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04-March-2025 06:55

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"  '  (  1  3  4  5  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

"A" You're Adorable  Chinook 121  ExtraCopies=1
"OKC" Is My Home Town  Roofers 109  ExtraCopies=2

'57 Chevy And You  Circle D 229  ExtraCopies=1
'Til The End Of The World  Texcap 101  ExtraCopies=1
'Til The Well Runs Dry  Blue Ribbon 225  ExtraCopies=2

(Don't Cry For Me) Argentina  Silver Sounds 167  ExtraCopies=1
(I Feel Sorry For) Anyone Who Isn't Me Tonite  Ranch House 601  ExtraCopies=7
(I Never Knew) The Devil's Eyes Were Blue  Quadrille 817  ExtraCopies=1
(I'm Walkin' With) A Memory On My Mind  Rawhide 114  ExtraCopies=2
(It's Just An) Ol' Fashioned Love Song  Fine Tune 120  ExtraCopies=2
(Just A) Lemon  Snow 303  ExtraCopies=1

1,2,3, Fly Away  ESP 215  ExtraCopies=1
10-20 Hoedown  Hi Hat 648  ExtraCopies=6
10-20 Hoedown / Dapper Dan  Blue Star 2498  ExtraCopies=1
12th Street Rag  MacGregor 950  ExtraCopies=1
12th Street Rag  Scope 510  ExtraCopies=2
14 Karat Gold  Blue Star 2386  ExtraCopies=3
14 Karat Mind  Rhythm 163  ExtraCopies=5
14 Karat Mind  Prairie 1048  ExtraCopies=4
16th Avenue  Rocket 105  ExtraCopies=2
18 Wheeler  Hi Hat 633  ExtraCopies=3
1982  Rawhide 132  ExtraCopies=2

3 Cord Country Song  Windsor 5108  ExtraCopies=1

4 Leaf Clover  Red Boot Star 1282  ExtraCopies=2
4 To 1 In Atlanta  DJ 123  ExtraCopies=1

5-String Hoe / Short-T  Silver Sounds 148  ExtraCopies=2
50's Medley  Red Boot 3003  ExtraCopies=1
59th Street Bridge Song  Rhythm 253  ExtraCopies=1

8 More Miles  Windsor 4872  ExtraCopies=1

9 To 5  Red Boot 265  ExtraCopies=2
9 To 5  Lou Mac 137  ExtraCopies=3
911 / 1-800  Sting 504  ExtraCopies=4

A Caller's Life  FTC 32041  ExtraCopies=1
A Change In Me  Sets In Order 143  ExtraCopies=1
A Coin In The Fountain  Snow 703  ExtraCopies=2
A Cowboy's Dream  Hi Hat 5065  ExtraCopies=4
A Day Late And A Dollar Short  Royal 502  ExtraCopies=4
A Dog Named Boo  4-Bar-B 6124  ExtraCopies=1
A Donut And A Dream  Blue Star 1951  ExtraCopies=2
A Dozen Pair Of Boots  Triangle 111  ExtraCopies=2
A Fishers Hornpipe / Ida Red  Blue Star 2016  ExtraCopies=1
A Fool Such As I  Blue Ribbon 255  ExtraCopies=2
A Fooler, A Faker  Blue Star 1962  ExtraCopies=1
A Friend Like Me  Desert Gold 14  ExtraCopies=1
A Girl Like You  Lore 1132  ExtraCopies=5
A Girl Like You  Top 25041  ExtraCopies=1
A Girl Like You  Hi Hat 342  ExtraCopies=4
A Girl Like You  Snow 701  ExtraCopies=1
A Good Gal Is Hard To Find  El Dorado 301  ExtraCopies=4
A Good Love Is Like A Good Song  Square Tunes 184  ExtraCopies=2
A Good Man  Hi Hat 360  ExtraCopies=3
A Good Night's Love  ESP 116  ExtraCopies=5
A Good Nights Love  Red Boot 289  ExtraCopies=4
A Good Old Country Song  4-Bar-B 6026  ExtraCopies=2
A Good Ole Boy  Red Boot Star 1251  ExtraCopies=3
A Happy Man  Windsor 4975  ExtraCopies=1
A Hard Day's Night  Sting 340  ExtraCopies=1
A Hundred To One  Blue Star 2042  ExtraCopies=1
A Kind Of Hush  Global Music 207  ExtraCopies=2
A Little Bit Crazy  Lore 1203  ExtraCopies=1
A Little Bit In Love  Venture 111  ExtraCopies=1
A Little Bit More  Aussie Tempos 1014  ExtraCopies=1
A Little Bit Of Love  Royal 223  ExtraCopies=2
A Little Bit Of Sugar  Hi Hat 328  ExtraCopies=1
A Little Heartache  Jewel 103  ExtraCopies=3
A Little Heaven's Rubbin' Off On Me  El Dorado 205  ExtraCopies=1
A Little Less Talk  Red Boot 3039  ExtraCopies=1
A Little Love  ESP 529  ExtraCopies=1
A Little Love Won't Hurt A Thing  Chicago Country 62  ExtraCopies=1
A Lot Of Tenderness  Kalox 1159  ExtraCopies=3
A Love Song  Rhythm 195  ExtraCopies=6
A Love That Just Won't Die  Chaparral 715  ExtraCopies=2
A Love That Just Won't Die  Coyote 501  ExtraCopies=12
A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square  Sting 713  ExtraCopies=1
A Perfect Match  Circle D 205  ExtraCopies=2
A Ray Of Sunshine  Lucky 12  ExtraCopies=4
A Room Full Of Roses  Lore 1232  ExtraCopies=1
A Second Fling  Buckskin 1257  ExtraCopies=1
A Smile Will Go A Long, Long Way  Dance Ranch 670  ExtraCopies=3
A Song In The Night  Thunderbird 182  ExtraCopies=1
A Song In The Night  Red Boot 293  ExtraCopies=2
A Taste Of The Wind  Red Boot 292  ExtraCopies=2
A Team  ESP 417  ExtraCopies=1
A Teenager In Love  Sting 330  ExtraCopies=1
A Thing Called Love  Square Tunes 145  ExtraCopies=2
A Whole Lot Of Something  Swinging Square 2360  ExtraCopies=2
A Whole Lot Of Things To Sing About  Hi Hat 479  ExtraCopies=5
A Woman In Love  Shakedown 210  ExtraCopies=1
A World Of Our Own  MacGregor 2080  ExtraCopies=2
ABBA Medley  Aussie Tempos 1024  ExtraCopies=1
Abe Brown / Mary Alice  Wild West 2-03  ExtraCopies=2
Abilene  Golden Eagle 1  ExtraCopies=3
Abilene  Chinook 63  ExtraCopies=2
Abilene  MacGregor 2106  ExtraCopies=4
Abilene  Windsor 4999  ExtraCopies=3
Abilene  Eagle 2010  ExtraCopies=4
Abilene, Oh Abilene  Ute 5  ExtraCopies=1
About Dixie  Top 25189  ExtraCopies=3
Absolutely Everybody  Down Under 111  ExtraCopies=3
Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive  Solid Gold 207  ExtraCopies=1
Acapulco  Mountain 5  ExtraCopies=6
Ace In The Hole  ESP 522  ExtraCopies=8
Ace In The Hole  Top 25140  ExtraCopies=4
Ace In The Hole  Red Boot Star 1326  ExtraCopies=1
Achy Breaky Heart  Red Boot 3032  ExtraCopies=2
Achy Breaky Heart  ESP 177  ExtraCopies=4
Across The Alley From The Alamo  Bogan 1229  ExtraCopies=2
Across The Alley From The Alamo  4-Bar-B 6123  ExtraCopies=1
Act Naturally  Global Music 901  ExtraCopies=2
Act Naturally  Rawhide 158  ExtraCopies=2
Act Naturally  Lore 1214  ExtraCopies=1
Action  Royal 309  ExtraCopies=2
Action / Reaction  Dance Ranch 631  ExtraCopies=3
Adalida  DJ 116  ExtraCopies=1
Adalida  Quadrille 909  ExtraCopies=2
Adeline  Chinook 51  ExtraCopies=2
Adieu  Bogan 1225  ExtraCopies=1
Adios  Blue Star 2134  ExtraCopies=2
Adios Amigo  Wild West 1-38  ExtraCopies=2
Adios, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen  Global Music 909  ExtraCopies=2
Admiration / Torrent  Top 25312  ExtraCopies=6
Adobe Hacienda  Lightning S 503  ExtraCopies=1
After She's Gone  Blue Star 1721  ExtraCopies=1
After Sweet Memories  D & R 151  ExtraCopies=2
After The Ball  Melody 103  ExtraCopies=3
After The Last Goodbye  C Bar C 574  ExtraCopies=1
After The Lovin'  Hi Hat 5059  ExtraCopies=2
After The Lovin'  Chaparral 520  ExtraCopies=6
After The Lovin'  Continental 2001  ExtraCopies=3
After The Storm  Lore 1167  ExtraCopies=1
After They've Seen Paree  Grenn 12149  ExtraCopies=1
After They've Seen Paree  Blue Star 2303  ExtraCopies=2
After They've Seen Paree  Top 25045  ExtraCopies=2
After They've Seen Paree  Scope 538  ExtraCopies=4
After They've Seen Paree / Whattayaknow  MacGregor 7615  ExtraCopies=7
After You've Gone  Kalox 1014  ExtraCopies=1
After You've Gone  Sets In Order 136  ExtraCopies=3
After You've Gone  ESP 904  ExtraCopies=2
After You've Gone  Red Boot 256  ExtraCopies=4
Against The Grain  DJ 103  ExtraCopies=2
Against The Grain  Rockin' M 302  ExtraCopies=1
Ah-So / Wahoo  Kalox 1195  ExtraCopies=9
Ah-So Pretty Little Girl  Lore 1155  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't Gonna Be Your Day  Prairie 1093  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't Got It No More  Silver Sounds 185  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't Got Nothing On Us  ESP 1013  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't Got Nothing To Lose  ESP 502  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't Got Time To Be Unhappy  Kalox 1089  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't It Been Love  ESP 307  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't It Good To Be In Love Again  Windsor 5073  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't It Good To Be In Love Again  Red Boot 209  ExtraCopies=3
Ain't Livin' Long Like This  Windsor 5101  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't Living Long Like This  Big Mac 10  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't Love A Good Thing  Red Boot 163  ExtraCopies=8
Ain't Love A Good Thing  ESP 1044  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't Love Good  Kalox 1201  ExtraCopies=8
Ain't Misbehavin'  Red Boot 3005  ExtraCopies=6
Ain't Misbehavin'  Buckskin 1214  ExtraCopies=3
Ain't Necessarily So  Jopat 803X  ExtraCopies=6
Ain't Never Seen  Diamond 111  ExtraCopies=14
Ain't No Angels  Sting 905  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't No California  Longhorn 1029  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't No California  Red Boot 283  ExtraCopies=3
Ain't No Cure For The Rock & Roll  Ocean 14  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't Nothin Shakin'  Ranch House 308  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't Nothin' Shakin'  Windsor 4997  ExtraCopies=3
Ain't Nothin' Shakin'  Royal 821  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't Nothin' Wrong With The Radio  ESP 176  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't She Sweet  ESP 717  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't She Sweet  Scope 589  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't She Sweet  TNT 151  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't That A Shame  Royal 219  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't That Some Kind Of Love  Thunderbird 208  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't We Got Fun  MacGregor 1015  ExtraCopies=1
Ain't Your Loser Lookin Good  Show Me 1002  ExtraCopies=2
Ain't Your Loser Lookin' Good  Chinook 87  ExtraCopies=2
Alabam  Grenn 12100  ExtraCopies=2
Alabama  Red Boot 255  ExtraCopies=8
Alabama Bound / Half A Chance  Sets In Order 1115  ExtraCopies=1
Alabama Jubilee  Rhythm 238  ExtraCopies=2
Alabama Jubilee  ESP 613  ExtraCopies=3
Alabama Jubilee  Red Boot Star 1236  ExtraCopies=2
Alabama Jubilee  Windsor 4903  ExtraCopies=1
Alabama Jubilee  Cloverleaf 4  ExtraCopies=2
Alabama Jubilee / Just Because  Windsor 4444  ExtraCopies=1
Alabama Jubilee / Just Because  Windsor 4144  ExtraCopies=15
Alabama Jubilee / Oh! Johnny  Old Timer 8043  ExtraCopies=1
Alabama Maid  Kalox 1055  ExtraCopies=3
Alabama Woman  Triangle 112  ExtraCopies=1
Alabama Woman  Desert 16  ExtraCopies=1
Alabamy Bound  MacGregor 8905  ExtraCopies=1
Alabamy Bound  MacGregor 2095  ExtraCopies=6
Alamo Plaza Polka  Kalox 1293  ExtraCopies=2
Alberta Bound  Jay-Bar-Kay 152  ExtraCopies=8
Alberta Bound  Blue Star 2393  ExtraCopies=3
Alice Blue Gown  Lore 1098  ExtraCopies=1
Alice Blue Gown  Bogan 1266  ExtraCopies=2
Alice Blue Gown  Bogan 1108  ExtraCopies=1
Alice In Dallas  Four Squares 807  ExtraCopies=2
All Aboard  Chaparral 314  ExtraCopies=9
All Alone In San Antone  MacGregor 1093  ExtraCopies=3
All American Girl  Red Boot 185  ExtraCopies=1
All American Girl / Kansas City  Balance 209  ExtraCopies=5
All Around Cowboy  D & R 149  ExtraCopies=1
All At Once It's Forever  Jopat 203  ExtraCopies=2
All Because Of You  Silver Sounds 176  ExtraCopies=2
All By Myself  Blue Star 1757  ExtraCopies=1
All By Myself  Swinging Square 2375  ExtraCopies=1
All Day / Sleepy  Prairie 2001  ExtraCopies=1
All Day Sucker  Blue Ribbon 218  ExtraCopies=2
All Girl Medley  TNT 242  ExtraCopies=2
All I Can Do  Rawhide 165  ExtraCopies=2
All I Do Is Dream Of You  Windsor 4992  ExtraCopies=2
All I Ever Need Is You  Rhythm 219  ExtraCopies=3
All I Ever Need Is You  Blue Star 1920  ExtraCopies=2
All I Ever Need Is You  Mustang 191  ExtraCopies=2
All I Ever Need Is You  Blue Star 2086  ExtraCopies=2
All I Have To Do Is Dream  Blue Ribbon 298  ExtraCopies=1
All I Have To Do Is Dream  Red Boot 245  ExtraCopies=3
All I Have To Offer You Is Me  Red Boot 134  ExtraCopies=2
All I Need To Know  Global Music 206  ExtraCopies=2
All I Want For Christmas Is You  Circle D 271  ExtraCopies=1
All I'm Missing Is You  Chinook 32  ExtraCopies=3
All I'm Missing Is You  Red Boot Star 1268  ExtraCopies=5
All Mine  MacGregor 918  ExtraCopies=3
All My Ex's Live In Texas  County Line 6  ExtraCopies=2
All My Ex's Live In Texas  ESP 516  ExtraCopies=6
All My Loving  Global Music 707  ExtraCopies=1
All My Old Flames  Golden Eagle 16  ExtraCopies=1
All My Roads  Lou Mac 129  ExtraCopies=5
All My Roads Lead Back To You  Rawhide 133  ExtraCopies=2
All My Rowdy Friends  Chaparral 326  ExtraCopies=2
All Night Party  Platinum 110  ExtraCopies=2
All Of Me  Kalox 1239  ExtraCopies=2
All Of Me  Red Boot 239  ExtraCopies=2
All Of Me  Mar Let 525  ExtraCopies=2
All Of Me  Jopat 301  ExtraCopies=1
All Of The Time  MacGregor 943  ExtraCopies=1
All Shook Up  Wild West 1-41  ExtraCopies=1
All The Sweet  Lou Mac 126  ExtraCopies=6
All The Sweet  Red Boot 225  ExtraCopies=2
All The Times  Lou Mac 124  ExtraCopies=5
All The Way  Red Boot 3083  ExtraCopies=1
All Wrapped Up In You  Rhythm 117  ExtraCopies=11
All Wrapped Up In You  Global Music 210  ExtraCopies=3
All You Need Is Love  Sting 353  ExtraCopies=2
Allee Hoedown / Big Bird Hoedown  Shakedown 217  ExtraCopies=2
Almost Like Being In Love  ESP 909  ExtraCopies=3
Almost Like Being In Love  Global Music 933  ExtraCopies=4
Aloha To You  Western Jubilee 909  ExtraCopies=2
Alone Again Naturally  Grenn 12138  ExtraCopies=4
Alone In San Antone  Desert 48  ExtraCopies=1
Alone With You  Belco 118  ExtraCopies=4
Along Came Jones  Chinook 48  ExtraCopies=4
Along Came Jones  Rockin' M 2015  ExtraCopies=1
Along The Colorado Trail  Lightning S 1102  ExtraCopies=2
Along The Utah Trail  Aqua 122  ExtraCopies=5
Alpine Hoedown / Express Hoedown  TNT 184  ExtraCopies=6
Always  Square Dancetime 10  ExtraCopies=1
Always Late  Hi Hat 5122  ExtraCopies=1
Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life  Hearties 1  ExtraCopies=2
Am I Blue  Rawhide 146  ExtraCopies=2
Am I Blue  Sunny Hills 5006  ExtraCopies=3
Am I Blue  Big Mac 188  ExtraCopies=1
Am I Blue  Scope 636  ExtraCopies=2
Am I Blue  ESP 149  ExtraCopies=4
Am I Losing You  Petticoat Patter 123  ExtraCopies=3
Am I That Easy To Forget  Mustang 127  ExtraCopies=2
Amanda  Wild West 1-50  ExtraCopies=1
Amapola  Top 25030  ExtraCopies=1
Amapola  Scope 602  ExtraCopies=4
Amarillo  Hi Hat 5243  ExtraCopies=1
Amarillo By Morning  Rhythm 147  ExtraCopies=6
Amarillo By Morning  Elk 3  ExtraCopies=3
Amazing Grace  Circle D 267  ExtraCopies=2
America  Square Dance USA 506  ExtraCopies=2
America The Beautiful  Gold Star 715  ExtraCopies=1
America, America  Mountain 69  ExtraCopies=1
American Dream  Quadrille 821  ExtraCopies=3
American Guest  Mar Let 501  ExtraCopies=2
American Made  Chicago Country 2  ExtraCopies=2
American Pie  Royal 325  ExtraCopies=3
Americana  ESP 152  ExtraCopies=7
Amie  Rebel 109  ExtraCopies=1
Amie  Alliance 105  ExtraCopies=1
Amigo's Guitar  Mountain 85  ExtraCopies=1
Among My Souvenirs  Wagon Wheel 902  ExtraCopies=3
Amos Moses / When You're Hot, You're Hot  RCA 447-0896  ExtraCopies=1
Amy / Piano Pickin'  Red Boot 318  ExtraCopies=4
Anabelle / Barbara  Hi Hat 623  ExtraCopies=1
Angel  Global Music 943  ExtraCopies=3
Angel  Desert 94  ExtraCopies=1
Angel Dance / On The Plains  Desert 9009  ExtraCopies=1
Angel Eyes  MacGregor 2136  ExtraCopies=2
Angel Eyes  Bogan 1316  ExtraCopies=1
Angeline  Ranch House 701  ExtraCopies=2
Angeline  Scope 643  ExtraCopies=1
Angels Among Us  Global Music 913  ExtraCopies=3
Angry  Rawhide 174  ExtraCopies=1
Angry  Cross Road 6002  ExtraCopies=11
Angry  Jay-Bar-Kay 101  ExtraCopies=3
Angry  Jopat 113  ExtraCopies=2
Angry  Top 25004  ExtraCopies=7
Anita, You're Dreaming  Square L 129  ExtraCopies=1
Ann  Blue Star 1847  ExtraCopies=2
Annie / Pearl  Jewel 139  ExtraCopies=4
Another Chance  Buckskin 1239  ExtraCopies=1
Another Chance  Petticoat Patter 104  ExtraCopies=1
Another Chance  ESP 305  ExtraCopies=3
Another Fling  FTC 32001  ExtraCopies=1
Another Lonely Night  Jay-Bar-Kay 141  ExtraCopies=2
Another Lonely Night  D & ET 106  ExtraCopies=3
Another Saturday Night  Rhythm 212  ExtraCopies=4
Another Saturday Night  ESP 921  ExtraCopies=1
Another Sleepless Night  ESP 106  ExtraCopies=16
Another Square Dance Caller  Chaparral 710  ExtraCopies=4
Another You  Thunderbird 125  ExtraCopies=6
Any Dream Will Do  Snow 704  ExtraCopies=3
Any Old Time  Grenn 12163  ExtraCopies=5
Any Old Time  Quadrille 850  ExtraCopies=2
Any Old Wind That Blows  Blue Star 1984  ExtraCopies=3
Anybody Going To San Antone  Windsor 4950  ExtraCopies=1
Anything  Red Boot 3012  ExtraCopies=2
Anything Goes  Shakedown 211  ExtraCopies=2
Anytime  Blue Star 2167  ExtraCopies=1
Anytime  Hi Hat 5147  ExtraCopies=1
Anytime  Eagle 3201  ExtraCopies=1
Anytime  4-Bar-B 6080  ExtraCopies=4
Anytime  TNT 254  ExtraCopies=4
Anytime  MacGregor 1011  ExtraCopies=2
Anytime  Sunny Hills 159  ExtraCopies=4
Anytime  Blue Star 1654  ExtraCopies=2
Anytime  MacGregor 2090  ExtraCopies=1
Apple Blossom Time  Eureka 1301  ExtraCopies=3
Apple Blossom Time  Hi Hat 5201  ExtraCopies=1
Apple For The Teacher  Top 25364  ExtraCopies=2
April In Portugal  Scope 502  ExtraCopies=6
April Showers  Chinook 91  ExtraCopies=1
April Showers  Blue Star 1604  ExtraCopies=8
Apron Strings  Sets In Order 134  ExtraCopies=2
Archie's Song  Red Boot 251  ExtraCopies=2
Are There Any More Like You  Chinook 103  ExtraCopies=5
Are You From Dixie / Battle Hymn  4-Bar-B 6129  ExtraCopies=1
Are You Lonesome Tonight  Blue Star 1566  ExtraCopies=1
Are You Lonesome Tonight  Red Boot 3009  ExtraCopies=2
Are You On The Road To Lovin' Me Again  Prairie 1028  ExtraCopies=2
Are You On The Road To Lovin' Me Again  4-Bar-B 6027  ExtraCopies=2
Are You On The Road To Loving Me Again?  Rhythm 210  ExtraCopies=5
Are You Ready For The Country  Red Boot Star 1253  ExtraCopies=2
Are You Teasin' Me  G & W 607  ExtraCopies=3
Are You Teasing Me  Royal 517  ExtraCopies=2
Arise  Longhorn 1004  ExtraCopies=5
Arkansas / DB Breakdown  Mustang 1021  ExtraCopies=2
Arky Workshop / Starama  Grenn 12009  ExtraCopies=1
Arms Full Of Empty  Top 25298  ExtraCopies=9
Arms Of Mary  Sting 205  ExtraCopies=1
Around The World  Dance Ranch 653  ExtraCopies=1
Around The World  Petticoat Patter 119  ExtraCopies=1
Around The World  Kalox 1052  ExtraCopies=3
Around The World  Corral 1001  ExtraCopies=1
Around The World / Lazy River  Kalox 1238  ExtraCopies=3
Around The World With Bill Bailey  Royal 204  ExtraCopies=4
Arreando Hoedown  Rawhide 520  ExtraCopies=3
As Fast As You  ESP 190  ExtraCopies=2
As Good As I Once Was  ESP 1091  ExtraCopies=2
As Long As I'm Singing  MacGregor 1032  ExtraCopies=3
As Long As You Love Me  Sounds 2000 2001  ExtraCopies=1
As Time Goes By  MacGregor 2068  ExtraCopies=1
As Time Goes By  Hi Hat 407  ExtraCopies=1
As Time Goes By  Buckskin 1220  ExtraCopies=2
Ashes Of Love  Pioneer 114  ExtraCopies=2
Ashes Of Love  Chaparral 534  ExtraCopies=3
Ashes Of Love  Top 25269  ExtraCopies=4
Ashes To Ashes  Red Boot 280  ExtraCopies=5
Astro / Chase  Royal 405  ExtraCopies=5
At Two To Two To-day / Fiddleless  J-Bar-L 4130  ExtraCopies=5
At Two To Two Today  MacGregor 2072  ExtraCopies=2
At Two To Two Today  J-Bar-L 5005  ExtraCopies=1
Attitude  Royal 408  ExtraCopies=2
Attitude Adjustment  Ranch House 215  ExtraCopies=5
Auction / Bid  Mason Dixon Line 1  ExtraCopies=4
Auctioneer  Mountain 37  ExtraCopies=1
Auld Lang Syne  Grenn 12160  ExtraCopies=1
Auld Lang Syne  Grenn 12059  ExtraCopies=1
Aunt Maudies' Fun Garden  Scope 558  ExtraCopies=1
Aussie Christmas (Six White Boomers)  Aussie Tempos 1016  ExtraCopies=1
Australian Country Style  Top 25288  ExtraCopies=8
Australian Hoedown / What Do You Know  MacGregor 2418  ExtraCopies=1
Australian Matilda  Top 25223  ExtraCopies=2
Avalon  Blue Star 2274  ExtraCopies=1
Avalon  MacGregor 910  ExtraCopies=2
Avalon / Let's Get Away  Sets In Order 2128  ExtraCopies=1
Avalon / Let's Get Away  Sets In Order 1121  ExtraCopies=1

