Swap Around, etc.

I notice that your 'Flip' definition here is what you intend to use in Swap Around (in place of 'run) for the beau.

 You told me a year ago at AACE that 1/2 Swap Around produces a Diamond (not a star). However, even if Flip is done on the axis between the partners, I think there is still an issue: a 2x2 is a square (in theory and in your diagrams), so that 1/2 Swap Around will still give a star since Beaus and Belles will be equidistant from the center of the box after 1/2 Swap Around.

 I realize that in Lines dancers usually have a rectangle, not a square, so, practically speaking, the person doing the 1/2 Flip would feel like they are points of diamonds. In columns, I don't think dancers would feel the same since the distance between columns is less than between lines.

 Maybe one needs to expressly state that for this limited purposes, the distance from trailer to trailer is "considered" greater than than the distance between partners.