad) - DP - Secret Wonders
Loudred - DP - Great Encounters
Loudred - EX Hidden Legends
Loudred - Fates Collide
Loudred (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Low Pressure System - EX Dragon
Lt. Surge - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Eevee - Gym Challenge
Lt. Surge's Electabuzz - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Electabuzz - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Electrode - Gym Challenge
Lt. Surge's Fearow - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Jolteon - Gym Challenge
Lt. Surge's Magnemite - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Magnemite - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Magnemite - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Magneton - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Pikachu - Gym Challenge
Lt. Surge's Pikachu - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Raichu - Gym Challenge
Lt. Surge's Raichu - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Raticate - Gym Challenge
Lt. Surge's Raticate - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Rattata - Gym Challenge
Lt. Surge's Rattata - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Secret Plan - Gym Challenge
Lt. Surge's Spearow - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Spearow - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Spearow - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Treaty - Gym Heroes
Lt. Surge's Voltorb - Gym Challenge
Lt. Surge's Voltorb - Gym Heroes
Lucario - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Lucario - DP - Legends Awakened
Lucario - Fates Collide
Lucario - Fates Collide
Lucario - HS - Unleashed
Lucario - Plasma Storm
Lucario - Platinum
Lucario - Platinum
Lucario - POP Series 8
Lucario (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Lucario GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Lucario LV. X - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Lucian's Assignment - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Lucky Stadium - Neo Destiny
Lucky Stadium - Wizards Black Star Promo
Ludicolo - DP - Secret Wonders
Ludicolo - EX Deoxys
Ludicolo - Plasma Storm
Lugia - Call of Legends
Lugia - Fates Collide
Lugia - XY Black Star Promos
Lugia EX Team Plasma - BW Promos
Lugia LEGEND (Bottom) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Lugia LEGEND (Top) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Lum Berry (Pokémon Tool) - EX Emerald
Lum Berry (Pokémon Tool) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Lumineon - DP - Stormfront
Lunatone - DP - Great Encounters
Lunatone - EX Deoxys
Lunatone - EX Legend Maker
Lunatone - HS - Triumphant
Lunatone - XY
Luvdisc - DP - Great Encounters
Luvdisc - EX Crystal Guardians
Luvdisc - EX Emerald
Luvdisc - Flashfire
Luvdisc - Platinum
Luvdisc - POP Series 2
Luxio - BREAKpoint
Luxio - Flashfire
Luxio - Platinum - Arceus
Luxio - POP Series 8
Luxio (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Luxray - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Luxray - Flashfire
Luxray - Platinum - Arceus
Luxray - POP Series 8
Luxray (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Arceus
Luxray GL (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Luxray GL LV. X - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Luxury Ball - DP - Stormfront
Lysandre - Ancient Origins
Lysandre's Trump Card - Phantom Forces
l'Énergie Ténèbres (Darkness Energy) - XY
M Alakazam EX - Fates Collide
M Blastoise EX - Evolutions
M Blastoise EX - Evolutions
M Camerupt EX - XY Black Star Promos
M Camerupt EX Full Art - XY Black Star Promos
M Charizard EX - Evolutions
M Charizard EX - Evolutions
M Gardevoir EX (Full Art) - Generations (Radiant Collection)
M Gengar EX - Phantom Forces
M Manectric EX - Phantom Forces
M Pidgeot EX - Evolutions
M Pidgeot EX - Evolutions
M Rayquaza EX - Roaring Skies
M Sharpedo EX - XY Black Star Promos
M Slowbro EX - Evolutions
M Venusaur EX - Evolutions
M Venusaur EX - Evolutions
M. Mime (Mr. Mime) - Jungle
Machamp - Base Set
Machamp - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Machamp - Evolutions
Machamp - Expedition
Machamp - Furious Fists
Machamp - HS - Triumphant
Machamp - Plasma Blast
Machamp - Wizards Black Star Promo
Machamp (Reverse Holo) - Furious Fists
Machamp BREAK - Evolutions
Machamp EX - Ancient Origins
Machamp EX - XY Black Star Promos
Machamp GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Machamp LV. X - DP - Stormfront
マチスのビリリダマ Machisu no Biriridama (Lt. Surge's Voltorb) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
マチスの秘策 Machisu no Hissaku (Lt. Surge's Secret Plan) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
マチスのイ―ブイ Machisu no Iibui (Lt. Surge's Eevee) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
マチスのコラッタ Machisu no Koratta (Lt. Surge's Rattata) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
マチスのオニドリル Machisu no Onidoriru (Lt. Surge's Fearow) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
マチスのピカチュウ Machisu no Pikachuu (Lt. Surge's Pikachu) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
マチスのライチュウ Machisu no Raichuu (Lt. Surge's Raichu) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
マチスのラッタ Machisu no Ratta (Lt. Surge's Raticate) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
Machoke - Base Set
Machoke - Base Set 2
Machoke - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Machoke - DP - Stormfront
Machoke - DP: Trainer Kit #1 (Gold & Blue)
Machoke - Evolutions
Machoke - EX Power Keepers
Machoke - Furious Fists
Machoke - Legendary Collection
Machoke - Plasma Blast
Machoke (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Machop - Base Set
Machop - Base Set
Machop - Base Set 2
Machop - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Machop - DP - Stormfront
Machop - Evolutions
Machop - EX Hidden Legends
Machop - EX Power Keepers
Machop - Expedition
Machop - Furious Fists
Machop - Generations
Machop - Legendary Collection
Machop - Neo Destiny
Machop - Plasma Blast
Machop - Skyridge
Machop - Team Rocket
Machop - Team Rocket
Machop (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Machop (Reverse Holo) - Generations
Machopeur (Machoke) - Furious Fists
マダツボミのとう Madatsubomi no Tou (Sprout Tower) - Neo Genesis
Magby - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Magby - EX Legend Maker
Magby - Neo Genesis
Magcargo - DP - Great Encounters
Magcargo - EX Deoxys
Magcargo - Neo Revelation
Magcargo - Primal Clash
Magcargo - XY
Magcargo (Reverse Holo) - XY
マッギョ Maggyo (Stunfisk) - BW Red Collection
Magikarp - Ancient Origins
Magikarp - Base Set
Magikarp - Base Set 2
Magikarp - Call of Legends
Magikarp - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Magikarp - DP - Stormfront
Magikarp - Dragons Exalted
Magikarp - Evolutions
Magikarp - EX Deoxys
Magikarp - Legendary Collection
Magikarp - Legendary Treasures
Magikarp - Team Rocket
Magikarp δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Magikarp (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Magikarp (Reverse Holo) - Legendary Treasures
Magikarp (Reverse Holo) - Skyridge
Magikarp (Toys 'R Us) - Generations
Magmar - Base Set
Magmar - Base Set 2
Magmar - Call of Legends
Magmar - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Magmar - DP - Secret Wonders
Magmar - Dragons Exalted
Magmar - Evolutions
Magmar - Fossil
Magmar - Fossil
Magmar - Furious Fists
Magmar - Neo Genesis
Magmar - Wizards Black Star Promo
Magmar (Magmar) - Fossil
Magmar (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Magmar (Reverse Holo) - Furious Fists
Magmortar - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Magnemite - Aquapolis
Magnemite - Base Set
Magnemite - Base Set 2
Magnemite - BREAKthrough
Magnemite - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Magnemite - DP - Stormfront
Magnemite - Evolutions
Magnemite - EX Delta Species
Magnemite - EX Dragon
Magnemite - EX Dragon
Magnemite - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Magnemite - EX Legend Maker
Magnemite - EX Power Keepers
Magnemite - EX Team Rocket Returns
Magnemite - EX: Trainer Kit #1 (Red & Blue)
Magnemite - HS - Triumphant
Magnemite - Legendary Collection
Magnemite - Neo Discovery
Magnemite - Neo Discovery
Magnemite - Plasma Storm
Magnemite - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Magnemite - Team Rocket
Magnemite - Team Rocket
Magnemite (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Magnemite (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Storm
Magnetic Storm - Flashfire
Magneton - Base Set
Magneton - Base Set 2
Magneton - BREAKthrough
Magneton - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Magneton - DP - Stormfront
Magneton - Evolutions
Magneton - EX Delta Species
Magneton - EX Dragon
Magneton - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Magneton - EX Legend Maker
Magneton - Fossil
Magneton - Fossil
Magneton - Legendary Collection
Magneton (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Magnezone - BREAKthrough
Magnezone - DP - Stormfront
Magnezone - Plasma Storm
Magnifier - Neo Destiny
マグマラシ Magumarashi (Quilava) - Neo Genesis
マグマラシ Magumarashi (Quilava) - "Neo 1" 9-Card Binder Set
Mail from Bill - Neo Destiny
Maintenance - Base Set
Maintenance - Base Set 2
Maintenance - Evolutions
Maintenance - Furious Fists
Makuhita - Boundaries Crossed
Makuhita - DP - Great Encounters
Makuhita - EX Delta Species
Makuhita - EX Deoxys
Makuhita - EX Emerald
Makuhita - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Makuhita - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Makuhita - Furious Fists
Makuhita - HS - Undaunted
Makuhita - Plasma Freeze
Makuhita - Platinum - Arceus
マクノシタ Makunoshita (Makuhita) - National Beginning Set
Malamar - Ancient Origins
Malamar - XY
Mamoswine - DP - Legends Awakened
Mamoswine - Plasma Storm
Mamoswine (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Mamoswine GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Mampfaxo (Munchlax) - DP - Majestic Dawn
Manaphy - DP - Majestic Dawn
Manaphy - POP Series 9
Manaphy EX - BREAKpoint
Mandibuzz - Boundaries Crossed
Mandibuzz - Fates Collide
Manectric - DP - Majestic Dawn
Manectric - Dragons Exalted
Manectric - EX Deoxys
Manectric - EX Emerald
Manectric - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Manectric - Platinum - Arceus
Manectric - Primal Clash
Manectric - Roaring Skies
Manectric (Reverse Holo) - Primal Clash
Manectric G - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Mankey δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Mankey - DP - Great Encounters
Mankey - HS - Unleashed
Mankey - Jungle
Mankey - Jungle
Mankey - Legendary Collection
Mankey - Plasma Freeze
Mankey - Steam Siege
Mankey - Team Rocket
Mankey - Team Rocket
Mankey (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Freeze
Mankey (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
マンキ― Mankii (Mankey) - BW Spiral Force
マンキ― Mankii (Mankey) - Team Rocket
Mantine - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Mantine - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Mantine - Neo Destiny
Mantine - Neo Genesis
Mantine - Steam Siege
Mantine δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Mantyke - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Maractus - Black & White
Maractus - Black & White
Maractus - Dragons Exalted
Maractus - Flashfire
Maractus (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
マラカッチ Marakacchi (Maractus) - BW Plasma Gale
Mareep - Aquapolis
Mareep - Call of Legends
Mareep - DP - Secret Wonders
Mareep - Dragons Exalted
Mareep - EX Dragon
Mareep - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Mareep - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Mareep - Neo Destiny
Mareep - Neo Discovery
Mareep - Neo Genesis
Mareep - Platinum
Mareep - Steam Siege
Mareep (Reverse Holo) - EX Dragon
Mareep (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
マリーピ Mariipu (Mareep) - Neo Genesis
Marill - Boundaries Crossed
Marill - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Marill - EX Delta Species
Marill - EX Delta Species
Marill - EX Team Rocket Returns
Marill - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Marill - Neo Genesis
Marill - Primal Clash
Marill - Steam Siege
Marill - Wizards Black Star Promo
Marill (Marill) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Marill (Marill) - Primal Clash
Marill (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Southern Islands
マリル Mariru (Marill) - Neo Genesis
マリルリ Mariruri (Azumarill) - Neo Genesis
Marowak - Base Set 2
Marowak - BREAKthrough
Marowak - DP - Legends Awakened
Marowak - Fates Collide
Marowak - HS - Triumphant
Marowak - Jungle
Marowak (Reverse Holo) - Dragons Exalted
Marshtomp - DP - Great Encounters
Marshtomp - EX Emerald
Marshtomp - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Marshtomp - POP Series 3
Marshtomp - Primal Clash
Marshtomp (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
マルマイン Marumain (Electrode) - National Beginning Set
マルマインG Marumain G (Electrode G) - DPt-P Promo
Mary - Neo Genesis
Mary's Impulse - Expedition
マサキ Masaki (Bill) - Base Set
Mascaïman (Sandile) - Flashfire
Masquerain - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Masquerain - EX Holon Phantoms
Masquerain - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Masquerain - Primal Clash
Masquerain (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Masquerain Team Plasma - Plasma Blast
Master Ball - EX Deoxys
Master Ball - EX Power Keepers
Master Ball - Expedition
Master Ball - Gym Challenge
Mauzi (Meowth) - DP - Legends Awakened
Mawile - BREAKpoint
Mawile - Call of Legends
Mawile - EX Crystal Guardians
Mawile - EX Power Keepers
Mawile - EX Sandstorm
Max Revive - Gym Challenge
Max Revive - XY
マユルド Mayurudo (Cascoon) - BW Dragon Blast
Medicham - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Medicham - EX Hidden Legends
Medicham - Primal Clash
Medicham (Reverse Holo) - Primal Clash
Medicham (Reverse Holo) - Primal Clash
Medicham ex - EX Emerald
Meditie (Meditite) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Meditite - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Meditite - EX Crystal Guardians
Meditite - EX Dragon
Meditite - EX Emerald
Meditite - EX Hidden Legends