B.J. / Piece Of Cake  Sting 502  ExtraCopies=4
Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys  Rawhide 149  ExtraCopies=1
Baby / Lonnie  Blue Star 2007  ExtraCopies=4
Baby Blue  Global Music 124  ExtraCopies=2
Baby Blue Eyes  Jewel 143  ExtraCopies=3
Baby Boy  Circle D 208  ExtraCopies=3
Baby Doll  Sunny Hills 160  ExtraCopies=3
Baby Doll  Bogan 1168  ExtraCopies=1
Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me  Royal 328  ExtraCopies=3
Baby Face  Dance Ranch 708  ExtraCopies=1
Baby Face  Windsor 4877  ExtraCopies=2
Baby Face  TNT 200  ExtraCopies=5
Baby Face  Dance Ranch 637  ExtraCopies=6
Baby I'm Burning  Red Boot 242  ExtraCopies=4
Baby Is Waiting  Lou Mac 140  ExtraCopies=2
Baby Likes To Rock It  ESP 197  ExtraCopies=8
Baby Likes To Square Dance  Mar Let 507  ExtraCopies=2
Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk  ESP 110  ExtraCopies=5
Baby Mine  Windsor 4920  ExtraCopies=1
Baby Please Come Home  Hi Hat 399  ExtraCopies=3
Baby That's Living  Hi Hat 361  ExtraCopies=2
Baby We're In Love Again  MacGregor 2169  ExtraCopies=1
Baby Won't You Please Come Home  Blue Star 1823  ExtraCopies=1
Baby Won't You Please Come Home  Longhorn 169  ExtraCopies=3
Baby Won't You Please Come Home / Star Box  Sets In Order 1116  ExtraCopies=1
Baby You Look Good To Me Tonight  Red Boot Star 1235  ExtraCopies=5
Baby You've Got What It Takes  Rockin' M 118  ExtraCopies=1
Baby Your Baby  Global Music 926  ExtraCopies=5
Baby's Back Again  Kalox 1081  ExtraCopies=3
Baby's Back Again  Jopat 603  ExtraCopies=1
Baby's Back Again  Thunderbird 233  ExtraCopies=3
Baby's Coming Home  Wagon Wheel 211  ExtraCopies=5
Baby's Gone Bye Bye  Grenn 12056  ExtraCopies=2
Baby's Got A Hold On Me  Buckskin 1222  ExtraCopies=3
Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On  Ranch House 216  ExtraCopies=5
Baby, Baby  TNT 108  ExtraCopies=3
Baby, We're Really In Love  Rawhide 194  ExtraCopies=2
Back At The Square Dance  Pulse 1005  ExtraCopies=8
Back Home Again  Wild West 1-22  ExtraCopies=3
Back Home Again  Silver Sounds 191  ExtraCopies=2
Back Home Again  Red Boot 179  ExtraCopies=3
Back Home Again In Indiana  Blue Star 2299  ExtraCopies=4
Back In Baby's Arms  4-Bar-B 6043  ExtraCopies=3
Back In Baby's Arms  Chinook 107  ExtraCopies=1
Back In Baby's Arms  C Bar C 8803  ExtraCopies=1
Back In Circulation  Longhorn 152  ExtraCopies=3
Back In Circulation  Top 25242  ExtraCopies=2
Back In My Arms  Stampede 403  ExtraCopies=1
Back In My Baby's Arms  MacGregor 1095  ExtraCopies=3
Back In The Do Wah Days  Hi Hat 5093  ExtraCopies=3
Back In The Race  Bogan 1248  ExtraCopies=1
Back In The Saddle Again  Quadrille 871  ExtraCopies=2
Back In The Swing Of Things  Chicago Country 18  ExtraCopies=2
Back In The U.S.A.  Thunderbird 199  ExtraCopies=1
Back In Your Own Back Yard  Blue Star 2450  ExtraCopies=1
Back In Your Own Backyard  Scope 569  ExtraCopies=4
Back In Your Own Backyard  Top 25018  ExtraCopies=2
Back On My Mind  Big Mac 173  ExtraCopies=1
Back On My Mind Again  Windsor 5086  ExtraCopies=8
Back On My Mind Again  Blue Star 2079  ExtraCopies=4
Back On My Mind Again  Big Mac 83  ExtraCopies=1
Back On My Mind Again  Ranch House 503  ExtraCopies=1
Back On My Mind Again  Big Mac 3  ExtraCopies=2
Back On My Mind Again  4-Bar-B 6004  ExtraCopies=2
Back Roads  Cardinal 26  ExtraCopies=1
Back To Donegal  FTC 32019  ExtraCopies=2
Back To Donegal  Top 25204  ExtraCopies=2
Back To Louisiana  Lightning S 8001  ExtraCopies=2
Back To The Country  DJ 101  ExtraCopies=3
Back to the Country / Swamp Thing  4-Bar-B 6118  ExtraCopies=1
Back To The Old Smokie Mountains  MacGregor 1068  ExtraCopies=1
Back Up And Push / Bully Of The Town  Sunny Hills 150  ExtraCopies=3
Backing To Birmingham  Lou Mac 131  ExtraCopies=6
Backwards Square / Blue Bonnet Rag  Kalox 1222  ExtraCopies=7
Bad Moon 'Rising  Red Boot Star 1284  ExtraCopies=2
Bad Moon Rising  Mustang 138  ExtraCopies=1
Bad Reputation  Prairie 1067  ExtraCopies=1
Bad Situation  Wagon Wheel 313  ExtraCopies=6
Bad, Bad Leroy Brown  Wagon Wheel 912  ExtraCopies=1
Bad, Bad Leroy Brown  Global Music 808  ExtraCopies=2
Bad, Bad Leroy Brown  Wagon Wheel 212  ExtraCopies=8
Badly Bent  ESP 1056  ExtraCopies=4
Ball And Chain  Buckskin 1242  ExtraCopies=1
Ballad Of Cat Ballou  Rockin' A 1373  ExtraCopies=2
Ballad Of The Green Beret  Tarheel 120  ExtraCopies=2
Ballin' The Jack  Longhorn 144  ExtraCopies=3
Ballin' The Jack  ESP 900  ExtraCopies=6
Bambina Mine  Western Jubilee 562  ExtraCopies=2
Bambino Mine  Jay-Bar-Kay 146  ExtraCopies=1
Ban Ho Hoedown / Sans Ban Ho  Scope 325  ExtraCopies=4
Bandy The Rodeo Clown  Red Boot 190  ExtraCopies=5
Banjo Beat  FTC 32029  ExtraCopies=2
Banjo Brigade / Chords Aplenty  Chaparral 118  ExtraCopies=7
Banjo Contra  Blue Star 1994  ExtraCopies=1
Banjo Mountain / Booming Banjo  Big Mac 47  ExtraCopies=2
Banjo On Line / Mountains Of Harmonica  Bogan 1385  ExtraCopies=1
Banjo On The Turnpike / Clark's Fiddle  Black Mountain Valley 5  ExtraCopies=1
Banjo Picker  Grenn 12124  ExtraCopies=2
Banjo Picker's Ball  FTC 32033  ExtraCopies=1
Banjo Pickers Ball  Scope 532  ExtraCopies=2
Banjo Pickers Ball  ESP 513  ExtraCopies=4
Banjo Pickers Ball  Dash 2506  ExtraCopies=2
Banjo Playin' Hoedown / Western Stomp  Continental 2003  ExtraCopies=1
Banjo Plucking / The Other Side  Wagon Wheel 126  ExtraCopies=10
Banjo Reveille / Hell Broke Loose In Georgia  Sets In Order 55 / 56  ExtraCopies=5
Banjo Reveille / Hell Broke Loose In Georgia  Sets In Order 83 / 84  ExtraCopies=6
Banjo's Back In Town  Top 25217  ExtraCopies=2
Bar Room Buddies  Chaparral 3511  ExtraCopies=1
Barbeque  Riverboat 511  ExtraCopies=3
Barbie Girl  C Bar C 607  ExtraCopies=1
Bare Necessities  Hi Hat 5140  ExtraCopies=1
Barnacle Bill  Snow 301  ExtraCopies=1
Barnacle Bill Square  Old Timer 8067  ExtraCopies=1
Barney Google  Dash 2545  ExtraCopies=1
Basa Nova Patter #1 / Basa Nova Patter #2  Sets In Order 97 / 98  ExtraCopies=17
Bashful Gal / Summertime  Grenn 12018  ExtraCopies=14
Bashful Gal / Summertime  Grenn 12017  ExtraCopies=1
Basin Street Blues  Windsor 4813  ExtraCopies=1
Basin Street Blues  Scope 609  ExtraCopies=4
Basin Street Blues  Big Mac 52  ExtraCopies=8
Basin Street Blues / Who's Sorry Now  Windsor 7152  ExtraCopies=1
Battle Cry Of Freedom  Hi Hat 390  ExtraCopies=3
Battle Of New Orleans  Prairie 1040  ExtraCopies=2
Bayou Baby  Bogan 1375  ExtraCopies=3
Bayou Baby  Rockin' A 1334  ExtraCopies=1
Bayou Baby  Blue Star 1753  ExtraCopies=2
Bayou Boys  Mar Let 522  ExtraCopies=2
Bayou Girl  Lore 1207  ExtraCopies=2
Be A Good Girl  MacGregor 1056  ExtraCopies=3
Be A Little Kinder To Yourself  Square Tunes 192  ExtraCopies=2
Be Bop A Lula  Blue Star 2485  ExtraCopies=1
Be Glad  Blue Star 2357  ExtraCopies=2
Be Glad  Wagon Wheel 308  ExtraCopies=5
Be Glad  MacGregor 2058  ExtraCopies=3
Be Glad  Stirrup 503  ExtraCopies=2
Be Glad You Got What You Got  Ocean 53  ExtraCopies=1
Be Happy  Sets In Order 115  ExtraCopies=5
Be Happy  Top 25147  ExtraCopies=2
Be My Angel  Hi Hat 5154  ExtraCopies=1
Be My Baby Tonight  Royal 130  ExtraCopies=3
Be Nice To Everybody  Petticoat Patter 108  ExtraCopies=1
Be Nobody's Baby But Mine  Bogan 1393  ExtraCopies=1
Be Nobody's Darling But Mine  Blue Star 2111  ExtraCopies=1
Be Sure It's True / All She Wants  Grenn 12012  ExtraCopies=2
Be-Bop-A-Lula  Dance Ranch 689  ExtraCopies=1
Bear Creek Jump / Deep Elem Glide  Kalox 1020  ExtraCopies=3
Bear Tracks  Royal 320  ExtraCopies=1
Beat The Cabbage / St. Ann Reel  TNT 232  ExtraCopies=2
Beatin My Time  Old Timer 8193  ExtraCopies=2
Beatle Mania  Chicago Country 53  ExtraCopies=1
Beaumont Rag  Brahma 501  ExtraCopies=1
Beautiful Baby  Top 25299  ExtraCopies=2
Beautiful Baby  Rawhide 110  ExtraCopies=8
Beautiful Brown Eyes  Royal 301  ExtraCopies=2
Beautiful Day  Royal 701  ExtraCopies=3
Beautiful Dreamer  MacGregor 1041  ExtraCopies=1
Beautiful Lady  Blue Star 2182  ExtraCopies=4
Beautiful Lady  Tarheel 150  ExtraCopies=1
Beautiful Noise  Cross Country 509  ExtraCopies=4
Beautiful Texas  Dash 2520  ExtraCopies=1
Beautiful Tomorrow  Windsor 5119  ExtraCopies=1
Beautiful You  Ranch House 702  ExtraCopies=8
Beaver Creek / Twisted Hoedown  Grenn 12053  ExtraCopies=1
Beaver Dam / Stockade Special  Top 25192  ExtraCopies=3
Becky Morgan  Circle D 245  ExtraCopies=1
Bed Of Rose's  Mustang 133  ExtraCopies=3
Bed Of Roses  Kalox 1118  ExtraCopies=1
Bed Of Roses  Jewel 147  ExtraCopies=1
Bed Of Roses  Hi Hat 404  ExtraCopies=1
Bed Of Roses  Bogan 1325  ExtraCopies=2
Bee Bop A Lula  Ocean 61  ExtraCopies=1
Bee-Bop-A-Lula  Lightning 402  ExtraCopies=2
Beer Barrel Polka  Blue Star 2298  ExtraCopies=6
Beer Barrel Polka  E-Z School Rhythm 732  ExtraCopies=2
Beer Barrel Polka  Scope 604  ExtraCopies=5
Before I Met You  Red Boot 138  ExtraCopies=13
Before I Met You  ESP 509  ExtraCopies=1
Before The Last Teardrop Falls  Thunderbird 149  ExtraCopies=2
Before The Next Teardrop Falls  Tarheel 107  ExtraCopies=1
Before The Next Teardrop Falls  Global Music 1010  ExtraCopies=1
Before The Next Teardrop Falls  Mountain 1  ExtraCopies=1
Behind Closed Doors  Red Boot 155  ExtraCopies=6
Bei Mir Bis Du Schon  MacGregor 966  ExtraCopies=1
Bei Mir Bist Du Schön  Hearties 2  ExtraCopies=1
Bei Mir Bist Du Schon (You Are Grand)  Aqua 127  ExtraCopies=11
Believe  Golden Eagle 38  ExtraCopies=3
Believe / Ramblin' Rose Rag  Ramblin' Rose 1001  ExtraCopies=1
Believe Me  Kalox 1038  ExtraCopies=5
Belle Of The Square Dance Hall  Best 105  ExtraCopies=1
Belles Of Southern Bell  Top 25185  ExtraCopies=2
Bells On My Heart  Windsor 4913  ExtraCopies=3
Bells On My Heart  TNT 160  ExtraCopies=2
Bendwood / Devil's Dream  Blue Star 1816  ExtraCopies=2
Bertie  Scope 511  ExtraCopies=1
Best Dressed Beggar  MacGregor 935  ExtraCopies=4
Best Gal / Up Jumped The Devil  Sets In Order 87 / 88  ExtraCopies=7
Best Guitar Picker  MacGregor 2021  ExtraCopies=3
Best Is Yet To Come  Wagon Wheel 605  ExtraCopies=14
Best Things In Life Are Free  Big Mac 77  ExtraCopies=2
Best Things In Life Are Free  MacGregor 2055  ExtraCopies=10
Bestest Friend  Red Boot 279  ExtraCopies=3
Bet Your Heart On Me  Circle D 219  ExtraCopies=4
Betcha My Heart  Longhorn 1016  ExtraCopies=3
Betcha My Heart I Love You  Lore 1077  ExtraCopies=2
Betcha My Life  Longhorn 1042  ExtraCopies=1
Better Man  Rhythm 223  ExtraCopies=6
Better Times A Coming  Thunderbird 147  ExtraCopies=1
Between This Time And The Next Time  Mountain 35  ExtraCopies=1
Between Winston Salem And Nashville Tennessee  Mustang 159  ExtraCopies=3
Beverly Hillbillies  Jewel 106  ExtraCopies=7
Bewitching / Red Barn Rag  Sunny Hills 3152  ExtraCopies=4
Bi-Centennial Silver Bell  Grenn 12150  ExtraCopies=3
Bible Belt  Lou Mac 195  ExtraCopies=2
Bicentennial Medley  Scope 601  ExtraCopies=1
Bicycle Morning  Swinging Square 2368  ExtraCopies=2
Big "G" Rag / Good Day Hoedown  Thunderbird 514  ExtraCopies=5
Big 8 Wheeler Blue Yodeler  Longhorn 1010  ExtraCopies=7
Big Band Days  Hi Hat 480  ExtraCopies=1
Big Blue Eyes  Hi Hat 401  ExtraCopies=4
Big Bob / Little Bob  Mustang 162  ExtraCopies=2
Big Boss Man  Red Boot 162  ExtraCopies=12
Big Boss Man  TNT 224  ExtraCopies=2
Big Brown Jug / The Devil Jumped Up  Sets In Order 2129  ExtraCopies=1
Big Buck Hoedown  Buckskin 1511  ExtraCopies=4
Big Chief  D & ET 101  ExtraCopies=2
Big City  Gold Star 708  ExtraCopies=1
Big City  Kalox 1206  ExtraCopies=2
Big City  Jewel 134  ExtraCopies=4
Big Daddy  Grenn 12035  ExtraCopies=16
Big Daddy  Lore 1164  ExtraCopies=4
Big Daddy  Grenn 12142  ExtraCopies=3
Big Daddy's Alabamy Bound  4-Bar-B 6128  ExtraCopies=1
Big Daddy's Alabamy Bound  ESP 209  ExtraCopies=1
Big Foot Stomp  Chaparral 532  ExtraCopies=4
Big Iron  Lightning S 701  ExtraCopies=1
Big Iron  MacGregor 2114  ExtraCopies=1
Big Mable Murphy  Scope 598  ExtraCopies=2
Big Mable Murphy  Red Boot 119  ExtraCopies=1
Big Mac Boomerang / Why  Big Mac 1015  ExtraCopies=1
Big Mamou  Sting 301  ExtraCopies=3
Big Mamou  Elite (new) 1005  ExtraCopies=2
Big Mamou  Lore 1201  ExtraCopies=2
Big Ole Brew  Quadrille 818  ExtraCopies=1
Big Ole Brew (& A Little Ole You)  Eagle 1004  ExtraCopies=3
Big Ole Jubilee  Top 25267  ExtraCopies=3
Big Operator  Hi Hat 410  ExtraCopies=3
Big River  Jewel 127  ExtraCopies=1
Big Rock Candy Mountain  Swinging Square 2315  ExtraCopies=1
Big Sombrero  Wagon Wheel 304  ExtraCopies=7
Big Sombrero  Jopat 1001  ExtraCopies=3
Big Sombrero Contra  Wagon Wheel 919  ExtraCopies=1
Big Stick / Whup Whup  Kalox 1140  ExtraCopies=5
Big T Water  Top 25228  ExtraCopies=6
Big Thicket / Midnight  Blue Star 1585  ExtraCopies=4
Big Time  ESP 330  ExtraCopies=1
Big Train From Memphis  4-Bar-B 6071  ExtraCopies=2
Big Wheel Cannonball  Hi Hat 472  ExtraCopies=2
Big Wheels In The Moonlight  Shakedown 229  ExtraCopies=1
Bile Them Cabbage Down / Uncle D's Rag  Black Mountain Valley 25  ExtraCopies=1
Bill Bailey  Top 25017  ExtraCopies=6
Bill Bailey  Brahma 602  ExtraCopies=2
Bill Bailey  Tarheel 141  ExtraCopies=1
Bill Bailey  Sunny Hills 158  ExtraCopies=3
Bill Bailey  Top 25225  ExtraCopies=5
Bill Bailey  Lore 1196  ExtraCopies=2
Bill Bailey  4-Bar-B 6075  ExtraCopies=5
Bill Bailey  Blue Star 2044  ExtraCopies=1
Bill Bailey  Blue Star 1669  ExtraCopies=1
Bill Jones General Store  Kalox 1165  ExtraCopies=3
Bill's Boil The Cabbage  White Lightning 600  ExtraCopies=1
Bill's Boogie  Golden Square 6501  ExtraCopies=1
Bill's Dixie  Red Boot 142  ExtraCopies=3
Bill's Poor Boy  MacGregor 975  ExtraCopies=1
Billy  Sets In Order 116  ExtraCopies=5
Billy Bayou  Cardinal 30  ExtraCopies=2
Billy Bayou  Windsor 4998  ExtraCopies=2
Billy Bayou  Petticoat Patter 124  ExtraCopies=3
Billy Boy  Top 25024  ExtraCopies=2
Billy Does Your Bulldog Bite  Royal 127  ExtraCopies=1
Billy John / Freddie's Fancy  Sets In Order 93 / 94  ExtraCopies=7
Billy John / Freddie's Fancy  Wagon Wheel 121  ExtraCopies=30
Billy The Kid  MacGregor 2208  ExtraCopies=2
Biloxi  Mustang 140  ExtraCopies=1
Biloxi Lady  ESP 510  ExtraCopies=1
Bimbo  Top 25153  ExtraCopies=1
Bird / Rollin'  Mason Dixon Line 6  ExtraCopies=2
Bird Of Paradise  Hi Hat 331  ExtraCopies=2
Bird Of Paradise  Aqua 130  ExtraCopies=3
Bird Walk / Scotty Ho  Wild West 2-09  ExtraCopies=2
Birdie In The Cage / Birdie In The Cage Hash  Old Timer 8137  ExtraCopies=1
Birdie Song  ESP 1  ExtraCopies=2
Birmingham Junction  Gaslight 7  ExtraCopies=2
Birth Of Rock And Roll  Quadrille 847  ExtraCopies=5
Birth Of The Blues  Silver Sounds 196  ExtraCopies=1
Biscut Jaws / Rattler  Blue Star 2074  ExtraCopies=1
Bitter Creek / Something Nice  Cimarron 201  ExtraCopies=2
Bitter Root / Sackin' It  Chinook 504  ExtraCopies=3
Black Bird, Bye, Bye  Blue Ribbon 290  ExtraCopies=1
Black Magic  Jay-Bar-Kay 142  ExtraCopies=2
Black Mountain Bag / Rye Straw  Sunny Hills 132  ExtraCopies=1
Black Mountain Rag  Whispering Pines 2  ExtraCopies=3
Black Mountain Rag / Fiddlers Dream  Blue Star 1944  ExtraCopies=1
