Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From the T-Bone formation obtained from Facing Couples after one Couple does a turn 1/4 to face one another (1/4 In), or from other applicable formations. EN: 10
Z formace T-Bone, vytvořenou z Facing Couples poté, co jeden pár udělá otočku o 1/4 směrem k sobě (1/4 In), nebo dalších vhodných formací. CZ: 10

Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives (1/4 In);
all Finish a Square Thru n (i.e., Left Square Thru n - 1). EN: 20
Ti, kdo mohou, Right Pull By and turn 1/4 čelem k neaktivním (1/4 In);
all Finish a Square Thru n (tzn. Left Square Thru n - 1). CZ: 20

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 30
Končí v Back-to-Back Couples. CZ: 30

Split Square Thru:

Split Square Thru
Those Facing Right Pull By and
turn 1/4 to face the inactives EN: 35
Ti, co se na sebe koukají, Right Pull By and
turn 1/4 čelem k neaktivním CZ: 35
Left Pull By a 1/4 In
Right Pull By a 1/4 In
Left Pull By
Split Square Thru 3:

Split Square Thru 3
Those Who Can Right Pull By and
turn 1/4 to face the inactives EN: 40
Ti, kdo mohou, Right Pull By and
turn 1/4 čelem k neaktivním CZ: 40
Left Pull By a 1/4 In
Right Pull By


Left Split Square Thru (n) [A1]:
Start with the left hand. EN: 85
Začněte za levou ruku. CZ: 85

Split Square Thru (n) To A Wave [C1]:
Split Square Thru but on the last hand Step To A Wave. Ends in a Wave. If n is odd, the Wave is Right-handed; if n is even, the wave is Left-handed. EN: 86
Split Square Thru a na poslední ruku Step To A Wave. Končí ve Wave. Pokud je n liché, je Wave pravá; pokud je n sudé, tak levá. CZ: 86

1/4 In [A1] (Jim Faulkenberry a Clarence Watson 1959):
From a Couple or Mini-Wave. Turn 90° in place toward the adjacent dancer. Ends in Facing Dancers. EN: 87
From a Couple or Mini-Wave. Otočte se namístě o 90° směrem k tanečníkovi vedle sebe. Končí ve Facing Dancers. CZ: 87

Square Thru (n) [Basic] (Bill Hansen 1957):
From Facing Couples (or a R-H Wave). Right Pull By and 1/4 In; Left Pull By and 1/4 In; Right Pull By and 1/4 In; Left Pull By. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. If a number is given (e.g., Square Thru 2; Square Thru 3/4; where 1/2 = 2 hands, and 3/4 = 3 hands), then pull by that many hands, but do not 1/4 In after the last hand. EN: 88
Z formace Facing Couples (nebo R-H Wave). Right Pull By and 1/4 In; Left Pull By and 1/4 In; Right Pull By and 1/4 In; Left Pull By. Končí v Back-to-Back Couples. Pokud je řečeno číslo (např. Square Thru 2; Square Thru 3/4; kde 1/2 = 2 hands, and 3/4 = 3 hands), tak udělejte pull podle řečeného čísla, ale při poslední ruce nedělejte 1/4 In. CZ: 88

Split Square Chain Thru [A2]:
From an applicable T-Bone 2 x 2, or other applicable formations. Those who can Right Pull By and turn to face the inactives; all Left Swing Thru; Left Turn Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 75
Z vhodné formace T-Bone 2 x 2 a dalších vhodných formací. Kdo může Right Pull By and turn čelem k neaktivním; all Left Swing Thru; Left Turn Thru. Končí v Back-to-Back Couples. CZ: 75

Split [Square Thru] Concept [C1]:
From a T-Bone setup. Those facing (or those in a R-H Mini-Wave) Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactive dancers; all Finish the given call. For example, Split Dixie Style To A Wave: those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives; all Left Touch 1/4. EN: 89
Z formace T-Bone. Ti, kdo se na sebe koukají (nebo ti v R-H Mini-Wave) Right Pull By and turn 1/4 čelem k neaktivním; pak všichni dokončí danou figuru. Například Split Dixie Style To A Wave: kdo může Right Pull By and turn 1/4 čelem k neaktivním; all Left Touch 1/4. CZ: 89 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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