
Artist Profiles
04-July-2024 14:32
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ccdb indicates Artist is listed in the Callers and Cuers
141 records

 . Top of page Bottom of page
. unknown

 A Top of page Bottom of page
Al Stevens   biography   picture   ccdb
Alix M. Freedman
Allan Hurst   picture   ccdb
Annette Woodruff   picture   ccdb
Arnie Kronenberger   biography   picture
Art Harvey   picture   ccdb

 B Top of page Bottom of page
Barry Clasper   picture   ccdb
Barry Johnson   picture   ccdb
Barry Lieba
Bernie Coulthurst
BettyLee Talmadge
Bill Blankenship
Bill Eyler   picture   ccdb
Bill Heimann
Bill Klein
Bill O'Rourke
Bill van Melle   picture   ccdb
Bob Brundage   biography   picture   ccdb
Bob Knowles   picture   ccdb
Bob Morrison
Bob Osgood   biography   picture
Bob Van Antwerp   biography   picture
Brian Elmer
Brian Hazle
Bruce Morgan

 C Top of page Bottom of page
C. Lowe
Calvin Campbell   biography   picture   ccdb
Charleen Bunjiovianna
Charles Lloyd
Charles Young
Chris Froggatt   picture   ccdb
Chris & Terri Cantrell   picture   ccdb
Clark Baker   picture   ccdb

 D Top of page Bottom of page
d2z (unknown)
Dan Neumann
Dave Brant
Dave Goldman
Dave Moller
Dave Wilson
David Ameeti
David Sperl
Debbie Ceder
Debi Bliss
Deborah A. Sakamoto
Dianne Reber
Don Beck   picture   ccdb
Don Ward
Donald Cronkite
Dottie Welch   picture   ccdb

 E Top of page Bottom of page
Ed Foote   picture   ccdb
Ed Gilmore   biography   picture
Eddie Powell   picture   ccdb
Ervin E. Gross

 F Top of page Bottom of page
F. William Chickering
Frank & Carol Valenta   ccdb
Fred Hapgood
Fred Haury

 G Top of page Bottom of page
Gail Peterson
Gary Hinze
Gero Teufert   picture   ccdb

 H Top of page Bottom of page
Hartmut Heiber
Heiner Fischle   picture   ccdb
Herb Egender

 I Top of page Bottom of page
Isabelle Mudd

 J Top of page Bottom of page
J. Eric Brosius
Janet Neumann
Jeff Garbutt
Jens Harms   picture   ccdb
Jerry Junck   picture   ccdb
Jerry Reed   picture   ccdb
Jesse Chisholm
Jim Maczko
Jim Mayo   biography   picture   ccdb
Jimmy Davis
Jirka Scobak   picture   ccdb
Jo Pringle
John Brant
John Fogg
John Sybalsky   picture   ccdb
Judy Anderson
Judy Obee   picture   ccdb

 K Top of page Bottom of page
Kathy Godfrey   ccdb
Keith Rippeto   picture   ccdb
Keith Rubow
Kelly Sullivan
Kenny Reese   picture   ccdb
Kim Peterson

 L Top of page Bottom of page
Lee Helsel   biography   picture
Lee Schmidt   biography   picture
Leith Anderson
Lloyd "Pappy" Shaw   biography   picture
Lorenz Kuhlee   biography   picture   ccdb
Lorrie Morrison
Lynette Bellini   picture   ccdb

 M Top of page Bottom of page
Marianne C. Jackson
Marilyn LaRocque
Marilyn McMahon
Mark Leeper
Martha Ogasawara   picture   ccdb
Marty Ambrose
Mike Liston
Mike Pringle
Mike Seastrom   picture   ccdb

 N Top of page Bottom of page
Nasser Shukayr   picture   ccdb

 O Top of page Bottom of page
Orlo Hoadley

 P Top of page Bottom of page
Pat Tardiff
Patience Andy Ploumacie
Patricia Wahle   ccdb
Paul Asente
Paul Tyler
Pearl Kardos
Penny Hastings
Peter Höfelmeyer   picture   ccdb
Phil Williams

 R Top of page Bottom of page
Ralph Page   biography   picture
Ralph Sweet   biography   picture
Rich Reel   picture   ccdb
Rick Walton
Rickey Holden   biography   picture
Rob Scribner   picture   ccdb
Roy Gotta   picture   ccdb
Rusty Fennell   biography

 S Top of page Bottom of page
S. Foster Damon
Sara Garza
Scott Morton
Sherry McBride
Stan Burdick   biography   picture
Steve Sandeman
Stewart Kramer
Sue Curtis   picture   ccdb
Susie & Gert-Jan Rotscheid
Suzanne Boynton
Syd Bishop

 T Top of page Bottom of page
Tom Gray   picture   ccdb
Tom Kardos
Tomas “Doug” Machalik   picture   ccdb

 V Top of page Bottom of page
Veronica McClure
Vic Ceder   picture   ccdb
Vivian Williams

 W Top of page Bottom of page
William B. Ackerman -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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