Black Mountain Rag / Leather Britches  Square L 602  ExtraCopies=1
Black Sheep  Red Boot 2991  ExtraCopies=1
Black Velvet  Desert 51  ExtraCopies=4
Blackberry Blossom / Black Mountain Rag  Lou Mac 106  ExtraCopies=2
Blackboard Of My Heart  Bogan 1116  ExtraCopies=2
Blackjack Hoedown  Rawhide 515  ExtraCopies=3
Blacksmith Blues  Windsor 4822  ExtraCopies=2
Blame It On Mexico  Royal 102  ExtraCopies=3
Blame It On Mexico  Ponderosa 10  ExtraCopies=6
Blame It On The Bosa Nova  Jewel 110  ExtraCopies=2
Blanket On The Ground  Mustang 170  ExtraCopies=2
Blanket On The Ground  Sting 314  ExtraCopies=6
Blanket On The Ground  Lazy Eight 5  ExtraCopies=3
Blaze Of Glory  Shakedown 207  ExtraCopies=2
Blaze Of Glory  Prairie 1043  ExtraCopies=1
Bless 'Em All  MacGregor 1013  ExtraCopies=2
Bless Your Pea Pickin' Heart / Calico Gown  Windsor 4168  ExtraCopies=6
Bloody Mary Morning  Blue Star 2049  ExtraCopies=1
Bloody Red Baron  Wagon Wheel 606  ExtraCopies=8
Blow Up The T.V.  Jopat 210  ExtraCopies=2
Blowin' In The Wind  Bogan 1185  ExtraCopies=1
Blowin' In The Wind  Red Boot 3015  ExtraCopies=1
Blowin' In The Wind  Hi Hat 393  ExtraCopies=7
Blowin' In The Wind  Bogan 1288  ExtraCopies=2
Blowin' Like A Bandit  Quadrille 872  ExtraCopies=1
Blowing In The Wind  Eagle 2013  ExtraCopies=1
Blowing In The Wind  Cardinal 44  ExtraCopies=1
Blowing In The Wind  Down Under 116  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Bayou  D & R 127  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Bayou  Jay-Bar-Kay 6017  ExtraCopies=6
Blue Bayou  Global Music 929  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Bird  MacGregor 1045  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Birds Singing  Blue Star 1974  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Blue Day  Shakedown 203  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Blue Day  Blue Star 2501  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Christmas  Royal 310  ExtraCopies=3
Blue Clear Sky  Elite (new) 1049  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Dancing' Shoes  Lou Mac 152  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Days, Black Nights  Hi Hat 5082  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Eyed Baby  MacGregor 967  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Eyed Myrtle / Pass The Buck  Rockin' A 202  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Eyes  Blue Star 1621  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Eyes & Waltzes  Lou Mac 171  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Eyes / My Lisa  Ocean 3001  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Eyes Cryin' In The Rain  Thunderbird 217  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Eyes Cryin' In The Rain  Quadrille 866  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain  Bogan 1311  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain  Kalox 1187  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain  Chaparral 226  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Eyes Don't Make An Angel  Blue Star 2226  ExtraCopies=4
Blue Gold / Spanish Square Dance  Sets In Order 2109  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Grass Square Dance Festival  Big Mac 17  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Hawaii  Longhorn 137  ExtraCopies=4
Blue Hawaii  Square Fare 102  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Hawaii / Happy Life  Kalox 1243  ExtraCopies=4
Blue Heartache  Red Boot 250  ExtraCopies=3
Blue Highway  Global Music 402  ExtraCopies=3
Blue Kentucky Girl  Kalox 1306  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Lady  Stampede 602  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Lady  Lou Mac 110  ExtraCopies=5
Blue Lady  Royal 513  ExtraCopies=3
Blue Moon  Circle D 224  ExtraCopies=4
Blue Moon Of Kentucky  Big Mac 76  ExtraCopies=4
Blue Moon Of Kentucky  ESP 140  ExtraCopies=4
Blue Moon Of Kentucky  Lore 1190  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Moon Of Kentucky  Blue Star 1719  ExtraCopies=9
Blue Moon Of Kentucky  Jopat 101  ExtraCopies=5
Blue Moon Of Kentucky  Red Boot 3078  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Mountain Hop / Hoppin' Satan  Sets In Order 81 / 82  ExtraCopies=11
Blue Mountain Hop / Hoppin' Satan  Sets In Order 7 / 8  ExtraCopies=5
Blue Mountain Rag / Roanoke  Sunny Hills 108  ExtraCopies=5
Blue Of The Night  Rockin' A 1358  ExtraCopies=3
Blue Ridge Breakdown / Mountain Dew  Thunderbird 507  ExtraCopies=10
Blue Ridge Mountain Blues  MacGregor 8955  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Ridge Mountain Blues / Go Go  Kalox 1217  ExtraCopies=3
Blue Ridge Mountain Memories / Melody Hoedown  Lamon 10076  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Ridge Mountains  Sunny Hills 5004  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Ridge Mountains Of VA.  Scope 546  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Ridge Mountains Turning Green  Dance Ranch 625  ExtraCopies=1
Blue River  Lucky 4  ExtraCopies=1
Blue River  Sets In Order 160  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Side Of Lonesome  ESP 1068  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Side Of Lonesome  Blue Star 1812  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Side Of Lonesome  Lore 1210  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Side Of Lonesome  Elk 19  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Sioux City Five  Blue Star 1661  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Skies  Silver Sounds 177  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Skies Square  MacGregor 8795  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Spanish Eyes  Hi Hat 5138  ExtraCopies=3
Blue Star Special / Texas Maid  Blue Star 2047  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Suede Blues  Chaparral 530  ExtraCopies=3
Blue Suede Shoes  Quadrille 913  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Suede Shoes  Red Boot 3008  ExtraCopies=2
Blue Tail Fly  Top 25349  ExtraCopies=1
Blue Train  Square Tunes 150  ExtraCopies=2
Blue With Envy  El Dorado 112  ExtraCopies=4
Blue, Blue Eyes  Bogan 1376  ExtraCopies=1
Blueberry Hill  Global Music 923  ExtraCopies=3
Blueberry Hill  Red Boot 2998  ExtraCopies=1
Bluebonnet / Whirlwind  Blue Star 1666  ExtraCopies=1
Bluebonnet Rag / Colorado Breakdown  Lightning S 2001  ExtraCopies=2
Bluegrass Express  Riverboat 205  ExtraCopies=5
Bluetail Fly  Square L 102  ExtraCopies=2
Bob Cat Ramble  Bob Cat 101  ExtraCopies=8
Bob Wills Is Still The King  Dance Ranch 674  ExtraCopies=1
Bob's Bounce  MacGregor 901  ExtraCopies=1
Bob's Square Thru Progression  Folkraft 1288  ExtraCopies=1
Bobbie  Eureka 2002  ExtraCopies=1
Bobbie Ann Mason  Shakedown 237  ExtraCopies=1
Bobbie Sue  Red Boot 273  ExtraCopies=3
Bobby-Sox / Splodge  Sting 507  ExtraCopies=2
Body Talk  Blue Star 2309  ExtraCopies=1
Boil 'Em Cabbage / Square Rock  Kalox 1119  ExtraCopies=12
Boil That Cabbage Down / Gold Fever  Gold Star 403  ExtraCopies=2
Boil The Cabbage / Blue Mountain Rag  Hi Hat 613  ExtraCopies=5
Boil The Cabbage Down / Black Mountain Rag  Bel Mar 5016  ExtraCopies=1
Boil The Cabbage Down / Heck Amongst The Yearlings  Sunny Hills 112  ExtraCopies=2
Boil The Cabbage Down / High Gear  Sets In Order 79 / 80  ExtraCopies=11
Boil The Cabbage Down / Up Jumped The Devil  Sets In Order 11 / 12  ExtraCopies=6
Boiled Beef / Carrots  Sting 516  ExtraCopies=1
Bonapart's Retreat  Bogan 1217  ExtraCopies=1
Bones  ESP 402  ExtraCopies=13
Boney Fingers  Rockin' A 1362  ExtraCopies=2
Bonnie & Clyde  Seven C's 205  ExtraCopies=1
Boogey / Al's Hoedown  Blue Star 1841  ExtraCopies=2
Boogie & Beethoven  Silver Sounds 126  ExtraCopies=4
Boogie And Beethoven  Yellow Rose 301  ExtraCopies=1
Boogie Bam Hoedown  Buckskin 1512  ExtraCopies=1
Boogie Beat  ESP 421  ExtraCopies=3
Boogie Fever  Lou Mac 209  ExtraCopies=3
Boogie Grass Band  Rhythm 121  ExtraCopies=14
Boogie Grass Band  D & R 137  ExtraCopies=2
Boogie Grass Band  Tarheel 103  ExtraCopies=1
Boogie Grass Saturday Night  Red Boot 3010  ExtraCopies=2
Boogie Shoes  Lou Mac 170  ExtraCopies=2
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy  Royal 331  ExtraCopies=1
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy  Riverboat 212  ExtraCopies=6
Boomerang / Booming Banjo  Scope 315  ExtraCopies=4
Boomerang / Truck Stop Grill  MacGregor 7395  ExtraCopies=3
Boot Heel Shuffle / Old Joe Clark  Kalox 1046  ExtraCopies=3
Boot Scoot Boogie  Prairie 1130  ExtraCopies=1
Boot Scootin Boogie  ESP 178  ExtraCopies=5
Boots  Grenn 12153  ExtraCopies=1
Boots  Lazy Eight 21  ExtraCopies=1
Bop  ESP 137  ExtraCopies=5
Bordertown Woman  Ocean 69  ExtraCopies=1
Born In The Country  Circle D 203  ExtraCopies=1
Born To Be Blue  Golden Eagle 4  ExtraCopies=1
Born To Be Blue  Global Music 1005  ExtraCopies=2
Born To Boogie  Eagle 2401  ExtraCopies=2
Born To Lose  Pioneer 111  ExtraCopies=1
Born To Rock  Rawhide 190  ExtraCopies=1
Boston Jail  Top 25159  ExtraCopies=3
Both Sides Of Love  Grenn 12119  ExtraCopies=1
Bouquet Of Roses  Gold Star 718  ExtraCopies=1
Bourbon Street  Bob Cat 1001  ExtraCopies=4
Bourbon Street Parade  Hi Hat 5162  ExtraCopies=2
Bowlegged Sally  Kalox 1313  ExtraCopies=2
Boyne Highlands Stomp / Rubber Dolly  Blue Star 1767  ExtraCopies=3
Boys Night Out  Kalox 1268  ExtraCopies=3
Bracken / Dorset  Top 25231  ExtraCopies=5
Bradley The Brown Nosed Reindeer  4-Bar-B 6115  ExtraCopies=2
Brand New Clementine  Benz 1205  ExtraCopies=2
Brand New Wagon / Polly  Hi Hat 619  ExtraCopies=4
Brandy  Rhythm 302  ExtraCopies=12
Brandy  Shakedown 242  ExtraCopies=3
Brass Buckles  Lou Mac 155  ExtraCopies=3
Braveheart  Global Music 507  ExtraCopies=2
Brazil  Top 25053  ExtraCopies=5
Brazil  Scope 605  ExtraCopies=2
Break 1-9  Hi Hat 635  ExtraCopies=2
Break My Mind  Windsor 5090  ExtraCopies=3
Break My Mind  Blue Star 2087  ExtraCopies=1
Breakaway / Chuck's Breakdown  Blue Star 1839  ExtraCopies=2
Breaking New Ground  Red Boot Star 1332  ExtraCopies=2
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do  Rhythm 145  ExtraCopies=4
Briar Patch / Turnpike Special  Blue Star 1516  ExtraCopies=5
Bridge Over Troubled Waters  Sting 347  ExtraCopies=2
Bright / Breezy  Sting 520  ExtraCopies=2
Bright And Shiny  Blue Star 1672  ExtraCopies=1
Bright Lights And Country Music  Petticoat Patter 115  ExtraCopies=1
Brighten The Corner  Bogan 1374  ExtraCopies=2
Brilliant Conversationalist  Ranch House 1102  ExtraCopies=5
Bring Back  Hi Hat 5111  ExtraCopies=2
Bring Back Your Love To Me  Red Boot 181  ExtraCopies=13
Bring Me Sunshine  Red Boot Star 1297  ExtraCopies=2
Bring Me Sunshine  Windsor 4923  ExtraCopies=6
Bring Me Sunshine  MacGregor 2057  ExtraCopies=7
Bring On The Sunshine  MW 102  ExtraCopies=3
Bringing Home The Bacon  MacGregor 903  ExtraCopies=1
Brit / Brit II  Chinook 517  ExtraCopies=1
Broad Minded Man  Blue Star 1969  ExtraCopies=6
Broad Minded Man  Lore 1202  ExtraCopies=2
Broad Minded Man  Red Boot 157  ExtraCopies=1
Broke My Heart A Million Ways  Rockin' A 1356  ExtraCopies=2
Broken Hearted  Blue Star 1697  ExtraCopies=2
Brokenheartsville  ESP 1075  ExtraCopies=1
Bronc Bustin Loose / The Annie Easton Hoedown  Diamond 113 / 108  ExtraCopies=1
Brooklyn  Jay-Bar-Kay 157  ExtraCopies=1
Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show  Gold Wing 123  ExtraCopies=2
Brotherhood  Blue Ribbon 213  ExtraCopies=2
Brown Eyed Girl  Royal 313  ExtraCopies=4
Brown Eyed Sweetheart Of Mine  Swinging Square 2341  ExtraCopies=1
Brush Arbor  Lamplighter 1002  ExtraCopies=1
Brush Those Tears From Your Eyes  Desert 26  ExtraCopies=2
Bubba Hyde  ESP 533  ExtraCopies=3
Bubble & Squeak  Sting 503  ExtraCopies=8
Bubbles  Top 25345  ExtraCopies=2
Bubbles In My Beer  Kalox 1300  ExtraCopies=1
Bubbles In The Wine / Josephine  Coral 65511  ExtraCopies=1
Buck's Hoedown / Buckshot  Flip 107  ExtraCopies=1
Bucket To The South  Red Boot Star 1243  ExtraCopies=3
Buckeye Hoedown / Red Hot River  Grenn 12022  ExtraCopies=9
Buckshot Hoedown  Buckskin 1510  ExtraCopies=1
Buddy's Special  Riverboat 507  ExtraCopies=3
Buffalo Gal / Sally Goodin  Kalox 1154  ExtraCopies=1
Build A Mountain  Pulse 1006  ExtraCopies=7
Bull Of The Woods  Blue Star 2124  ExtraCopies=1
Bully Of The Square  Top 25266  ExtraCopies=5
Bully Of The Town  Stirrup 501  ExtraCopies=1
Bully Of The Town  Longhorn 196  ExtraCopies=4
Bumble Bee Square  Wagon Wheel 119  ExtraCopies=8
Bumble Bee Square  Lightning S 506  ExtraCopies=1
Bummin' Around  Jopat 801X  ExtraCopies=6
Bumming Around  Kalox 1054  ExtraCopies=9
Bumming Around  Golden Square 6004  ExtraCopies=1
Bumming Around / Mission Bells  Kalox 1272  ExtraCopies=2
Bundle Of Southern Sunshine  Mason Dixon Line 5  ExtraCopies=3
Bundle Of Sunshine  MacGregor 2067  ExtraCopies=1
Bungalow For Two  Keeno 2300  ExtraCopies=1
Bunny Hop / Hinkey Dinkey Parley Vous  Old Timer 8161  ExtraCopies=1
Burgers & Fries  Wild West 1-44  ExtraCopies=2
Burgers And Fries  Hi Hat 5016  ExtraCopies=2
Burgers And Fries  ESP 163  ExtraCopies=3
Burnin' The Roadhouse Down  ESP 626  ExtraCopies=1
Burning Up The Barn  Diamond 107  ExtraCopies=1
Bus Fare  Lou Mac 114  ExtraCopies=3
Busted / Broken  Mustang 181  ExtraCopies=2
Buster Gets The Hammer  Windsor 5009  ExtraCopies=1
Buster's Shoes  Top 25150  ExtraCopies=5
Busy Body  MacGregor 2105  ExtraCopies=16
But For Love  G & W 600  ExtraCopies=2
But For Love  Wagon Wheel 601  ExtraCopies=9
But For Love  Chinook 122  ExtraCopies=1
But I Do  Global Music 406  ExtraCopies=3
But I Do  Hi Hat 428  ExtraCopies=1
Butterfly  Global Music 508  ExtraCopies=3
Butterfly Kisses  Global Music 941  ExtraCopies=1
Button Off My Shirt  Lightning 104  ExtraCopies=1
Button Up Your Pennies From Heaven  Blue Star 2385  ExtraCopies=2
Buttons And Bows  Ute 7  ExtraCopies=1
Buy Me A Rose  ESP 335  ExtraCopies=2
Buzzin' Around / Jailhouse Jitters  Thunderbird 509  ExtraCopies=2
Buzzy's Hoedown  Rockin' M 7  ExtraCopies=3
By Australian Moonlight  Top 25257  ExtraCopies=1
By The Sea  Top 25280  ExtraCopies=1
By The Sea  Blue Star 1620  ExtraCopies=1
By The Sea  Top 25124  ExtraCopies=1
By The Swanee River  MacGregor 948  ExtraCopies=2
By The Time I Get To Phoenix  DJ 121  ExtraCopies=1
Bye And Bye  ESP 1061  ExtraCopies=2
Bye Bye / Mustard  Top 25209  ExtraCopies=1
Bye Bye Baby  Hi Hat 343  ExtraCopies=3
Bye Bye Blackbird  Old Timer 8182  ExtraCopies=1
Bye Bye Blackbird  Pilgrim 1009  ExtraCopies=2
Bye Bye Blackbird  Windsor 4837  ExtraCopies=1
Bye Bye Blackbird  Hi Hat 437  ExtraCopies=1
Bye Bye Blue Eyes  Longhorn 148  ExtraCopies=2
Bye Bye Blues  Pulse 1003  ExtraCopies=14
Bye Bye Blues  Swinging Square 2327  ExtraCopies=2
Bye Bye Blues  Pilgrim 1004  ExtraCopies=3
Bye Bye Blues  Jay-Bar-Kay 6019  ExtraCopies=5
Bye Bye Blues / Sophia  Grenn 14002  ExtraCopies=2
Bye Bye Love  Global Music 927  ExtraCopies=29
Bye-Bye Blackbird  Quadrille 854  ExtraCopies=2

