| Overview | |
Square Rotation Program (SQROT) can generate
'Computer Cards' --
a printed slip is given to each couple at the dance.
The cards are printed, perhaps laminated, and then used at the dance.
One card per couple.
Before each tip, the caller announces the number of couples, and the
tip number. Each card-holder then looks at their card to determine
their assigned square.
'Dynamic' Rotation --
a computer at the dance generates a rotation prior to each tip.
The most versatile option.
Handles both singles and couples.
A computer is required at the dance.
As each dancer arrives at the dance, their name is added to the dance.
Prior to each tip, the computer generates a rotation, and each dancer
(or couple) looks at the computer monitor to determine their assigned square.
Dancers may arrive or leave the dance without upsetting the rotation.
However, each dancer must check-in or check-out with the person running the rotation.
Dancers may also request to sitout for specific tips.
 | System Requirements | |
 | Ordering Information | |
The price of the complete SQROT program is $50 USD.
The program is distributed as a web-download.
A user key will be generated and instructions on how to download and install will be emailed.
Please be patient: this is not an automatic function!
It may take a day or a week depending on programmer schedule.
Each copy of SQROT is licensed to a single user.
The program may be installed on multiple machines provided that
only the licensed user actually uses the program.
Online Purchase of Ceder Square Dance Products
If purchased online, a 5.5% processing fee will be assessed.
Licensed users DO NOT need to purchase the program again to obtain upgrades.
If you have any further questions or comments, please
Contact Vic