Meditite - EX Hidden Legends
Meditite - EX Power Keepers
Meditite - Primal Clash
Mega Catcher - Fates Collide
Meganium - BREAKpoint
Meganium - Call of Legends
Meganium - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Meganium - Expedition
Meganium - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Meganium - Neo Genesis
Meganium - Neo Genesis
- HGSS Promos
メガニウム Meganiumu (Meganium) - "Neo 1" 9-Card Binder Set
Meloetta - BREAKthrough
Meloetta - Legendary Treasures
Meloetta EX - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Meloetta EX Full Art - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Menki (Mankey) - DP - Great Encounters
Meowstic - Flashfire
Meowstic - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Meowstic - XY Black Star Promos
Meowstic (Reverse Holo) - BREAKpoint
Meowstic EX - Generations
Meowth δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Meowth δ - POP Series 5
Meowth - Ancient Origins
Meowth - Base Set 2
Meowth - BREAKthrough
Meowth - DP - Legends Awakened
Meowth - EX Delta Species
Meowth - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Meowth - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Meowth - Expedition
Meowth - Fates Collide
Meowth - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Meowth - Jungle
Meowth - Legendary Collection
Meowth - Next Destinies
Meowth - Nintendo Black Star Promos
Meowth - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Meowth - Roaring Skies
Meowth - Steam Siege
Meowth - Team Rocket
Meowth - Team Rocket
Meowth - Wizards Black Star Promo
Meowth δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Meowth (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Meowth (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Meowth (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
メラルバ Meraruba ("Merlarva" - Larvesta) - BW Dark Rush
メリ―プ Meriipu (Mareep) - Platinum 1 (Japanese Pt1)
Mesprit - DP - Legends Awakened
Mesprit - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Metagross - EX Hidden Legends
Metagross - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Metagross - POP Series 1
Metagross Team Plasma (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Freeze
Metal Energy - Black & White
Metal Energy - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Metal Energy - DP - Secret Wonders
Metal Energy - Evolutions
Metal Energy (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card) - Aquapolis
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card) - Call of Legends
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card) - DP - Secret Wonders
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Delta Species
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Holon Phantoms
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card) - Expedition
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card) - HS - Undaunted
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card) - Neo Genesis
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
メタモン Metamon (Ditto) - Fossil
Metang - Ancient Origins
Metang - EX Deoxys
Metang - EX Power Keepers
Metang - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Metang - Plasma Freeze
Metang - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Metang (Metang) - DP - Legends Awakened
Metapod - Base Set
Metapod - Base Set
Metapod - Base Set 2
Metapod - Evolutions
Metapod - Flashfire
Metapod - Legendary Collection
Metapod (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Meteor Falls - EX Deoxys
Mew - Evolutions
Mew - EX Holon Phantoms
Mew - Fates Collide
Mew - Wizards Black Star Promo
Mew - Wizards Black Star Promo
Mew - Wizards Black Star Promo
Mew (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Mew (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Mew (Reverse Holo) - Southern Islands
Mewtwo - Base Set
Mewtwo - Base Set 2
Mewtwo - DP - Legends Awakened
Mewtwo - Evolutions
Mewtwo - Legendary Collection
Mewtwo - Wizards Black Star Promo
Mewtwo - Wizards Black Star Promo
Mewtwo - Wizards Black Star Promo
Mewtwo ex - BW Promos
Mewtwo EX - Evolutions
Mewtwo EX - Evolutions
Mewtwo EX - XY Black Star Promos
Mewtwo EX Full Art - BREAKthrough
Mewtwo Spirit Link - BREAKthrough
Mewtwo Spirit Link (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Miaouss (Meowth) - Jungle
Miasma Valley - Platinum
Mienfoo - Boundaries Crossed
Mienfoo - Furious Fists
Mienfoo - Next Destinies
Mienfoo - Noble Victories
Mienfoo (Reverse Holo) - Furious Fists
Mienshao - Boundaries Crossed
Mienshao - Furious Fists
Mightyena - EX Power Keepers
Mightyena (Reverse Holo) - DP - Legends Awakened
Mightyena (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
ミジュマル Mijumaru (Oshawott) - National Beginning Set
Milotic - DP - Great Encounters
Milotic - Dragons Exalted
Milotic - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Milotic - Primal Clash
Miltank - DP - Secret Wonders
Miltank - DP - Stormfront
Miltank - EX Unseen Forces
Miltank - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Miltank - Neo Genesis
Miltank - Plasma Freeze
Miltank (Miltank) - DP - Stormfront
Mime Jr. - Call of Legends
Mime Jr. (Reverse Holo) - Call of Legends
Mimitoss (Venonat) - Jungle
Minccino - BW Promos
Minccino - Dragons Exalted
Minccino - Emerging Powers
Minccino - Fates Collide
Minccino - Fates Collide
Minccino - Legendary Treasures
Minccino (Radiant) - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Minccino (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Minion of Team Rocket - Gym Heroes
Minun - Dark Explorers
Minun - DP - Secret Wonders
Minun - EX Emerald
Minun - EX Hidden Legends
Minun - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Minun - Furious Fists
Minun - HS - Unleashed
Minun - Legendary Treasures
Minun - POP Series 1
Minun - POP Series 3
Miracle Berry (Pokémon Tool) - Neo Genesis
Misdreavus - BREAKthrough
Misdreavus - Call of Legends
Misdreavus - DP - Stormfront
Misdreavus - Neo Revelation
Misdreavus - Platinum
Misdreavus - Wizards Black Star Promo
Misdreavus (Reverse Holo) - Call of Legends
Mismagius (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Mismagius (Reverse Holo) - DP - Stormfront
Mismagius GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Mismagius GL LV. X - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Misty - Gym Heroes
Misty - Gym Heroes
Misty's Cloyster - Gym Heroes
Misty's Determination - BREAKpoint
Misty's Determination - Evolutions
Misty's Determination - Evolutions
Misty's Determination (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Misty's Dewgong - Gym Challenge
Misty's Duel - Gym Heroes
Misty's Goldeen - Gym Heroes
Misty's Goldeen - Gym Heroes
Misty's Golduck - Gym Challenge
Misty's Gyarados - Gym Challenge
Misty's Horsea - Gym Challenge
Misty's Horsea - Gym Heroes
Misty's Magikarp - Gym Challenge
Misty's Poliwag - Gym Challenge
Misty's Poliwag - Gym Heroes
Misty's Poliwhirl - Gym Heroes
Misty's Poliwrath - Gym Heroes
Misty's Psyduck - Gym Challenge
Misty's Psyduck - Gym Heroes
Misty's Seadra (Prerelease) - Gym Heroes
Misty's Seaking - Gym Heroes
Misty's Seel - Gym Challenge
Misty's Seel - Gym Heroes
Misty's Shellder - Gym Heroes
Misty's Starmie - Gym Heroes
Misty's Staryu - Gym Challenge
Misty's Staryu - Gym Heroes
Misty's Tears - Gym Challenge
Misty's Tentacool - Gym Heroes
Misty's Tentacool - Gym Heroes
Misty's Tentacool - Gym Heroes
Misty's Tentacruel - Gym Heroes
Misty's Wish - Gym Challenge
Misty's Wrath - Gym Heroes
モグリュ― Moguryuu (Drilbur) - BW Dark Rush
Moltres - Fossil
Moltres - Fossil
Moltres - Legendary Collection
Moltres - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Moltres - Wizards Black Star Promo
Mom's Kindness - DP - Majestic Dawn
Monferno - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Monferno - DP - Majestic Dawn
Monferno - Steam Siege
モンジャラ Monjara (Tangela) - Base Set
モノズ Monozu (Deino) - BW Thunder Knuckle
モンスタ―ボ―ル Monsutaa Booru ("Monster Ball" - Poké Ball) - National Beginning Set
Moo-Moo Milk - Expedition
Moo-Moo Milk - Neo Genesis
Moomoo Milk - HeartGold & SoulSilver
モーモーミルク MooMoo Miruku (Moo-Moo Milk) - Neo Genesis
Mothim - Fates Collide
Moufflair (Skuntank) - Flashfire
Mow Rotom (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Mr. Briney's Compassion - POP Series 2
Mr. Fuji - Fossil
Mr. Fuji - Fossil
Mr. Mime - Base Set 2
Mr. Mime - BREAKthrough
Mr. Mime - Call of Legends
Mr. Mime - Jungle
Mr. Mime - Jungle
Mr. Mime - Primal Clash
Mr. Mime (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Mr. Mime (Reverse Holo) - Generations
Mr. Mime 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Mr. Stone's Project - EX Emerald
Mr. Stone's Project - EX Emerald
Mucuscule (Goomy) - Flashfire
Mudkip - EX Crystal Guardians
Mudkip - EX Crystal Guardians
Mudkip - EX Crystal Guardians
Mudkip - EX Dragon
Mudkip - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Mudkip - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Mudkip - Nintendo Black Star Promos
Mudkip - POP Series 4
Mudkip - Primal Clash
Mudkip (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Mudkip (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Muk - DP - Secret Wonders
Muk - Fossil
Muk - Fossil
Muk Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
ムックル Mukkuru (Starly) - BW Thunder Knuckle
Multi Technical Machine 01 - POP Series 2
Multi Technical Machine 01 (Technical Machine) - Expedition
Munchlax - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Munchlax - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Munna - Next Destinies
Munna - Phantom Forces
Munna - Plasma Blast
Muplodocus (Goodra) - Flashfire
Murkrow - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Murkrow - Dragons Exalted
Murkrow - HS - Undaunted
Murkrow - Neo Genesis
Murkrow - Neo Revelation
Murkrow - Phantom Forces
Murkrow - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Murkrow - POP Series 1
Muschas (Shellder) - DP - Secret Wonders
Muscle Band - XY
Muscle Band (Reverse Holo) - XY
Musharna - Boundaries Crossed
Musharna - Next Destinies
Musharna - Plasma Blast
ムウマージGL LV. X Muumaaji GL LV. X (Mismagius GL LV. X) - DPt-P Promo
ム―ランド Muurundo (Stoutland) - BW Dark Rush
Mysterious Fossil - EX Holon Phantoms
Mysterious Fossil - EX Sandstorm
Mysterious Fossil - Fossil
Mysterious Fossil - Fossil
Mysterious Fossil - Legendary Collection
Mystery Energy (Special Energy Card) - Phantom Forces
Mystherbe (Oddish) - Jungle
ミュウ Myuu (Mew) - Fossil
N - BW Promos
N - Dark Explorers
N - Fates Collide
Nœufnœuf (Exeggcute) - Jungle
ナエトル GL Naetoru GL (Turtwig GL) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
なにかの化石 Nanika no Kaseki (Mysterious Fossil) - Fossil
Narrow Gym - Gym Heroes
Narrow Gym - Gym Heroes
ナッツー Nasshii (Exeggutor) - Evolutions
ナツメのバリヤ―ド Natsume no Bariyaado (Sabrina's Mr. Mime) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
ナツメのゴ―ス Natsume no Goosu (Sabrina's Gastly) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
ナツメのコダック Natsume no Kodakku (Sabrina's Psyduck) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
ナツメのポリゴン Natsume no Porigon (Sabrina's Porygon) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
ナツメのサイキックコントロ―ル Natsume no Saikikku Kontorooru (Sabrina's Psychic Control) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
Natu δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Natu - EX Deoxys
Natu - EX Sandstorm
Natu - EX Unseen Forces
Natu - HS - Unleashed
Natu - Neo Discovery
Natu - Neo Genesis
Natu - Roaring Skies
Natu - Roaring Skies
Natu - Skyridge
Nebulak (Gastly) - Base Set
Nebulak (Gastly) - DP - Stormfront
ネイティ Neiti (Natu) - Neo Genesis
New Pokédex - Neo Genesis
Nidoking - Base Set
Nidoking - Base Set 2
Nidoking - DP - Secret Wonders
Nidoking - Evolutions
Nidoking - Legendary Collection
Nidoking - Plasma Freeze
Nidoking - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Nidoking - Steam Siege
Nidoking (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Freeze
Nidoking BREAK - Evolutions
Nidoqueen - Base Set 2
Nidoqueen - Jungle
Nidoqueen - Jungle
Nidoqueen - Legendary Collection
Nidoqueen - Plasma Freeze
Nidoqueen - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Nidoran ♂ - DP - Secret Wonders
Nidoran ♂ - Legendary Collection
Nidoran ♂ - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Nidoran ♂ δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
ニドラン♂ Nidoran ♂ (Nidoran ♂) - Base Set
Nidoran ♂ (Reverse Holo) - HS - Triumphant
Nidoran ♀ - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Nidoran ♀ - Legendary Collection
Nidoran ♀ - Plasma Freeze
Nidoran ♀ - Base Set 2
Nidoran ♀ - Jungle
Nidoran ♀ - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Nidoran ♀ δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
ニドラン ♀ Nidoran ♀ (Nidoran ♀) - Jungle
Nidoran ♂ - Aquapolis
Nidoran ♂ - Base Set
Nidoran ♂ - Base Set 2
Nidoran ♂ - Evolutions
Nidoran ♂ - Plasma Freeze
Nidoran ♂ - Steam Siege
Nidoran ♂ (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Nidoran ♂ (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
ニドリ―ナ Nidoriina (Nidorina) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
Nidorina - Base Set 2
Nidorina - HS - Triumphant
Nidorina - Jungle
Nidorina - Jungle
Nidorina - Legendary Collection
Nidorina - Plasma Freeze
Nidorina - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Nidorina (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Nidorina (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Nidorino - Base Set
Nidorino - Base Set
Nidorino - Base Set 2
Nidorino - Evolutions
Nidorino - Legendary Collection
Nidorino - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Nidorino - Steam Siege
Nidorino δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Nidorino (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Night Maintenance - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Night Maintenance - DP - Secret Wonders
Night Pokémon Center - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Nightly Garbage Run (Rocket's Secret Machine) - Team Rocket
Nightly Garbage Run (Rocket's Secret Machine) - Team Rocket
Nincada - Dragons Exalted
Nincada - EX Deoxys
Nincada - EX Dragon
Nincada - EX Dragon
Nincada - EX Dragon
Nincada - Roaring Skies
Nincada (Reverse Holo) - EX Dragon
Ninetales - Base Set
Ninetales - Base Set 2
Ninetales - Evolutions
