Add a toggle-mode to automatically put a formation picture after each line.
Add option to 'use' the sequence in a dance. 
Press 'U', and it will prompt for the Dance!
I had a problem with my laptop and the Picture.Dat and Picture.InX file are damaged. 
I found out, If i killed these file, csds will create an empty version and If I edit 
a sequence with a formation picture , these entries will be added this way.
Sometimes I lost some entries in the picture.dat and picture.inx in another way, 
but I don't know how. I only see that they are lost on call from screen but will 
bet added if I edit a sequence.
Please change the "proofread all database" method, that an additional option will 
recreate the formation entry in the picture database for each processed sequence. 
the perfect solution would be, the another option will kill all entries in the picture database 
and the next proofread all databases will recreate all the records in Picture.dat 
or picture .inx.
This way I could guarantee , that the whole position database could be rebuild to the actual state.

I tried to create a new workshop dance using the find sequence grid. 
It would be very nice if you could change something:

Please expand the problem checkbox that i can select my user defined options Please make it Tristate:
 a) select only sequences that are marked with that property
 b) select only sequences that are NOT marked with that property 
 c) ignore this property
in example in the actual version you cannot find all sequences with "MAGIC" 
in it because I Have a user property "nice getout" and csds ignore these sequences 
are find only these sequences

Please allow to select many seqeunces and add all these selected sequences 
to a dance or move all selected sequnces to another database the feature remove items 
from grid can remove more than one sequence from the grid in one step

Add a comment to each record in the sequence database, 
that will only visible in Sequence edit mode and not visible in call from screen.

I could search comments by Find several sequence and use the Tag in the invisible comment as search criteria
 In Call from screen , no space is wasted in the display area
 Could be entert as ((invisible text)) in the line , or <<Invisible text>>
If both versions are available , it would be perfect

Add "Find Previous" (IP)
Modify frmSeqView.FindText to be more like frmDanceView.FindText
(use the new text comp utility).
Also, add "Find All"