Double Star Thru: use 'patticake' handhold.
1/4 In/Out

"If the 8-dancer formation can not be bisected in the aforementioned
manner, work relative to the center of the set."

It's not really clear if this refer to both the Diamond and the T-bones
below it. At least it refers to the Diamond. However in this case you
don't work relative to the center of the set. You work toward the center of
your half of the set (as stated in the CL definitions) as you have
illustrated. I guess there is another Diamond as well. 
At least you can bisect the set into 2 Diamonds.
Step & Slide

OK. But I think you should add a few notes:
The space invading character of the call.
A note that S&S from // Waves ends in Zs
and not in Columns. Just to highlight it.
Cast A Shadow:

Add notes:
1) The Cloverleaf is done around the nearest End. The
 "Shadower" starts and ends next to the same dancer
 (i.e., end in the nearest Center position).
2) Mention QQch is Ends are not Tandem Couples (Prefer The ...).

Zoom should be a sub-call.
Fractional Tops:

In the notes you say:

On ALL 8 Spin the Top everybody does an Arm Turn 1/2 then moves
up to meet the 4-th dancer.

On 123top, everybody does an Arm Turn 1/2 then moves up to
meet the n-th dancer.

I think there is a difference. On All 8 Spin the Top,
it is important to just move 1/4 on the Outside and 3/4 on the
Inside. Many people do as you have said above and are not at all
at home when the caller says Slide Thru, You're home.

On the other hand on 123top you just go till you meet the n-th dancer
however long that may be.

I think you should mention this difference but of course still keep
these two notes

It is my opinion that those starting the call must be in Mini-Waves.

That is, the dancers starting the call must ARM TURN (with 'any hand') 
to begin the call. Later during the call, 'push casts' are allowed 
when centers and ends interact, and 'partner trades' are allowed 
when centers need to turn 1/2.

Hence, the starting position should usually be an Inverted Box 
(one RH mini-wave + one LH mini-wave).

From a funny diamond (e.g., a RH diamond after one of the points u-turn back), 
you could call an Any Hand 1/4 Thru, which would end in a 3x1 Line.
entry = Triple Trade
Message = You put, on this page: 
a question about Triple Trade and can you find the center 6. However, you don't answer it.
Name = Stephen Cole
Chain Reaction - modify to say 'Veer Out' instead of HGC, since HGC is A2.
Swap Around, etc.

I notice that your 'Flip' definition here is what you intend to use in Swap Around (in place of 'run) for the beau.

 You told me a year ago at AACE that 1/2 Swap Around produces a Diamond (not a star). However, even if Flip is done on the axis between the partners, I think there is still an issue: a 2x2 is a square (in theory and in your diagrams), so that 1/2 Swap Around will still give a star since Beaus and Belles will be equidistant from the center of the box after 1/2 Swap Around.

 I realize that in Lines dancers usually have a rectangle, not a square, so, practically speaking, the person doing the 1/2 Flip would feel like they are points of diamonds. In columns, I don't think dancers would feel the same since the distance between columns is less than between lines.

 Maybe one needs to expressly state that for this limited purposes, the distance from trailer to trailer is "considered" greater than than the distance between partners.
entry = Double Star Thru
Message = "realtime" in one of the notes is probably a typo for "real time".
Name = Michael Maltenfort
Cast A Shadow:
The description uses "Push cast". Problem: Who pushes who? Our caller didn't seem to know, and I can't find it defined here. If the outside of the pair goes 3/4 around the center, you end up facing out -- and vice versa. 

Add: Those in the Center Line of FOUR, do the 'push cast', which has the center walking forward as the end backup. The push cast always leaves the Center FOUR facing.