Ninetales - EX Emerald
Ninetales - Platinum
Ninetales (Reverse Holo) - Aquapolis
Ninetales (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Ninetales (Reverse Holo) - Dragons Exalted
Ninetales BREAK - Evolutions
Ninja Boy - Steam Siege
Ninjask - Dragons Exalted
Ninjask - EX Dragon
Ninjask - Platinum - Supreme Victors
No Removal Gym - Gym Heroes
Noadkoko (Exeggutor) - Jungle
Noctowl - BREAKthrough
Noctowl - EX Unseen Forces
Noctowl - Neo Genesis
Noctowl - Neo Genesis
Noctowl - Plasma Freeze
Noctowl (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Noctowl BREAK - XY Black Star Promos
Noibat - BREAKthrough
Noibat - Furious Fists
Noivern (Reverse Holo) - Furious Fists
Noivern BREAK - BREAKthrough
Nosepass - EX Emerald
Nosepass - EX Holon Phantoms
Nosepass - Platinum
Nosepass - Platinum - Arceus
Nosepass - Primal Clash
Nosepass - Steam Siege
Numel - Boundaries Crossed
Numel - BREAKpoint
Numel - DP - Legends Awakened
Numel - EX Crystal Guardians
Numel - EX Deoxys
Numel - EX Dragon
Numel - EX Dragon
Numel - EX Emerald
Numel - EX Emerald
Numel - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Nuzleaf - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Nuzleaf - EX Crystal Guardians
Nuzleaf - EX Deoxys
Nuzleaf - EX Hidden Legends
Nuzleaf - EX Power Keepers
Nuzleaf - Flashfire
Nuzleaf - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Nuzleaf - Steam Siege
ニャース Nyaasu (Meowth) - Jungle
ニャ―ス Nyaasu (Meowth) - National Beginning Set
ニョロモ Nyoromo (Poliwag) - Base Set
ニョロゾ Nyorozo (Poliwhirl) - Base Set
ニュ―ラ Nyuura (Sneasel) - BW Spiral Force
ニューラ Nyuura (Sneasel) - "Neo 3" 9-Card Binder Set
Octillery - BREAKthrough
Octillery - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Octillery - Neo Revelation
Oddish δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Oddish - Ancient Origins
Oddish - DP - Legends Awakened
Oddish - EX Hidden Legends
Oddish - Expedition
Oddish - HS - Undaunted
Oddish - Jungle
Oddish - Neo Genesis
Oddish - Team Rocket
Oddish - Team Rocket
Oddish (Reverse Holo) - HS - Undaunted
Old Amber - Platinum - Arceus
Old Amber Aerodactyl - Dark Explorers
Old Amber Aerodactyl - Fates Collide
Old Rod - Neo Revelation
Omanyte δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Omanyte - EX Sandstorm
Omanyte - Fossil
Omanyte - Legendary Collection
Omanyte - Neo Discovery
Omanyte - Platinum - Arceus
Omanyte - Skyridge
Omastar - EX Legend Maker
Omastar - EX Power Keepers
Omastar - EX Sandstorm
Omastar - Fates Collide
Omastar - Fossil
Omastar - Fossil
Omastar - Legendary Collection
Omastar - Neo Discovery
Omastar BREAK - Fates Collide
オマスター Omasutaa (Omastar) - Neo Discovery
オニドリル Onidoriru (Fearow) - Expedition 1 (Japanese)
オニドリル Onidoriru (Fearow) - Jungle
Onix - Base Set
Onix - Base Set 2
Onix - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Onix - DP - Stormfront
Onix - Evolutions
Onix - EX Sandstorm
Onix - EX Unseen Forces
Onix - HS - Unleashed
Onix - Legendary Collection
Onix - Neo Genesis
Onix - Southern Islands
Onix (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Onix (Reverse Holo) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Onix (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
オノンド Onondo (Fraxure) - BW Red Collection
オ―ベム Oobemu (Beheeyem) - BW Red Collection
オ―ベム Oobemu (Beheeyem) Team Plasma - BW Plasma Gale
オーダイル Oodairu (Feraligatr) - "Neo 1" 9-Card Binder Set
オオタチ Ootachi (Furret) - Neo Genesis
Oracle - Skyridge
Oran Berry (Pokémon Tool) - EX Emerald
Ortide (Gloom) - Jungle
Oshawott - Black & White
Oshawott - Black & White
Oshawott - Boundaries Crossed
Oshawott - BW Promos
Oshawott - BW Promos
Oshawott - Steam Siege
Oshawott (Pokémon Play) (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Osselait (Cubone) - Jungle
オタチ Otachi (Sentret) - Neo Genesis
オタチ Otachi (Sentret) - Wild Blaze
Owei (Exeggcute) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
パッチ―ル Pacchiiru (Spinda) - National Beginning Set
Pachirisu - Phantom Forces
Pachirisu - POP Series 6
Pachirisu - POP Series 9
Pal Pad - Flashfire
Palkia - DP - Great Encounters
Palkia EX Team Plasma - Plasma Blast
Palkia G - Platinum
Palkia Lv. X - DP Promos
Palpitoad - Dark Explorers
Palpitoad - Legendary Treasures
Palpitoad - Noble Victories
Palpitoad - Plasma Freeze
Palpitoad (Reverse Holo) - BREAKpoint
Pancham - BREAKthrough
Pancham - Furious Fists
Pancham - Furious Fists
Pancham (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Panpour - Black & White
Panpour - BREAKthrough
Panpour - Emerging Powers
Panpour - XY
Panpour (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Panpour (Reverse Holo) - Emerging Powers
パンプジン Panpujin (Gourgeist) - Collection Y
Panpyro (Monferno) - DP - Majestic Dawn
Pansage - Black & White
Pansage - BREAKthrough
Pansage - Emerging Powers
Pansage (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Pansage (Reverse Holo) - Next Destinies
Pansear - Black & White
Pansear - BREAKthrough
Pansear - Emerging Powers
Pansear - Next Destinies
Pansear - XY
Pantimimi (Mime Jr.) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Papilusion (Butterfree) - Jungle
Parallel City - BREAKthrough
Paras - Base Set 2
Paras - BREAKthrough
Paras - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Paras - Generations
Paras - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Paras - Jungle
Paras - Jungle
Paras - Neo Revelation
Paras (Paras) - Jungle
Paras (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Parasect - Base Set 2
Parasect - BREAKthrough
Parasect - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Parasect - Jungle
Parasect (Parasect) - Jungle
Patrat - Black & White
Patrat - Black & White
Patrat - Emerging Powers
パウワウ Pauwou (Seel) - Base Set
Pawniard - Dark Explorers
Pawniard - Noble Victories
Pawniard - Plasma Freeze
Pawniard - Plasma Freeze
Pawniard - Steam Siege
Pelipper - EX Deoxys
Pelipper - Platinum - Arceus
Pelipper - Platinum - Arceus
Pelipper - Roaring Skies
ペロリ―ム Peroriimu (Slurpuff) - Collection X
Persian - Base Set 2
Persian - DP - Legends Awakened
Persian - EX Delta Species
Persian - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Persian - Generations
Persian - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Persian - Jungle
Persian - Steam Siege
Petilil - BREAKpoint
Petilil - Emerging Powers
Pewter City Gym - Gym Heroes
Phanpy - Call of Legends
Phanpy - DP - Secret Wonders
Phanpy - EX Deoxys
Phanpy - EX Holon Phantoms
Phanpy - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Phanpy - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Phanpy - Neo Destiny
Phanpy - Neo Genesis
Phanpy - POP Series 2
Phanpy (Phanpy) - DP - Secret Wonders
Phantump - BREAKpoint
Phantump - XY
Piafabec (Spearow) - Jungle
Pichu - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Pichu - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Pichu - POP Series 9
Pichu - Wizards Black Star Promo
Pichu (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
ピチュー Pichuu (Pichu) - "Neo 2" 9-Card Binder Set
Pidgeot - Base Set 2
Pidgeot - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Pidgeot - Jungle
Pidgeot - Jungle
Pidgeot - POP Series 2
Pidgeot - Southern Islands
Pidgeot (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Pidgeot EX - Evolutions
Pidgeot EX - Evolutions
Pidgeot Spirit Link - Evolutions
Pidgeot Spirit Link (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Pidgeotto - Base Set
Pidgeotto - Base Set 2
Pidgeotto - Call of Legends
Pidgeotto - HS - Triumphant
Pidgeotto δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Pidgeotto (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Pidgeotto (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Pidgey - Base Set
Pidgey - Base Set 2
Pidgey - Call of Legends
Pidgey - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Pidgey - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Pidgey - Flashfire
Pidgey - HS - Triumphant
Pidgey - Legendary Collection
Pidgey δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Pidgey (Reverse Holo) - HS - Triumphant
Pidove - Black & White
Pidove - Emerging Powers
Pidove - Next Destinies
Pidove - Roaring Skies
Pignite - Black & White
Pignite - Legendary Treasures
Pikachu - Base Set
Pikachu - Base Set 2
Pikachu - Boundaries Crossed
Pikachu - BREAKthrough
Pikachu - DP - Majestic Dawn
Pikachu - DP - Stormfront
Pikachu - Evolutions
Pikachu - EX Emerald
Pikachu - EX Sandstorm
Pikachu - EX: Trainer Kit #1 (Red & Blue)
Pikachu - Expedition
Pikachu - Furious Fists
Pikachu - Generations
Pikachu - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Pikachu - HGSS Promos
Pikachu - HS - Undaunted
Pikachu - Jungle
Pikachu - Jungle
Pikachu - Legendary Collection
Pikachu - McDonald's Collection 2014
Pikachu - Neo Genesis
Pikachu - Next Destinies
Pikachu - Nintendo Black Star Promos
Pikachu - Platinum - Arceus
Pikachu - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Pikachu - POP Series 2
Pikachu - POP Series 6
Pikachu - POP Series 9
Pikachu - Roaring Skies
Pikachu - Wizards Black Star Promo
Pikachu - Wizards Black Star Promo
Pikachu - Wizards Black Star Promo
Pikachu - Wizards Black Star Promo
Pikachu - XY
Pikachu (Full Art) - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Pikachu (Pikachu) - DP - Stormfront
Pikachu (Pikachu) - Jungle
Pikachu (Pikachu) - XY
Pikachu (Radiant) - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Pikachu (Reverse Holo) - DP - Stormfront
Pikachu (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Pikachu (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Pikachu (Toys 'R Us) - Generations
Pikachu EX - XY Black Star Promos
ピカチュウ Pikachuu (Pikachu) - National Beginning Set
ピカチュウ Pikachuu (Pikachu) - Neo Genesis
Piloswine - BREAKthrough
Piloswine - DP - Legends Awakened
Piloswine - Neo Genesis
Piloswine - Neo Revelation
Piloswine (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Pineco - Call of Legends
Pineco - EX Dragon
Pineco - EX Unseen Forces
Pineco - Flashfire
Pineco - Neo Destiny
Pineco - Neo Discovery
Pinsir - Base Set 2
Pinsir - BREAKthrough
Pinsir - EX Legend Maker
Pinsir - Jungle
Pinsir - Jungle
Pinsir - Jungle
Pinsir - Next Destinies
Pinsir - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Pinsir (Pinsir) - Jungle
Pionskora (Skorupi) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Pionskora (Skorupi) - DP - Stormfront
Piplup - BREAKthrough
Piplup - Dark Explorers
Piplup - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Piplup - DP - Majestic Dawn
Piplup - DP - Majestic Dawn
Piplup - DP: Trainer Kit #1 (Gold & Blue)
Piplup - Legendary Treasures
Piplup - Platinum
Piplup - POP Series 9
Piplup (Radiant) - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Piplup (Reverse Holo) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
ピッピ Pippi (Clefairy) - Base Set
ピッピ Pippi (Clefairy) - Neo Genesis
Plasma Energy (Special Energy Card) - Plasma Freeze
Plasma Energy (Special Energy Card) - Plasma Storm
Plume Fossil - Noble Victories
Plusle - Dark Explorers
Plusle - DP - Secret Wonders
Plusle - EX Deoxys
Plusle - EX Dragon
Plusle - EX Emerald
Plusle - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Plusle - Furious Fists
Plusle - POP Series 1
Plusle - POP Series 3
PlusPower - Base Set
PlusPower - Base Set
PlusPower - Base Set 2
PlusPower - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
PlusPower (PlusPower) - DP - Secret Wonders
Poissirène (Goldeen) - Jungle
Poissoroy (Seaking) - Jungle
Pokémon Tool: Float Stone - BREAKthrough
Poké Ball - Base Set 2
Poké Ball - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Poké Ball - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Poké Ball - Generations
Poké Ball - Jungle
Poké Ball - Jungle
Poké Ball - Kalos Starter Set
Poké Ball - Platinum
Poké Ball (Reverse Holo) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Poké Drawer + - DP - Stormfront
Poké Radar - DP - Legends Awakened
Poké-Heiler + (Poké-Healer +) - DP - Stormfront
Pokédex - Base Set
Pokédex - Base Set 2
Pokédex - Evolutions
Pokédex (HANDY910is) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Pokédex Handy910is - Platinum
PokéGear - Neo Genesis
Pokégear 3.0 - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Pokémon Breeder - Base Set
Pokémon Breeder - Base Set 2
Pokémon Breeder - Legendary Collection
Pokémon Breeder Fields - Neo Revelation
Pokémon Catcher - Plasma Blast
Pokémon Center - Base Set
Pokémon Center - Base Set 2
Pokémon Center - Wizards Black Star Promo
Pokémon Center Lady - Flashfire
Pokémon Circulator (Reverse Holo) - HS - Unleashed
Pokémon Collector - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Pokémon Communication - Black & White
Pokémon Communication - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Pokémon Contest Hall - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Pokémon Fan Club - Aquapolis
Pokémon Fan Club - Fates Collide
Pokémon Fan Club - Flashfire
Pokémon Flute - Base Set
Pokémon March - Neo Genesis
Pokémon Park - POP Series 2
Pokémon Ranger - Steam Siege
Pokémon Ranger Full Art - Steam Siege
Pokémon Rescue - Platinum
Pokémon Reversal - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Pokémon Reversal - Expedition
Pokémon Tool: Buffer Piece - Platinum - Arceus
Pokémon Tool: Lucky Egg - Platinum - Arceus
Pokémon Tool: Memory Berry - Platinum
Pokémon Tower - Wizards Black Star Promo
Pokémon Trader - Base Set
Pokémon Trader - Base Set 2
PokéNav - EX Ruby And Sapphire
ポカブ Pokabu (Tepig) - National Beginning Set
ポケモンいれかえ Pokemon Irekae ("Pokémon Substitution" - Switch) - National Beginning Set
ポケモンマーチ Pokemon Maachi (Pokémon March) - Neo Genesis
Polarhume (Cubchoo) - Furious Fists
Poliwag - Base Set
Poliwag - Base Set
Poliwag - Base Set 2
Poliwag - Evolutions
Poliwag - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Poliwag - Expedition
Poliwag - Furious Fists
Poliwag - HS - Unleashed
Poliwag - Neo Discovery
Poliwag (Reverse Holo) - DP - Legends Awakened
Poliwhirl - Base Set
Poliwhirl - Base Set 2
Poliwhirl - Evolutions
Poliwhirl - EX Unseen Forces
Poliwhirl - Expedition
Poliwhirl - Furious Fists
Poliwhirl - HS - Unleashed
Poliwhirl - Neo Discovery
Poliwhirl - Skyridge
Poliwhirl (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Poliwrath - Base Set
Poliwrath - Base Set 2
Poliwrath - Evolutions
Poliwrath - Furious Fists
Poliwrath - Neo Discovery
