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 "O" Formation -- [C1]o.php  

An "O" consists of dancers occupying the following spots in a 4 x 4 matrix: EN: 10
Som illustreret nedenfor består en "O" formation af dansere der optager de viste pladser i en 4 x 4 Matrix. DK: 10
From here... EN: 20
Når du er her... DK: 20
imagine you are here. EN: 30
Så forestil dig du er her. DK: 30
An "O" is considered to be Distorted Columns, as if the Centers slid apart from normal Columns. EN: 40
En "O" formation er at betragte som forskudte Columns, som hvis Centers slider væk fra en normal Column. DK: 40
If you are here... EN: 50
Hvis du er her... DK: 50
think of working
in Columns EN: 60
Så forestil dig at arbejde
i Columns DK: 60
imagine you are here EN: 70
Forestil dig at du er her DK: 70
re-establishing "O" footprints EN: 80
re-etablering af "O" footprints DK: 80
For simple calls (such as "O" Circulate, "O" Split Counter Rotate 1/4, etc.) move directly to your ending footprints. For more complex calls, start the call working distorted, blend into a normal setup, complete the call normally, and then have the resulting Centers move away from the Center to re-establish the "O" footprints. EN: 90
For simple kald (som "O" Circulate, "O" Split Counter Rotate 1/4, osv.) så gå direkte til din end-position. For mere komplexe calls, så start kaldet fra "O" positionen, glid ind i det normale setup, færdiggør kaldet normalt, og dem der ender som centers bevæger sig væk fra center for at retablere "O" formationen. DK: 90
If dancers occupy "O" footprints but the caller wishes them to work in distorted Parallel Lines, the term Big Block [C3A] is used. EN: 100
Hvis danserne står på "O" pladser men calleren ønsker at de arbejder i distorted parallel lines, bruges termen "Big Blocks" (C3A) DK: 100
Sometimes the caller wants you to start the call in your "O" but finish in a normal setup. In these cases the caller will add a suffix such as 'To Normal Waves', 'To A Line', 'To Columns', etc. (e.g., "O" Checkmate To Normal Lines). EN: 110
Hvis Calleren ønsker at starte i "O" formation og slutte i normalt setup vil han i disse tilælde tilføje eks. "To Normal Waves", "To A Line", "To Columns", osv.. (f. eks. "O" Checkmate To Normal Lines). DK: 110
An "O" can also be T-Bone in which case you do your part working in your own set of distorted Columns. EN: 120
En "O" formation kan også være en T-Bone og her følger du din part, arbejdende i dit eget sæt af forskudte Columns. DK: 120
From here... EN: 130
Fra her... DK: 130
imagine you are here... EN: 140
Forestil dig at du enten er her... DK: 140
... or here. EN: 150
... eller her. DK: 150
think of working here EN: 160
Forestil dig at arbejde her DK: 160

 2/3 Recycle -- [C1]23recycle.php  

In Challenge dancing, Recycle from a Wave is a 3-part call. EN: 10
I Challenge er Recycle et 3-part kald. DK: 10
From a Wave: EN: 20
Fra Waves: DK: 20
Centers Fold behind Ends and all adjust to a Mini-Wave Box; EN: 30
Centers laver en Fold og alle justerer til en Mini-Wave Box; DK: 30
& adjust to a Box EN: 40
& juster til en box DK: 40
2/3 Recycle is not danced as if it has 2 disjoint parts (i.e., you do not do a Centers Fold & adjust to a Box before doing the Box Counter Rotate 1/4 since this is somewhat awkward). 2/3 Recycle is danced as if the 2 parts are blended into one movement. EN: 50
2/3 Recycle danses normalt ikke som om der var 2 dele (dvs. Der laves normalt ikke en Centers Fold og Adjust to a Box - efterfulgt af en Box Counter Rotate 1/4 da det føles lidt uhåndterligt). En 2/3 Recycle danses som om de 2 dele smelter sammen i én bevægelse. DK: 50
2/3 Recycle is equivalent to 1/2 Flip The Line, except that nobody can Roll after 1/2 Flip The LineEN: 60
2/3 Recycle er det samme som 1/2 Flip The Line, bortset fra at ingen kan lave Roll efter 1/2 Flip The Line DK: 60
Cheat for 2/3 Recycle: Hinge and Box Circulate. This cheat, although easier to recite and dance than the correct definition, has the potential to get you into trouble. You will be unable to properly dance a 1/3 Recycle. Also, note that by using this cheat, only half of the dancers can Roll! On a 2/3 Recycle, all dancers can Roll. Roll. EN: 70
En cheat for 2/3 recycle: Hinge and Box cieculate. Selvom denne Cheat gør det langt lettere at danse kaldet korrekt kan den bringe danserne i potentialle vanskeligheder. Du kan ikke danse 1/3 Recycle korrekt. Husk også at når man bruger denne Cheat kan kun halvdelen af danserne lave Roll - og det er vigtigt at understrege at alle dansere kan lave Roll efter 2/3 Recycle DK: 70
& adjust to a Box EN: 80
& Juster til en Box DK: 80

 3 By 2 Acey Deucey -- [C1]3by2aceydeucey.php  

From applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra positioner hvor der er to grupper af 3 dansere der kan lave en Triangle Circulate, og 2 dansere i Centeret der kan lave en Trade.(f. eks. Twin Diamonds eller Hourglass). DK: 10
Outside Triangles Circulate as the Very Centers Trade. EN: 20
Very Center to dansere laver en Trade mens de to Triangles laver Triangle Circulate DK: 20
Note: When 3 By 2 Acey Deucey is done from Twin Diamonds, it can sometimes be awkward for the Trailing Points since they must Triangle Circulate to the other Point of their Diamond. EN: 30
Når 3 By 2 Acey Deucey udføres fra Twin-Diamonds, kan det føles underligt for Trailing Points eftersom de skal lave en Triangle-Circulate til den anden Point-position i deres Diamond DK: 30

 any Tagging call Back (To A Wave) -- [C1]atcback.php  

Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scoot Back. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 10
Udfør Any Tagging kaldet til en 1/2 Tag position, efterfulgt af en Scoot Back. Ender i en Mini-Wave Box. DK: 10
The following is a list of Tagging calls that could be used at C1 and C2. The part of the call name shown in bold-face type indicates what would be used as the prefix to the word 'Back' (i.e., the italicized part is conventionally omitted). EN: 20
Det følgende er en liste af Tagging Calls der kan blive anvendt på C1 og C2. Den del af Call-navnet der er skrevet med fed skrift indikerer hvad der vil blive brugt som prefix for ordet "Back" (DVS. delen skrevet med itialian typer er normalt udeladt) DK: 20
Historical note: the original definition of Flip Back was Ends Trade & Roll as the Centers Fold & Roll to follow the Ends and (original Centers) meet to Arm Turn 1/2 and Extend to a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 30
Historisk note: Den originale definition på Flip Back var Ends Trade & Roll as the Centers Fold & Roll og følge Ends (De oprindelige Centers) mødes og arm turn 1/2 for at ende i Mini-Wave Box. DK: 30

