Continuing on the All 4 Couples/All 8 subject, it's
certainly distressing that CALLERLAB doesn't distinguish
these two---or barely does so. But I remember (from the
_Big Five_?) reading the distinction that All 8 always goes
through the center, whereas All 4 Couples uses the
perimeter of the square. Is this distinction broadly
recognized? Hopefully a distinction could help both dancers
and callers, even though it seems extremely rare to be able
to use both concepts on the same call. One could imagine
All 8 Walk and Dodge (through the center) vs. All 4 Couples
Walk and Dodge (walking along the perimeter), but I've
never heard the latter called.
Some comment on these concepts so far. 
All 4 couples 
You say 4-dancer calls. What about 2-dancer calls. All 4 Couples 1/4 In/Out 
is called by some callers? Should I interprete your definition as it should be All 8? 
"Dancers execute the given call, usually moving around the outside of the set." 
Maybe you should emphasize that it usually starts like that but might continue 
through the center as in Square Chain Thru. 
In All 4 Couples you say that All 8 has the same ending rules. That is not 
explicitly mentioned in All 8. You have for example from a Thar, All 8 Turn Thru where you have to adjust.
entry = Scoot & Weave
Message = In the definition of Scoot & Weave, for the Weave part your definition says (in part):
"...Centers, using the opposite hand as the shoulder just passed, do an Arm Turn 1/4"

I think the fraction is confusing (since those dancers are not yet holding hands). I much prefer the definition of Weave which you give in C1:
"...Centers, using the opposite hand from the shoulder just passed, do a Touch 1/4"

(The text-only A2 definition of Scoot & Weave has the same issue.)

P.S. Perhaps delete the words "do a" as superfluous?

Name = Michael Maltenfort
Since you mentioned that you're putting together revisions for 
another edition of the Advanced Ceder Chest, here's a thought:

In the definition of "Remake" there is a paragraph starting, 
"In recent history, however, CALLERLAB decreed..." and I don't 
think at this point that it's really that recent. 
(OK, it depends on how long you've been dancing/calling.)

Also, this paragraph seems to overlap with the later paragraph beginning, 
"Historically, callers have called Remake and named a formation...." 
Perhaps the paragraphs should be combined into one?
I like the discussion of Swing & Mix that appears under Mix. 
But there's no reference whatsoever under the definition of Swing. 
Perhaps Swing & Mix deserves its own definition, with references 
from both Swing and from Mix?

Motivate: put a note about why starting from DPT is a bad idea.
Also review all other calls for potential abuse.
Put 'real defs' of HCTJ, SITM.
Transfer AND: Add reference to Trans-anything
Make sure 7/8 Pass & Roll (also 1/2) is in there.
Transfer AND

...well, I see our definitions also include a T-Bone set-up for
a Transfer And. Yuck. I guess it's ok, but why not have
something much more common like C1-phantoms moving
into a 2-faced line? Is that beyond Advanced, which is
why they call them C1-phantoms?
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