ポニータ Poniita (Ponyta) - Base Set
ポニ―タ Poniita (Ponyta) - Wild Blaze
Ponita (Ponyta) - Base Set
Ponita (Ponyta) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Ponita (Ponyta) - DP - Stormfront
Ponyta - Base Set
Ponyta - Base Set
Ponyta - Evolutions
Ponyta - EX Delta Species
Ponyta - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Ponyta - Expedition
Ponyta - Flashfire
Ponyta - Platinum - Arceus
Ponyta - Steam Siege
Ponyta - Team Rocket
Ponyta - Team Rocket
Ponyta (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Ponyta (Reverse Holo) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Ponyta (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Ponyta (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Ponyta (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
Poochyena - DP - Legends Awakened
Poochyena - EX Delta Species
Poochyena - EX Deoxys
Poochyena - EX Power Keepers
Poochyena - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Poochyena - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Poochyena - Phantom Forces
Poochyena (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
ポリゴン Porigon (Porygon) - Base Set
Porygon - Ancient Origins
Porygon - Base Set
Porygon - Base Set
Porygon - DP - Great Encounters
Porygon - Evolutions
Porygon - EX Unseen Forces
Porygon - HS - Triumphant
Porygon - Neo Destiny
Porygon - Team Rocket
Porygon (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Porygon-Z - DP - Great Encounters
Porygon2 - DP - Great Encounters
Porygon2 - EX Delta Species
Porygon2 - Neo Revelation
Porygon2 - Plasma Blast
Posipi (Plusle) - Furious Fists
Potion - Base Set
Potion - Base Set
Potion - Base Set 2
Potion - Boundaries Crossed
Potion - DP - Secret Wonders
Potion - DP - Stormfront
Potion - Evolutions
Potion - EX Crystal Guardians
Potion - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Potion - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Potion - Kalos Starter Set
Potion - Legendary Collection
Potion (Reverse Holo) - Boundaries Crossed
Potion Energy (Special Energy Card) - Legendary Collection
Potion Energy (Special Energy Card) - Team Rocket
Potion Energy (Special Energy Card) - Team Rocket
Pottrott (Shuckle) - DP - Secret Wonders
Pow! Hand Extension (Rocket's Secret Machine) - EX Team Rocket Returns
Power Memory - Fates Collide
Power Memory (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Power Tree - EX Legend Maker
Premier Ball - DP - Great Encounters
Primeape - DP - Great Encounters
Primeape - Jungle
Primeape - Legendary Collection
Primeape - Southern Islands
Prinplup - BREAKthrough
Prinplup - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Prinplup - DP - Majestic Dawn
Prinplup - DP: Trainer Kit #1 (Gold & Blue)
Probopass - Dragons Exalted
Probopass - Platinum
Probopass - Platinum - Arceus
Professor Birch - EX Emerald
Professor Birch - EX Power Keepers
Professor Birch - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Professor Birch's Observations - Primal Clash
Professor Cozmo's Discovery - EX Deoxys
Professor Elm - Neo Genesis
Professor Elm's Training Method - Call of Legends
Professor Elm's Training Method - EX Dragon Frontiers
Professor Elm's Training Method - EX Unseen Forces
Professor Elm's Training Method - Expedition
Professor Elm's Training Method - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Professor Oak - Base Set
Professor Oak - Base Set 2
Professor Oak's Hint - Evolutions
Professor Oak's Hint (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Professor Oak's New Theory - Call of Legends
Professor Oak's New Theory - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Professor Oak's Research - EX Dragon Frontiers
Professor Oak's Visit - DP - Secret Wonders
Professor Oak's Visit - Platinum - Arceus
Professor Sycamore - BREAKpoint
Professor Sycamore - Phantom Forces
Professor Sycamore (Reverse Holo) - Phantom Forces
Professor's Letter - BREAKthrough
Professor's Letter - XY
Protection Cube - Flashfire
Psychic Energy - Base Set
Psychic Energy - Base Set
Psychic Energy - Base Set
Psychic Energy - Base Set 2
Psychic Energy - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Psychic Energy - Evolutions
Psychic Energy - EX Delta Species
Psychic Energy - EX Deoxys
Psychic Energy - EX Emerald
Psychic Energy - EX Legend Maker
Psychic Energy - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Psychic Energy - EX Unseen Forces
Psychic Energy - Expedition
Psychic Energy - Gym Challenge
Psychic Energy - Gym Heroes
Psychic Energy - Neo Genesis
Psychic Energy - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Psychic Energy - Platinum 1 (Japanese Pt1)
Psychic Energy (Reverse Holo) - Call of Legends
Psychic Energy (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Psychic's Third Eye - BREAKpoint
Psyduck - Boundaries Crossed
Psyduck - Boundaries Crossed
Psyduck - BREAKpoint
Psyduck - DP - Secret Wonders
Psyduck - EX Sandstorm
Psyduck - Fossil
Psyduck - Fossil
Psyduck - HS - Triumphant
Psyduck - Legendary Collection
Psyduck - Neo Destiny
Psyduck - Platinum
Psyduck - Team Rocket
Psyduck - Wizards Black Star Promo
Psyduck δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Ptitard (Poliwag) - Furious Fists
プクリン Pukurin (Wigglytuff) - Collection Y
Pumpkaboo - Phantom Forces
Pupitar δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Pupitar - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Pupitar - DP - Stormfront
Pupitar - EX Dragon Frontiers
Pupitar - Expedition
Pupitar - Fates Collide
Pupitar - HS - Unleashed
Pupitar - HS - Unleashed
Pupitar - Neo Discovery
Pupitar - POP Series 1
プラスパワ― Purasu Pawaa (Plus Power) - Base Set
プラズマエネルギ― Purazuma Enerugii (Plasma Energy) - BW Thunder Knuckle
プリン Purin (Jigglypuff) - BW Hail Blizzard
プリン Purin (Jigglypuff) - Jungle
プロト―ガ Purotooga (Tirtouga) - BW Red Collection
Purrloin - Black & White
Purrloin - Boundaries Crossed
Purrloin - Emerging Powers
Purrloin - Phantom Forces
Purugly - BREAKpoint
Purugly - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Purugly G - Platinum
プテラ Putera (Aerodactyl) - Fossil
プテラ Putera ("Ptera" - Aerodactyl) - BW Dark Rush
Puzzle of Time - BREAKpoint
Pyroar - Flashfire
Pyroar - Steam Siege
Quagsire - Ancient Origins
Quagsire - DP - Secret Wonders
Quagsire - EX Team Rocket Returns
Quagsire - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Quagsire - Neo Genesis
Quagsire - Neo Revelation
Quagsire δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Quagsire GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Quaputzi (Poliwhirl) - DP - Legends Awakened
Quick Ball - DP - Majestic Dawn
Quick Ball - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Quilava - BREAKthrough
Quilava - Call of Legends
Quilava - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Quilava - EX Unseen Forces
Quilava - Expedition
Quilava - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Quilava - Neo Genesis
Quilava - Neo Genesis
Quilava - Neo Genesis
Quilava δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Quilladin - BREAKthrough
Quilladin - XY
Qurtel (Torkoal) - DP - Legends Awakened
Qwilfish - DP - Secret Wonders
Qwilfish - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Qwilfish - Neo Revelation
Qwilfish - Neo Revelation
Qwilfish (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Rabauz (Tyrogue) - DP - Legends Awakened
ラフレシア Rafureshia (Vileplume) - Jungle
ライブキャスタ― Raibu Kyasutaa ("Live Caster" - Xtransceiver) - BW Red Collection
Raichu - Base Set
Raichu - Base Set 2
Raichu - DP - Majestic Dawn
Raichu - DP Promos
Raichu - Evolutions
Raichu - EX Holon Phantoms
Raichu - Fossil
Raichu - Fossil
Raichu - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Raichu - HS - Undaunted
Raichu - Next Destinies
Raichu - POP Series 9
Raichu - XY
Raichu (Reverse Holo) - HS - Undaunted
Raichu ex - EX Sandstorm
Raichu GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
ライチュウ Raichuu (Raichu) - Fossil
Raikou - DP - Secret Wonders
Raikou - HGSS Promos
Raikou - Neo Revelation
Raikou - Neo Revelation
Raikou - POP Series 2
ライコウ Raikou (Raikou) - "Neo 3" 9-Card Binder Set
Rain Castform - EX Hidden Legends
Rainbow Energy (Reverse Holo) - Platinum
Rainbow Energy (Special Energy Card) - BREAKthrough
Rainbow Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Rainbow Energy (Special Energy Card) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Rainbow Energy (Special Energy Card) - Team Rocket
Rainbow Energy (Special Energy Card) - Team Rocket
Rainbow Energy (Special Energy Card) - XY
ラクライ Rakurai (Electrike) - BW Dragon Blade
Ralts - Ancient Origins
Ralts - BREAKthrough
Ralts - BREAKthrough
Ralts - EX Emerald
Ralts - EX Power Keepers
Ralts - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Ralts - EX Sandstorm
Ralts - Legendary Treasures
Ralts - Platinum
Ralts δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Ralts (Radiant) - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Ralts (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Storm
Rampardos - Platinum
Rampardos - POP Series 6
Rampardos GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Random Receiver - Fates Collide
ランターン Rantaan (Lanturn) - Neo Genesis
Rapasdepic (Fearow) - Jungle
Rapidash - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Rapidash - EX Delta Species
Rapidash - Flashfire
Rapidash - Jungle
Rapidash - Legendary Collection
Rapidash - Platinum - Arceus
Rapidash - Platinum - Arceus
Rapidash - Steam Siege
Rapidash - Wizards Black Star Promo
Rapidash (Rapidash) - Jungle
Rapidash (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Rapidash 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Rare Candy - HS - Unleashed
Rare Candy - Plasma Blast
Rare Candy - POP Series 5
Rare Candy - Primal Clash
Rare Candy (Reverse Holo) - EX Sandstorm
Rare Candy (Reverse Holo) - Primal Clash
ラルトス Rarutosu (Ralts) - BW Plasma Gale
Raticate - Base Set
Raticate - Base Set 2
Raticate - Boundaries Crossed
Raticate - DP - Secret Wonders
Raticate - Evolutions
Raticate - HS - Undaunted
Raticate - Legendary Collection
Raticate - Platinum - Arceus
Raticate - Southern Islands
Raticate (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Raticate Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
ラッタ Ratta (Raticate) - Base Set
Rattata - Base Set
Rattata - Base Set
Rattata - Base Set 2
Rattata - Evolutions
Rattata - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Rattata - EX Team Rocket Returns
Rattata - Legendary Collection
Rattata - Plasma Freeze
Rattata - Platinum - Arceus
Rattata - Skyridge
Rattata - Team Rocket
Rattata - Team Rocket
Rattata (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Rattata (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Rattfratz (Rattata) - DP - Secret Wonders
Rayquaza - Dragon Vault
Rayquaza - EX Deoxys
Rayquaza - EX Deoxys
Rayquaza - POP Series 1
Rayquaza - XY Black Star Promos
Rayquaza C LV. X - DP Promos
Rayquaza Dragon Vault - Dragon Vault
Rayquaza EX - BW Promos
Rayquaza EX - Dragons Exalted
Rayquaza ex - Nintendo Black Star Promos
Rayquaza EX - XY Black Star Promos
Rayquaza Spirit Link - Roaring Skies
React Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Legend Maker
レアコイル Reakoiru (Magneton) - Fossil
Recall - Gym Heroes
Recover Energy (Special Energy Card) - DP - Majestic Dawn
Recycle - Emerging Powers
Recycle - Fossil
Recycle Energy (Special Energy Card) - Neo Genesis
Red Card - XY
レディアン Redian (Ledian) - Neo Genesis
レディバ Rediba (Ledyba) - Collection Y
Regice - Ancient Origins
Regice - EX Holon Phantoms
Regigigas - DP - Legends Awakened
Regigigas - Phantom Forces
Regigigas - POP Series 9
Regigigas (Full Art) - XY Black Star Promos
Regirock - Ancient Origins
Regirock - EX Holon Phantoms
Regirock - XY Black Star Promos
Regirock (Reverse Holo) - DP - Legends Awakened
Registeel - EX Holon Phantoms
礼儀作法 Reigisahou (Good Manners) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
Relicanth - Ancient Origins
Relicanth - Call of Legends
Relicanth - EX Emerald
Relicanth Team Plasma - Plasma Blast
Remoraid - BREAKthrough
Remoraid - BREAKthrough
Remoraid - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Remoraid - EX Unseen Forces
Remoraid - HS - Unleashed
Remoraid - Neo Destiny
Remoraid - Neo Revelation
Remoraid - Plasma Blast
Remoraid - Platinum
Research Record - Call of Legends
Reserved Ticket - BREAKthrough
Reshiram - Next Destinies
Reshiram (Full Art) - XY Black Star Promos
Reshiram (Reverse Holo) - Legendary Treasures
Reshiram (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Freeze
Reshiram Full Art - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
レシラム Reshiramu EX (Reshiram EX) - BW-P Promos
Resistance Gym - Gym Challenge
Rettan (Ekans) - Fossil
Reuniclus - Plasma Blast
Reuniclus (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Reuniclus (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Reversal Trigger Team Plasma (Pokémon Tool) - Plasma Blast
Reversal Trigger Team Plasma (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Blast
Revitalizer - Generations
Revive - Base Set
Revive - Black & White
Revive - Evolutions
Revive - Roaring Skies
Rhinastoc (Rhyperior) - XY
Rhinocorne (Rhyhorn) - Jungle
Rhinoféros (Rhydon) - Primal Clash
Rhydon - Base Set 2
Rhydon - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Rhydon - EX Emerald
Rhydon - Jungle
Rhydon - Legendary Collection
Rhydon - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Rhydon - Primal Clash
Rhydon - Skyridge (Holo Subset)
Rhydon (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Rhydon (Reverse Holo) - Primal Clash
Rhydon (Reverse Holo) - XY
Rhyhorn - Base Set 2
Rhyhorn - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Rhyhorn - EX Emerald
Rhyhorn - Generations
Rhyhorn - Jungle
Rhyhorn - Jungle
Rhyhorn - Legendary Collection
Rhyhorn - Primal Clash
Rhyhorn - XY
Rhyhorn (Reverse Holo) - Primal Clash
Rhyperior - Primal Clash
Rhyperior (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Rhyperior 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
リグレ― Riguree (Elgyem) - BW Hail Blizzard
リ―フィア Riifia (Leafeon) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
Riolu - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Riolu - DP - Legends Awakened
Riolu - Fates Collide
Riolu - Fates Collide
Riolu - HS - Unleashed
Riolu - Next Destinies