 anything Chain Thru -- [C1]anythingchainthru.php  

Do the anything call; Very Centers Trade; Center 4 Cast Off 3/4. EN: 10
Udfør Anything callet - herefter Very Centers Trade og Centers Cast-Off 3/4. DK: 10
anything Chain Thru is the same as Finish Diamond Chain Thru EN: 20
anything Chain Thru er det samme som Finish Diamond Chain Thru DK: 20
The Cast Off 3/4 can be either an Arm Turn or a 'Push' Cast. EN: 30
Cast Off 3/4 kan enten være en Arm Turn eller en 'Push' Cast. DK: 30
If the anything call is a Triangle or Diamond Circulate, the word 'Circulate' is conventionally omitted. E.g., EN: 40
Hvis Anything callet er en Triangle- eller Diamond Circulate, vil ordet 'Circulate' normalt være udeladt som f. eks i DK: 40
Some callers use Chain Thru from formations such as Parallel Lines and want all the Centers to Trade; and all to Cast Off 3/4. We believe this is an invalid usage of Chain Thru since it can be ambiguous in several situations. For example, from a Tidal Wave, does the caller want the Very Centers to Trade & then the Center 4 to Cast Off 3/4, or does the caller want each side to do a Centers Trade & all Cast Off 3/4? Also, if Chain Thru is allowed to mean each side Centers Trade followed by all Cast Off 3/4, then from Twin Diamonds a Chain Thru could be interpreted as Centers of each Diamond Trade (since they are Centers of their 4-dancer formation), followed by confusion, since there is no adjacent dancer within their 4-dancer formation with whom to Cast Off 3/4. EN: 50
At C3A there is an additional (unrelated) use of the phrase 'Chain Thru': EN: 60

 anything The Axle -- [C1]theaxle.php  

From any formation in which the anything call ends in a Trade By, Completed Double Pass Thru, or R-H 3/4 Tag. EN: 10
Fra enhver position hvor anything kaldet ender i en Trade By, Completed Double Pass Thru eller en Right Hand 3/4 Tag. DK: 10
Do the anything call; Outsides Cross Cast Back as Centers Complete The Tag (Pass Thru or Step Thru as necessary so that the Centers are back-to-back); all Trade; Centers Trade. EN: 20
Udfør anything kaldet; Centers laver Pass Thru (Hvis de kan) mens Ends laver Cross Cast Back; alle laver Swing og de nye Centers laver en Trade. DK: 20
Ends in Facing Lines. EN: 30
Ender i Facing Lines. DK: 30
Some callers believe that The Axle means do the last 3/4 of Pass The Axle [C1], hence they believe it is inappropriate to call The Axle from a Completed Double Pass Thru (since the Centers can not do the first part of the call). EN: 40
Remember that Cross Cast Back [C1] is a Left-Shoulder Pass. EN: 50

 anything The Windmill -- [C1]thewindmill.php  

From various formations. EN: 10
Fra enhver anvendelig formation. DK: 10
All or Center 4 do the anything call; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides 1/4 toward the given direction & Circulate twice. Ends in various formations. EN: 20
Center 4 (eller alle hvis kaldet er et 8 personers kald) laver Anything kaldet. Herefter laver Centers Cast Off 3/4 mens Ends vender ansigtet 1/4 i den angivne retning og cirkulerer 2 gange (eller som angivet). DK: 20
The Cast Off 3/4 can be either an Arm Turn or a 'Push' Cast. EN: 30
Cast Off 3/4 kan enten være en Arm Turn eller en "Push" Cast. DK: 30
direction can be In, Out, Right, Left, or Forward (Outsides As You Are). EN: 40
Retningen kan være In, Out, Right, Left, eller Forward (Outsides As You Are). DK: 40
The caller can optionally direct the Ends to Circulate a different number of spots (such as 1 & 1/2). EN: 50
Calleren kan give Ends besked på at cirkulerer gå forskellige antal pladser - eks. 1 og 1/2. DK: 50

 anything To A Wave -- [C1]toawave.php  

Do the anything call, omitting the final Extend or Step Thru. Optionally, the caller could say Hold The Line | Wave to mean the same thing. EN: 10
Fra enhver position der er anvendelig for anything kaldet. Anything kaldet skal indeholde slut-bevægelsen: Step Thru eller Extend. Udfør anything kaldet men lav ikke den sidste Extend eller Step-Thru - bliv i en Ocean Wave. Calleren kan også sige: Hold The Line | Wave da det betyder det samme. DK: 10
Some callers use the phrase To A Line instead of To A Wave if the (designated) dancers are to stop in a Line. For example, from Columns: Checkmate The Column, Last Two To A LineEN: 20
Nogle Callere bruger udtrykket To A Line istedet for To A Wave hvis de (designated) dansere skal stoppe i en Line. F. eks. fra Columns Checkmate The Column, Last Two To A LineDK: 20
Here is a partial list of calls (C2 or below) that might be done To A WaveEN: 30
Nedenfor er en liste over kald som kan blive kaldt To A WaveDK: 30
(Note that the Outside dancers
are not offset, but have adjusted
so that they are centered) EN: 40
(NB. Outside dansere er ikke
offset, men har justeret til
centeret af deres formation) DK: 40
Some callers use the phrase 'To A Wave' in a strictly "helpful" manner (e.g., from a 1/4 Tag, Extend To A Wave when merely Extend would have sufficed). The phrase 'To A Wave' is also used to tell the dancers to not re-establish a distorted formation (e.g., Stagger Transfer The Column To A Wave). In these cases, the callers are not using the anything To A Wave CONCEPTEN: 50
The following calls (C2 or below) contain the phrase 'To A Wave' but are not part of this concept: EN: 60
De følgende kald indeholder 'To A Wave' men er ikke del af dette koncept: DK: 60

 Ah So -- [C1]ahso.php  

From any Line of 4. EN: 10
Fra en Wave eller Line. DK: 10
Ends Cross Fold while holding onto adjacent dancers. EN: 20
Hver halvdel af wave/line arbejder som en enhed. Ends laver en Cross Fold og Centers følger med for at holde hver mini-wave eller Couple intakt. Hvis Ends starter outfacing gælder højre-skulder-passerings reglen. DK: 20
A Wave ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 30
En Wave ender i en Mini-Wave Box DK: 30
Although Ah So can be called from any Line of 4, it is almost always called from a Wave. In fact, many callers believe Ah So can only be done from a Wave. EN: 40
Selvom Ah So kan calles fra "Any Line of 4", bliver de næsten altid callet fra en Wave. Faktisk er det mange Callere der tror at Ah So kun kan laves fra en Wave. DK: 40
From a Couple, Ah So is equivalent to Wheel & Deal. From a Mini-Wave, Ah So is equivalent to Single Hinge & Box Counter Rotate 1/4. EN: 50
Fra Couple, er Ah So det same som Wheel & Deal. Fra en Mini-Wave, er Ah So det same som Single Hinge & Box Counter Rotate 1/4. DK: 50
Ah So is a generalization of Wheel & Deal. If both Ends are initially facing the same direction, the rightmost End moves in front of the leftmost End (as they would in a Cycle & Wheel starting from the same setup). EN: 60
Ah So er en generalisering af Wheel & Deal. Hvis begge Ends fra starten har same ansigtsretning, skal "Højre-End" gå ind foran "Venstre-End" - akkurat som I en Cycle & Wheel der starter fra samme position. DK: 60
I've also seen Ah So done from the following T-Bone setup, in which case the Ends imagine holding onto the Centers' tummies. I think most callers would agree that this example stretches the definition of the call a little too far. EN: 70
Ah So er blevet set callet fra den T-Bone position vist på billedet nedenfor. Her skal Ends forestille sig at holde fast I Centers maver eller bæltespænder eller hvad de nu kan få fat i. De fleste Callere vil nok være enige om, at det er at strække definitionen lidt for langt. DK: 70
Questionable usage of Ah So EN: 80
Tvivlsom brug af Ah So DK: 80

