Diamond Chain Thru to be legal from Point-to-Point
Diamonds introduces an ambiguity in the C1 call
Chain Thru (a.k.a.,
Finish Diamond Chain Thru).
For example, what happens from a Tidal Wave? After the Very Centers
Trade, who does the Cast Off 3/4? Is it the Center 4, or the Centers
of each side? For consistency sake, it must be the Center 4.
EN: 100 Povolení
Diamond Chain Thru z formace Point-to-Point Diamonds by způsobilo nejednoznačnost na C1 ve figuře
anythingChain Thru (také známá jako
Finish Diamond Chain Thru).
Co by se například stalo z formace Tidal Wave poté, co Very Centers udělají Trade? Kdo by dělal Cast Off 3/4? Byli by to Center 4 nebo Centers na každé straně? Kvůli udržení konzistence to musí být Center 4.
CZ: 100