In 1967, Daymond Mayhall began his calling career at St. Paul's Promenaders under the tutelage of Don Tuggle and Allie Morvent. At that time, there were no caller schools available in the Houston Area.
Daymond enjoys being the club caller for two clubs in the Houston area: Brazos Bottom Belles and Beaus in Sugar Land since the club began in 1972, and Strawberry Squares in Pasadena since the club began in 1979.
In 1996, the Houston Square & Round Dance Council honored Daymond with the first "Caller of the Year" award for his dedication to the square dance community.
Over the years, Daymond has served on various committees of the Houston Square & Round Dance Council, and the Houston Callers Association. He is also a member of the Houston Callers Assoc., Texas Callers Assoc., Gulf Coast Callers Assoc., and American Callers Assoc.
The highlights of his calling career have been many: Guest calling for all the Houston area clubs, teaching new students every year, helping new callers get their start, participating in exhibitions, calling at conventions, and meeting so many nice people along the way.
Daymond and his wife, Jo Ann, live in Missouri City, Texas.