Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From a Diamond.

Centers do your part Diamond Circulate as Points slide together & Trade (Cross Run) to end in the furthest Center position.

A normal Diamond ends in a Two-Faced Line; a Facing Diamond ends in a Wave.

Aus einer R-H Diamond:

Cut The Diamond
Aus einer Facing Diamond:

Cut The Diamond
Aus einer Funny Diamond:

Cut The Diamond
In this case, the points slide together
and do a Partner Trade.
Aus another Funny Diamond:

Cut The Diamond
The original centers end on the same spot,
so they step to right hands,and the overall
ending formation is offset


Reverse Cut The Diamond [C2]: Aus einem Diamond. Die Centers tanzen Trade & Spread, während die Points ein Diamond Circulate tanzen. Endet in einer Line.

Flip The Diamond [Plus] (Deuce Williams 1973): Aus einem Diamond. Centers machen ihren Teil vom Diamond Circulate, während die Points Flip In (180°) zu nächsten Center-Position. Ein normaler Diamond endet in einer Wave.

Cut The Hourglass [A2] (Tim Ploch): Aus einem Hourglass. Points rutschen zueinander und Trade, während die Centers Hourglass Circulate. Endet üblicherweise in Parallel Lines.

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