
Bob Dawson 
Square Dance Caller, Round Dance Cuer
ID: 536

Bob Dawson  

After singing and playing guitar on live television in the Milwaukee area Bob found that square dancing was a fun thing to learn. Bob met Shirley O'Malley and the two were soon married. On their first vacation to Florida in 1958 they both fell in love with Sarasota and soon moved there. Bob and Shirley had two children Tracey and Clark who still reside in Florida. Bob and Shirley began to teach square dancing to beginners at the Sarasota Mobile Home Park. They actually put a special floating wood floor in for square dancing. Bob and Shirley were know as "Dancin' with Dawson" and through the years literally taught thousands of new beginners how to square dance. On one occasion over 60 squares of dancers showed up for a special King Neptune's Frolic Day square dance in Sarasota's Civic auditorium. Bob was most known for writing and releasing a record and singing call "Summer Sounds" which was number one for years is still popular today, and he wrote many others also. Bob could also "hash" with the best of them. His clear mellow voice was one of his most admirable traits. Bob and Shirley taught seven days a week and twice on Sundays. They took square dancers around the world on trips to Japan, Europe, South & Central America, square dance cruises and soon began to be known as "Dancin' and Travelin' with Dawson". Bob also co-authored a book named "The Keys to Calling". Everyone was saddened when Bob passed away in 1976 from a heart attack. At his memorial service hundreds of dancers and many callers attended to hear his son Clark challenge them as Bob would have to "teach beginners". Bob felt very strongly that is what will "keep square dancing alive in the future". Shirley soon passed also in 1978. They were both loved and will be missed by all who came in contact with them.

If you have any additional pertinent information about this person, please Contact Debbie.

Recordings by Bob Dawson:
MacGregor    FTC    Pulse   
Another Fling  (sample clip) (cue sheet) (lyrics)  Singing Call, FTC 32001
Everything Is Rosy  (sample clip) (cue sheet) (lyrics)  Singing Call, Pulse 1004
Just Wild  (sample clip) (cue sheet) (lyrics)  Singing Call, MacGregor 2102
Lock My Heart  (sample clip) (cue sheet)  Singing Call, Pulse 1001
Roll Those Baby Blue Eyes  (sample clip) (cue sheet)  Singing Call, Pulse 1007
Summer Sounds  (comments) (sample clip) (cue sheet) (lyrics)  Singing Call, MacGregor 2051
Veer To Donnegal  (sample clip) (cue sheet) (lyrics)  Singing Call, MacGregor 2026 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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