C'est La Vie  Golden Eagle 34  ExtraCopies=1
C'est Magnifique / Hilbilly Two-Step  Hi Hat 801  ExtraCopies=1
C-B Handle Song  Rockin' A 1364  ExtraCopies=9
C. C. Water Back  Chicago Country 1  ExtraCopies=4
C.B. Blues  Dance Ranch 632  ExtraCopies=4
C.B. Contra  Kalox 1184  ExtraCopies=1
C.O.D.  MacGregor 2149  ExtraCopies=1
C.O.D. / Rocky Mountain Express  MacGregor 8535  ExtraCopies=1
C.O.U.N.T.R.Y.  ESP 1009  ExtraCopies=2
Cab Driver  Thunderbird 235  ExtraCopies=1
Cab Driver  Blue Star 1874  ExtraCopies=6
Cab Driver  Blue Star 2225  ExtraCopies=2
Cabaret  Quadrille 834  ExtraCopies=4
Cabaret  MacGregor 2006  ExtraCopies=1
Cabbage / Darkness  Blue Star 2032  ExtraCopies=4
Cabbage Hash / Hoppin' Satan  Sunny Hills 169  ExtraCopies=3
Cackling Hen / Soldier's Joy  Grenn 12050  ExtraCopies=2
Cajon Baby  Cow Town 104  ExtraCopies=1
Cajon Square  Prairie 1015  ExtraCopies=2
Cajun Baby  Top 25227  ExtraCopies=6
Cajun Bayou Blues  Circle D 259  ExtraCopies=1
Cajun Cabbage  Elite (new) 1019  ExtraCopies=3
Cajun Dew  Rockin' M 8  ExtraCopies=3
Cajun Moon  Quadrille 843  ExtraCopies=4
Cajun Moon  Big Mac 71  ExtraCopies=4
Calcasieu Jambalaya / Shift The Gears  Old Timer 8068  ExtraCopies=1
Calcutta  Marble 202  ExtraCopies=1
Calendar Girl  ESP 706  ExtraCopies=5
Calendar Girl  Crow 1  ExtraCopies=1
Calgary Stomp  Royal Canadian 903  ExtraCopies=1
Cali Cumbias / Ginger Bread  Royal 419  ExtraCopies=1
Calico / Art's Melody  Scope 308  ExtraCopies=2
Calico Girl  Scope 540  ExtraCopies=1
California Blues  Kalox 1099  ExtraCopies=4
California Blues  Big Mac 85  ExtraCopies=1
California Blues  Lore 1191  ExtraCopies=1
California Dreamin  ESP 713  ExtraCopies=1
California Girls  Shakedown 319  ExtraCopies=1
California Here I Come  Blue Star 2452  ExtraCopies=1
California Here I Come  Hi Hat 5095  ExtraCopies=5
California Here I Come  Top 25081  ExtraCopies=1
California Here We Come  Top 25317  ExtraCopies=1
California Sunshine  Gold Star 702  ExtraCopies=1
Call Me Baby  Blue Star 1607  ExtraCopies=1
Call Me Mr. Inbetween  Hi Hat 496  ExtraCopies=1
Call Me Up  Bel Mar 5011  ExtraCopies=2
Call Me Up  Scope 531  ExtraCopies=1
Call The Wind Maria  Elk 12  ExtraCopies=1
Call The Wind Maria  Hi Hat 417  ExtraCopies=5
Callin' Baton Rouge  Royal 129  ExtraCopies=2
Calling By The River  Strato-Sound 102  ExtraCopies=5
Camelia  MacGregor 2061  ExtraCopies=5
Camelia  Hi Hat 5091  ExtraCopies=2
Camptown Races  Payote 201  ExtraCopies=1
Camptown Races / Deep Elem  Kalox 1155  ExtraCopies=3
Camptown Races / Groovy Grubworm  Thunderbird 529  ExtraCopies=2
Can You Believe Me  Hi Hat 338  ExtraCopies=3
Can You Feel The Love Tonight  Global Music 110  ExtraCopies=1
Can You Hear Those Pioneers  Elk 40  ExtraCopies=3
Can't Buy Me Love  Snow 602  ExtraCopies=1
Can't Have Nothin'  Quadrille 876  ExtraCopies=6
Can't Help Believing  Wagon Wheel 120  ExtraCopies=4
Can't Help Falling In Love With You  Rhythm 201  ExtraCopies=4
Can't Smile Without You  Flower 202  ExtraCopies=1
Can't Stop Loving You  Sting 409  ExtraCopies=3
Can't Stop My Heart  Ranch House 1101  ExtraCopies=5
Can't Stop My Heart  Dance Ranch 698  ExtraCopies=1
Can't Stop My Heart From Loving You  Venture 107  ExtraCopies=2
Can't Stop Now  ESP 610  ExtraCopies=5
Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You  Wagon Wheel 115  ExtraCopies=6
Can't Take My Eyes Off You  ESP 1046  ExtraCopies=3
Can't Take The Texas Out Of Me  Rocket 106  ExtraCopies=3
Canadian Pacific  Top 25355  ExtraCopies=1
Canadian Pacific  Top 25213  ExtraCopies=3
Canadian Romp / Slushing Along  Royal Canadian 902  ExtraCopies=2
Candace  Hi Hat 665  ExtraCopies=2
Candy / Rebert  Red Boot 301  ExtraCopies=7
Candy Lips  Blue Star 2240  ExtraCopies=2
Candy Store Lady  Old Timer 8146  ExtraCopies=2
Car Wash Blues  D & R 108  ExtraCopies=1
Carefree Highway  Royal 156  ExtraCopies=1
Careless Love  Hi Hat 440  ExtraCopies=1
Careless Love  Blue Star 1731  ExtraCopies=3
Careless Love  Hi Hat 310  ExtraCopies=4
Caren  Square Tunes 169  ExtraCopies=2
Caribbean  Big Mac 100  ExtraCopies=1
Caribbean  Mustang 129  ExtraCopies=2
Caribbean Christmas  Chicago Country 69  ExtraCopies=1
Carlena And Jose Gomez  Lore 1218  ExtraCopies=1
Carmen  Quadrille 884  ExtraCopies=1
Carolina  MacGregor 2104  ExtraCopies=10
Carolina  MacGregor 921  ExtraCopies=2
Carolina Caper / Thunderbird Special  Thunderbird 502  ExtraCopies=5
Carolina Country Morning  Thunderbird 143  ExtraCopies=3
Carolina Girl  Tarheel 108  ExtraCopies=2
Carolina In The Morning  Nickel 45  ExtraCopies=3
Carolina In The Morning  MacGregor 2300  ExtraCopies=4
Carolina In The Morning  Hi Hat 5146  ExtraCopies=1
Carolina In The Pines  Dance Ranch 712  ExtraCopies=2
Carolina In The Pines  Blue Star 2187  ExtraCopies=1
Carolina Moonshiner  Grenn 12154  ExtraCopies=2
Carolina Sunshine Maid  Melody 104  ExtraCopies=2
Carolyn  Square Tunes 163  ExtraCopies=7
Carry Me Back  Lone Oak 301  ExtraCopies=5
Carry Me Back To Old Virginny  Grenn 12229  ExtraCopies=1
Carry On!  Pairs 'N Squares 801  ExtraCopies=1
Casey Jones  Top 25210  ExtraCopies=1
Casey Jones  Top 25076  ExtraCopies=1
Casey Jones / Sweetest Gal In Town  MacGregor 8215  ExtraCopies=2
Casting My Lasso  Western Jubilee 907  ExtraCopies=1
Catch A Falling Star  Sting 341  ExtraCopies=1
Catfish John  Riverboat 215  ExtraCopies=2
Cathie / Debbie  Hi Hat 624  ExtraCopies=1
Cattle Call / Rubber Dolly  Hi Hat 622  ExtraCopies=2
Catweazle / Montrose  Snow 502  ExtraCopies=3
Cause I Believe In You  MacGregor 1069  ExtraCopies=2
Cecilia  MacGregor 2154  ExtraCopies=2
Celebration  Sounds 2000 2005  ExtraCopies=1
Celebration  Chicago Country 23  ExtraCopies=3
Celito Lindo  Red Boot Star 1336  ExtraCopies=3
Celito Lindo  Blue Star 2121  ExtraCopies=1
Celito Lindo  Blue Star 1846  ExtraCopies=3
Chain Gang Of Love  Lore 1184  ExtraCopies=2
Chain Gang Of Love  4-Bar-B 6024  ExtraCopies=1
Chain Gang Of Love  Prairie 1025  ExtraCopies=1
Chain Gang Of Love  Ranch House 210  ExtraCopies=9
Chaining The Ocean  Sets In Order 157  ExtraCopies=3
Chains  4-Bar-B 6105  ExtraCopies=1
Chaka Hoedown / Chaka Hoedown (Rhythm)  Solid Gold 103  ExtraCopies=1
Change Everything  Hi Hat 389  ExtraCopies=2
Change My Love  Royal 119  ExtraCopies=4
Changes  Hi Hat 455  ExtraCopies=1
Changes  Balance 112  ExtraCopies=3
Changes / By And By  Balance 3205  ExtraCopies=1
Changes in Latitude  A & S 103  ExtraCopies=2
Changin' Love / Swing With Lu  Sunny Hills 143  ExtraCopies=6
Chantilly Lace  Windsor 5006  ExtraCopies=2
Chantilly Lace  Eagle 3501  ExtraCopies=1
Chantilly Lace  Blue Ribbon 241  ExtraCopies=3
Chaos  ESP 416  ExtraCopies=2
Charge Up Cripple Creek / Rompin'  Kalox 1122  ExtraCopies=10
Charles Polka  Kalox 1151  ExtraCopies=8
Charley, My Boy / Oceana Roll  MacGregor 8675  ExtraCopies=3
Charlie And The MTA  Silver Sounds 206  ExtraCopies=1
Charlie Brown  Royal 114  ExtraCopies=1
Charlie My Boy  Hi Hat 373  ExtraCopies=6
Charmaine  Scope 503  ExtraCopies=2
Chase Each Other Round The Room  Bogan 1353  ExtraCopies=3
Chasin' Women  Blue Star 1534  ExtraCopies=1
Chattahoochee  Red Boot Star 1349  ExtraCopies=1
Chattahootchee / Yellow Creek  Top 25073  ExtraCopies=20
Chattanooga Choo, Choo  Blue Star 2403  ExtraCopies=1
Chattanooga Dog  Pioneer 107  ExtraCopies=2
Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy  MacGregor 2147  ExtraCopies=2
Cheating Song  Bogan 1329  ExtraCopies=2
Checking Out  Windsor 4909  ExtraCopies=1
Cheeseburger In Paradise  Rhythm 257  ExtraCopies=2
Cherokee Boogie / I Ain't Never  Arista Nashville 7822-13039-7  ExtraCopies=1
Cherokee Fiddle  Chaparral 512  ExtraCopies=10
Cherokee Maiden  Chaparral 803  ExtraCopies=11
Cherokee Maiden  Bogan 1130  ExtraCopies=3
Cherry Blossom Square  Top 25057  ExtraCopies=2
Chevy To A Lincoln  Desert 56  ExtraCopies=1
Chewin' Gum  Magnolia Melodies 104  ExtraCopies=1
Chewing Gum  Go 104  ExtraCopies=6
Chewing Gum  Blue Star 1916  ExtraCopies=2
Cheyenne  Hi Hat 5211  ExtraCopies=1
Chicago / Galena  Chicago Country 102  ExtraCopies=2
Chicago Dancin' Girls  Eureka 1303  ExtraCopies=3
Chick A Boom  Royal 1101  ExtraCopies=2
Chick Inspector  Jay-Bar-Kay 149  ExtraCopies=3
Chicken Plucker  Rockin' M 5  ExtraCopies=4
Chicken Plucker / Big Boom  Sets In Order 39 / 40  ExtraCopies=8
Chicken Plucker / Chug Chug  Sets In Order 25 / 26  ExtraCopies=4
Chief Buffalo Nickel  MacGregor 2101  ExtraCopies=5
Chili Pep  MacGregor 8895  ExtraCopies=1
Chim Chim Cheree  Hi Hat 335  ExtraCopies=3
Chime Bells  Prairie 1060  ExtraCopies=3
Chime Bells  Top 25316  ExtraCopies=4
Chime Bells  Top 25174  ExtraCopies=3
Chime Bells  D & R 156  ExtraCopies=1
China Town Square  Prairie 1005  ExtraCopies=2
Chinatown  Top 25161  ExtraCopies=1
Chinatown  Kalox 1251  ExtraCopies=2
Chinatown  Top 25354  ExtraCopies=1
Chinatown  Sunny Hills 156  ExtraCopies=8
Chinatown  Blue Star 2209  ExtraCopies=2
Chinatown  Mustang 113  ExtraCopies=1
Chinatown  Scope 537  ExtraCopies=1
Chinese Breakdown / D & A Breakdown  Sets In Order 3 / 4  ExtraCopies=16
Chinese Breakdown / Dance All Night  Cross Road 9001  ExtraCopies=45
Chinese Breakdown / Fancy Sticks  Chaparral 112  ExtraCopies=11
Chinese Breakdown / Goodwin Hoedown  Black Mountain Valley 12  ExtraCopies=1
Chinese Breakdown / Jim Jam  Sets In Order 21 / 22  ExtraCopies=3
Chinese Breakdown / Union County  Jewel 101  ExtraCopies=1
Chinook Ramble / Grandma's Hoedown  Chinook 503  ExtraCopies=1
Choctaw / Rockin' Cindy  Top 25291  ExtraCopies=2
Cholly's Folly / Old Joe Clark  Blue Star 1781  ExtraCopies=2
Chop Sticks / Rubber Dolly  Sets In Order 2116  ExtraCopies=9
Chords Galore  Sets In Order 122  ExtraCopies=6
Chords Galore / Morkords  Sets In Order 57 / 58  ExtraCopies=11
Christmas Country Style  Mountain 122  ExtraCopies=1
Christmas Day  ESP 1005  ExtraCopies=1
Christmas Day (Mary's Boychild)  Sting 310  ExtraCopies=3
Christmas In Dixie  Hi Hat 5170  ExtraCopies=3
Christmas In Dixie  Lamon 10129  ExtraCopies=2
Christmas In Dixie  La Bandito 100  ExtraCopies=1
Christmas In Your Arms  Quadrille 918  ExtraCopies=1
Christmas Medley  Chaparral 528  ExtraCopies=2
Christmas Medley  Jay-Bar-Kay 148  ExtraCopies=3
Christmas Medley  Bogan 1276  ExtraCopies=2
Christmas Medley  Blue Star 2146  ExtraCopies=1
Christmas Square  Blue Star 1858  ExtraCopies=1
Christmas Time In Texas  Blue Star 2354  ExtraCopies=2
Christmas Time's A Comin'  Ranch House 217  ExtraCopies=2
Christmas Times A Coming  Swinging Square 2371  ExtraCopies=3
Chug Chug / Whirly Bird  Sets In Order 49 / 50  ExtraCopies=10
Chuggin' / Diddleybob  Chinook 511  ExtraCopies=1
Chuggin' / TJ  Royal 406  ExtraCopies=5
Cidade Maravil Hosa (Marvelous City)  Kalox 1230  ExtraCopies=7
Cindie Loo  Top 25188  ExtraCopies=1
Cindy  Red Boot 317  ExtraCopies=2
Cindy / Ragtime Annie  Blue Star 2009  ExtraCopies=2
Cindy Balance  Blue Star 1508  ExtraCopies=1
Cindy Clark / Soldier's Joy  Scope 322  ExtraCopies=3
Cindy Lou / Liza Jane  Thunderbird 508  ExtraCopies=2
Cinnamon Twist / Sayou  Grenn 12094  ExtraCopies=2
Cinnamon Twist / White Lightning  Lightning S 2000  ExtraCopies=5
Circle  Lou Mac 159  ExtraCopies=6
