Have a key (F13?) to set a sequence aside (to workshop after the
tip). I.e., create a frame like the 'Used' frame. Or, set 
aside to call later that night. Set Aside Frame = Ctrl+F2.
Or, it could just make the sequences as 'set aside' (a new flag)
to it can easily be found later.

Add a button near top of current sequence to do this. Create a new frame Ctrl+F2.
Allow display of Callerlab PDF lists.
Have a way to auto-download Callerlab lists from the web.
I was doing a "singing call" from a standard cue sheet. After the tip, 
I was told they were too rushed. The choreo was too busy.

Just as you have a flag for "problems" using the sequence database, I 
would suggest the same or similar flags to mark the singing call "cue 
sheets" for further review and revisions. Add a flag to music database.

Add other problems: Re-record; Bad loop;
Sight Call section: Add a way to display getins too.
Add a key such as "H" to 'Hold' a sequence to be re-done,
and/or a key to put the sequence in a "bad" pile to loop at later (Ctrl+B)?
CFS | Sight Call:
option to hide the getouts (hence have many extra buttons)
When a call is OOR, display it in red. Use numerical analysis search to find 
smallest text string that resolves to the handle that is OOR, then display that
string in red (or perhaps in the current color with a different background color).
Also do this in Sequence View.
It would be nice if the program knew the Callerlab teaching orders, 
and could find singing call figures that contained only calls up to a certain 
point in the order, so that when we're teaching and want to use only the calls 
the students know in singers, it's easy to isolate those figures.
Design or "Square Paper" for CSDS
 1) Have a key such as "?" to invoke the frame into CFS;
 2) Right-click on dancer to give it a name. use smart matching
 (e.g., type-ahead)
 3) Right-click on area to give the square a name 
 (e.g., Square #1)
 4) Left-click for drag+drop
 5) Have option/menu to:
 a) Determine N Square
 b) Determine Size
 c) Clear all names
 d) Non-standard set (6 CPL, Hex, 2CPL, etc.)
 6) Each square is a user control, and the controls are
 embedded into a picture box or frame.
 7) Press DEL to delete selected square, 
 press INS to add a new square.
 8) Dispay a menu (help label) at top.
 9) Have a (?) Help button.
Find All: don't rescan after a delete.
Find Text: Add a Find By Handle (as with Sqdb Find F7)
(perhaps a dropdown list of calls?)
Allow 15 or more seq frames!
(Perhaps display in an extra grid, instead of all those "frames" on the right side?)
Sometimes I lose the (#formation#) picture in a sequence Database. 
Call from Screen shows only (#formation#) instead of a picture. 
I think those informations are stored in the pictures-directory in picture.dat and picture.inx

Is there a way to completely refresh (rebuild) this table by csds? 
If I manually edit a sequence with that behaviour , the sequence will be repaired. 
But don't like to edit many sequnces manually.

Add feature to automatically mark as used, al the calls from used sequences,
removing them from the sight call list.
(keep an on-going use count)