 All 8 Recycle -- [C1]all8recycle.php  

From a 1/4 Tag (or Squared Set or Thar). EN: 10
Fra en 1/4 Tag (eller Squared Set eller Thar). DK: 10
Wave dancers Recycle, taking a wider arc than normal, to end as Couples on the outside as the Outside dancers move into the Center & do a Box Recycle to end in the Center Wave. EN: 20
Wave danserne laver en Recycle med en store bue en normalt og ender som Couples på ydersiden, mens Outside danserne går ind mod Centeret og laver en Box Recycle med hinanden og ender i en Center Wave. DK: 20
A 1/4 Tag setup ends in a 1/4 Tag. EN: 30
En 1/4 Tag formation ender i en 1/4 Tag. DK: 30
In the second example shown above (i.e., The starting formation has Centers in a L-H Wave, Outsides in a R-H Mini-Wave or Couple), the original Centers must make a wide loop so as not to collide with the original Outsides. EN: 40
Specielt i det andet eksempel (dvs. Centers i en Left-Hand Wave, Outsides i en Right-Hand Mini-Wave eller Couple), skal de oprindelige Centers være opmærksomme på at lave en stor bue for ikke at kollidere med Outside danserne. DK: 40
If the Outsides start in L-H Mini-Waves, then the resulting Center Wave is a L-H Wave. EN: 50
Hvis de oprindelige Outsides starter i Left-Hand Mini-Waves, vil den resulterende Center-Wave også være en Left-Hand Wave. DK: 50
From a Thar: everyone does the 'Centers' part. Ends in a squared set. EN: 60
Fra en Thar: Alle laver "Centers" part. Ender i et Squared Set. DK: 60
From a squared set: everyone does the 'Outsides' part. Ends in a Thar. EN: 70
Fra et Squared Set: Alle laver "Outsides" part. Ender i en Thar. DK: 70

 Alter The Wave -- [C1]alterthewave.php  

From a Wave or Facing Couples. EN: 10
Fra en Wave eller Facing Couples. DK: 10
Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends U-Turn Back; EN: 20
derefter laver Centers Cast-off 3/4 mens Ends laver U-turn back; DK: 20
Counter Rotate the Diamond 1/2; EN: 30
laver Diamond-Counter Rotate 1/2; DK: 30
Ends in a Wave (of opposite handedness). Alter The Wave is a 4-part call. EN: 40
Ender i Wave med modsat håndhold end start-waven. DK: 40
The Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2 is often referred to as Star 1/2. EN: 50
Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2 er ofte reffereret til som Star 1/2. DK: 50
Dancers who Cast Off 3/4 become the Ends of the resulting Wave no matter how far the Diamond is turned. Dancers who U-Turn Back always become the Centers. EN: 60
Dansere der Cast Off 3/4 bliver Ends I den afsluttende Wave uanset hvor langt Diamonden bliver drejet. Dansere der laver U-Turn Back bliver altid Centers. DK: 60
The Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2 is danced by turning the whole Diamond 180 degrees around its center of gravity. Centers retain handholds throughout the Diamond Counter Rotate and the Points should NOT place their hands into the 'Star', but instead should point as they would when identifying Diamonds. This is very important, because if there are 3 or more hands are in the Center, dancers tend to forget who is to flip whom for the Flip The Diamond, especially if the caller modifies the amount to 'turn the Star'. EN: 70
Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2 danses ved at dreje hele Diamonden 180° omkring dens center. Centers beholder håndfatning gennem Diamond Counter Rotate og Pointers skal vedblive at pege for at vise Diamond position. Dette er meget vigtige for hvis der er 3 eller flere hænder I center har danserne en tendens til at glemme hvem der skal flippe I den efterfølgende Flip The Diamond, specielt hvis Calleren modificerer 'Turn the Star'. DK: 70
From a Wave, Ends remain Ends as Centers remain Centers. EN: 80
Fra en Wave, vedbliver Ends med at være Ends og Centers vedbliver med at være Centers. DK: 80
This is the first 1/2 of Alter The WaveEN: 90

 Beau | Belle -- [A1]beaubelle.php  

From a generalized Couple or other applicable formation. EN: 10
The Beau is the Left-side dancer and the Belle is the Right-side dancer. EN: 20
In the following diagrams, EN: 30
Beaus are denoted by magenta squares EN: 40
Belles are denoted by blue circles EN: 50
The identifiers Beau and Belle are occasionally used from setups in which you have no defined partner. In this case, you are a Beau if your right-hand is toward the Center of your 4-dancer formation, and conversely, you are a Belle if your left-hand is toward the Center of your 4-dancer formation. EN: 60
Beaus and Belles are not the same as Boys and Girls. Beaus and Belles identify positions within formations, whereas Boys and Girls identify dancer roles. When you square up, you are assigned the role of a Boy or a Girl. This role remains in effect for the entire tip. On the other hand, as you dance, your formation and position within that formation constantly changes. Hence, while dancing, you may change whether you're a Beau or Belle, a Leader or Trailer, an End or a Center, etc. EN: 70
At A1 and A2, the usage of Beau | Belle is restricted to a Couple. At C1 and above, Beau | Belle can be used from other formations such as Mini-Waves, T-Bones, etc. EN: 80
If your partner's position is to your Right, then you are a Beau.
If your partner's position is to your Left, then you are a BelleEN: 90
From a Couple, the Beau is the dancer on the Left, and the Belle is the dancer on the Right. EN: 100
I et Couple er danseren til venster Beau og danseren til højre BelleDK: 100
From a R-H Mini-Wave, both dancers are BeausEN: 110
From a L-H Mini-Wave, both dancers are BellesEN: 120
Beaus and Belles are important to learn since these terms are used in the definitions of many calls. EN: 130
Identify yourself whenever the caller names you. That is, if the caller says 'Beaus' and you're a Beau, then raise your hand. This lets the other dancers in the square know who is active. Sometimes the caller will say something like 'Beaus (pause) Trade' - the caller paused so that the Beaus can identify themselves (raise your hand!), find the other Beau, and then do the Trade. If you don't identify yourself, the other Beau may have a hard time locating you. EN: 140
Handholds: EN: 150
From a Couple, the Beau holds the R-H palm up and the Belle places the L-H palm down into the Beau's palm. EN: 160
From a One-Faced Line of 3 or more dancers, each dancer should hold their R-H palm up, L-H palm down. This is done so that: EN: 170
There is a consistent handhold protocol for same sex partners
(this is in contrast to handholds at the Mainstream level where Boys typically keep both hands palm up, Girls keep both hands palm down). EN: 180
Using handholds in this manner, it is easier to quickly identify Beaus and Belles when subsets of dancers are activated (e.g., as in Center 4 Beaus Run). EN: 190
Beaus and Belles tend to be infrequently used by callers. Hence, below is a list of possible uses for Beaus and Belles at A1 and A2: EN: 200
Choreographically, Beaus and Belles are primarily used with the following calls: EN: 210
Other applicable calls include: EN: 220
Examples using Beaus and BellesEN: 230