Circle D Romp / Cloggers Special  Circle D 500  ExtraCopies=4
Circle Rhythm / Dixie Rhythm  Rhythm 308  ExtraCopies=5
City Lights  Quadrille 894  ExtraCopies=2
City Lights  Blue Star 1716  ExtraCopies=1
City Of New Orleans  Rhythm 182  ExtraCopies=9
City Of New Orleans  Rockin' A 1360  ExtraCopies=11
City Police  Swinging Square 2378  ExtraCopies=3
City Put The Country Back In Me  ESP 723  ExtraCopies=2
Clap Your Hands  Coyote 301  ExtraCopies=13
Clark County Rag / Jackson's Breakdown  Aqua 303  ExtraCopies=1
Clayton Delaney  Royal 133  ExtraCopies=2
Clear Track Special / Sugarfoot Wild  Grenn 12038  ExtraCopies=10
Clementine  Grenn 12076  ExtraCopies=1
Clementine / Down The Road  Falcon 102  ExtraCopies=2
Climbing Up Dem Golden Stairs  Golden Square 6018  ExtraCopies=1
Clog (don't jog) / Stuart's Dolly  Lazy Eight 2  ExtraCopies=1
Cloggers Special / Cloggers Delight  Kalox 1231  ExtraCopies=2
Cloggin Leather Britches / Ragtime Annie  Blue Star 2152  ExtraCopies=1
Close All The Honky Tonks  Jay-Bar-Kay 116  ExtraCopies=2
Close Enough To Perfect  Ocean 18  ExtraCopies=1
Close Enough To Perfect  Circle D 222  ExtraCopies=3
Close Shave / Rachael  Sunny Hills 126  ExtraCopies=1
Close To My Heart  Blue Star 2353  ExtraCopies=1
Close To You  Jay-Bar-Kay 138  ExtraCopies=3
Close Up The Honky Tonks  Lou Mac 201  ExtraCopies=1
Cloudy Days  Blue Star 2210  ExtraCopies=2
Clyde / Fever  Mountain 5005  ExtraCopies=1
Coal Miner's Daughter  Prairie 1000  ExtraCopies=1
Coastin' / Truckin'  Kalox 1193  ExtraCopies=6
Coca Cola Cowboy  Red Boot Star 1250  ExtraCopies=2
Coca Cola Cowboy  Windsor 5097  ExtraCopies=1
Cocain Blues  Blue Star 1629  ExtraCopies=1
Cocoanuts  Hi Hat 5017  ExtraCopies=3
Cocoanuts  Sets In Order 150  ExtraCopies=8
Cocoanuts  Blue Star 2383  ExtraCopies=2
Coconuts  ESP 213  ExtraCopies=3
Coin Machine  ESP 606  ExtraCopies=6
Cold Cold Heart  Rhythm 254  ExtraCopies=1
Cold, Cold Heart  Red Boot Star 1335  ExtraCopies=1
Cold, Cold Heart  Rawhide 118  ExtraCopies=2
Colorado  Kalox 1102  ExtraCopies=3
Colorado In The Morning  Hi Hat 438  ExtraCopies=3
Colorado Sky  4-Bar-B 6136  ExtraCopies=1
Columbus Stockade Blues  Rockin' M 2  ExtraCopies=1
Columbus Stockade Blues  Blue Star 2206  ExtraCopies=3
Columbus Stockade Blues  Silver Sounds 155  ExtraCopies=1
Columbus Stockade Blues  ESP 512  ExtraCopies=3
Columbus Stockade Blues  Mustang 179  ExtraCopies=3
Come Back / Hot Brakes  Hi Hat 639  ExtraCopies=16
Come Dancin' With Me  MacGregor 2037  ExtraCopies=4
Come Early Morning  Red Boot 145  ExtraCopies=3
Come Fly With Me  Desert Gold 15  ExtraCopies=2
Come Live With Me In Cañon City  Prairie 1112  ExtraCopies=1
Come Monday  Global Music 922  ExtraCopies=2
Come Monday  ESP 919  ExtraCopies=1
Come Monday  Circle D 215  ExtraCopies=2
Come On Home And Sing The Blues To Daddy  R & R 103  ExtraCopies=1
Come On Home and Sing the Blues to Daddy  Mountain 60  ExtraCopies=1
Come On In  Red Boot 243  ExtraCopies=4
Come On Over  Grenn 12096  ExtraCopies=1
Come On, Come On, Think Summer  Thunderbird 165  ExtraCopies=1
Come To Me  Platinum 103  ExtraCopies=2
Come To Me  Hi Hat 495  ExtraCopies=4
Come To The Cabaret  Top 25260  ExtraCopies=3
Come What May  Bogan 1241  ExtraCopies=3
Come What May  Lore 1153  ExtraCopies=1
Comin Round The Mountain / Finger Lickin Good  Red Boot 321  ExtraCopies=5
Comin' Out / Fayvette  Blue Star 1571  ExtraCopies=4
Comin' To America  Silver Sounds 104  ExtraCopies=1
Coming Down  Wagon Wheel 122  ExtraCopies=11
Coming Round The Mountain / Nobody  Kalox 1056  ExtraCopies=6
Common Man  Global Music 806  ExtraCopies=2
Common Man  Ocean 6  ExtraCopies=3
Common Man  Fine Tune 102  ExtraCopies=4
Commonly Known As The Blues  Dance Ranch 675  ExtraCopies=2
Company's Coming  ESP 521  ExtraCopies=3
Company's Coming / Up Jumped The Devil  Blue Star 2460  ExtraCopies=2
Coney Island Baby  Hi Hat 351  ExtraCopies=5
Coney Island Washboard Gal  ESP 503  ExtraCopies=5
Coney Island Washboard Gal  Grenn 12089  ExtraCopies=13
Coney Island Washboard Gal  Blue Star 2090  ExtraCopies=3
Confession  Kalox 1174  ExtraCopies=1
Connecticut Turnpike  Folkraft 1286  ExtraCopies=2
Connie I  Big Mac 1006  ExtraCopies=3
Consider Yourself  FTC 32031  ExtraCopies=1
Convention Blues  MacGregor 2087  ExtraCopies=2
Cookin' Cabbage / Mojo  Jewel 126  ExtraCopies=10
Cool Breeze / Molly's Hoedown  MacGregor 7875  ExtraCopies=1
Cool Luke / Ball Of Fire  Kalox 1227  ExtraCopies=3
Cool To Be A Fool  Global Music 607  ExtraCopies=2
Cool Water  Elk 2  ExtraCopies=1
Copa Cabana  Cobra 101  ExtraCopies=1
Cords Galore  Blue Star 2113  ExtraCopies=1
Corn Chips  Big Mac 4  ExtraCopies=2
Cornbread / Hush-Puppy  4-Bar-B 6032  ExtraCopies=1
Corredo / El Gato Montes  Roper 248  ExtraCopies=1
Corrina  Scope 599  ExtraCopies=3
Corrine, Corrina  Venture 106  ExtraCopies=2
Cotton Candy  MacGregor 957  ExtraCopies=2
Cotton Eyed Joe / Billy Cheatum  Kalox 1258  ExtraCopies=1
Cotton Fields  Blue Star 2082  ExtraCopies=1
Cotton Fields  Top 25307  ExtraCopies=2
Cotton Patch Blues  Lore 1165  ExtraCopies=2
Cotton Pickin' / Tooter  Top 25211  ExtraCopies=2
Cotton Pickin' Delta Town  Windsor 5063  ExtraCopies=6
Cotton Pickin' Time  Desert 18  ExtraCopies=1
Cotton-Eyed Joe / Bill Cheatum  Kalox 1062  ExtraCopies=1
Cotton-Eyed Joe / Salty Dog Rag  4-Bar-B 6060  ExtraCopies=1
Cottonfields  Kalox 1274  ExtraCopies=5
Cottonfields  Jewel 115  ExtraCopies=3
Could I Live There Anymore  Kalox 1132  ExtraCopies=6
Count Down  Blue Star 2248  ExtraCopies=1
Count Me Out  Lore 1093  ExtraCopies=2
Count On Me  Red Boot Star 1305  ExtraCopies=4
Count On Me - Only You  Cloverleaf 9  ExtraCopies=1
Country / Marldon  Top 25308  ExtraCopies=2
Country As Can Be  Lou Mac 146  ExtraCopies=7
Country Boy  Blue Star 1849  ExtraCopies=4
Country Boy  Red Boot Star 1343  ExtraCopies=2
Country Boy  Blue Ribbon 293  ExtraCopies=1
Country Boy  Hi Hat 463  ExtraCopies=2
Country Boy  Sets In Order 105  ExtraCopies=1
Country Boy  Global Music 920  ExtraCopies=4
Country Boy Hoedown / Cotton Pickin  Windsor 5068  ExtraCopies=1
Country Cabinitis  El Dorado 202  ExtraCopies=4
Country Cat / City Slicker  Jopat 502  ExtraCopies=13
Country Christmas  Blue Star 2315  ExtraCopies=1
Country Gentleman / Up The Road  Quadrille 882  ExtraCopies=3
Country Girl With Hot Pants On  Red Boot 124  ExtraCopies=1
Country Girls & Cotton Eyed Joe  Seven C's 102  ExtraCopies=1
Country Green  D & R 117  ExtraCopies=2
Country Green  Swinging Square 2358  ExtraCopies=1
Country Home  Four Squares 795  ExtraCopies=4
Country Memories  Scope 648  ExtraCopies=2
Country Mind, Country Heart  Greenwood 9006  ExtraCopies=1
Country Music  Silver Eagle 501  ExtraCopies=3
Country Music Man  Bogan 1289  ExtraCopies=1
Country Music's Gone To Town  Lore 1026  ExtraCopies=1
Country Rhythm In My Soul  Riverboat 133  ExtraCopies=7
Country Roads  Rhythm 225  ExtraCopies=2
Country Roads  Dance Ranch 709  ExtraCopies=1
Country Roads / Back Alley  Chicago Country 103  ExtraCopies=3
Country Style  Top 25138  ExtraCopies=2
Country Sunshine  Wild West 1-10  ExtraCopies=1
Country Sunshine  Blue Star 1967  ExtraCopies=2
Country Sunshine  English Mountain 102  ExtraCopies=1
Country Wasn't Cool  Jopat 209  ExtraCopies=1
Country's Alive  Royal 128  ExtraCopies=1
Countryfied  Kalox 1124  ExtraCopies=2
Countryfied  Kalox 1309  ExtraCopies=1
Countryfied  Prairie 1037  ExtraCopies=1
Countryfied  Rockin' A 1355  ExtraCopies=1
County Jail  Square Tunes 125  ExtraCopies=1
County Mounty / Pedal To The Metal  Hi Hat 637  ExtraCopies=4
Coward Of The County  Prairie 1024  ExtraCopies=3
Coward Of The County  Red Boot 248  ExtraCopies=1
Cowboy  Hi Hat 474  ExtraCopies=6
Cowboy Heaven  Red Boot 267  ExtraCopies=4
Cowboy Jubilee  Gaslight 10  ExtraCopies=2
Cowboy Love  DJ 119  ExtraCopies=2
Cowboy Love  ESP 535  ExtraCopies=3
Cowboy Man  Royal 121  ExtraCopies=4
Cowboy Man  Ranch House 904  ExtraCopies=2
Cowboy Rides Away  Lou Mac 176  ExtraCopies=2
Cowboy Rough  Hi Hat 5204  ExtraCopies=5
Cowboy's Sweetheart  Rawhide 163  ExtraCopies=2
Cowboys And Angels  Sting 319  ExtraCopies=1
Cowboys Don't Get Lucky  Red Boot 240  ExtraCopies=5
Cowtown  Lore 1228  ExtraCopies=1
Crackerjack / Up The Creek  Blue Star 1513  ExtraCopies=20
Crackers  Global Music 503  ExtraCopies=5
Crawdad / Lucky  Rebel 101  ExtraCopies=7
Crawdad Song  Hi Hat 359  ExtraCopies=3
Crawdad Song  Windsor 4811  ExtraCopies=2
Crawdad Song  ESP 515  ExtraCopies=2
Crawdad Square  Chinook 127  ExtraCopies=1
Crazy  Blue Ribbon 287  ExtraCopies=1
Crazy  Hi Hat 5083  ExtraCopies=6
Crazy  Global Music 1006  ExtraCopies=2
Crazy Arms  Triangle 113  ExtraCopies=1
Crazy Arms  Red Boot Star 1317  ExtraCopies=1
Crazy Arms  Roadrunner 601  ExtraCopies=10
Crazy Crazy  TNT 125  ExtraCopies=1
Crazy Daze / Cappuccino  Sting 508  ExtraCopies=2
Crazy Little Thing Called Love  Royal 250  ExtraCopies=2
Crazy Mixed Up Kid  Sunny Hills 153  ExtraCopies=2
Crazy Over You  Eagle 3409  ExtraCopies=1
Crazy Over You  Eagle 1208  ExtraCopies=3
Crazy Rhythm  Bogan 1379  ExtraCopies=2
Crazy, Crazy  Hi Hat 311  ExtraCopies=1
Cripple Chicken  Red Boot 3068  ExtraCopies=1
Cripple Creek / Birds  Blue Star 1869  ExtraCopies=3
Cripple Creek / Home Sweet Home  Blue Star 1899  ExtraCopies=1
Cripple Cricket / Rebel Yell  Thunderbird 528  ExtraCopies=4
Crippled Cabbage / Tennessee Stud  Mountain 5001  ExtraCopies=6
Crocodile Rock  Sting 105  ExtraCopies=2
Crocodile Rock  Fine Tune 113  ExtraCopies=3
Crooked Little Man  Jewel 125  ExtraCopies=3
Cross Over The Bridge  Windsor 5016  ExtraCopies=2
Cross Over The Bridge  Windsor 4804  ExtraCopies=7
Cross The Brazos  Kalox 1071  ExtraCopies=11
Cross the Brazos  Rawhide 128  ExtraCopies=1
Cross-Eyed Fiddler  Silver Sounds 132  ExtraCopies=1
Crosscut Hoedown  Rawhide 512  ExtraCopies=2
Crosshatch / Big Walker  Top 25241  ExtraCopies=1
Cruising / Windy Breeze  Falcon 100  ExtraCopies=3
Cry  MacGregor 2174  ExtraCopies=1
Cry Baby Cry  Windsor 4910  ExtraCopies=2
Cry Cry Cry  Chicago Country 22  ExtraCopies=2
Crying In The Rain  Rhythm 192  ExtraCopies=5
Crying My Heart Out  ESP 526  ExtraCopies=1
Crying My Heart Out Over You  Blue Star 2173  ExtraCopies=1
Crying My Last Tear For You  A Bar K 107  ExtraCopies=4
Crying On My Shoulder  Blue Star 1765  ExtraCopies=1
Crying On My Shoulder  Blue Star 1968  ExtraCopies=3
Crying Over You  Royal 112  ExtraCopies=1
Crystal Chandaliers  Blue Ribbon 231  ExtraCopies=1
Crystal Chandaliers  Hi Hat 340  ExtraCopies=1
Crystal Chandeliers  Mar Let 517  ExtraCopies=4
Cuanto Le Gusta  Hi Hat 309  ExtraCopies=1
Cubam / Ole Mountain Dew  Kalox 1083  ExtraCopies=3
Cuddle Buggin' Baby  Buckskin 1229  ExtraCopies=3
Cuddle Up A Little Closer  Chinook 36  ExtraCopies=4
Cuddle Up A Little Closer  MacGregor 900  ExtraCopies=1
Cumberland Road  Circle D 238  ExtraCopies=7
Cup Of Tea  Rhythm 229  ExtraCopies=2
Cupid  Lou Mac 166  ExtraCopies=3
Cupid  Royal 243  ExtraCopies=2
Curlique / Star Twirl  Square 'N Round 500  ExtraCopies=1
Cutie  Square L 124  ExtraCopies=1
Cuttin Up  ESP 408  ExtraCopies=4
Cynthia  Lou Mac 182  ExtraCopies=3

