Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From a Single Eight Chain Thru (or a R-H Mini-Wave Box). EN: 10
Aus einer Single Eight Chain Thru (oder einer R-H Mini-Wave Box). DE: 10

  1. Pass Thru;
  2. Centers Turn Thru as Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; EN: 20
    Centers Turn Thru, während Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; DE: 20
  3. Pass Thru;
  4. Centers Right Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends individually turn 3/4 to the Right (1/4 Right 3 times). EN: 30
    Centers Right Arm Turn 3/4, während Ends individuell 3/4 nach rechts drehen (1/4 Right 3 times). DE: 30

Ends in a L-H Wave. EN: 40
Endet in einer L-H Wave. DE: 40

Aus einer Single Eight Chain Thru:

Pass & Roll Your Neighbor
Pass Thru
Centers Turn Thru
Ends Right-face U-Turn Back EN: 50
Ends U-Turn Back nach rechts DE: 50
Pass Thru
Centers Right Arm Turn 3/4
Ends turn 3/4 to the Right in place EN: 60
Ends drehen auf der Stelle 3/4 nach rechts DE: 60


Pass & Roll [A2] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From a Single Eight Chain Thru (or a R-H Mini-Wave Box). Pass Thru; Centers Turn Thru as Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; Pass Thru; Centers Pass Thru and all Right Roll To A Wave. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 410
Aus einer Single Eight Chain Thru Formation (oder einer R-H Mini-Wave Box). Pass Thru; Centers Turn Thru, während Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; Pass Thru; Centers Pass Thru und alle Right Roll To A Wave. Endet in einer R-H Mini-Wave Box. DE: 410

Follow Your Neighbor [Plus] (Deuce Williams 1968):
From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Leaders as one movement 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back as Trailers Extend & Arm Turn 3/4. A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Wave. EN: 431
Aus einer Mini-Wave Box oder passende T-Bone 2 x 2. Leaders machen in einer Bewegung 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back, während Trailers Extend & Arm Turn 3/4. Eine Mini-Wave Box endet in einer entgegengesetzt-händigen Wave. DE: 431

Pass & Roll Your Cross Neighbor [C1V]:
Same as Pass & Roll Your Neighbor except that the Right Arm Turn 3/4 becomes a Left Arm Turn 3/4. Ends in a L-H Two-Faced Line. EN: 432
Das gleiche wie Pass & Roll Your Neighbor, außer dass der Right Arm Turn 3/4 zu einem Left Arm Turn 3/4 wird. Endet in einer L-H Two-Faced Line. DE: 432

Pass & Roll Your Criss Cross Neighbor [C2V]:
From a Single Eight Chain Thru (or a R-H Mini-Wave Box). Pass Thru; Centers Turn Thru as Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; Pass Thru; Centers Left Arm Turn 3/4 and Spread as Ends 1/4 Right & Cross Run to the far Center, making a wide arc so as to move around the Centers. Ends in a L-H Wave. EN: 433
Aus einer Single Eight Chain Thru (oder einer R-H Mini-Wave Box). Pass Thru; Centers Turn Thru, während Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; Pass Thru; Centers Left Arm Turn 3/4 und Spread, während Ends 1/4 Right & Cross Run zur entfernten Center Position, einen weiten Bogen um die Centers herum machend. Endet in a L-H Wave. DE: 433

Pass & Roll Your Leader [C3AV]:
From Eight Chain Thru. Pass Thru; Centers Turn Thru as Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; Pass Thru; Centers Right Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends 1/4 Right and Tandem Cross Fold; all Tandem Extend. Ends in R-H Columns. This is the same as Pass & Roll Your Neighbor but replace Follow Your Neighbor with Follow Your Leader. EN: 217
Aus einer Eight Chain Thru Formation. Pass Thru; Centers Turn Thru, während Ends Right-face U-Turn Back; Pass Thru; Centers Right Arm Turn 3/4, während Ends 1/4 Right und Tandem Cross Fold; alle Tandem Extend. Endet in R-H Columns. Dies ist das gleiche wie Pass & Roll Your Neighbor, aber Follow Your Neighbor wird durch Follow Your Leader ersetzt. DE: 217

Grand Pass & Roll Your Neighbor [C4]:
From a Grand Single Eight Chain Thru (e.g., from a Tidal Line after 1/4 In), or from other applicable formations. Pass Thru; Center pairs of dancers Turn Thru as Very Outsides U-Turn Back; all Pass Thru; Center pairs of dancers Right Arm Turn 3/4 as Very Outsides individually turn 3/4 to the Right. Ends in L-H Tidal Wave. EN: 543
Aus einer Grand Single Eight Chain Thru (das heißt, aus einer Tidal Line nach 1/4 In) oder aus anderen passenden Formationen. Pass Thru; Center-Paare der Tänzer Turn Thru, während Very Outsides U-Turn Back; all Pass Thru; Center-Paare der Tänzer Right Arm Turn 3/4, während Very Outsides individuell 3/4 nach rechts drehen. Endet in einer L-H Tidal Wave. DE: 543 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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