 Block Formation -- [C1]block.php  

A Block FORMATION consists of two overlapping Boxes of 4. Typically, one of the corners of one Box is positioned at the very center of the other Box, and vice-versa. Dancers in each Box work together in a disconnected setup, independent of the dancers in the other Box. EN: 10
En Block FORMATION består af to overlappende Boxe af 4. Typisk vil én af hjørnerne i den ene Box være i the Very Center af den anden Box, og visa versa. Danserne i hver Box arbejder uafhængigt af danserne i den anden Box. DK: 10
Who works with whom in a Block. EN: 20
Hvem der arbejder med hvem i en Block. DK: 20
Dancers must remain in their own Block. At the end of the given call, each dancer should be on one of the original footprints in their Block. EN: 30
Dansere skal blive i deres egen Box. Ved afslutningen af kaldet skal hver danser være på en af de oprindelige pladser (footprints) i deres egen Box. DK: 30
If you connect all four dancers in one Box by drawing imaginary lines from each dancer to the next adjacent dancer, and then separately draw lines connecting the four dancers in the other Box, a Block FORMATION would look like the familiar interlocking squares that symbolize square dancing. EN: 40
To help identify who is working within your Box of 4, it is customary to point to the two nearest dancers in your Block. Use one arm to point to the dancer beside you in your Box, and the other arm to point to the dancer either in front of or behind you in your Box. It is important not to turn your shoulders to accomplish this, as you might forget which wall you are facing or confuse others as to your facing direction. Therefore, we recommend that you use your closest arm to point to the dancer beside you (i.e., use your R-H if the dancer beside you is to your Right; use your L-H if the dancer is to your Left), and use your other arm to point to the dancer in front of or behind you. If the dancer is behind you, bend your arm at the elbow and tuck your hand behind your back to point, so that you do not twist your shoulders. EN: 50
For at hjælpe med til at identificere hvem der er i din Box er det almindeligt at pege på de 2 nærmeste danser i din Box, så peg på danseren ved siden af dig og danseren der befinder sig enten foran eller bag dig. Undgå at dreje kroppen da det let kan få dig til at miste orienteringen. DK: 50
Within the Block FORMATION there is a diagonal of four dancers which contains two dancers from each Box. This diagonal is used as a landmark for re-establishing the Block FORMATION after completion of a complicated call. The slant of the diagonal never changes; it is always either a North-West to South-East or a South-West to North-East slant. EN: 60
I hele Block FORMATIONen er der en diagonal af 4 dansere (2 fra hver Box). Denne diagonal kan anvendes som pejlemærke når man re-etablerer Block FORMATIONen efter et kompliceret kald. Retningen på denne diagonale linie er altid den samme - enten Nord-Vest til Syd Øst eller Syd-Vest til Nord-Øst. DK: 60
Blocks are alternatively known as Interlocked Blocks or C1 BlocksEN: 70
Calls done within your Block must require 4 or fewer dancers to do the call, and must start and end in a 2 x 2. Shape changing calls are not allowed. EN: 80
I Blocks kan kun udføres 4-personers kald (eller sekvenser af kald) som starter og ender i 2 x 2 formationer. DK: 80
At C1, the caller often gets the dancers into Blocks from Parallel Waves by saying: 'Leads Press Ahead (& Trade), check Blocks'. Then, after executing a series of calls in Blocks, the caller may get back to normal Lines by saying 'Outsides Press Ahead to make Lines'. This terminology is problematic in that technically there are no Outside 4 dancers in a Block; there are 2 Very Outsides (the Ends of the diagonal) or 6 Outside dancers. A Block is a four-dancer Box, having no Centers and no Ends. Being partially overlapped by another four-dancer Box, Interlocked Blocks gives the illusion of being an eight-dancer formation. In the Blocks shown below, all dancers except EN: 90
På C1 vil Calleren ofte få dansere i Block Formation fra Parallelle Waves ved at sige 'Leads Step Ahead (& Trade), check Blocks'. Efter at have udført en række kald i Blocks, vil Calleren ofte komme tilbage til normale Lines ved at sige 'Outsides Step Ahead to make Lines'. Der er et problem med denne terminology, da der teknisk set ikke er 4 Outside dansere i en Block; der er 2 Very Outsides (Ends i diagonalen) eller 6 Outside dansere. En Block er en 4-danser Box, hvor der hverken er Centers eller Ends. Da Box'en er delvist overlappet af en anden 4-danser Box giver denne formation en illusuíon af at være en 8 danser formation. DK: 90
could be considered Outside dancers (in particular, dancers EN: 100
are all equally distant from the Center of the Set). EN: 110
Here, dancers EN: 120
Her kan danserne DK: 120
can Press Ahead to Lines EN: 130
lave Step Ahead to Lines DK: 130
Here, dancers EN: 140
Her kan danserne DK: 140
can Press Ahead to Lines EN: 150
lave Step Ahead to Lines DK: 150
To determine who should Press Ahead to make Lines, there are two things to know: EN: 160
De 2 regler der gælder for hvem der kan lave 'Step Ahead To Make Lines' er som følger: DK: 160
You must be facing the center of the set. If you are not facing the center of the set, you can not move toward it, therefore you are not active for the Press Ahead. EN: 170
Du skal have ansigtsretning mod Center af formationen. Hvis du ikke kigger på Centeret kan du ikke gå imod det og derfor er du ikke aktiv i denne Step Ahead. DK: 170
You must not cross the center line. If your Press Ahead would put you past the center line, you are not active for the Press Ahead. EN: 180
Du må ikke krydse Center Linien. Hvis en Step Ahead fører dig over Center linien er du ikke aktiv i denne Step Ahead. DK: 180
When doing calls within Blocks, traffic patterns vary. For simple calls that do not require interaction with more than one other dancer at a time, execute each part of the call within the footprints of your individual Block (e.g., Square Thru, Touch 1/4). On more complicated calls (e.g., In Your Block Square Chain Thru), start the execution of the call to the footprints of your individual Block, and when it becomes necessary to interact with more than one dancer at a time, the dancers closest to the center of the set should cross the center line to join the other dancers in their Block to complete the call on each side. Once the call is completed, re-establish the Block footprints by having the appropriate dancers move to re-create the original slant of the diagonal (i.e., NW-SE or SW-NE) and the other dancers move to appropriate Block footprints. Note: Some dancers need not move at all to re-establish footprints (typically, only four or six dancers need to move)! EN: 190
Når man laver kald i Blocks vil trafikmønsteret variere. I simple kald der ikke involverer aktion med mere end én danser af gangen, udføres kaldet per footprints i din individuelle Box. (f. eks. Square Thru, Touch 1/4). I mere komplicerede kald (f. eks. In Your Block Square Chain Thru), starter udførelsen af kaldet per footprints i din individuelle Box, og når det bliver nødvendigt at arbejde med mere end én danser af gangen, skal danserne tættest på Centeret krydse Center linien og arbejde sammen med de andre dansere i deres Box og færdiggøre kaldet på hver side. Når kaldet er færdiggjort re-etableres Block footprints ved at de relevante dansere genskaber diagonal-linien (dvs. NV-SØ eller SV-NØ) og de andre dansere går til de relevante Block footprints. NB: Nogle dansere skal slet ikke justere for at re-etablere Block formationen - typisk skal kun 4 eller 6 dansere justere. DK: 190
Doing a complicated call from Blocks: EN: 200
Udførelse af et kompliceret kald fra Blocks: DK: 200
Start the given call
working to footprints... EN: 210
Start kaldet med at
gå til footprints... DK: 210
When the call becomes complicated,
blend into a formation that
removes the Interlocked aspect. EN: 220
Når kaldet bliver kompliceret
glid ind i en formation hvor
Boxene er separeret DK: 220
Upon completion of the call,
re-establish the
Block footprints. EN: 230
Når kaldet er færdiggjort
re-etableres Block-footprints. DK: 230
(removing the Interlocked aspect) EN: 240
(Boxene er separeret) DK: 240
re-restablishing Block footprints EN: 250
re-etablering af Block footprints DK: 250
The following is a partial list of calls that might be done from Blocks at C1. These calls start and end in a 2 x 2. EN: 260
Det følgende er en liste over kald der kan gøres fra Blocks på C1. Disse kald starter og ender alle i en 2 x 2. DK: 260
Note: When the given call is a call that normally requires 8 dancers (e.g., Circulate or Counter Rotate), do the 4-dancer version of that call. EN: 270
Other types of Blocks: EN: 280
also known as EN: 290
also known as EN: 300