D & A Breakdown / Chinese Breakdown  Sets In Order 33 / 34  ExtraCopies=9
D & A Breakdown / Cookin' Up A Storm  Sets In Order 2135  ExtraCopies=9
D & A Breakdown / Rubber Dolly  Sets In Order 19 / 20  ExtraCopies=2
D's Rhythm  Chinook 508  ExtraCopies=5
D-T Hoedown  MacGregor 1082  ExtraCopies=7
D.X. Land  Hi Hat 650  ExtraCopies=5
Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast  Dance Ranch 618  ExtraCopies=1
Daddy Frank  Mustang 141  ExtraCopies=3
Daddy Frank  Lou Mac 112  ExtraCopies=3
Daddy Is A Square Dance Calling Man  Red Boot 115  ExtraCopies=1
Daddy Played The Banjo  Jopat 234  ExtraCopies=3
Daddy Was A Preacher But Mama Was A Go Go Girl  Windsor 4987  ExtraCopies=1
Daddy Was An Old Time Preacher Man  4-Bar-B 6097  ExtraCopies=1
Daddy's Hands  Eureka 1007  ExtraCopies=3
Daddy's Hands  Chinook 80  ExtraCopies=1
Daisy A Day  Kalox 1146  ExtraCopies=4
Daisy A Day  Lore 1138  ExtraCopies=2
Daisy A Day  Rockin' M 802  ExtraCopies=1
Dance  Hi Hat 5271  ExtraCopies=1
Dance A Little Longer / Just Ridin' Along  Thunderbird 527  ExtraCopies=1
Dance Around Molly / Blue Mountain Hop  Sunny Hills 149  ExtraCopies=6
Dance Every Dance With You  Mountain 36  ExtraCopies=1
Dance Night  TNT 101  ExtraCopies=1
Dance The Night Away  Platinum 226  ExtraCopies=1
Dance The Night Away  Hi Hat 451  ExtraCopies=1
Dance The Two Step  Red Boot Star 1259  ExtraCopies=6
Dance Till Sunday Morning Saturday Night  Lore 1039  ExtraCopies=2
Dance Time In Texas  Royal 702  ExtraCopies=1
Dance To My Ten Guitars  Mustang 160  ExtraCopies=4
Dance To That Hot Rod Callin' Man  Windsor 4986  ExtraCopies=1
Dance With Me  ESP 703  ExtraCopies=5
Dance With Me  ESP 1062  ExtraCopies=2
Dance With Me One More Time  Square Tunes 209  ExtraCopies=4
Dance With Who Brung You  Quadrille 878  ExtraCopies=4
Dance With You  Blue Star 2192  ExtraCopies=3
Dancin' After Midnight  Red Boot 126  ExtraCopies=4
Dancin' Dolly / H.O.T. Highroad  Lazy Eight 10  ExtraCopies=7
Dancin' On The Ceiling  Eureka 1901  ExtraCopies=1
Dancin' Shoes  Quadrille 861  ExtraCopies=1
Dancin' Thru The Clover  Balance 111  ExtraCopies=3
Dancin', Shaggin' On The Boulevard  ESP 918  ExtraCopies=2
Dancing Cowboys  Jopat 1301  ExtraCopies=1
Dancing In The Street  Aussie Tempos 1035  ExtraCopies=1
Dancing In The Street  Blue Star 1771  ExtraCopies=4
Dancing In Victoria  Top 25270  ExtraCopies=11
Dancing Moon  Nickel 60  ExtraCopies=6
Dancing On A Saturday Night  Aussie Tempos 1017  ExtraCopies=4
Dancing On Top Of The World  Blue Star 1963  ExtraCopies=2
Dancing To Pretoria  Top 25066  ExtraCopies=2
Dancing With You  Tarheel 101  ExtraCopies=1
Dang Me  MacGregor 1051  ExtraCopies=1
Danny Boy  Red Boot Star 1272  ExtraCopies=6
Dark Town Strutters Ball  Cross Country 502  ExtraCopies=6
Darlene  Shakedown 222  ExtraCopies=1
Darlin' Raise The Shade  Wagon Wheel 607  ExtraCopies=12
Darlin' Red Wing  Top 25294  ExtraCopies=3
Darned If I Don't (Danged If I Do)  Shakedown 239  ExtraCopies=2
Dave Special / Drifty  Jay-Bar-Kay 603  ExtraCopies=1
David  Square Tunes 167  ExtraCopies=1
Day - O  Silver Sounds 153  ExtraCopies=1
Day Dreams About Night Things  Red Boot 192  ExtraCopies=1
Daydream  MacGregor 2206  ExtraCopies=1
Daydream  Silver Sounds 139  ExtraCopies=2
Daydream Believer  Sting 1203  ExtraCopies=1
Dayo  Red Boot 3087  ExtraCopies=2
Dazzle / Bandit  Chinook 501  ExtraCopies=2
Deal Life Again  Jopat 1975  ExtraCopies=2
Dealin' With The Devil  Hi Hat 5024  ExtraCopies=7
Dealing With The Devil  Bob Cat 117  ExtraCopies=1
Dear Hearts & Gentle People  TNT 204  ExtraCopies=3
Dear John  Square Dance USA 202  ExtraCopies=3
Dear World  Windsor 4916  ExtraCopies=1
Dear World  Grenn 12112  ExtraCopies=3
Dear World / Lovin'  Hi Hat 982  ExtraCopies=1
Deb's Romp / Ginger  Eagle 9008  ExtraCopies=1
Deck The Halls  Square Tunes 140  ExtraCopies=1
Deck The Halls  Bogan 1371  ExtraCopies=1
Deed I Do  Blue Star 2365  ExtraCopies=2
Deed I Do  Scope 641  ExtraCopies=1
Deed I Do  Rockin' A 1347  ExtraCopies=1
Deep In The Heart Of Texas  ESP 128  ExtraCopies=6
Deep River Woman  Red Boot Star 1306  ExtraCopies=3
Deep Water  Top 25176  ExtraCopies=1
Deep Water  Lucky 401  ExtraCopies=1
Deep Water  Top 25251  ExtraCopies=4
Deep Water  Bogan 1366  ExtraCopies=2
Deep Water  ESP 534  ExtraCopies=6
Deeper Than The Holler  Cross Country 511  ExtraCopies=2
Delaware  Aqua 125  ExtraCopies=4
Delilah  Blue Ribbon 261  ExtraCopies=1
Della And The Dealer  Rainbow 102  ExtraCopies=1
Della And The Dealer  Wild West 1-51  ExtraCopies=1
Delta Dawn  Windsor 5007  ExtraCopies=1
Delta Dawn  Windsor 5085  ExtraCopies=1
Delta Dirt  Thunderbird 115  ExtraCopies=1
Delta Dirt  Kalox 1169  ExtraCopies=3
Delta Dirt  Red Boot 3063  ExtraCopies=1
Delta Dirt  Rebel 110  ExtraCopies=2
Delta Dirt  C Bar C 541  ExtraCopies=1
Delta Queen  Roadrunner 502  ExtraCopies=7
Delta Queen  Chaparral 813  ExtraCopies=2
Denise, Denise  Sting 202  ExtraCopies=2
Denver  Grenn 12082  ExtraCopies=2
Desert Rose  Mar Let 520  ExtraCopies=3
Desert Rose  Chinook 128  ExtraCopies=2
Desperado Love  Desperado 101  ExtraCopies=2
Desperado Love  Quadrille 914  ExtraCopies=1
Desperado Love  Rambler 102  ExtraCopies=2
Detour  Windsor 4912  ExtraCopies=1
Detour  Bounty 106  ExtraCopies=2
Detour  Square Tunes 188  ExtraCopies=2
Detour  Hi Hat 5127  ExtraCopies=2
Detroit City  Prairie 1054  ExtraCopies=1
Deuces Wild / Pair Of Kings  Hi Hat 601  ExtraCopies=8
Devil Jumped Up / New Stone Rag  Hi Hat 621  ExtraCopies=2
Devil Woman  Hi Hat 326  ExtraCopies=3
Devil Woman  Jopat 216  ExtraCopies=2
Devil's Dream  Chaparral 107  ExtraCopies=7
Devil's Dream / Truckin' Home  Pioneer 1004  ExtraCopies=1
Devilish / The Devil Jumped Up  Sets In Order 2141  ExtraCopies=1
Devils Dream / Country Patter  Blue Star 2013  ExtraCopies=1
Dew Drop / Rumpus  Blue Star 1722  ExtraCopies=3
Dew On The Mountain / Cotton Eyed Joe  Blue Star 2057  ExtraCopies=2
Dew On The Mountain / Honolulu Dolly  Sets In Order 2133  ExtraCopies=6
Diamond Bar Quadrille  Windsor 4951  ExtraCopies=2
Diamond In The Dust  Ranch House 704  ExtraCopies=2
Diamonds  Cross Road 6001  ExtraCopies=12
Diamonds  Sets In Order 119  ExtraCopies=2
Diana  Sting 902  ExtraCopies=2
Did She Mention My Name?  Blue Ribbon 269  ExtraCopies=3
Diesel - No Brakes / Back Up And Push  Black Mountain 4553  ExtraCopies=1
Diesel On My Tail  MacGregor 2024  ExtraCopies=6
Diesel On My Tail  Royal 136  ExtraCopies=1
Diesel Power / Big Logger  Top 25196  ExtraCopies=4
Dig  Prairie 1124  ExtraCopies=1
Dig A Little Deeper In The Well  Mountain 3  ExtraCopies=4
Diggin' Up Bones  ESP 143  ExtraCopies=4
Diggy Diggy Lie  Elite (new) 1018  ExtraCopies=3
Dilema / Pokey Jo  Chinook 513  ExtraCopies=3
Dim The Lights  Coyote 102  ExtraCopies=2
Dim The Lights  Chaparral 524  ExtraCopies=6
Ding-A-Ling, The Christmas Bell  Circle D 280  ExtraCopies=1
Dirty Thirty  Rawhide 521  ExtraCopies=2
Disney Medley  Global Music 701  ExtraCopies=2
Dixie  Longhorn 179  ExtraCopies=2
Dixie Bell  Blue Star 1895  ExtraCopies=1
Dixie Dreamin'  Chinook 67  ExtraCopies=3
Dixie Flyer  Circle D 254  ExtraCopies=2
Dixie Hummingbird  Kalox 1236  ExtraCopies=9
Dixie On My Mind  Thunderbird 203  ExtraCopies=2
Dixie On My Mind  Big Mac 163  ExtraCopies=1
Dixie On My Mind  Chinook 49  ExtraCopies=6
Dixie On My Mind  Rhythm 157  ExtraCopies=4
Dixie Road  Prairie 1081  ExtraCopies=1
Dixie Road  4-Bar-B 6073  ExtraCopies=3
Dixie Style / Crazy  Riverboat 503  ExtraCopies=1
Dixie Train  Chaparral 318  ExtraCopies=8
Dixie Yankee Doodle Medley  Windsor 5038  ExtraCopies=1
Dixie's Bar and Grill  Diamond 103  ExtraCopies=2
Dixieland  MacGregor 2111  ExtraCopies=2
Dixieland Cabaret  Blue Star 2368  ExtraCopies=2
Dixieland Delight  Prairie 1010  ExtraCopies=2
Dixieland Delight  Sting 404  ExtraCopies=3
Dixieland Swing  Flip 117  ExtraCopies=1
Dizzy  Royal 1207  ExtraCopies=2
Do  Red Boot 313  ExtraCopies=4
Do Good / Better  Jopat 508  ExtraCopies=3
Do I Ever Cross Your Mind  Thunderbird 236  ExtraCopies=4
Do It Yourself Red Wing  Kalox 1015  ExtraCopies=3
Do Me With Love  Hi Hat 5087  ExtraCopies=4
Do Remember Me  Ranch House 1201  ExtraCopies=2
Do Remember Me  Red Boot Star 1278  ExtraCopies=2
Do Remember Me  Scope 593  ExtraCopies=4
Do Run Run  Royal 305  ExtraCopies=2
Do Si Do  Gold Wing 102  ExtraCopies=7
Do The Locomotion  Ranch House 223  ExtraCopies=2
Do The Locomotion  Lightning 105  ExtraCopies=2
Do Wacka Do  Royal 1005  ExtraCopies=1
Do Wah Diddy  DJ 108  ExtraCopies=2
Do What You Do Do Well  MacGregor 1060  ExtraCopies=9
Do What You Do Do Well  Swinging Square 2364  ExtraCopies=4
Do What You Do Do Well  MacGregor 2402  ExtraCopies=1
Do What You Do Do Well  Square Tunes 214  ExtraCopies=3
Do What You Do Do Well  Bee Sharp 107  ExtraCopies=2
Do What You Do, Do Well  Blue Star 2213  ExtraCopies=2
Do Ya  Venture 110  ExtraCopies=2
Do You / King Of Kings  Greenwood 9007  ExtraCopies=6
Do You Believe In Magic  Mar Let 901  ExtraCopies=1
Do You Ever Think Of Me  MacGregor 2017  ExtraCopies=1
Do You Ever Think Of Me  Blue Star 2306  ExtraCopies=2
Do You Ever Think Of Me  Scope 639  ExtraCopies=3
Do You Know You Are My Sunshine  Global Music 306  ExtraCopies=1
Do You Know You Are My Sunshine  Red Boot 236  ExtraCopies=6
Do You Love Me  Lou Mac 203  ExtraCopies=1
Do You Remember Me  Golden Eagle 3  ExtraCopies=1
Do You Remember These  Jay-Bar-Kay 134  ExtraCopies=2
Do You Remember These  Dance Ranch 606  ExtraCopies=2
Do You Remember These  Red Boot 131  ExtraCopies=3
Do You Right  Lou Mac 157  ExtraCopies=3
Do You Right Tonight  Red Boot 214  ExtraCopies=9
Do You Wanna Go To Heaven  Red Boot 261  ExtraCopies=4
Do You Wanna Go To Heaven  Prairie 1032  ExtraCopies=1
Do Your Thing  Top 25245  ExtraCopies=4
Dock Of The Bay  Wagon Wheel 701  ExtraCopies=5
Dock Of The Bay  Rhythm 205  ExtraCopies=3
Doctor's Orders  Eagle 1901  ExtraCopies=1
Doe  ESP 423  ExtraCopies=2
Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind  Bogan 1331  ExtraCopies=4
Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It's Flavor  4-Bar-B 6113  ExtraCopies=1
Dog Fight  Hi Hat 388  ExtraCopies=2
Doggie / Texas Rag  Blue Star 2048  ExtraCopies=3
Doghouse Hoedown / Cotton Pickin' Hoedown  Royal 404  ExtraCopies=6
Doin' What Comes Naturally  Sets In Order 159  ExtraCopies=1
Dollar Down, Dollar A Week  Top 25013  ExtraCopies=2
Dolly Hoe  Hi Hat 662  ExtraCopies=1
Dominique  MacGregor 1091  ExtraCopies=9
Don Juan  Melody 109  ExtraCopies=1
Don's Dilemma / Don's Dream  Sets In Order 91 / 92  ExtraCopies=20
Don's Dream / Don's Dilemma  Wagon Wheel 124  ExtraCopies=12
Don't Ask Me For Tomorrow  Thunderbird 210  ExtraCopies=3
