Definitions Main Page | FAQ | Ceder Chest Definition Books | Multilingual | administrator |
Index --> All Levels | Basic and Mainstream | Plus | A1 | A2 | C1 | C2 | C3A | C3B | C4 | NOL | Def2 |
Definitions (Text Only) --> Plus | A1 | A2 | C1 | C2 | C3A | C3B | C4 | NOL | Old Calls | Experimentals |
Dancing and Studying Hints | Tagging Calls | Calls with Parts | Shape Changing | Types of Distortions |
"O" Formation -- [C1] | o.php |
2/3 Recycle -- [C1] | 23recycle.php |
3 By 2 Acey Deucey -- [C1] | 3by2aceydeucey.php |
any Tagging call Back (To A Wave) -- [C1] | atcback.php |
anything Chain Thru -- [C1] | anythingchainthru.php |
anything The Axle -- [C1] | theaxle.php |
anything The Windmill -- [C1] | thewindmill.php |
anything To A Wave -- [C1] | toawave.php |
Ah So -- [C1] | ahso.php |
All 8 Recycle -- [C1] | all8recycle.php |
Alter The Wave -- [C1] | alterthewave.php |
Beau | Belle -- [A1] | beaubelle.php |
Block Formation -- [C1] | block.php |
Box Recycle -- [C1] | boxrecycle.php |
Butterfly Formation -- [C1] | butterfly.php |
Cast Back, Cross Cast Back -- [C1] | castback.php |
Chain Reaction [by definition, C1] -- [C1] | chain_reaction_c1.php |
Chase Your Neighbor -- [C1] | chaseyourneighbor.php |
Checkover -- [C1] | checkover.php |
Circle By fraction By fraction | anything -- [C1] | circleby.php |
Concentric Concept -- [C1] | concentric.php |
Counter Rotate fraction -- [C1] | counterrotate.php |
Cross & Turn, Reverse Cross & Turn -- [C1] | crossandturn.php |
Cross By -- [C1] | crossby.php |
Cross Chain & Roll -- [C1] | crosschainandroll.php |
Cross Chain Thru -- [C1] | crosschainthru.php |
Cross Roll To A Wave | Line -- [C1] | crossroll.php |
Cross Your Neighbor -- [C1] | crossyourneighbor.php |
Dixie Diamond -- [C1] | dixiediamond.php |
Dixie Sashay -- [C1] | dixiesashay.php |
Flip The Line -- [C1] | fliptheline.php |
Follow Thru -- [C1] | followthru.php |
Galaxy Formation | Circulate -- [C1] | galaxy.php |
Interlocked Diamond Formation -- [C1] | interlockeddiamond.php |
Jaywalk -- [C1] | jaywalk.php |
Linear Action -- [C1] | linearaction.php |
Little -- [C1] | little.php |
Magic Column Concept -- [C1] | magiccolumn.php |
Make Magic -- [C1] | makemagic.php |
Pass The Axle -- [C1] | passtheaxle.php |
Percolate -- [C1] | percolate.php |
Phantom Concept -- [C1] | phantom.php |
Plenty -- [C1] | plenty.php |
Press direction -- [C1,C2] | press.php |
Ramble -- [C1] | ramble.php |
Regroup -- [C1] | regroup.php |
Relay The Shadow -- [C1] | relaytheshadow.php |
Relay The Top -- [C1] | relaythetop.php |
Reverse Explode [from a Wave] -- [C1] | reverseexplode_c1.php |
Rotary Spin | anything -- [C1,C2] | rotary.php |
Rotate -- [C1,C2,C3B] | rotate_c1.php |
Scatter Scoot -- [C1] | scatterscoot.php |
Shakedown -- [C1] | shakedown.php |
Siamese CONCEPT -- [C1] | siamese.php |
Split [Square Thru] Concept -- [C1] | splitsquarethruconcept.php |