Design or "Square Paper" for CSDS
 1) Have a key such as "?" to invoke the frame into CFS;
 2) Right-click on dancer to give it a name. use smart matching
 (e.g., type-ahead)
 3) Right-click on area to give the square a name 
 (e.g., Square #1)
 4) Left-click for drag+drop
 5) Have option/menu to:
 a) Determine N Square
 b) Determine Size
 c) Clear all names
 d) Non-standard set (6 CPL, Hex, 2CPL, etc.)
 6) Each square is a user control, and the controls are
 embedded into a picture box or frame.
 7) Press DEL to delete selected square, 
 press INS to add a new square.
 8) Dispay a menu (help label) at top.
 9) Have a (?) Help button.