 Box Recycle -- [C1]boxrecycle.php  

From Facing Couples, a Mini-Wave Box, or a Box consisting of one R-H Mini-Wave and one In-facing Couple. EN: 10
Fra Facing Couples, en Mini-Wave Box, eller en Box bestående af én Right Hand Mini-Wave og ét In-facing Couple. DK: 10
Those who are a Couple do your part of a (Facing) Recycle as those in a Mini-Wave do a Leaders Trail Off as Trailers 1/2 Box Circulate and U-Turn Back by turning toward the Center of the 4-dancer formation. EN: 20
Hvis du er i Couple gør din part af (Facing) Recycle, hvis du er i en Mini-Wave skal Trailers (uden at give slip på Leaders) lave en Extend og U-Turn Back. Leaders følger med og bliver Ends i en Wave DK: 20
Ends in a Wave. EN: 30
Ender i en Wave. DK: 30
From R-H Mini-Waves or Facing Couples: EN: 40
Fra Right Hand Mini-Waves eller Facing Couples: DK: 40
From L-H Mini-Wave Box: EN: 50
Fra Left Hand Mini-Wave Box: DK: 50
From applicable formations. Each 2 x 2 do a Box RecycleEN: 60
Fra anvendelige formationer. Hver 2 x 2 laver en Box Recycle. DK: 60
Since Split Recycle is the original name for this call, there are several callers who always call it by that name. EN: 70
Da Split Recycle er det originale navn til dette kald, er der adskillige Callere der altid anvender denne term. DK: 70
From a Mini-Wave, Box Recycle feels like a Box Counter Rotate 1/4 & Hinge. When doing Box Recycle from a Mini-Wave, hold onto the adjacent dancer throughout the entire call. EN: 80
Fra en Mini-Wave, Box Recycle føles som en Box Counter Rotate 1/4 og Hinge. Når man udfører Box Recycle fra en Mini-Wave, bevares håndhold med danseren ved siden af under hele kaldet. DK: 80
From an In-facing Couple, only the Beaus can Roll. From Mini-Waves, everyone can Roll. EN: 90
Fra In-facing Couple, kan kun Beaus lave en Roll. Fra Mini-Waves kan alle lave Roll. DK: 90
From unambiguous setups (e.g., from Columns), the caller can simply say Recycle instead of Box RecycleEN: 100
Fra utvetydige formationer som eks. Columns, kan Calleren bare sige Recycle istedet for Box RecycleDK: 100
Some callers believe that from a 2 x 4 such as Waves or Columns, Box Recycle means Center 4 (Concentric) Box Recycle whereas Split Recycle means each side Box Recycle. We prefer the callers to be more explicit as in 'Centers Box Recycle'. EN: 110
Dette går ikke fra eks. parallelle Ocean Waves hvor man skal være mere specifik og kalde eks. Split Recycle for hver side, Center Box Recycle for Center 4. Kaldes kun Recycle herfra er det den "gammeldags" Recycle der gælder. DK: 110

 Butterfly Formation -- [C1]butterfly.php  

A Butterfly consists of dancers occupying the following spots in a 4 x 4 Matrix: EN: 10
En Butterfly er en column hvor End danserne har 2 positioner imellem sig. Butterfly Circulate: Fra en Butterfly formation: Alle dansere bevæger sig fremad én position i cirkulationsmønsteret vist nedenfor. DK: 10
From here... EN: 20
Herfra... DK: 20
imagine you are here. EN: 30
Forestil dig du er her. DK: 30
A Butterfly is considered to be distorted Columns, as if the outside dancers slid apart from normal Columns. EN: 40
En Butterfly er at betragte som distorted Columns, som om yderdanserne er gledet væk fra hinanden fra normale columns. DK: 40
imagine you are here EN: 50
Forestil dig du er her DK: 50
Traffic pattern: For simple calls (such as Circulate, Walk & Dodge, etc.) move directly to your ending footprints. For more complex calls, start the call working distorted, blend into a normal setup, complete the call normally, and then have the resulting Ends move away from the Center in order to re-establish the Butterfly footprints. EN: 60
Traffik mønstre: For simple calls (som Circulate, Walk & Dodge, osv.) gå direkte til dit slut-footprint. For mere complexe calls, start callet fra Butterfly og glid ind I den normale formation - udfør callet som normalt og til slut skal Ends bevæge sig væk fra Centeret for at retablere Butterfly formationen. DK: 60
Sometimes the caller may wish you to start the call in your Butterfly but finish in a normal setup. In these cases the caller will put a suffix such as 'To Normal Waves', 'To A Line', 'To Columns', etc. (e.g., Butterfly Transfer The Column To Normal Waves). EN: 70
Nogle gange vil Calleren starte Callet fra en Butterfly og ønske det endt I en normal formation. Her vil Calleren tilføje såsom "To normal Waves", "To a Line", "To Columns" osv.. (eks. Butterfly Transfer The Column To Normal Waves). DK: 70
Note: A Butterfly can also be T-Bone in which case you do your part working within your set of distorted Columns. EN: 80
Bemærk: En Butterfly kan også være T-Bone og I de tilfælde skal du udføre din part af kaldet I den forskudte columns. DK: 80
imagine you are here... EN: 90
Forestil dig du er her... DK: 90
... or here. EN: 100
... eller her. DK: 100
think of working here EN: 110
Forestil dig du er her DK: 110

 Cast Back, Cross Cast Back -- [C1]castback.php  

From a 2 x 2. EN: 10
Fra en 2 x 2 formation. DK: 10
Leaders or those designated, as one movement, Peel Off & Step Ahead to end adjacent to the dancer (or the position) that was immediately behind them. Trailers and non-designated dancers do not move. EN: 20
Leaders eller de udpegede dansere laver (som én bevægelse) Peel Off og går frem og ender ved siden af den anden danser i formationen. De ikke aktive danser bliver stående! DK: 20
Leaders or those designated, as one movement, Trail Off and Step Ahead to end adjacent to the position that is diagonally opposite in their Box. EN: 30
Leaders eller de udpegede dansere laver (som én bevægelse) Trail Off og går frem og ender ved siden af den position der er diagonalt modsat i deres Box. De ikke aktive danser bliver stående! DK: 30
Cast Back can also be done by an individual dancer if the caller also specifies a direction. EN: 40
Cast Back kan også udføres af en individuel danser hvis Calleren også specificerer en retning. DK: 40
Cast Back and Cross Cast Back are positional calls in which normal square breathing (expanding and contracting formations as the long and short axes vary) does not apply. The inactive dancers do not move or adjust in any manner. EN: 50
On Cross Cast Back, if active dancers start side-by-side (as a Couple), they pass Left shoulders. Historically, dancers have always passed Left-shoulders since this is a 'Cross' movement; however, CALLERLAB once 'simplified' the shoulder-passing rules, and many dancers were henceforth taught to pass Right shoulders. The current CALLERLAB definition of Trail Off (from Tandem Couples) states that dancers do a Half Sashay (Belle in front of Beau) & Peel Off, hence a Left shoulder pass. Please be careful when dancing Cross Cast Back as you may encounter some dancers who will insist on passing Left shoulders and other dancers who will insist on passing Right shoulders. EN: 60
I en Cross Cast Back, hvor danserne starter side-by-side (som Couple), skal de passere venstre skulder!! - akkurat som i Trail Off. update DK: 60

