Profile in Callers and CuersFebruary 7, 1932 - March 10, 2010
Ivan began square dance calling 60 years ago while attending the University of Oregon. He also was an excellent round dance cuer. He called in the Eugene and Springfield, Oregon area for Danebo Circle 8, The Buccaneers, The Emerald Teens and many other clubs.
His expertise and knowledge was instilled in thousands of dancers. He also taught a number of square dance callers to call and to teach
square dancing. He also has recorded a few square dance records.
Anyone who has been a square dancer in this area during the past 60 years will always fondly remember Ivan, recall some of his antics and
continue telling "Ivan stories" long into the future.
No one caller or dancer has had a more far reaching impact on square dancing and on square dancers in this area. He will be greatly
missed by all of us.