Riolu - Plasma Storm
Riolu - Platinum
リオル Rioru (Riolu) - National Beginning Set
リサイクルエネルギー Risaikuru Enerugii (Recycle Energy) - Neo Genesis
Rivale (Rival) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
リザ―ド Rizaado (Charmeleon) - Base Set
リザードン Rizaadon (Charizard) - Pokémon Song Best Collection CD - Promo
リザードン Rizaadon (Charizard) - "Neo 2" 9-Card Binder Set
Robo Substitute (Team Flare Gear) - Phantom Forces
R 団のカビゴン Rocketto Dan no Kabigon (Team Rocket's Snorlax) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
Rocket's Hideout - Neo Revelation
Rocket's Hitmonchan - Gym Heroes
Rocket's Mewtwo - Gym Challenge
Rocket's Minefield Gym - Gym Challenge
Rocket's Moltres - Gym Heroes
Rocket's Persian ex - EX Unseen Forces
Rocket's Scyther - Gym Heroes
Rocket's Secret Experiment - Gym Challenge
Rocket's Sneak Attack - Team Rocket
Rocket's Sneak Attack - Team Rocket
Rocket's Snorlax - Gym Heroes
Rocket's Zapdos - Gym Challenge
Roggenrola - Dragons Exalted
Roggenrola - Emerging Powers
Roggenrola - Emerging Powers
Roggenrola (Reverse Holo) - Phantom Forces
R 団のエビワラ― Roketto Dan no Ebiwaraa (Team Rocket's Hitmonchan) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
R 団のファイヤ― Roketto Dan no Faiyaa (Team Rocket's Moltres) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
ロケット団の持訓ジム Roketto-Dan no Tokukun Jimu (The Rocket's Training Gym) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
ロケット団のワナ Roketto-Dan no Wana (The Rocket's Trap) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
ロコン Rokon (Vulpix) - Base Set
Roller Skates - XY
Rondoudou (Jigglypuff) - Jungle
ロ―ブシン Roobushin (Conkeldurr ) - BW Psycho Drive
ロ―ブシン Roobushin (Conkeldurr ) - BW Red Collection
Root Fossil - EX Sandstorm
Rosélia (Roselia) - Flashfire
Roselia - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Roselia - DP - Stormfront
Roselia - Dragons Exalted
Roselia - EX Legend Maker
Roselia - Flashfire
Roselia - HS - Unleashed
Roselia (Reverse Holo) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Roselia (Reverse Holo) - Dragons Exalted
Roserade - DP - Secret Wonders
Roserade - DP - Stormfront
Roserade - Dragons Exalted
Roserade - Flashfire
Roserade GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Rotom - Ancient Origins
Rotom - DP - Great Encounters
Rotom - POP Series 9
Rotom (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Rototaupe (Drilbur) - Primal Clash
Rough Seas - Primal Clash
ロ―ラ―スケ―ト Rouraa Sukeeto (Roller Skates) - Collection X
Rufflet - BREAKthrough
Rufflet - Dragons Exalted
Rufflet - Emerging Powers
Rufflet - Emerging Powers
Rufflet - Plasma Storm
Rufflet - Steam Siege
Rufflet (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
ルギア Rugia (Lugia) - "Neo 3" 9-Card Binder Set
Ruin Wall - Neo Discovery
ルカリオ Rukario (Lucario) - National Beginning Set
Ruse de Max (Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick) - Primal Clash
Sableye - Ancient Origins
Sableye - EX Holon Phantoms
Sableye - XY
Sableye Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
Sabrina - Gym Challenge
Sabrina - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Abra - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Abra - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Abra - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Abra - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Abra - Wizards Black Star Promo
Sabrina's Alakazam - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Drowzee - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Drowzee - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's ESP - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Gastly - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Gastly - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Gastly - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Gaze - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Gengar - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Gengar - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Golduck - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Haunter - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Haunter - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Hypno - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Jynx - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Jynx - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Kadabra - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Mr. Mime - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Mr. Mime - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Porygon - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Psychic Control - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Psyduck - Gym Challenge
Sabrina's Slowbro - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Slowpoke - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Slowpoke - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Venomoth - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Venonat - Gym Heroes
Sabrina's Venonat - Gym Heroes
Sacred Ash - Flashfire
Saffron City Gym - Gym Challenge
Sage's Training - HS - Undaunted
サイドン Saidon (Rhydon) - Collection Y
サイキックキュ―ブ01 Saikikku Kyuubu 01 (Psychic Cube 01) - Expedition 2 (Japanese)
サカキのゴ―リキ― Sakaki no Goorikii (Giovanni's Machoke) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
サカキのカイロス Sakaki no Kairosu (Giovanni's Pinsir) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
サカキのコイキング Sakaki no Koikingu (Giovanni's Magikarp) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
サカキのニドキング Sakaki no Nidokingu (Giovanni's Nidoking) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
サカキのニドクイン Sakaki no Nidokuin (Giovanni's Nidoqueen) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
サカキのニドラン♂ Sakaki no Nidoran ♂ (Giovanni's Nidoran ♂) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
サカキのニャ―ス Sakaki no Nyaasu (Giovanni's Meowth) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
錯乱ジム Sakuran Jimu (Chaos Gym) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
Salamence - DP - Stormfront
Salamence - Dragon Vault
Salamence - EX Dragon
Salamence - Platinum - Arceus
Salamence (Reverse Holo) - DP - Stormfront
サマヨ―ル Samayooru (Dusclops) - Wild Blaze
Samurott - Boundaries Crossed
Samurott - BW Promos
Samurzel (Seedot) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
サング―ス Sandaasu ("Thunders" - Jolteon) - BW Dark Rush
Sandile - Black & White
Sandile - Black & White
Sandile - Dark Explorers
Sandile - Emerging Powers
Sandile - Plasma Freeze
Sandile - XY
Sandile (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Sandile (Reverse Holo) - XY
サンド Sando (Sandshrew) - Base Set
Sandshrew - Base Set
Sandshrew - Base Set
Sandshrew - Base Set 2
Sandshrew - Boundaries Crossed
Sandshrew - BREAKthrough
Sandshrew - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Sandshrew - Evolutions
Sandshrew - EX Delta Species
Sandshrew - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Sandshrew - Legendary Collection
Sandshrew - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Sandshrew - Skyridge
Sandshrew (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Sandslash - BREAKthrough
Sandslash - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Sandslash - Fossil
Sandslash - Fossil
Sandslash (Reverse Holo) - EX Sandstorm
サニ―ゴ Saniigo (Corsola) - Neo Discovery
Sarzenia (Victreebel) - DP - Legends Awakened
サワムラー Sawamuraa (Hitmonlee) - Fossil
Sawk - Dragons Exalted
Sawk - Plasma Blast
Sawk (Reverse Holo) - Dragons Exalted
Scatterbug - BREAKthrough
Scatterbug - XY
Sceptile - DP - Great Encounters
Sceptile - EX Emerald
Sceptile - EX Emerald
Sceptile - Plasma Freeze
Sceptile - Platinum - Arceus
Sceptile - POP Series 1
Sceptile ex - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Sceptile Spirit Link - Ancient Origins
Schneckmag (Slugma) - DP - Great Encounters
Scizor - DP - Stormfront
Scizor - Wizards Black Star Promo
Scizor 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Scizor Spirit Link - BREAKpoint
Scizor Spirit Link (Reverse Holo) - BREAKpoint
Scoop Up - Base Set
Scoop Up - Base Set 2
Scorched Earth - Fates Collide
Scorched Earth - Primal Clash
Scott - EX Emerald
Scott - EX Power Keepers
Scrafty - Black & White
Scrafty - Dark Explorers
Scrafty - Flashfire
Scraggy - Black & White
Scraggy - Dark Explorers
Scraggy - Flashfire
Scraggy - Furious Fists
Scraggy - Next Destinies
Scraggy (Reverse Holo) - Furious Fists
Scramble Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Dragon Frontiers
Scyther - Aquapolis
Scyther - Base Set 2
Scyther - Boundaries Crossed
Scyther - Dark Explorers
Scyther - DP - Stormfront
Scyther - EX Unseen Forces
Scyther - EX Unseen Forces
Scyther - HS - Undaunted
Scyther - Jungle
Scyther - Jungle
Scyther - Wizards Black Star Promo
Scyther (Reverse Holo) - Aquapolis
Scyther (Reverse Holo) - DP - Stormfront
Scyther ex - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Seadra δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Seadra - EX Dragon
Seadra - EX Dragon
Seadra - Fossil
Seadra - HS - Unleashed
Seadra - Legendary Collection
Seadra - Neo Genesis
Seadra - Primal Clash
Seaking - Base Set 2
Seaking - BREAKthrough
Seaking - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Seaking - Jungle
Seaking - Neo Revelation
Seaking (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Sealeo - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Sealeo - Dragons Exalted
Sealeo - EX Legend Maker
Sealeo - EX Power Keepers
Sealeo - Flashfire
Sealeo - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Sealeo - Primal Clash
Secret Mission - Gym Heroes
Seedot - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Seedot - EX Crystal Guardians
Seedot - EX Deoxys
Seedot - EX Hidden Legends
Seedot - EX Legend Maker
Seedot - EX Power Keepers
Seedot - EX Sandstorm
Seedot - Flashfire
Seedot - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Seedot - Steam Siege
Seel - Base Set
Seel - Base Set
Seel - Base Set 2
Seel - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Seel - Evolutions
Seel - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Seel - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Seel - Fates Collide
Seel - Legendary Collection
Seel - Neo Destiny
Seel - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Seel δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Seel (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Seemon (Seadra) - Fossil
Seeper (Horsea) - Fossil
Seismitoad - Noble Victories
Seismitoad EX Full Art - Furious Fists
Seismitoad Team Plasma - Plasma Freeze
せまいジム Semai Jimu (Narrow Gym) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
Sentret - DP - Secret Wonders
Sentret - EX Legend Maker
Sentret - Flashfire
Sentret - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Sentret - Neo Discovery
Sentret - Neo Genesis
セレビィ Serebi (Celebi) - "Neo 3" 9-Card Binder Set
Serperior - Fates Collide
Serperior (Radiant) - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Servine - Black & White
Servine - Fates Collide
Servine - Legendary Treasures
Seviper - Call of Legends
Seviper - EX Emerald
Seviper - EX Emerald
Seviper - EX Power Keepers
Seviper - Platinum
Sewaddle - Emerging Powers
Sewaddle - Legendary Treasures
Sewaddle - Noble Victories
Sewaddle - Phantom Forces
Shadow Circle - XY
Shadow Triad - Plasma Freeze
Sharpedo - EX Power Keepers
Sharpedo - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Sharpedo - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Sharpedo EX - Primal Clash
Sharpedo EX Full Art - Primal Clash
Sharpedo Spirit Link - XY Black Star Promos
Shauna - Fates Collide
Shauna - Phantom Forces
Shauna - XY
シャワーズ Shawaazu (Vaporeon) - Jungle
シャワ―ズ Shawaazu ("Showers" - Vaporeon) - BW Dark Rush
Shaymin - HS - Unleashed
Shaymin - Platinum
Shaymin (Full Art) - XY Black Star Promos
Shaymin EX Full Art - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Shaymin EX Full Art - Roaring Skies
Shaymin LV. X - DP Promos
Shedinja - Dragons Exalted
Shedinja - EX Deoxys
Shedinja - Platinum - Supreme Victors
シェイミ Sheimi (Shaymin) - National Beginning Set
Shelgon - DP - Stormfront
Shelgon - Dragon Vault
Shelgon - EX Dragon
Shelgon - Platinum - Arceus
Shelgon δ - EX Delta Species
Shelgon δ - EX Delta Species
Shelgon (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Arceus
Shellder - BREAKpoint
Shellder - BREAKpoint
Shellder - Expedition
Shellder - Fossil
Shellder - Fossil
Shellder - XY
Shellos - Steam Siege
Shellos (East Sea) - DP - Majestic Dawn
Shellos (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
Shellos East Sea - DP - Secret Wonders
Shellos East Sea - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Shellos West Sea - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Shelmet - Dark Explorers
Shelmet - Furious Fists
Shelmet - Plasma Blast
シビルドン Shibirudon (Eelektross) - BW Red Collection
Shield Energy (Reverse Holo) (Special Energy Card) - Primal Clash
Shield Energy (Special Energy Card) - Primal Clash
Shieldon - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Shieldon - Platinum
Shieldon - Steam Siege
Shiftry - BREAKpoint
Shiftry - EX Deoxys
Shiftry - EX Sandstorm
Shiftry - Platinum - Rising Rivals
シ―ドラ Shiidora (Seadra) - BW Spiral Force
シードラ Shiidora (Seadra) - Neo Genesis
Shining Celebi - Neo Destiny
Shining Charizard - Neo Destiny
Shining Gyarados - Neo Revelation
Shining Kabutops - Neo Destiny
Shining Magikarp - Neo Revelation
Shining Mewtwo - Neo Destiny
Shining Noctowl - Neo Destiny
Shining Raichu - Neo Destiny
Shining Steelix - Neo Destiny
Shining Tyranitar - Neo Destiny
Shinx - BREAKpoint
Shinx - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Shinx - DP - Legends Awakened
Shinx - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Shinx - Flashfire
Shinx - Next Destinies
Shinx - Platinum - Arceus
Shinx - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Shinx (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Arceus
Shroomish - EX Emerald
Shroomish - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Shroomish - Furious Fists
Shroomish - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Shroomish - Primal Clash
シュバルゴ Shubarugo (Escavalier) - BW Red Collection
Shuckle - DP - Secret Wonders
Shuckle - EX Unseen Forces
Shuckle - Fates Collide
Shuckle - Legendary Treasures