 Chain Reaction [by definition, C1] -- [C1]chain_reaction_c1.php  

From an applicable generalized 1/4 Tag. EN: 10
Fra en anvendelig general 1/4 tag formation. DK: 10
Very Centers and the directly facing Outside dancers do a Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 (on the Outside); Centers of each side Hinge; Center 4 Star 1/4 as Outsides Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). EN: 20
Very Centers og de direkte facing Outsides laver Pass Thru mens de andre Center dansere laver Counter Rotate 1/4 på ydersiden; Centers på hver side laver Hinge; Center 4 laver Star 1/4 mens Outsides Trade; Dem der mødes laver Cast off 3/4 mens de andre mover op (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). DK: 20
Ends in Parallel Lines|Waves. EN: 30
Those doing the Pass Thru should point at each other before moving. The Outside dancer who is not doing the Pass Thru should not move until one of the original Very Centers has appeared by his/her side. Should you prematurely turn in anticipation of the Hinge you will likely throw yourself (as well as other dancers) out of position. EN: 40
Dem der laver Pass Thru bør pege på hinanden før de går. Den Outside danser som ikke skal lave Pass Thru må ikke røre sig før den oprindelige Very Center danser står ved siden af. DK: 40
Be careful and dance each part of Chain Reaction very precisely since the Hinge could be from a Mini-Wave or from a Couple; the Outsides Trade could be from a Mini-Wave or a Couple; the Star could be normal or facing; and the final Cast Off 3/4 could be an Arm Turn or a 'Push' Cast. Don't rush the execution of this call since teamwork is required for successful completion. EN: 50
Vær omhyggelig og dans hver part af Chain Reaction præcist eftersom Hinge kan være fra en Mini-Wave eller fra Couple; Outsides Trade kan være fra en Mini-Wave eller Couple; Star kan være normal eller facing; og den afsluttende Cast Off 3/4 kan være Arm Turn eller 'Push' Cast. Forhast dig ikke og tænk på at successen af dette kald er afhængig af godt Team work. DK: 50
Those Facing Pass Thru as Ends of Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 EN: 60
Centers of each side Hinge EN: 70
Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up EN: 80
Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 mens Others move up DK: 80
From symmetric starting formations, Chain Reaction (Star 1/4 or Star 3/4) always ends in Parallel Lines. It never ends in a Parallelogram. Chain Reaction, Star 1/2 sometimes ends in a Parallelogram. EN: 90
Listed below are the eight possible symmetric starting formations and corresponding ending formations for Chain ReactionEN: 100
Starting formation EN: 110
Ending formation EN: 120

 Chase Your Neighbor -- [C1]chaseyourneighbor.php  

From Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 10
Fra Couples Back-to-Back. DK: 10
Belles Right-face U-Turn Back & all Box Circulate; Follow Your NeighborEN: 20
Belles Right-face U-Turn Back og alle laver Box Circulate og alle laver Follow Your NeighborDK: 20
Ends in a L-H Wave. EN: 30
Belles Right-face U-Turn Back
& all Box Circulate EN: 40
Original Beaus meet to Arm Turn 3/4. EN: 50
Do not add a Spread unless the caller explicitly says so. EN: 60
Chase The Tag is the same as Vertical Tag The Line [C1] except that it must start from Back-to-Back Couples, and that the Belles turn to the Right instead of to the Left. EN: 65
Hence, Chase Your Neighbor is a Chase The 1/2 Tag; Follow Your Neighbor. EN: 70

 Checkover -- [C1]checkover.php  

From Columns. EN: 10
Fra Columns. DK: 10
First Two Checkmate The Column as Last Two Extend (using Circulates) to a Box, Cast Off 3/4, Slither, and As Couples Extend. EN: 20
Danser #1 og #2 laver Checkmate The Column mens danser #3 og Danser #4 laver Circulate, Cast Off 3/4, Slither og As Couples Extend. DK: 20
Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 30
Ender i parallelle Two-Faced Lines. DK: 30
First Two Checkmate
as Last Two Circulate EN: 40
First Two Checkmate mens Last Two Circulate DK: 40

 Circle By fraction By fraction | anything -- [C1]circleby.php  

From Facing Couples. EN: 10
Fra Facing Couples. DK: 10
Circle Left the first given fraction and Step To A R-H Wave; EN: 20
Circle left den først givne fraktion, Step to a Right hand Wave (Touch); DK: 20
Arm Turn the second given fraction or do the anything call. EN: 30
Arm Turn den anden givne fraktion - eller udfør anything-Callet. DK: 30
The anything call is done from a Wave, not from Facing Couples. This makes a difference for calls such as Recycle or Single Wheel. EN: 40
Anything callet udføres fra en Wave, ikke fra Facing Couples - så husk Touch da det har betydning ved calls som Recycle eller Single Wheel. DK: 40
In the past, some callers believed that the default fractions were 1/4 and 1/4 and would simply call 'Circle By' without any fractions expecting the dancers to do a Circle By 1/4 By 1/4. This usage is considered inappropriate today. EN: 50

 Concentric Concept -- [C1]concentric.php  

From 8-dancer formations consisting of 4 inside dancers and 4 outside dancers. EN: 10
Fra 8-danser formationer der består af 4 Inside dansere og 4 Outside dansere. DK: 10
The inside 4 dancers do the given call working within the Center of the set as the outside 4 dancers do the given call working with each other, around the outside of the set. EN: 20
Inside danserne udfører kaldet i Centeret og Outside 4 dansere arbejder med hinanden på ydersiden af formationen. DK: 20
A good way to think about Concentric is to imagine dropping a stone in a pool of still water and watching the concentric rings rippling outward from the center where the stone dropped. If you overlay that image in your mind on top of the square, the Center 4 dancers would be working within the innermost ring, and the Outside 4 dancers would be working between the innermost ring and the next outside ring. Each group of 4 works independently of the other group of 4, maintaining their respective relationship from the other group and the very center of the set. EN: 30
The inside 4 dancers always do the call normally working in the Center. EN: 40
Inside 4 dansere udfører altid kaldet normalt i Centeret. DK: 40
The ending positions for the outside 4 dancers depends upon the kind of formation (explained below). EN: 50
Slutpositionen for Outside 4 dansere er afhængig af formationen (forklares nedenfor). DK: 50
If the given call ends in a 1x4, a Diamond, or a Single 1/4 Tag, then there is only one possible ending formation: a 1x4 is split in half, and distributed as two 1x2 formations on opposite sides of the inside dancers; a Diamond or Single 1/4 Tag is split into 4 pieces, and distributed like the points of a Galaxy. EN: 60
Se ovenstående figurer (de farveløse figurer illustrerer Center 4 dansere): Hvis kaldet ender i en 1x4, en Diamond, eller en Single 1/4 Tag, er de eneste mulige slutpositioner som følger: En 1 x 4 bliver delt på midten med to 1 x 2 formationer på hver side af Inside Dansere. En Diamond eller en Single 1/4 Tag bliver delt i 4 dele og fordelt som Points i en Galaxy. DK: 60
The above formations show the ending positions for the outside dancers when the given call ends in a 1x4 or a Diamond. The dashed boxes represent the Center 4 dancers who could be in a 2x2 (as shown), a 1x4 (horizontal or vertical), or any other 4-dancer formation. EN: 70
For the outside 4 dancers, if the given call starts and ends in a 2x2 then the following rules apply: EN: 80
For Outside 4 dansere: Hvis kaldet starter og ender i en 2x2 gælder følgende regler: DK: 80
If the outside 4 started as if they were Ends of Parallel Lines, then they must finish so that they are Ends of Parallel Lines. EN: 90
Hvis Outside 4 starter som var de Ends i Parallelle Lines, skal de også slutte som var de Ends i Parallelle Lines. DK: 90
Similarly, if the outside 4 started as if they were Ends of Columns, then they must finish so that they are Ends of Columns. EN: 100
Hvis Outside 4 starter som var de Ends i Columns, skal de også slutte som var de Ends i Columns. DK: 100
The two rules above are known as the 'Lines-to-Lines, Columns-to-Columns' rule. That is, if you start in Parallel Lines, you must end in Parallel Lines; if you start in Columns, you must end in Columns. Note that the final formation may not actually be Lines or Columns, since the Centers may end T-Boned to the Ends. EN: 110
Examples of formations in which the Outside 4 dancers "think" they are Ends of Lines: EN: 120
Eksempler på formationer hvor Outside 4 dansere "betragtes" som Ends i Lines: DK: 120
Examples of formations in which the Outside 4 dancers "think" they are Ends of Columns: EN: 130
Eksempler på formationer hvor Outside 4 dansere "betragtes" som Ends i Columns: DK: 130
For the outside 4 dancers, if the given call does not start in a 2x2 but ends in a 2x2 then the following rule applies: EN: 140
For Outside 4 dansere: Hvis kaldet ikke starter i en 2 x 2 men ender i en 2 x 2 gælder følgende regler: DK: 140
The Outside 4 must end in the positions so that the long axis of the setup changes by 90°. EN: 150
Many formations in square dancing have a long axis and a short axis. That is, the formation is visibly longer in one direction (long axis) than the other direction (short axis). When dancing the Concentric Concept, if the outside 4 do not start in a 2x2, but end in a 2x2, then they must end on the footprints which change the original long axis of the formation by 90°. EN: 160
Outside 4 skal slutte i en position så den lange akse af formationen ændrer sig med 90°. Mange formationer i square Dancing har en lang og en kort akse - dvs. formationen er længere på én led end den anden. Når man danser Concentric Conceptet, og hvis Outsides ikke starter i 2 x 2 men ender i 2 x 2, så skal de slutte på footprints som vil ændre den lange akse med 90°C. DK: 160
This ending formation is incorrect
since the long-axis did not change EN: 170
Denne slutformation er forkert daden lange akse ikke ændredes DK: 170
Ending here feels 'right' but
is incorrect since the
long-axis did not change EN: 180
Denne slutformation kan følesrigtig men er forkert daden lange akse ikke ændredes DK: 180
(using the Lines-to-Lines, Columns-to-Columns rule) EN: 190
(using the Lines-to-Lines, Columns-to-Columns rule) EN: 200
As soon as you hear the word 'Concentric', check to see if you are in Lines or Columns. If you are not in either Lines or Columns, check the orientation of your long axis. EN: 210
Så snart du hører ordet "Concentric" så kontroler om du er i Lines eller Columns. Hvis du ikke er i hverken Lines eller Columns, så kontroler retningen af den lange akse DK: 210

