Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From a T-Bone setup. EN: 10
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Those facing (or those in a R-H Mini-Wave) Right Pull By & individually turn 1/4 to face the inactive dancers; all Finish the given call. EN: 20
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Split Dixie Style To A Wave [C1]:
Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives; all Left Touch 1/4. Ends in a L-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 663

Split Dixie Style To A Wave
Those who can Right Pull By
& turn 1/4 to face inactives EN: 50

 Left Touch 1/4

Note that Split Dixie Style To A Wave ends in a Box not a Wave, hence the resulting 8-dancer ending formation could be either Columns or Parallel Waves. EN: 60
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Split Dixie Sashay [C1]:
From applicable T-Bones. Split Dixie Style To A Wave; Slither. EN: 661

Split Dixie Diamond [C1]:
From applicable T-Bones. Split Dixie Style To A Wave; Centers Hinge as the Ends U-Turn Back. Usually ends in R-H Twin Diamonds. EN: 487

Split Dixie Grand [C1V]:
Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactive dancers; all Left Pull By; all Right Pull By. As this call progresses, the formation evolves into a Circle ("O") formation. EN: 587

Split Dixie Grand
Those who can Right Pull By
& turn 1/4 to face inactives EN: 50

 Left Pull By
 Right Pull By

Split Square Thru (n) [A1] (Clarence Watson 1968):
From an applicable T-Bone 2 x 2, or other applicable formations. Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives (1/4 In); all Finish a Square Thru n (i.e., Left Square Thru n - 1). Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 84

Split Square Chain Thru [A2]:
From an applicable T-Bone 2 x 2, or other applicable formations. Those who can Right Pull By and turn to face the inactives; all Left Swing Thru; Left Turn Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 75
起始队形为可适用的 T-Bone 2 x 2, 或其他可适用的队形. 可以做的舞者做 Right Pull By, 然后转向未做动作的舞者; 所有人做 Left Swing Thru; Left Turn Thru. 结束队形为 Back-to-Back Couples. CH: 75

Split Square Chain The Top [C1] (Johnny Walter 1973):
Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives; all Step To A L-H Wave; Spin The Top; Left Turn Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 648

Split Catch n [C2]:
Split Square Thru on the n-th hand (Step To A Wave); Centers Trade; all Step & Fold. Note that {n} must be greater than or equal to 2. EN: 664

Split Grand Chain Eight [C2]:
Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives; all Step to a L-H Wave; Centers Courtesy Turn the Ends 1/4 to end in facing Couples (danced as Centers Left-face U-Turn Back to place R-H on adjacent End's back and Bend The Line). EN: 665 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.