Modify ExpandTaggingCalls for Revert (858) and Reflected (1347).
Be able to do: 
 From tidal: Reflected Revert Flip Chain Thru
 From parallel waves: Revert Reflected Flip The Line
 (IP) in routine ExpandTaggingsCalls
Phantom <setup> should work if one group is empty. 
Do this by setting the facing+sex of the empty group to the non-empty
Extrapolate Twin Phantom (IP)
 a. <B>3/4 Tag</B> (IP - validate that the center 1x4 are in a wave),
 b. <B>1/4 Line</B>, <B>3/4 Line</B>, Tall Eight, "I", Twin Diamonds, Block
 c. <B>Hourglass</B>, <B>Galaxy</B>, Point-to-Point Diamonds
Split Phantom Point-to-Point Diamonds
T-Bone R|L Wing. Also from Diamonds, Tidal Wave, 1x6 and 2x3.
Shoot the Star go Forward N(2|3|4) to an Allemande Thar
Implement U-Turn Back w/o Roll as an intrinsic call.
Bug: from Columns. <B>Tandem Trade & Counter Rotate 1/4</B>
does not work correctly. Try adding 'Trade And' to the parse
database (resolving to 'Trade'). Add 'Tandem Trade, Counter 
Rotate 1/4'?
Fix bug that 'Center Line of 6 HCTJ' really does each line of 3!
Parse the 'Center Line of 6 Line of 6 HCFJ!'
GENGO: Unable to enter Left Dixie Grand; Prom Home (IP)
Triangle Squares:
Extrapolate Centers, as in Centers T1, Centers DSD, 
Centers SCTAW, etc.
From DPT: centers left square thru on third hand left swing thru

Also Left Catch Left Swing Thru 2
Write qqch to force exact positioning (for snapshot match) if there is a center diamond.
Grand Working
Fix (anything) The Windmill
Add 'Rolling U-Turn Back' as an intrinsic call. 
Add a new 'After Roll' field: 'Flow or Right', 'Flow or Left'. (IP)
Use this to fix the 'Roll' problem with the parts definitions.
If token #1, Wave of 6 --> Center Wave of 6?
As in Wave of 6 Partner Tag?
Collapse 'Staggered' into one token.
Extrapolate Quadruple Columns Working Left|Right|Inward.
Do some dancers as SP C|L|W, others P C|L|W, then
overlap the resulting formations.
Write a good collapse routine to move dancers into a compact setup.
What does CSDS do on
(from tidal wave): 
 1) Rims Trade Turn The Key
or 2) Rims Trade Disconnected Wave QQch
Implement Fractional Stable / Fractional Twosomes:
 Snapshot database needs
 1) Flag indicating fractional information in record is valid.
 2) How many turns can a call have?
 Each dancer need 16 bits plus a count (byte) 
 of how many bits are valid for that dancer. 
 Bit values --> 0=right,1=left
 This gives 18 words required for this data.
Breathing problems:
 1) Start: L-H Columns (Girls first two), do a ERA.
 Try "Boys Tandem Press Ahead"
 2) Start: L-H Columns, do first two Press Ahead Twice.
 Try "Single Turn To A Line"
Add a 'Centers Adjust Fold' for the parts definition of Recycle.
New call: 4-dancer Counter Rotate (fract) 
to be used in parts definition of Recycle.
Extrapolate calls of the form
(C1) 'PHANTOM Girls Chase Right, Boys Pass The Ocean'.
Heads Pair Off,
Touch 1/4,
Split Circulate 1/2,
Girls 1/2 Press Ahead,
Girls Face Right
(VDC: Put on Same Line & Create Snapshot record?)

at the (*) I would expect a Z-formation 
a) can you change CSDS to get the expected resulting Setup
b) Could you implement a Command "Check a Z" that will force 
the dancer in the named Formation (Others would be "check Lines" 
or "Check a Galaxy" or "Check Diamonds" or "Check Facing Diamonds" 
...) and if the dancers are in the named formation , CSDS will say 
okay , nothing to do but it is a legal call and can be entered 
without () and will not be treated as a comment

How do I get it to correctly parse "first 2/3 tandem, swing and
mix". I think it is trying to do 2/3 of some "first anything" call.
I finally got around to tracking down why the asymmetric I called at Extrav didn't work.

It started like this:
Heads Travel Thru,
Heads Prefer The Far End For An Out Roll Circulate (I had to teach it this one)
Centers Run,
It did the Release beautifully (Sd won't do that one), but then it messed 
up the Centers Run -- it did a Centers Run and the Centers Zoom! 
If I view the last snapshot used, it says Record #10173, "Near 1 Run". 
I don't know why that would be, but I'm guessing you do :-). 
I remember stepping thru this sequence to make sure CSDS was doing 
the right thing, but I obviously must have thought I didn't need to verify Centers Run.

If I insert a Swing, Swing to make it recenter the formation first, then it does 
Centers Run just fine. 

If I call it as one call, Release Centers Run, it produces a truly bizarre result. 
If I call Release [Swing Twice And The Centers Run], it does it correctly (not even recentering), 
but it takes 7 seconds to do so.

By the way, Feature request: I'd like a fake call to recenter the formation. 
Sd uses "recenter". Although CSDS can often do a call just fine when it's not centered, 
sometimes it messes them up (as you can see above), and in any case, it won't give me 
any getouts until the formation is centered.

I'm using version 1.23.04 from last September.

Extrapolate Bridge The Gap 
(after auto ID of Beaus / Belles)
Six-Couple Choreo: Add "Outside Waves/Lines/Boxes".
Heads pass the ocean
[ swing and circle a quarter] and circle 1/2
csds has a wrong interpretation of that and I could not 
create a snapshot for this. Do you have any idea?