 Counter Rotate fraction -- [C1]counterrotate.php  

From applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra enhver formation hvor ingen dansere kigger direkte på, eller væk fra Flagpole center. DK: 10
Walk forward in an arc, for a total of fraction of a circle, around the flagpole center of the set, keeping the same distance from the center of the set. EN: 20
Hver danser bevæger sig fremad det angivne antal kvarte (1/4 hvis ikke andet er angivet) omkring Flagkole center af formationen idet man holder samme afstand fra dette center som om man er et hjul der drejer om center. Ved hver 1/4 man udfører Counter Rotate kigger man på en ny væg (dvs. man drejer 90°). DK: 20
Counter Rotate cannot be done if a dancer is facing directly toward (or away from) the flagpole center of the set. EN: 30
If no fraction is given, assume 1/4. EN: 40
When starting from a symmetric setup, and everyone is active, the ending formation for Counter Rotate 1/4 is the same as the starting formation but rotated by 90°. EN: 50
Når man starter fra en symmetrisk formation og alle er active, vil slutformationen for Counter Rotate 1/4 være den same som startformationen men roteret 90°. DK: 50
You may have to vary the distance from the center of the set to allow for square breathing if not everyone is active for the Counter RotateEN: 60
Det kan forekomme at man skal variere afstanden fra centeret for at tillade Square-breathing (Udvidelse eller sammentrækning) hvis ikke alle er aktive i Counter-Rotate-Callet. DK: 60
You can try visualizing Counter Rotate 1/4 as if all of a sudden the formation was placed upon an empty merry-go-round, with the center of the square being the center of the merry-go-round, and somebody pushed the merry-go-round 1/4 of a circle (clockwise or counter-clockwise, whichever would cause you to move forward). Your formation would remain the same, you would still be the same distance from the Center, but your facing direction would have changed 90°. Note that some dancers might be on a merry-go-round which is turning in the opposite direction from yours. EN: 70
Prøv at forestille dig Counter Rotate 1/4 som om formationen er placeret på en karusel med centeret af formationen placeret på centeret af karusellen og nogen skubber karusellen 1/4 omgang (med eller mod uret - i hvilken som helst retning der får dig til at bevæge dig fremad). Din formation er den samme, du vil stadigvæk have samme afstand fra Centeret men din ansigtsretning vil have skiftet 90°. Bemærk at nogle dansere måske skal gå modsat din retning. DK: 70

 Cross & Turn, Reverse Cross & Turn -- [C1]crossandturn.php  

From Facing Couples. EN: 10
Fra Facing Couples. DK: 10
Beaus diagonally Right Pull By as Belles U-Turn Back. EN: 20
Beaus laver Right Pull By med hinanden mens Belles laver U-Turn Back. DK: 20
Belles diagonally Left Pull By as Beaus U-Turn Back. EN: 30
Belles laver Left Pull By med hinanden mens Beaus laver U-Turn Back. DK: 30
Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 40
Ender i Couples Back to Back. DK: 40
Historically, the right hand was used for the Pull By during a Reverse Cross & Turn. However, many callers/dancers felt that this was wrong, since Reverse often means to do the Mirror Image of the call. Until recently (May 1996), the CALLERLAB definitions stated that dancers use the right hand. The current CALLERLAB definitions say to use the Left-hand. EN: 50
Dancers doing the diagonal Pull By often yell 'Bang!', pulling an imaginary gun from an imaginary holster, shooting the other diagonal dancer (as if in an Old West duel). This often results in many dancers dispensing with the Pull By altogether and simply doing a Jaywalk; they are too busy 'gunning each other down', their hands are occupied and they neglect to use them. EN: 60
Variation: Grand (Working Forward) Cross & Turn (from R-H 1/4 Box): 6 Right Pull By, 2 U-Turn Back. EN: 70
Variation (se tegning nedenfor): Grand (Working Forward) Cross & Turn (fra Right Hand 1/4 Box): 6 Right Pull By, 2 U-Turn Back. NB. Her er dansere 1,3,3,1 også Beaus da de er i en højrehånds mini-wave. DK: 70

 Cross By -- [C1]crossby.php  

From Parallel Waves or a Thar. EN: 10
Fra Parallelle Waves eller Thar. DK: 10
As one movement, 1/2 Circulate and Slide (nose-to-nose). EN: 20
I en bevægelse laves 1/2 Circulate og en Slide (Nose-to-Nose). DK: 20
A Thar ends in an opposite-handed Thar; Parallel Waves end in a Thar. EN: 30
En Thar ender i en Wrong-Way Thar og omvendt, Parallelle Waves ender i en Thar. DK: 30
Alternative definition: As one movement, Slip The Clutch & Spread. EN: 40
Alternativ definition: I en bevægelse laves Slip the Clutch og Spread. DK: 40
Cross By changes a R-H setup to a L-H setup & vice-versa. Think about moving up to the next dancer, to join the opposite hand. EN: 50
Cross By ændrer et Right-Hand setup til et Left-Hand setup & vice-versa. DK: 50
Ends become Centers and Centers become Ends. EN: 60
Ends bliver Centers og Centers bliver Ends. DK: 60
Some callers call Cross By from a 1/4 Tag and want a Cross Extend [C1]. This usage of Cross By isn't correct since 1/2 Circulate isn't defined from a 1/4 Tag. EN: 70
According to the CALLERLAB definition: from Parallel Waves Cross By does not end in a Thar but in a "wave between vertical mini-waves." This implies that there is a definite resulting Center Wave. We have never seen any caller try to exploit this aspect. We believe Cross By from Parallel Waves always ends in a Thar. EN: 80
Ifølge CALLERLAB definitionen ender callet fra Parallelle Waves I en Center Wave med 2 vertikale Mini-Waves - og IKKE I en Thar - dette medfører at der identificeres en Center-Wave. Det er ikke set at en Caller udforsker denne problematik - men hvem ved! DK: 80

