From Facing Couples (or a R-H Wave).
Pass Thru; 1/4 In; Left Touch.
Ends in a L-H Wave.
- Alternate definition:
- Pass Thru; Face Your Partner; Left Step To A Wave.
From Facing Couples: |
From a R-H Wave: |
Pass The Sea is a 3-part call.
Pass The Sea is the same as Pass The Ocean
except that you step to a Left-hand
Wave instead of a Right-hand Wave.
Ocean means Right, Sea means Left.
- Pass The Ocean: Pass Thru; 1/4 In; (Right) Touch.
- Pass The Sea: Pass Thru; 1/4 In; Left Touch.
When dancing Pass The Sea, blend the 3-parts into one smooth movement.
From a R-H Wave, Pass The Sea feels different because the
Pass Thru is very quick ('rear-back' if you need to see where you
are). In this case, the Pass Thru is the same as a Step Thru.
Be sure that the ending formation is a Left-hand Wave!
1/4 In [A1] (Jim Faulkenberry and Clarence Watson 1959):
From a Couple or Mini-Wave.
Turn 90° in place toward the adjacent dancer.
Ends in Facing Dancers.
Touch [BV]:
From Facing Dancers.
Step forward and to the Left to end side-by-side with Right-hands joined.
A Touch 1/4 [Basic] is a Touch followed by Arm Turn 1/4.
Left Touch [NOL]:
From Facing Dancers.
Step forward and to the Right to end side-by-side with Left-hands joined.
Pass The Ocean [Basic] (Holman Hudspeth 1965):
From Facing Couples.
Pass Thru; 1/4 In; Touch (Step To A R-H Wave).
Ends in a R-H Wave.