Shuckle - Neo Genesis
Shuckle - Neo Revelation
Shuckle - Skyridge
Shuppet - EX Legend Maker
Shuppet - EX Power Keepers
Shuppet - Roaring Skies
Sidney's Stadium - EX Power Keepers
Sigilyph - BREAKpoint
Sigilyph - Emerging Powers
Sigilyph - Emerging Powers
Silcoon - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Silcoon - Platinum
Silcoon - Roaring Skies
Silent Lab - Primal Clash
Silver Mirror (Pokémon Tool) - Plasma Blast
Simipour - BREAKthrough
Simipour (Reverse Holo) - XY
Simisage - XY
Simisage (Reverse Holo) - XY
Simisear - Black & White
Simisear - Emerging Powers
Simisear - Noble Victories
Simisear (Reverse Holo) - XY
Skarmory - Boundaries Crossed
Skarmory - DP - Great Encounters
Skarmory - DP - Stormfront
Skarmory - Neo Genesis
Skarmory - Phantom Forces
Skarmory - Skyridge
Skarmory (Reverse Holo) - DP - Great Encounters
Skarmory EX - XY
Skarmory FB Pokémon Play (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Skiddo - BREAKthrough
Skiddo - XY
Skiddo - XY Black Star Promos
Skiploom - Dragons Exalted
Skiploom - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Skiploom - Neo Genesis
Skiploom - Neo Revelation
Skiploom - Steam Siege
Skiploom (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
Skitty - Boundaries Crossed
Skitty - EX Legend Maker
Skitty - EX Power Keepers
Skitty - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Skitty - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Skitty - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Skitty - EX Sandstorm
Skitty - EX: Trainer Kit #1 (Red & Blue)
Skitty - Platinum
Skitty - XY
Skitty (Reverse Holo) - EX Sandstorm
Skorgla (Gligar) - DP - Legends Awakened
Skorupi - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Skorupi - DP - Stormfront
Skorupi - Furious Fists
Skorupi - HS - Triumphant
Skrelp - BREAKpoint
Skrelp - Flashfire
Skull Fossil - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Skuntank - Dragons Exalted
Skuntank - Flashfire
Skuntank (Reverse Holo) - HS - Undaunted
Skuntank G - Platinum
Sky Field - Roaring Skies
Skyarrow Bridge - Next Destinies
Skyla - Boundaries Crossed
Skyla - BREAKthrough
Slaking - EX Power Keepers
Slaking - Furious Fists
Slakoth - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Slakoth - Dragons Exalted
Slakoth - EX Power Keepers
Slakoth - EX Sandstorm
Slakoth - Furious Fists
Slakoth (Reverse Holo) - Furious Fists
Sleep! (Rocket's Secret Machine) - Team Rocket
Sleep! (Rocket's Secret Machine) - Team Rocket
Sliggoo - Ancient Origins
Sliggoo - Flashfire
Slowbro - BREAKpoint
Slowbro - Fossil
Slowbro - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Slowbro EX - Evolutions
Slowbro Spirit Link - Evolutions
Slowking - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Slowking - Neo Genesis
Slowking (Reverse Holo) - Southern Islands
Slowpoke - Aquapolis
Slowpoke - Call of Legends
Slowpoke - Dark Explorers
Slowpoke - DP - Great Encounters
Slowpoke - EX Delta Species
Slowpoke - EX Team Rocket Returns
Slowpoke - EX Unseen Forces
Slowpoke - Fossil
Slowpoke - Fossil
Slowpoke - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Slowpoke - HS - Undaunted
Slowpoke - Legendary Collection
Slowpoke - Neo Genesis
Slowpoke - Team Rocket
Slowpoke - Team Rocket
Slowpoke (Reverse Holo) - Generations
Slugma - DP - Great Encounters
Slugma - EX Deoxys
Slugma - EX Dragon
Slugma - EX Unseen Forces
Slugma - Neo Destiny
Slugma - Neo Revelation
Slugma - XY
Slugma (Reverse Holo) - DP - Great Encounters
Slugma (Reverse Holo) - EX Dragon
Slurpuff - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Slurpuff - XY
Smeargle - Neo Discovery
Smeargle - Wizards Black Star Promo
Smeargle (Reverse Holo) - HS - Undaunted
Smogmog (Weezing) - Fossil
Smoochum - EX Unseen Forces
Smoochum - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Smoochum - Neo Revelation
Smoochum δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Smoochum δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Sneasel - Aquapolis
Sneasel - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Sneasel - DP - Legends Awakened
Sneasel - Flashfire
Sneasel - Neo Genesis
Sneasel - Next Destinies
Sneasel - Plasma Freeze
Sneasel - Steam Siege
Sneasel (Reverse Holo) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Sneasel (Reverse Holo) - Next Destinies
Sneasel ex - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Snivy - Black & White
Snivy - BW Promos
Snivy - Fates Collide
Snivy - Legendary Treasures
Snivy (Pokémon Play) (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Snivy (Radiant) - Legendary Treasures (Radiant)
Snivy (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Snorlax - Base Set 2
Snorlax - Boundaries Crossed
Snorlax - BREAKthrough
Snorlax - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Snorlax - Generations
Snorlax - Jungle
Snorlax - Jungle
Snorlax - Legendary Collection
Snorlax - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Snorlax - Skyridge
Snorlax - Wizards Black Star Promo
Snorlax - XY Black Star Promos
Snorlax (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Snorlax LV. X - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Snorunt - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Snorunt - EX Dragon
Snorunt - EX Emerald
Snorunt - EX Power Keepers
Snorunt - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Snorunt - Platinum - Arceus
Snover - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Snover - DP - Stormfront
Snover - Plasma Blast
Snover (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Snowpoint Temple - DP - Legends Awakened
Snubbull - BREAKthrough
Snubbull - Call of Legends
Snubbull - DP - Great Encounters
Snubbull - EX Unseen Forces
Snubbull - Fates Collide
Snubbull - Neo Genesis
Snubbull - Neo Revelation
Snubbull - Skyridge
Snubbull (Reverse Holo) - Call of Legends
Solosis - Black & White
Solosis - Fates Collide
Solosis - Legendary Treasures
Solosis - Noble Victories
Solosis - Plasma Blast
Solosis (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Solosis (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Blast
Solrock - DP - Great Encounters
Solrock - EX Deoxys
Solrock - EX Legend Maker
Solrock - Primal Clash
ソ―ナンス Soonansu (Wobbuffet) - National Beginning Set
ソーナンス Soonansu (Wobbuffet) - Neo Discovery
SP Energy (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
SP Energy (Special Energy Card) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Spearow - Base Set 2
Spearow - EX Crystal Guardians
Spearow - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Spearow - Expedition
Spearow - HS - Unleashed
Spearow - Jungle
Spearow - Jungle
Spearow - Phantom Forces
Spearow - Roaring Skies
Spearow (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Spearow (Reverse Holo) - HS - Unleashed
Special Charge - Steam Siege
Spectrum (Haunter) - Fossil
Speed Stadium - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Spheal - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Spheal - Dragons Exalted
Spheal - EX Legend Maker
Spheal - EX Legend Maker
Spheal - Flashfire
Spheal - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Spheal - Primal Clash
Spheal - Primal Clash
Spheal (Reverse Holographic) - Dragons Exalted
Spieler (Gambler) - Fossil
Spinarak - Aquapolis
Spinarak - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Spinarak - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Spinarak - Neo Discovery
Spinarak - Neo Genesis
Spinda - DP - Secret Wonders
Spinda - EX Legend Maker
Spinda - Primal Clash
Spiritomb - Legendary Treasures
Spiritomb - Platinum - Arceus
Spiritomb - Steam Siege
Spoink - Boundaries Crossed
Spoink - EX Crystal Guardians
Spoink - EX Deoxys
Spoink - EX Dragon
Spoink - EX Dragon
Spoink - EX Emerald
Spoink - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Spoink - Fates Collide
Spoink - XY
Spoink (Reverse Holo) - HS - Triumphant
Spritzee - BREAKpoint
Spritzee - Flashfire
Spritzee - XY
Sprout Tower - Neo Genesis
Squirtle - Base Set
Squirtle - Base Set
Squirtle - Base Set 2
Squirtle - Boundaries Crossed
Squirtle - DP - Secret Wonders
Squirtle - EX Crystal Guardians
Squirtle - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Squirtle - HS - Unleashed
Squirtle - Legendary Collection
Squirtle - Plasma Blast
Squirtle - Plasma Storm
Squirtle - Team Rocket
Squirtle - Team Rocket
Squirtle (Reverse Holo) - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Squirtle (Reverse Holo) - HS - Unleashed
Stantler - BREAKpoint
Stantler - DP - Secret Wonders
Stantler - EX Unseen Forces
Stantler - HS - Unleashed
Stantler - Neo Genesis
Stantler - Neo Revelation
Stantler - POP Series 7
Stantler - Skyridge
Stantler (Reverse Holo) - BREAKpoint
Stantler (Reverse Holo) - HS - Unleashed
Staraptor - BREAKthrough
Staraptor - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Staraptor - DP - Stormfront
Staraptor - Plasma Freeze
Staravia - BREAKthrough
Staravia - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Staravia - DP - Stormfront
Staravia - Plasma Freeze
Staravia - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Starly - BREAKthrough
Starly - BREAKthrough
Starly - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Starly - DP - Majestic Dawn
Starly - DP - Stormfront
Starly - Plasma Freeze
Starmie - Base Set
Starmie - Base Set 2
Starmie - BREAKthrough
Starmie - DP - Legends Awakened
Starmie - Evolutions
Starmie - Neo Revelation
Starmie - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Starmie - Skyridge
Starmie (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Starmie BREAK - Evolutions
Staross (Starmie) - XY
Startling Megaphone - Flashfire
Staryu - Base Set
Staryu - Base Set
Staryu - Base Set 2
Staryu - BREAKpoint
Staryu - BREAKthrough
Staryu - Evolutions
Staryu - EX Delta Species
Staryu - EX Deoxys
Staryu - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Staryu - Neo Revelation
Staryu - Next Destinies
Staryu - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Staryu - Primal Clash
Staryu - XY
Staryu (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Staryu (Reverse Holo) - XY
Steelix - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Steelix - Neo Genesis
Steelix GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Steelix Spirit Link - Steam Siege
Steven (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Steven's Advice - EX Hidden Legends
Stollunior (Aron) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Stoutland - Black & White
Strength Charm (Pokémon Tool) - EX Deoxys
Strength Charm (Pokémon Tool) - Expedition
Strong Energy (Special Energy Card) - Furious Fists
Stunfisk - BREAKthrough
Stunfisk - Dragons Exalted
Stunfisk - Noble Victories
Stunky - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Stunky - DP - Stormfront
Stunky - Dragons Exalted
Stunky - Flashfire
Stunky - Flashfire
Stunky (Reverse Holo) - Dragons Exalted
スバメ Subame (Taillow) - National Beginning Set
Sudowoodo - Aquapolis
Sudowoodo - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Sudowoodo - BREAKpoint
Sudowoodo - Neo Genesis
すごいつりざお Sugoi Tsurizao (Super Rod) - Neo Genesis
Suicune - Aquapolis
Suicune - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Suicune - DP - Secret Wonders
Suicune - Neo Revelation
Suicune - POP Series 2
Suicune - Wizards Black Star Promo
スイクン Suikun (Suicune) - "Neo 3" 9-Card Binder Set
Sunflora - Neo Genesis
Sunflora - Skyridge
Sunkern - EX Unseen Forces
Sunkern - EX Unseen Forces
Sunkern - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Sunkern - Neo Destiny
Sunkern - Neo Genesis
Sunkern - Neo Genesis
Sunny Castform - EX Delta Species
Sunny Castform - EX Hidden Legends
Sunyshore City Gym - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Super Energy Removal - Base Set
Super Energy Removal - Base Set 2
Super Energy Retrieval - Neo Genesis
Super Potion - Base Set
Super Potion - Base Set
Super Potion - Base Set 2
Super Potion - Evolutions
Super Potion - XY
Super Potion (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Super Rod - BREAKthrough
Super Rod - Dragon Vault
Super Rod - Neo Genesis
Super Scoop Up - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Super Scoop Up - EX Delta Species
Super Scoop Up - Furious Fists
Super Scoop Up - Neo Genesis
Superior Energy Retrieval - Plasma Freeze
Supertrank (Super Potion) - Base Set
Surfing Pikachu - Evolutions
Surfing Pikachu - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Surfing Pikachu - Wizards Black Star Promo
スリーパー Suriipaa (Hypno) - Fossil
スリ―プ Suriipu (Drowzee) - Base Set
スリ―プ Suriipu (Drowzee) - Team Rocket
Surskit - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Surskit - EX Deoxys
Surskit - EX Hidden Legends
Surskit - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Surskit - POP Series 1
スターミー Sutaamii (Starmie) - Base Set
スタ―ミ― Sutaamii (Starmie) - BW Psycho Drive
スタ―ミ― Sutaamii (Starmie) - Neo Revelation
スワンナ Suwanna (Swanna) - BW Dark Rush
Swablu - DP - Great Encounters
Swablu - Dragons Exalted
Swablu - Dragons Exalted
Swablu - EX Emerald
Swablu - EX Emerald
Swablu - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Swablu - Legendary Treasures
Swablu - Roaring Skies
Swablu δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Swablu (Reverse Holo) - Legendary Treasures
Swadloon - Emerging Powers
Swadloon - Phantom Forces
Swalot - EX Emerald
Swampert - DP - Great Encounters
Swampert - POP Series 1
Swampert - Primal Clash
Swampert ex - EX Crystal Guardians
Swanna - Dark Explorers
Swanna - Emerging Powers
Swellow - DP - Legends Awakened
Swellow - EX Delta Species
Swellow - EX Deoxys
Swellow - EX Dragon
Swellow - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Swellow - POP Series 1
Swellow - Roaring Skies
Swellow (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Swinub - BREAKthrough
Swinub - DP - Legends Awakened
Swinub - DP - Stormfront
Swinub - EX Team Rocket Returns
Swinub - EX Team Rocket Returns
Swinub - HS - Triumphant
Swinub - Neo Destiny
Swinub - Neo Genesis
Swinub - Neo Revelation
Swinub - Plasma Storm
Swinub (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Swirlix - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Swirlix - Phantom Forces
Swirlix - XY
Switch - Base Set
Switch - Base Set
Switch - Base Set 2
Switch - Black & White
Switch - Boundaries Crossed
Switch - DP - Stormfront
Switch - Evolutions
Switch - EX Dragon Frontiers
