Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From applicable formations.

  1. Do the anything call (which must end in an applicable 2 x 2);
  2. Trailers diagonal Pull By using outside hands.

Touch 1/4 & Cross
 Touch 1/4
 Trailers diagonal Left Pull By
Cast Off 3/4 & Cross
 Cast Off 3/4
 Trailers diagonal Right Pull By
Circulate & Cross
 Trailers diagonal Left Pull By
起始于 T-Bone:
(used only at C1 and above)

Scoot Back & Cross
 Scoot Back
 & Cross


anyone Cross [A1]: (added to A1 in 2008)

From Facing Couples, some callers give commands such as Boys Cross, Girls Cross, Beau Cross, or Belle Cross.

This terminology can be misleading since 'Cross' is often used as a concept in Challenge-level dancing. It is a term used to modify other calls - for example: Cross Run, Cross Fold.

So what does anyone Cross mean? We believe there are two interpretations:

  1. Designated dancers do their part of an anything & Cross (i.e., Pull By with outside hands).
  2. Designated dancers do their part of Crossover Circulate (i.e., from Facing Couples, this is a diagonal Pass Thru).
Although both of the above interpretations give the same ending position, the traffic pattern is different.

Centers Touch 1/4 & Cross
(Centers do the Pull By)
 Centers Start Touch 1/4 & Cross
(Each side does the Pull By)

Nicely [C4] (Betty Fricker 1975): From a Wave or applicable Line of 4. Hinge & Cross. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.

Curli-Cross [C4] (Lee Kopman 1968): From Facing Couples or a R-H Wave. Curlique (Touch; Boy does his part Right Arm Turn 1/4 as Girl Left-face 3/4 Turn to end in the Boy's original starting position); Trailers diagonal L-H (outside hand) pull by. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. This is a 2-part call. Curli-Cross, which was once on the A1 list, was the inspiration for anything & Cross.

Triple Cross [A1] (Lee Kopman 并做 Deuce Williams 1973): From a 1/4 Box, Mini-Wave Columns, or other applicable formations. The six who can diagonal Pull By using outside hands. A 1/4 Box ends in Mini-Wave Columns; Mini-Wave Columns end in a 3/4 Box.

Cross Back [C2]: From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Leaders U-Turn Back as Trailers Diagonal Pull By using outside hands. A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Mini-Wave Box.

Split & Cross [C4]: From an applicable 2 x 2. Box Circulate & Cross. Ends in a 2 x 2. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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