Don't Back A Man Into A Corner  Scope 642  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Be A Baby-Baby  Blue Star 1595  ExtraCopies=5
Don't Be Angry  Riverboat 103  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Be Cruel  Red Boot Star 1316  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Believe My Heart Can Stand Another You  Circle D 202  ExtraCopies=4
Don't Blame It All On Me  Riverboat 120  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Blame It All On Me  Rawhide 123  ExtraCopies=5
Don't Blame It All On Me  Blue Star 1714  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Blame It All On Me  Rockin' M 112  ExtraCopies=4
Don't Blame It All On Me  Windsor 5023  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Blame It On Rosie  Hi Hat 423  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Bother  Blue Star 1844  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Bring Lulu  Top 25281  ExtraCopies=17
Don't Build No Fences  Bogan 1222  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Build No Fences  Bogan 1367  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Call Him A Cowboy  ESP 131  ExtraCopies=3
Don't Call Me  Longhorn 147  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Call Me Sweetie  Square Tunes 143  ExtraCopies=7
Don't Call Me Sweetie  J-Bar-L 5004  ExtraCopies=9
Don't Chicken Out  Hi Hat 408  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Close Your Eyes  Enis 2401  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Come Crying To Me  ESP 1037  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Cross The River  ESP 1067  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Dilly Dally  Hi Hat 405  ExtraCopies=4
Don't Expect Kisses  Blue Star 1638  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Fence Me In  Rawhide 135  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Fence Me In  Hi Hat 336  ExtraCopies=3
Don't Fence Me In / Promenade Of Pretty Girls  Grenn 12026  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Fight the Feeling of Love  Dance Ranch 696  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Fight The Feelings Of Love  Lightning S 5019  ExtraCopies=3
Don't Forget  MacGregor 1030  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Forget Me  Bogan 1345  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Forget Me  Blue Ribbon 211  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Forget The Flowers  Lore 1107  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Forget Us Contra  TNT 120  ExtraCopies=1
Don't It Make You Wanta Go Home  Kalox 1121  ExtraCopies=5
Don't It Make Your Brown Eyes Blue  Circle D 211  ExtraCopies=9
Don't Keep Me Hanging Around  Scope 631  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Know Why  Sting 362  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Let 'Em Steal Your Gal  Top 25286  ExtraCopies=6
Don't Let Me Dream  Bogan 1171  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Let The Deal Go Down / Fat Boy Rag  Kalox 1034  ExtraCopies=6
Don't Let The Good Life Pass You By  Dance Ranch 601  ExtraCopies=16
Don't Let The Good Life Pass You By  Red Boot 118  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Let The Good Times Go  Lore 1169  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Let The Stars  Jopat 225  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Let This Cowboy Ride Away  G & W 604  ExtraCopies=3
Don't Let Your Deal Go Down  Jewel 124  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Make A Liar Out Of Me  Shakedown 213  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Pull Your Love  Royal 326  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Put A Tax On A Beautiful Girl  Big J 1000  ExtraCopies=4
Don't Rock The Juke Box  Rawhide 183  ExtraCopies=4
Don't She Look Good  Pioneer 109  ExtraCopies=2
Don't She Look Good  Prairie 1064  ExtraCopies=1
Don't She Look Good  Lightning S 5013  ExtraCopies=3
Don't She Look Good When She Smiles  Swinging Square 2361  ExtraCopies=3
Don't She Look Good When She Smiles  Ute 16  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree  Continental 2002  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree  Keeno 2110  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Stay Away Too Long  Kalox 1278  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Stop  Sting 712  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Stop In My World  Blue Ribbon 235  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Sweetheart Me  Hi Hat 5074  ExtraCopies=3
Don't Sweetheart Me  Scope 504  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Take Her She's All I Got  ESP 1018  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Telephone, Don't Telegraph  MacGregor 1084  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Tell Me What To Do  Global Music 1002  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Think Love Ought To Be That Way  Big Mac 36  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Think Twice  Square Tunes 124  ExtraCopies=3
Don't Think Twice  Rawhide 121  ExtraCopies=3
Don't Think Twice  Lou Mac 127  ExtraCopies=6
Don't Think Twice (It's Alright)  4-Bar-B 6120  ExtraCopies=3
Don't Touch That Dial  Ranch House 306  ExtraCopies=4
Don't Wake Me Up  Chinook 111  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Waste It On The Blues  Eureka 1008  ExtraCopies=3
Don't Waste It On The Blues  ESP 158  ExtraCopies=4
Don't Waste It On The Blues  Circle D 237  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Worry 'Bout The Mule  MacGregor 2098  ExtraCopies=1
Don't Worry - Be Happy / Stars Hoedown #1  Blue Star 2372  ExtraCopies=3
Don't Worry About The Mule, Load The Wagon  Blue Star 2051  ExtraCopies=2
Don't Worry, Be Happy  Aussie Tempos 1028  ExtraCopies=1
Don't You Believe  Eagle 3003 X  ExtraCopies=2
Don't You Believe  Bee Sharp 113  ExtraCopies=3
Don't You Believe It  Kalox 1139  ExtraCopies=4
Don't You Ever Get Tired  Red Boot 269  ExtraCopies=5
Don't You Ever Get Tired Of Hurting Me  Stampede 201  ExtraCopies=1
Don't You Know That I Love You  Pioneer 127  ExtraCopies=7
Don't Your Memory Ever Sleep At Night  Square Tunes 220  ExtraCopies=1
Donegal  Jewel 144  ExtraCopies=2
Donnegal  Rawhide 143  ExtraCopies=2
Doodle-De-Doo  Grenn 12041  ExtraCopies=6
Dooley  Royal 316  ExtraCopies=3
Dottie Lou  Aqua 128  ExtraCopies=7
Double Bogie Blues  Global Music 914  ExtraCopies=4
Double Nickel / Drop The Hammer  Hi Hat 636  ExtraCopies=3
Double Shot Of My Baby's Love  Riverboat 208  ExtraCopies=2
Double Trouble  MacGregor 2428  ExtraCopies=1
Down At Papa Joe's  Lore 1061  ExtraCopies=3
Down At The Roadside Inn  Blue Star 1641  ExtraCopies=3
Down At The Twist And Shout  Mountain 132  ExtraCopies=3
Down At The Twist And Shout  Chaparral 222  ExtraCopies=2
Down By The Lazy River  Royal 239  ExtraCopies=2
Down By The Ohio  Top 25131  ExtraCopies=1
Down By The Riverside  MacGregor 1004  ExtraCopies=1
Down By The Riverside  Hi Hat 5078  ExtraCopies=3
Down By The Riverside  Royal 109  ExtraCopies=3
Down By The Riverside  Top 25070  ExtraCopies=1
Down Deep  Red Boot 296  ExtraCopies=4
Down Draft / Black Mountain Rag  Jocko 227  ExtraCopies=1
Down Home  Circle D 248  ExtraCopies=3
Down In Columbus Georgia  Longhorn 1002  ExtraCopies=1
Down In Dixie  Longhorn 170  ExtraCopies=1
Down In My Easy Chair  Buckskin 1241  ExtraCopies=2
Down In New Orleans  Top 25230  ExtraCopies=4
Down In Old Mexico  Bogan 1139  ExtraCopies=1
Down In The Boondocks  Royal 528  ExtraCopies=2
Down On Bourbon Street  Bob Cat 105  ExtraCopies=7
Down On The Corner  Red Boot 298  ExtraCopies=2
Down On The Farm  Red Boot Star 1355  ExtraCopies=2
Down River  Big Mac 1002  ExtraCopies=1
Down The Road  ESP 1070  ExtraCopies=2
Down The Wrong Road Again  Prairie 1046  ExtraCopies=2
Down Yonder In New Orleans  Blue Star 1622  ExtraCopies=3
Downfall Of Me  Blue Star 1958  ExtraCopies=2
Downtown  Top 25237  ExtraCopies=1
Downtown Knoxville  Big Mac 9  ExtraCopies=1
Dr. Time  Cheyenne 501  ExtraCopies=2
Dream A Little Dream  Eureka 1902  ExtraCopies=4
Dream A Little Dream  Dance Ranch 620  ExtraCopies=2
Dream A Little Dream Of Me  Golden Eagle 27  ExtraCopies=1
Dream Baby  Kalox 1177  ExtraCopies=1
Dream Boat  Sets In Order 162  ExtraCopies=1
Dream Doll  Best 103  ExtraCopies=1
Dream Lover  Alliance 103  ExtraCopies=2
Dream Lover  JR 106  ExtraCopies=1
Dream Lover  Blue Star 2125  ExtraCopies=2
Dream Lover  Rhythm 150  ExtraCopies=7
Dream Of Me  D & R 168  ExtraCopies=1
Dream Of Me  Bob Cat 111  ExtraCopies=1
Dream On  Royal 208  ExtraCopies=3
Dream On Texas Ladies  Global Music 903  ExtraCopies=4
Dream Train  MacGregor 8875  ExtraCopies=2
Dream Train  Blue Star 1730  ExtraCopies=2
Dream, Dream, Dream  ESP 1035  ExtraCopies=2
Dream, Dream, Dream  Rawhide 176  ExtraCopies=2
Dreamboat  Square Tunes 160  ExtraCopies=6
Dreamer's Holiday  Aqua 121  ExtraCopies=19
Dreaming  Royal 302  ExtraCopies=3
Dreamland Express  Global Music 123  ExtraCopies=4
Dreamland Express  Hi Hat 5085  ExtraCopies=5
Dreamworks / Swingtime  Global Music 505  ExtraCopies=2
Dreamy Melody  Kalox 1013  ExtraCopies=3
Driftwood  Top 25206  ExtraCopies=10
Driftwood  Gold Star 711  ExtraCopies=1
Driftwood  FTC 32005  ExtraCopies=2
Driftwood  Windsor 5076  ExtraCopies=1
Driftwood On The River  Windsor 4843  ExtraCopies=4
Drinkin' Bone  Royal 526  ExtraCopies=1
Drinkin' Champagne  Bogan 1386  ExtraCopies=2
Drinking Champagne  Red Boot 3026  ExtraCopies=3
Drinking Champagne  ESP 168  ExtraCopies=4
Drummer Boy / Hoedown #2  Wagon Wheel 116  ExtraCopies=5
Drummer Boy / Linda  Mustang 164  ExtraCopies=1
Dry Bones  Windsor 4819  ExtraCopies=3
Dry Bones  Hi Hat 5168  ExtraCopies=1
Dubber / Patches  Chinook 518  ExtraCopies=1
Dublin' Banjos / Down Home Boogie  Thunderbird 526  ExtraCopies=2
Duelin' Banjos / Lover's Concerto  TNT 295  ExtraCopies=1
Duelin' Dukes  Petticoat Patter 107  ExtraCopies=4
Dueling Banjos / Pitter Patter  Wagon Wheel 125  ExtraCopies=4
Dueling Banjos / Ride The Wabash  Prairie 2003  ExtraCopies=1
Duke It Out / Life Goes On  Blue Star 2468  ExtraCopies=1
Dum Dum  Longhorn 1005  ExtraCopies=7
Dumas Walker  Red Boot 3025  ExtraCopies=5
Dumb Thing  D & R 169  ExtraCopies=2
Durang's Hornpipe / Guitar Fancy  Sets In Order 85 / 86  ExtraCopies=5
Durang's Hornpipe / Steve Green  Sets In Order 43 / 44  ExtraCopies=10
Dust Off That Old Pianna  TNT 215  ExtraCopies=2
Dust Off That Old Pianna  MacGregor 1050  ExtraCopies=1
Dust On My Saddle  Blue Ribbon 215  ExtraCopies=1
Dusty Dixie Road  Blue Star 2285  ExtraCopies=3
Dusty Roads / Rubber Dolly  Sets In Order 69 / 70  ExtraCopies=7
Dynamite  Quadrille 896  ExtraCopies=1