Switch - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Switch - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Switch - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Switch - Kalos Starter Set
Switch - Roaring Skies
Switch (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Swoobat - Black & White
Swoobat - Emerging Powers
Swoobat - Legendary Treasures
Sylveon EX - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Sylveon EX (Full Art) - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Têtarte (Poliwhirl) - Furious Fists
タブンネ Tabunne (Audino) - BW Dragon Blast
Taillow δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Taillow - DP - Legends Awakened
Taillow - EX Delta Species
Taillow - EX Deoxys
Taillow - EX Deoxys
Taillow - EX Emerald
Taillow - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Taillow - Roaring Skies
Taillow - XY
タケシのダグトリオ Takeshi no Dagutorio (Brock's Dugtrio) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
タケシのディグダ Takeshi no Deiguda (Brock's Diglett) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
タケシのゴバット Takeshi no Gorubatto (Brock's Golbat) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
タケシの育て方 Takeshi no Ikute Hou (Brock's Training Method) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
タケシのイシツブテ Takeshi no Itshitsubute (Brock's Geodude) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
タケシのイシツブテ Takeshi no Itshitsubute (Brock's Geodude) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
タケシのキュウコン Takeshi no Kyuukon (Brock's Ninetails) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
タケシのマンキ― Takeshi no Mankii (Brock's Mankey) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
タケシのサイホ―ン Takeshi no Saihoon (Brock's Rhyhorn) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
タケシのサンド Takeshi no Sando (Brock's Sandshrew) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
タケシのズバット Takeshi no Zubatto (Brock's Zubat) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
Talonflame - Phantom Forces
Talonflame - Roaring Skies
Talonflame - Steam Siege
タマザラシ Tamazarashi (Spheal) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
タマザラシ Tamazarashi (Spheal) - Wild Blaze
タネボ― Taneboo (Seedot) - Wild Blaze
Tangela - Base Set
Tangela - Base Set 2
Tangela - Boundaries Crossed
Tangela - Call of Legends
Tangela - DP - Great Encounters
Tangela - DP - Stormfront
Tangela - Evolutions
Tangela - EX Legend Maker
Tangela - Legendary Treasures
Tangela - Platinum - Arceus
Tangela - Platinum - Arceus
Tangela - Steam Siege
Tangela (Reverse Holo) - Call of Legends
Tangrowth - Platinum - Arceus
Tangrowth - Steam Siege
Tangrowth LV. X - Platinum - Arceus
Tanhel (Beldum) - DP - Legends Awakened
Tannza (Pineco) - DP - Legends Awakened
Target Whistle (Team Flare Gear) (Reverse Holo) - Phantom Forces
Tarinorme (Probopass Reverse Holo) - Primal Clash
Tarinorme (Probopass) - Primal Clash
Tartard (Poliwrath) - Furious Fists
タッツ― Tattsuu (Horsea) - Fossil
タッツー Tattsuu (Horsea) - Neo Genesis
Tauros - Base Set 2
Tauros - Expedition
Tauros - HS - Unleashed
Tauros - Jungle
Tauros - Jungle
Tauros - Legendary Collection
Tauros - POP Series 2
Tauros (Tauros) - DP - Legends Awakened
Tauros (Tauros) - EX Crystal Guardians
Tauros (Tauros) - Jungle
Tausch (Switch) - Base Set
Tausch (Switch) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Team Aqua Grunt - Double Crisis
Team Aqua's Carvanha - Double Crisis
Team Aqua's Carvanha - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Team Aqua's Chinchou - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Team Aqua's Corphish - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Team Aqua's Electrike - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Team Aqua's Great Ball - Double Crisis
Team Aqua's Grimer (Reverse Holo) - Double Crisis
Team Aqua's Kyogre EX Full Art - Double Crisis
Team Aqua's Mightyena - Double Crisis
Team Aqua's Poochyena - Double Crisis
Team Aqua's Seviper - Double Crisis
Team Aqua's Sharpedo - Double Crisis
Team Aqua's Spheal - Double Crisis
Team Aqua's Spheal - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Team Aqua's Walrein - Double Crisis
Team Galactic's Invention G-101 Energy Gain (Pokémon Tool) - Platinum
Team Galactic's Invention G-103 Power Spray - Platinum
Team Galactic's Invention G-107 Technical Machine G (Technical Machine) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Team Galactic's Invention G-109 SP Radar - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Team Galactic's Mars - DP - Secret Wonders
Team Galactic's Wager - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Team Magma Grunt - Double Crisis
Team Magma Schemer - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Team Magma's Aggron - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Aron - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Baltoy - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Claydol - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Great Ball - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Great Ball (Reverse Holo) - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Groudon EX Full Art - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Lairon - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Lairon (Reverse Holo) - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Numel - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Poochyena - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Rhydon - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Team Magma's Rhyhorn - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Team Magma's Rhyhorn - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Team Magma's Secret Base - Double Crisis
Team Magma's Zangoose - Double Crisis
Team Plasma Badge (Pokémon Tool) - Plasma Freeze
Team Plasma Ball - Plasma Freeze
Team Plasma Grunt - Plasma Storm
Team Rocket's Handiwork - Fates Collide
Team Rocket's Meowth - Wizards Black Star Promo
Team Rocket's Trickery - HS - Undaunted
Teammates - Primal Clash
Technical Machine TS-1 (Technical Machine) - DP - Legends Awakened
Technische Maschine TS-2 (Technische Maschine) (Technical Machine TS-2 [Technical Machine]) - DP - Legends Awakened
Teddiursa - BREAKthrough
Teddiursa - Call of Legends
Teddiursa - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Teddiursa - EX Unseen Forces
Teddiursa - HS - Unleashed
Teddiursa - Neo Discovery
Teddiursa - Plasma Blast
Teddiursa - Skyridge
Teddiursa (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
抵抗力低下ジム Teikouryoku Teika Jimu (Resistance Gym) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
テッカニン Tekkanin (Ninjask) - BW Dragon Blade
Tentacha (Tentacool) - Fossil
Tentacool - EX Legend Maker
Tentacool - Fossil
Tentacool - Fossil
Tentacool - Legendary Collection
Tentacool - Primal Clash
Tentacool (Reverse Holo) - Primal Clash
Tentacruel - Aquapolis
Tentacruel - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Tentacruel - EX Legend Maker
Tentacruel - Fossil
Tentacruel - HS - Triumphant
Tentacruel - Legendary Collection
Tentacruel - Southern Islands
Tepig - Black & White
Tepig - Black & White
Tepig - BW Promos
Tepig - Legendary Treasures
Tepig (Pokémon Play) (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Terrakion - Emerging Powers
The Boss's Way - Legendary Collection
The Boss's Way - Team Rocket
The Boss's Way - Team Rocket
The Rocket's Training Gym - Gym Heroes
The Rocket's Trap - Gym Heroes
Throh - Dragons Exalted
Throh (Reverse Holo) - Dragons Exalted
Throh (Reverse Holo) - Emerging Powers
Tickling Machine (Rocket's Secret Robot) - Gym Heroes
Tierno - BREAKpoint
Tierno - Kalos Starter Set
Tierno - Phantom Forces
Timburr - Dark Explorers
Timburr - XY
Time Capsule - Neo Genesis
Time-Space Distortion - DP - Mysterious Treasures
トドゼルガ Todozeruga (Walrein) - Platinum 2 (Japanese Pt2)
トゲチック Togechikku (Togetic) - Neo Genesis
Togepi - Aquapolis
Togepi - DP - Great Encounters
Togepi - Neo Genesis
Togepi - Plasma Storm
Togepi - Roaring Skies
Togepi - Wizards Black Star Promo
Togepi (Reverse Holo) - HS - Undaunted
Togepi (Reverse Holo) - Southern Islands
トゲピ― Togepii (Togepi) - National Beginning Set
トゲピー Togepii (Togepi) - Neo Genesis
Togetic - Aquapolis
Togetic - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Togetic - Neo Genesis
Togetic - Plasma Storm
Togetic - Roaring Skies
Togetic (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Tohaido (Sharpedo) - EX Holon Phantoms
とくしゅエネルギ― Tokushu Enerugii ("Special Energy" - Blend Energy GFPD) - BW Dragon Blast
Tool Retriever - Furious Fists
Tool Scrapper - Dragons Exalted
トランセル Toranseru (Metapod) - Base Set
トラッシュ交換 Torasshu Koukan (Trash Exchange) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
Torchic - Dark Explorers
Torchic - Dark Explorers
Torchic - DP - Great Encounters
Torchic - EX Crystal Guardians
Torchic - EX Crystal Guardians
Torchic - EX Emerald
Torchic - EX Holon Phantoms
Torchic - EX Power Keepers
Torchic - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Torchic - EX: Trainer Kit #1 (Red & Blue)
Torchic - Furious Fists
Torchic - Platinum
Torchic - Primal Clash
Torchic - Primal Clash
Torkoal - Dark Explorers
Torkoal - Flashfire
Torkoal - Platinum
Torkoal - POP Series 1
Tornadus - Legendary Treasures
Torterra - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Torterra - DP - Majestic Dawn
Torterra (Reverse Holo) - Platinum
Totodile - Call of Legends
Totodile - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Totodile - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Totodile - Neo Destiny
Totodile - Neo Genesis
Totodile - Neo Genesis
Totodile - Phantom Forces
Totodile δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Town Volunteers - Aquapolis
Toxicroak - Legendary Treasures
Toxicroak - Platinum - Arceus
Toxicroak - Steam Siege
Toxicroak (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
Trank (Potion) - Base Set
Trank (Potion) - DP - Secret Wonders
Trank (Potion) - EX Crystal Guardians
Tranquill - Emerging Powers
Tranquill - Roaring Skies
Transparent Walls - Gym Challenge
Trapinch δ - EX Holon Phantoms
Trapinch - Boundaries Crossed
Trapinch - EX Dragon
Trapinch - EX Dragon
Trapinch - EX Legend Maker
Trapinch - EX Power Keepers
Trapinch - EX Sandstorm
Trapinch - Furious Fists
Trapinch - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Trapinch - Primal Clash
Trapinch δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Trapinch δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Trash Exchange - Gym Heroes
Traunfugil (Misdreavus) - DP - Stormfront
Treecko - DP - Stormfront
Treecko - EX Crystal Guardians
Treecko - EX Crystal Guardians
Treecko - EX Dragon
Treecko - EX Emerald
Treecko - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Treecko - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Treecko - McDonald's Collection 2015
Treecko - Nintendo Black Star Promos
Treecko - Plasma Freeze
Treecko - Platinum - Arceus
Treecko - Platinum - Arceus
Treecko δ - EX Crystal Guardians
Treecko δ - EX Crystal Guardians
Treecko (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Trevenant - XY
Trevenant EX - Primal Clash
Trick Shovel - Flashfire
Tropius - EX Deoxys
Tropius - EX Hidden Legends
Tropius - HS - Unleashed
Tropius - Roaring Skies
Tropius δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Tropius (Prerelease) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Tropius (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Trubbish - BREAKpoint
Trubbish - Legendary Treasures
Trubbish - Plasma Storm
ツタ―ジャ Tsutaaja (Snivy) - National Beginning Set
Turtwig - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Turtwig - DP - Majestic Dawn
Turtwig - HS - Unleashed
Turtwig - Platinum
Turtwig - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Turtwig - POP Series 9
Turtwig GL - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Tuska (Cacnea) - DP - Great Encounters
TV Reporter - EX Dragon
TV Reporter - POP Series 2
Tympole - BREAKpoint
Tympole - Dark Explorers
Tympole - Dragons Exalted
Tympole - Legendary Treasures
Tympole - Noble Victories
Tympole - Plasma Freeze
Tympole (Reverse Holo) - Noble Victories
Tynamo - Dark Explorers
Tynamo - Dark Explorers
Tynamo - Noble Victories
Tynamo - Noble Victories
Tynamo - Plasma Blast
Tynamo - Primal Clash
Typhlosion - BREAKthrough
Typhlosion - Expedition
Typhlosion - Expedition
Typhlosion - HeartGold & SoulSilver
- HGSS Promos
Tyranitar - Aquapolis
Tyranitar - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Tyranitar - Expedition
Tyranitar - Neo Discovery
Tyranitar δ - EX Delta Species
Tyranitar ex - POP Series 1
Tyrantrum - Furious Fists
Tyrogue - Call of Legends
Tyrogue - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Tyrogue - Neo Discovery
Tyrunt - Furious Fists
Ultimate Zone - Platinum - Arceus
Ultra Ball - Fates Collide
Ultra Ball - Flashfire
Ultra Ball - Plasma Blast
Ultra Ball - Roaring Skies
Ultra Ball (Reverse Holo) - Dark Explorers
Ultra Ball (Reverse Holo) - Flashfire
Ultra Ball (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Umbreon - Aquapolis
Umbreon - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Umbreon - Dark Explorers
Umbreon - EX Delta Species
Umbreon - EX Sandstorm
Umbreon - Neo Discovery
Umbreon - Neo Discovery
Underground Expedition - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Unfezant - Boundaries Crossed
Unown - EX Unseen Forces (Subset - Unown)
Unown - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Unown - HS - Undaunted
Unown ! - DP - Legends Awakened
Unown (Reverse Holo) - Ancient Origins
Unown (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Unown (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Unown A - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Unown B - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Unown C - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Unown D - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Unown E - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Unown H - DP - Great Encounters
Unown M (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Unown U - DP - Legends Awakened
Unown [D] - Neo Discovery
Unown [E] - Neo Discovery
Unown [F] - Neo Discovery
Unown [I] - Neo Discovery
Unown [J] - Wizards Black Star Promo
Unown [K] - DP - Secret Wonders
Unown [K] - Neo Revelation