Eagle / Fair  Blue Star 2294  ExtraCopies=2
Eagle Breakdown / Ten Finger Magic  Eagle 9004 / 9005  ExtraCopies=1
Eagle Rock  Royal 174  ExtraCopies=1
Early In The Morning  Eureka 1202  ExtraCopies=3
Early In The Morning  Windsor 4940  ExtraCopies=2
Early In The Morning  Eagle 1204  ExtraCopies=1
Early Morning Rain  Pioneer 123  ExtraCopies=2
Early Morning Rain  Royal 330  ExtraCopies=2
Early Morning Rain  ESP 316  ExtraCopies=5
Early Morning Rain  Blue Star 1890  ExtraCopies=4
Early Morning Rain  Double L 101  ExtraCopies=1
Ease The Fever  ESP 501  ExtraCopies=1
East Bound And Down  D & R 126  ExtraCopies=2
East Texas Sunday Matinee / Feudin'  Thunderbird 531  ExtraCopies=2
Eastbound / Cookin' Cabbage  Kalox 1281  ExtraCopies=2
Eastbound And Down  Rhythm 152  ExtraCopies=3
Easy Come Easy Go  Thunderbird 164  ExtraCopies=2
Easy Come Easy Go  MW 202  ExtraCopies=3
Easy Come, Easy Go  Elite (new) 1001  ExtraCopies=2
Easy Lovin'  Prairie 1072  ExtraCopies=1
Easy Lovin'  Fine Tune 121  ExtraCopies=1
Easy Lovin'  Gold Wing 111  ExtraCopies=4
Easy Loving  Flutter Wheel 503  ExtraCopies=3
Easy Loving  Mustang 139  ExtraCopies=2
Easy Money / Johnny Dollar  Kalox 1233  ExtraCopies=3
Easy On My Mind  Wagon Wheel 133  ExtraCopies=3
Easy Rhythm / Uncle Pen  Rhythm 307  ExtraCopies=6
Easy To Love  Thunderbird 126  ExtraCopies=2
Easy To Please  MacGregor 2173  ExtraCopies=1
Echo From The Hills  Longhorn 153  ExtraCopies=1
Echo From The Hills  Kalox 1295  ExtraCopies=2
Echo From The Hills  Top 25255  ExtraCopies=2
Eight Days A Week  Ranch House 508  ExtraCopies=4
Eight More Miles  Lou Mac 116  ExtraCopies=6
Eight More Miles To Louisville  Mountain 26  ExtraCopies=1
Eight'r From Decatur / Worried Man  Kalox 1103  ExtraCopies=6
Eighteen Yellow Roses  Kalox 1191  ExtraCopies=3
Eighter From Decatur / Happy Rattle  Kalox 1283  ExtraCopies=1
EJ Marie  Blue Star 1785  ExtraCopies=2
El Cumbancheros  Bogan 1235  ExtraCopies=1
El Paso  Jopat 233  ExtraCopies=3
El Paso  Gaslight 3  ExtraCopies=2
El Paso  Longhorn 158  ExtraCopies=3
El Paso  Hi Hat 341  ExtraCopies=1
El Paso  Kalox 1212  ExtraCopies=3
El Paso City  Hi Hat 471  ExtraCopies=19
El Tigre  Hi Hat 413  ExtraCopies=5
El Toro (The Dance Man)  Thunderbird 138  ExtraCopies=1
Elaina  Gold Wing 105  ExtraCopies=5
Eli Stubbs Grass Band  Wagon Wheel 700  ExtraCopies=3
Elizabeth  ESP 415  ExtraCopies=2
Elusive Butterfly  Riverboat 202  ExtraCopies=5
Elvira  Red Boot 3097  ExtraCopies=1
Elvira  Red Boot Star 1262  ExtraCopies=11
Elvira / A Woman Like You  MCA 51084  ExtraCopies=1
Elvis And Andy  ESP 195  ExtraCopies=2
End Of The Line  Bogan 1119  ExtraCopies=2
Endless Love  Sting 702  ExtraCopies=1
Engine #9  Hi Hat 5145  ExtraCopies=2
Engine 9  Wagon Wheel 913  ExtraCopies=3
Engine Engine #9  ESP 117  ExtraCopies=3
Engine No 9  Wagon Wheel 203  ExtraCopies=10
Engine Of Love  Snow 802  ExtraCopies=2
England Swings  Wagon Wheel 110  ExtraCopies=2
English Mountain Special / Diggin' Up Bones  Red Boot 320  ExtraCopies=2
Enjoy Yourself  Windsor 4846  ExtraCopies=5
Enough To Go Around  Jay-Bar-Kay 110  ExtraCopies=2
Ernie B / Cabbage  Blue Star 1838  ExtraCopies=4
Ernie's Breakdown / Boil The Cabbage Down  Rockin' A 1327  ExtraCopies=3
Eternally In My Heart  Double M 102  ExtraCopies=1
Ethel / Daisetta  Blue Star 1559  ExtraCopies=3
Eumerella Shore  Rockin' A 1369  ExtraCopies=2
Even A Blind Man  Chinook 106  ExtraCopies=2
Even Cowboys Like A Little R & R  Chicago Country 36  ExtraCopies=1
Even Cowboys Like A Little Rock 'N Roll  Mar Let 1001  ExtraCopies=1
Even The Nights Are Better  Red Boot Star 1269  ExtraCopies=4
Evening Train  Sets In Order 145  ExtraCopies=1
Ever Changing Woman  Bounty 100  ExtraCopies=1
Ever Lovin' Dixieland  Lore 1024  ExtraCopies=2
Every Breath You Take  Sting 339  ExtraCopies=3
Every Day I Have To Cry Some  Chinook 10  ExtraCopies=4
Every Little Thing  Snow 401  ExtraCopies=3
Every Man A King  Lore 1036  ExtraCopies=2
Every Man's A King  Bogan 1377  ExtraCopies=1
Every Now And Then  Hi Hat 5001  ExtraCopies=2
Every Rosebud  Grenn 12106  ExtraCopies=2
Every Second  BBear 101  ExtraCopies=3
Every Second, Every Minute  Golden Eagle 17  ExtraCopies=1
Every Street's A Boulevard  Dance Ranch 716  ExtraCopies=1
Every Street's A Boulevard  Blue Star 1913  ExtraCopies=12
Every Street's A Boulvard  Chaparral 3507  ExtraCopies=8
Everybody Gonna Dance Tonight  Bogan 1125  ExtraCopies=3
Everybody Loves A Lover  Big Mac 90  ExtraCopies=1
Everybody Loves A Lover  Royal 202  ExtraCopies=3
Everybody Loves Somebody  Grenn 12090  ExtraCopies=5
Everybody Loves Somebody  MacGregor 2089  ExtraCopies=4
Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime  Blue Star 2330  ExtraCopies=4
Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven  Royal 170  ExtraCopies=1
Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven  Tarheel 177  ExtraCopies=1
Everybody's Got A Girl  Blue Ribbon 212  ExtraCopies=3
Everybody's Making It Big But Me  Aussie Tempos 1005  ExtraCopies=1
Everybody's Reaching Out  A Live 1  ExtraCopies=1
Everybody's Reaching Out For Someone  Dance Ranch 603  ExtraCopies=7
Everybody's Somebody's Fool  4-Bar-B 6025  ExtraCopies=2
Everybody's Somebody's Fool  Old Timer 8172  ExtraCopies=2
Everybody's Somebody's Fool  Royal 221  ExtraCopies=1
Everybody's Somebody's Fool  Red Boot 202  ExtraCopies=2
Everybody's Sweetheart  Chinook 95  ExtraCopies=2
Everybody's Talkin'  Chinook 92  ExtraCopies=4
Everybody's Talkin'  ESP 1092  ExtraCopies=1
Everyday  Ranch House 901  ExtraCopies=3
Everyday  Lou Mac 225  ExtraCopies=1
Everyday People  Chaparral 802  ExtraCopies=3
Everyone Needs Someone To Love  Thunderbird 213  ExtraCopies=1
Everything A Man Could Ever Need  Jay-Bar-Kay 124  ExtraCopies=5
Everything A Man Could Ever Need  Lore 1125  ExtraCopies=1
Everything I Touch  Bob Cat 104  ExtraCopies=2
Everything I Used To Do  ESP 142  ExtraCopies=6
Everything Is Beautiful  Royal 256  ExtraCopies=1
Everything Is Rosy  Pulse 1004  ExtraCopies=8
Everything Is Rosy Now  Lore 1019  ExtraCopies=3
Everything That Is Wonderful  Royal 207  ExtraCopies=4
Everything's A Waltz  Hi Hat 5042  ExtraCopies=3
Everything's A Waltz  Prairie 1049  ExtraCopies=2
Everything's Nice About You  Bogan 1113  ExtraCopies=2
Everywhere You Go  Western Jubilee 557  ExtraCopies=1
Everywhere You Go  MacGregor 2306  ExtraCopies=14
Everywhere You Go  Blue Star 1772  ExtraCopies=2
Everywhere You Go  Jay-Bar-Kay 6012  ExtraCopies=4
Everywhere You Go  Bee Sharp 108  ExtraCopies=1
Everywhere You Go  Blue Star 2276  ExtraCopies=1
Everywhere You Go / Heartbreaker  MacGregor 8475  ExtraCopies=7
Evidently  Blue Star 2117  ExtraCopies=1
Exactly Like You  Top 25029  ExtraCopies=3
Excelorator Special  Chaparral 103  ExtraCopies=12
Expert At Anything  Rhythm 120  ExtraCopies=9
Eyes Of Blue  Hi Hat 424  ExtraCopies=1

Fab One / Firefly  Snow 507  ExtraCopies=2
Face In The Moon  Hi Hat 312  ExtraCopies=1
Fair Weather Sweetheart / Too Marvelous  MacGregor 8655  ExtraCopies=3
Fairweather Sweetheart  Blue Star 1780  ExtraCopies=3
Fairweather Sweetheart  Happy Tracks 103  ExtraCopies=11
Fais Do Do  Sun Ra 1010  ExtraCopies=1
Falcon Hoedown / Because Hoedown  Shakedown 201  ExtraCopies=2
Falcon Twist / Four In The Floor  Falcon 101  ExtraCopies=5
Falling Again  Bee Sharp 116  ExtraCopies=2
Falling For You  Kalox 1149  ExtraCopies=6
False Hearted Girl  Jay-Bar-Kay 131  ExtraCopies=4
False Hearted Girl  Hi Hat 5066  ExtraCopies=8
False Hearted Girl  Scope 583  ExtraCopies=1
False Hearted Girl  Hi Hat 305  ExtraCopies=2

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