Unown [K] - Neo Revelation
Unown [L] - Neo Destiny
Unown [O] - DP - Secret Wonders
Unown [O] - Neo Discovery
Unown [P] - Neo Destiny
Unown [T] - Neo Destiny
Unown [U] - Neo Discovery
Unown [X] - DP - Secret Wonders
Unown [Y] - Neo Revelation
ウピー Upaa (Wooper) - Neo Genesis
Upper Energy (Special Energy Card) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Ursaring - BREAKthrough
Ursaring - Call of Legends
Ursaring (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Ursaring Team Plasma - Plasma Blast
ウルガモス Uruga Mosu (Volcarona) - BW Red Collection
ウソッキー Usokkii (Sudowoodo) - "Neo 3" 9-Card Binder Set
Uxie - Plasma Blast
Uxie (Reverse Holo) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Vanillish - BREAKthrough
Vanillish - Next Destinies
Vanillish - Plasma Freeze
Vanillish - Plasma Storm
Vanillish (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Vanillite - BREAKthrough
Vanillite - Dark Explorers
Vanillite - Next Destinies
Vanillite - Noble Victories
Vanillite - Plasma Freeze
Vanillite (Reverse Holo) - Dark Explorers
Vanillite (Reverse Holo) - Plasma Freeze
Vanilluxe - BREAKthrough
Vanilluxe - Plasma Storm
Vanilluxe (Reverse Holo) - BREAKthrough
Vaporeon - EX Sandstorm
Vaporeon - Jungle
Vaporeon - Jungle
Vaporeon - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Vaporeon - POP Series 3
Venipede - Black & White
Venipede - Boundaries Crossed
Venipede - Emerging Powers
Venipede - XY
Venomoth - Base Set 2
Venomoth - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Venomoth - Jungle
Venomoth - Jungle
Venomoth - Jungle
Venonat - Base Set 2
Venonat - HS - Triumphant
Venonat - Jungle
Venonat - Jungle
Venonat - Neo Destiny
Venonat - Phantom Forces
Venonat (Reverse Holo) - HS - Triumphant
Venonat (Venonat) - Jungle
Venture Bomb (Rocket's Secret Machine) - EX Team Rocket Returns
Venusaur - Base Set
Venusaur - Base Set 2
Venusaur - Dark Explorers
Venusaur - POP Series 2
Venusaur - Wizards Black Star Promo
Venusaur EX - Evolutions
Venusaur EX - XY
Venusaur EX - XY Black Star Promos
Venusaur Spirit Link - Evolutions
Vermilion City Gym - Gym Heroes
Vespiquen - Ancient Origins
Vespiquen - Plasma Storm
Vespiquen 4 (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Vibrava - EX Dragon
Vibrava - EX Power Keepers
Vibrava - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Vibrava δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Victini - Boundaries Crossed
Victini - Legendary Treasures
Victini - Noble Victories
Victini - Roaring Skies
Victini - XY Black Star Promos
Victreebel - Aquapolis
Victreebel - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Victreebel - Base Set 2
Victreebel - EX Legend Maker
Victreebel - Jungle
Victreebel - Jungle
Vigoroth - Dragons Exalted
Vigoroth - EX Power Keepers
Vigoroth - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Vigoroth - EX Sandstorm
Vigoroth - Furious Fists
Vigoroth - Platinum
Vileplume - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Vileplume - Expedition
Vileplume - HS - Undaunted
Vileplume - Jungle
Vileplume - Jungle
Vileplume (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Southern Islands
Vileplume (Reverse Holo) - Ancient Origins
Vileplume (Reverse Holo) - Aquapolis
Vileplume ex - EX Hidden Legends
Virbank City Gym - Plasma Storm
Viridian City Gym - Gym Challenge
Virizion - Emerging Powers
Virizion (Reverse Holo) - Noble Victories
Volbeat - DP - Great Encounters
Volbeat - EX Delta Species
Volbeat - HS - Triumphant
Volbeat - Primal Clash
Volcanion (Full Art) - XY Black Star Promos
Volcanion EX Full Art - Steam Siege
Volcarona - Steam Siege
Volkner's Philosophy - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Voltilamm (Mareep) - DP - Secret Wonders
Voltorb - Base Set
Voltorb - Base Set
Voltorb - Base Set 2
Voltorb - Boundaries Crossed
Voltorb - DP - Secret Wonders
Voltorb - Evolutions
Voltorb - EX Emerald
Voltorb - EX Legend Maker
Voltorb - Legendary Collection
Voltorb - Plasma Freeze
Voltorb - Roaring Skies
Voltorb - Team Rocket
Voltorb - Team Rocket
Voltorb (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Voltorb (Reverse Holo) - HS - Triumphant
VS Seeker - Phantom Forces
Vullaby - Dark Explorers
Vullaby - Emerging Powers
Vullaby - Fates Collide
Vullaby (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Vulné-Assurance (Weakness Policy) - Primal Clash
Vulpix - Aquapolis
Vulpix - Base Set
Vulpix - Base Set 2
Vulpix - Call of Legends
Vulpix - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Vulpix - Dragons Exalted
Vulpix - Evolutions
Vulpix - EX Emerald
Vulpix - EX Hidden Legends
Vulpix - EX Hidden Legends
Vulpix - EX: Trainer Kit #2 (Red & Blue)
Vulpix - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Vulpix - HS - Unleashed
Vulpix - Neo Destiny
Vulpix - Platinum
Vulpix - Primal Clash
Vulpix δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Vulpix (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Vulpix (Reverse Holo) - Legendary Treasures
Vulpix (Vulpix) - Base Set
Wadribie (Combee) - DP - Majestic Dawn
Wailmer - Dragons Exalted
Wailmer - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Wailmer - HS - Triumphant
Wailord - DP - Great Encounters
Wailord - Platinum - Supreme Victors
ワカシャモ Wakashyamo (Combusken) - Platinum 1 (Japanese Pt1)
Wally - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Walrein - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Walrein - Dragons Exalted
Walrein - Flashfire
Walrein - Primal Clash
Walrein (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
ワニノコ Waninoko (Totodile) - Neo Genesis
ワニノコ Waninoko (Totodile) - "Neo 1" 9-Card Binder Set
Warp Energy (Special Energy Card) - EX Power Keepers
Warp Point - DP - Majestic Dawn
Warp Point - EX Crystal Guardians
Warp Point - EX Team Magma Versus Team Aqua
Warp Point - Gym Challenge
Wartortle - Base Set
Wartortle - Base Set 2
Wartortle - Boundaries Crossed
Wartortle - DP - Secret Wonders
Wartortle - EX Crystal Guardians
Wartortle - Expedition
Wartortle - HS - Unleashed
Wartortle - Plasma Blast
Wartortle - Platinum
Wartortle - Southern Islands
わるいア―ボック Warui Aabokku (Dark Arbok) - Team Rocket
わるいベトベトン Warui Betobeton (Dark Muk) - Team Rocket
わるいエーフィ Warui Eefi (Dark Espeon) - Neo Destiny
わるいヘルガー Warui Herugaa (Dark Houndoom) - Neo Destiny
わるいカイリキ― Warui Kairikii (Dark Machamp) - Team Rocket
わるいカイリュー Warui Kairyuu (Dark Dragonite) - Team Rocket
わるいカメ―ル Warui Kameeru (Dark Wartortle) - Team Rocket
わるいカメックス Warui Kamekkusu (Dark Blastoise) - Team Rocket
わるいクサイハナ Warui Kusaihana (Dark Gloom) - Team Rocket
わるいオコリザル Warui Okorizaru (Dark Primeape) - Team Rocket
わるいリザードン Warui Rizaadon (Dark Charizard) - Team Rocket
わるいサンダース Warui Sandaasu (Dark Jolteon) - Team Rocket
Wash Rotom (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Wasser Energie (Water Energy) - Base Set
Watchog - Emerging Powers
Watchog - Furious Fists
Watchog (Pokémon Play) (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Water Energy - Base Set
Water Energy - Base Set
Water Energy - Base Set
Water Energy - Base Set 2
Water Energy - Boundaries Crossed
Water Energy - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Water Energy - DP - Secret Wonders
Water Energy - DP: Trainer Kit #1 (Gold & Blue)
Water Energy - Evolutions
Water Energy - EX Legend Maker
Water Energy - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Water Energy - Expedition
Water Energy - Gym Challenge
Water Energy - Gym Heroes
Water Energy - Neo Genesis
Water Energy - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Water Energy - Primal Clash
Water Energy (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Water Energy (Reverse Holo) - Legendary Treasures
Weavile - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Weavile - Flashfire
Weavile - Steam Siege
Weavile (Reverse Holo) - Next Destinies
Weedle - Base Set
Weedle - Base Set 2
Weedle - DP - Great Encounters
Weedle - Evolutions
Weedle - EX Delta Species
Weedle - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Weedle - HS - Unleashed
Weedle - Legendary Collection
Weedle - Neo Discovery
Weedle - Plasma Freeze
Weedle - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Weedle - Primal Clash
Weedle - XY
Weedle (Reverse Holo) - XY
Weepinbell - Aquapolis
Weepinbell - Base Set 2
Weepinbell - DP - Legends Awakened
Weepinbell - Furious Fists
Weepinbell - Jungle
Weepinbell - Jungle
Weezing - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Weezing - Fates Collide
Weezing - Fossil
Weezing - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Weezing - XY Black Star Promos
Weezing (Reverse Holo) - Call of Legends
Weezing (Reverse Holo) - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Weezing Team Plasma - Plasma Storm
Whimsicott - Boundaries Crossed
Whimsicott - Fates Collide
Whirlipede - Emerging Powers
Whirlipede - XY
Whiscash - EX Dragon
Whiscash - EX Holon Phantoms
Whiscash - Primal Clash
Whiscash 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
Whismur - EX Emerald
Whismur - EX Hidden Legends
Whismur - Fates Collide
Whismur - Phantom Forces
Whismur - Plasma Storm
Whismur - Platinum - Supreme Victors
White Kyurem - Boundaries Crossed
White Kyurem (Holographic) - Boundaries Crossed
Wide Lens - Roaring Skies
Wiederverwertung (Recycle) - Fossil
Wigglytuff - Base Set 2
Wigglytuff - EX FireRed & LeafGreen
Wigglytuff - Fates Collide
Wigglytuff - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Wigglytuff - Jungle
Wigglytuff - Jungle
Wigglytuff - XY
Wingull - EX Crystal Guardians
Wingull - EX Deoxys
Wingull - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Wingull - Platinum - Arceus
Wingull - Platinum - Arceus
Wingull - Roaring Skies
Wingull (Reverse Holo) - DP - Great Encounters
Wingull (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Arceus
Wingull (Reverse Holo) - Platinum - Arceus
Wobbuffet - BREAKthrough
Wobbuffet - EX Sandstorm
Wobbuffet - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Wobbuffet - Phantom Forces
Wobbuffet BREAK - XY Black Star Promos
Wonder Energy (Special Energy Card) - Primal Clash
Wonneira (Happiny) - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Woobat - Black & White
Woobat - BREAKthrough
Woobat - Dark Explorers
Woobat - Emerging Powers
Woobat (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Wooper - EX Unseen Forces
Wooper - HeartGold & SoulSilver
Wooper - Neo Discovery
Wooper - Neo Genesis
Wooper - Plasma Freeze
Wormadam - Fates Collide
Wormadam - Fates Collide
Wormadam - Fates Collide
Wormadam (Plant Cloak) - DP - Secret Wonders
Wormadam (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Wormadam (Trash Cloak) - DP - Secret Wonders
Wormadam Sandy Cloak - Platinum - Arceus
Wormadam Trash Cloak - Platinum - Arceus
Wurmple - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Wurmple - Dragons Exalted
Wurmple - EX Deoxys
Wurmple - EX Legend Maker
Wurmple - Platinum
Wurmple - Roaring Skies
Wurmple (Reverse Holo) - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Wynaut - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Wynaut - EX Legend Maker
Wynaut - EX Power Keepers
Xatu δ - EX Dragon Frontiers
Xatu - EX Deoxys
Xatu - EX Sandstorm
Xatu - Neo Genesis
Xerneas - Steam Siege
Xerneas - XY Black Star Promos
Xerneas EX - XY Black Star Promos
Xerneas EX - XY Black Star Promos
Xtransceiver - Noble Victories
ヤブクロン Yabukuron (Trubbish) - BW Red Collection
ヤドキング Yadokingu (Slowking) - Neo Genesis
ヤドン Yadon (Slowpoke) - Team Rocket
Yamask - Noble Victories
Yamask - Plasma Freeze
Yamask - Plasma Freeze
ヤミラミ Yamirami (Sableye) - BW Dark Rush
Yanma - Dragons Exalted
Yanma - EX Unseen Forces
Yanma - HS - Triumphant
Yanma - Phantom Forces
Yanma - Steam Siege
Yanma (Reverse Holo) - HS - Triumphant
Yanma (Reverse Holo) - Steam Siege
Yanmega - Dragons Exalted
Yanmega - POP Series 8
Yanmega 4 - Platinum - Rising Rivals
ヤルキモノ Yarukimono (Vigoroth) - Platinum 1 (Japanese Pt1)
ヨノワ―ル Yonowaaru (Dusknoir) - Wild Blaze
ヨルノズク Yorunozuku (Noctowl) - BW Spiral Force
ヨ―テリ― Youterii ("Yorterrie" - Lillipup) - Collection X
ユンゲラ― Yungeraa (Kadabra) - Expedition 1 (Japanese)
Yveltal - Generations (Radiant Collection)
Yveltal - Steam Siege
Yveltal - XY
Yveltal EX - XY
Yveltal EX - XY Black Star Promos
Yveltal EX - XY Black Star Promos
Yveltal EX Full Art - XY
Zangoose - DP - Great Encounters
Zangoose - EX Emerald
Zangoose - EX Holon Phantoms
Zangoose - EX Power Keepers
Zangoose - EX Sandstorm
Zangoose - Platinum
Zapdos - Aquapolis
Zapdos - Aquapolis (Holo Subset)
Zapdos - Base Set
Zapdos - Base Set 2
Zapdos - Evolutions
Zapdos - Fossil
Zapdos - Fossil
Zapdos - Legendary Treasures
Zapdos - Roaring Skies
Zapdos - Wizards Black Star Promo
Zapdos (Reverse Holo Shiny) - Legendary Collection
Zapdos (Reverse Holo) - Evolutions
Zebstrika - Black & White
Zebstrika - Next Destinies
Zebstrika - Noble Victories
Zebstrika (Pokémon Play) (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Zekrom - Next Destinies
Zekrom (Reverse Holo) - Black & White
Zekrom (Reverse Holo) - Roaring Skies
Zekrom Full Art - XY Black Star Promos
ビクロム Zekuromu EX (Zekrom EX) - BW-P Promos
Zigzagoon - EX Emerald
Zigzagoon - EX Ruby And Sapphire
Zigzagoon - EX Sandstorm
Zigzagoon - Primal Clash
ゾロア Zoroa (Zorua) - BW Dark Rush
Zoroark - XY
Zorua - Black & White
Zorua - BW Promos
Zorua - Dark Explorers
Zorua - Dark Explorers
Zorua - XY
Zorua (Zorua) - XY
Zubat - DP - Mysterious Treasures
Zubat - EX Delta Species
Zubat - EX Deoxys
Zubat - Fossil
Zubat - Fossil
Zubat - HS - Unleashed
Zubat - Phantom Forces
Zubat - Plasma Storm
Zubat - Plasma Storm
Zubat - Platinum - Supreme Victors
Zubat - Team Rocket
Zubat - Team Rocket
ズガイドス Zugaidosu (Cranidos) - Platinum 1 (Japanese Pt1)
ズルッグ Zuruggu (Scraggy) - BW Psycho Drive
Zweilous - Phantom Forces
Zweilous - Steam Siege
Zweilous (Reverse Holo) - Phantom Forces
Zwirrlicht (Duskull) - Diamond And Pearl Base Set
Zwirrlicht (Duskull) - DP - Stormfront
Zwirrlicht (Duskull) - EX Crystal Guardians
Zygarde - Fates Collide
Zygarde - Fates Collide
Zygarde (Reverse Holo) - Fates Collide
Zygarde EX - XY Black Star Promos
のラッキ― _____ no Rakkii ("_____'s Lucky" - _____'s Chansey) - Gym 1/Gym 2 (Japanese)
_______'s Pikachu - Wizards Black Star Promo
11-March-2025 11:40:30
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Vic Ceder
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