 Cross Chain & Roll -- [C1]crosschainandroll.php  

From an Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves). EN: 10
Fra Eight Chain Thru. DK: 10
Right Pull By; outsides Courtesy Turn and Roll as Centers L-H Star 1/2 to end in Parallel R-H Waves. EN: 20
Alle laver en Right Pull By, så laver Ends en Courtesy Turn og Roll mens Centers laver en Left Hand Star 1/2 og ender i parallelle Waves. DK: 20
The L-H Star 1/2 can be danced as 1/4 Right and Box Circulate twice. If the caller says Star 3/4, then do another Box Circulate. Thinking of the call in this manner makes it easier to dance the call Phantom, especially if the caller modifies the amount to turn the Star. EN: 30
Left hand Star 1/2 kan danses som "1/4 Right and Box Circulate twice". Hvis Calleren siger Star 3/4 så laver man en extra Box Circulate. Hvis man tænker således på callet vil det være nemmere at danse med fantomer - især hvis Calleren ændrer antallet af stjerne-rotationer. DK: 30
Cross Chain & Roll is the same as Cross Chain Thru followed by 1/4 LeftEN: 40
Cross Chain & Roll er det samme som Cross Chain Thru efterfulgt af 1/4 Left eller "Cross Chain Thru & Roll" DK: 40
In both cases, the ending formation is Parallel R-H Waves. EN: 50
I begge tilfælde er slutformationen Parallelle Right Hand Waves. DK: 50

 Cross Chain Thru -- [C1]crosschainthru.php  

From an Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves). EN: 10
Fra Eight Chain Thru. DK: 10
Right Pull By; Outsides Courtesy Turn as Centers L-H Star 1/2 to face the Outside Couple. EN: 20
Alle laver en Right Pull By, så laver Ends en Courtesy Turn mens Centers laver en Left Hand Star 1/2 og ender i en ny Eight Chain Thru formation. DK: 20
Ends in an Eight Chain Thru. EN: 30
For those coming into the Center, the result of the L-H Star 1/2 is as if you had done a Cross Trail Thru (but it is danced similar to a Belle Walk, Beau Dodge followed by a Walk & Dodge). EN: 40
For de dansere der kommer ind til centeret vil resultatet af Left-Hand Star 1/2 være det samme som en Cross Trail Thru (Men det danses som Belle Walk, Beau Dodge efterfulgt af en Walk & Dodge). DK: 40
By definition, the Roll direction for all dancers is toward the Left. This was done so that a Cross Chain Thru & Roll is identical to Cross Chain & Roll. For example, Cross Chain Thru, Boys Roll means Boys Cross Chain & Roll as Girls Cross Chain Thru. EN: 50
Per definition er Roll retningen for alle dansere mod venstre. Dette er fastlagt således at en Cross Chain Thru & Roll er identisk med Cross Chain and Roll. Eks. Cross Chain Thru, Boys Roll betyder at Boys laver Cross Chain & Roll mens Girls laver Cross Chain Thru. DK: 50
In both cases, the Centers end facing the Outsides. EN: 60

 Cross Roll To A Wave | Line -- [C1]crossroll.php  

From any Line of 4. EN: 10
Fra enhver Line eller Wave af 4. DK: 10
Centers Cross Run as Ends Run. EN: 20
Centers laver Cross Run mens Ends laver Run. DK: 20
A Two-Faced Line ends in a Wave and vice-versa. EN: 30
En Two-Faced Line ender i en Wave og vice-versa. DK: 30
According to the CALLERLAB definitions, the Centers pass outside of the Ends as they Cross Run. EN: 40
Centers passerer udenom Ends når de udfører deres Cross Run. DK: 40
Cross Roll To A Line | Wave is almost always called from a Two-Faced Line. EN: 50
From a R-H Two-Faced Line, Cross Roll To A Wave feels like a Turn & Deal and Step To A Wave. EN: 60
Fra en Right Hand Two-Faced Line, vil Cross Roll To A Wave føles som "Turn & Deal og Step To A Wave". DK: 60
The caller usually says Cross Roll To A Wave when the ending formation is a Wave, and Cross Roll To A Line otherwise. EN: 70
Normalvis vil Calleren sige Cross Roll To A Wave når slutformationen er en Wave, og Cross Roll To A Line i andre tilfælde. DK: 70
Everybody moves toward the Center of the Line. EN: 80

 Cross Your Neighbor -- [C1]crossyourneighbor.php  

From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. EN: 10
Fra Mini-Waves Box eller anvendelig T-Bone 2 x 2. DK: 10
Leaders 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back (Roll twice) as Trailers Cross Extend & Arm Turn 3/4. EN: 20
Dem der kigger ind (Trailers) laver Cross Extend efterfulgt af Cast Off 3/4, mens dem der kigger ud (Leaders) laver Fold and Roll. DK: 20
A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Two-Faced Line. EN: 30
Leaders do a normal Follow Your Neighbor (often described as Fold & Roll). EN: 40
Leaders laver en normal Follow Your Neighbor (beskrevet som Fold & Roll). DK: 40
Trailers 'Extend to the wrong hand' and Arm Turn 3/4. EN: 50
Trailers laver "Extend til den forkerte hånd" og laver Arm Turn 3/4. DK: 50

 Dixie Diamond -- [C1]dixiediamond.php  

From Facing Couples or a Single Double Pass Thru. EN: 10
Fra Facing Couples eller Facing Tandems. DK: 10
Centers Hinge as the Ends U-Turn Back. EN: 20
Centers Hinge mens Ends laver U-Turn Back (Drejende ind mod hinanden). DK: 20
Ends in a R-H Diamond. EN: 30
Ender i Right-Hand Diamond. DK: 30
Dixie Diamond is a 2-part call. EN: 40
Dixie Diamond er et to-parts kald. DK: 40
The following is an interesting example of Split Dixie Diamond which doesn't end in Twin Diamonds: EN: 50
Det følgende interessante eksempel af Split Dixie Diamond ender ikke i Twin Diamonds: DK: 50

 Dixie Sashay -- [C1]dixiesashay.php  

From Facing Couples or a Single Double Pass Thru. EN: 10
Fra Facing Couples eller Single Double Pass Thru. DK: 10
Dixie Style To A Wave & Slither. EN: 20
Dixie Style To a Wave og Slither. DK: 20
Ends in a L-H Two-Faced Line. EN: 30
Ender i Left-Hand Two-Faced Lines. DK: 30
Note: Anticipate the Slither [A2], and dance the previous movement such that it blends smoothly into the Slither. EN: 40
Man bør forudse Slither og danse det forudgående så det glider glat over i en Slither. DK: 40

 Flip The Line -- [C1]fliptheline.php  

From a Wave. EN: 10
Kan kun laves fra Waves DK: 10
As one movement, Centers Run and all Any Shoulder Tag The Line to the given fractional Tag formation. If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line. EN: 20
Som en bevægelse udfører Centers Run og alle laver derefter (left) Tag The Line den givne fraktion ( 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 eller fuld) Hvis ingen fraktion er givet udføres en fuld Tag The Line. DK: 20
From a R-H Wave pass Right-shoulders; from a L-H Wave pass Left-shoulders. EN: 30
Any Shoulder betyder fra en Right-Hand wave passers højre skulder og fra en Left-Hand wave passers venstre skulder. DK: 30
When starting a Flip The Line, the Ends can give a slight tug on the adjacent Center to get them turning toward the correct direction. Note the emphasis on slight. Please don't jerk anyone's arm out of joint, nor hold on any longer than necessary. EN: 40
1/2 Flip The Line is equivalent to 2/3 Recycle [C1], except that nobody can Roll after 1/2 Flip The LineEN: 50
1/2 Flip The Line er det samme som 2/3 Recycle [C1], bortset fra at ingen kan lave Roll efter 1/2 Flip The LineDK: 50
Flip The Line is the base call for many calls. EN: 60

 Follow Thru -- [C1]followthru.php  

From a Mini-Wave Box, applicable T-Bone 2 x 2, or Single 1/4 Tag. EN: 10
Fra Mini-Wave box, anvendelig T-Bone 2 x 2 eller Single 1/4 Tag DK: 10
1/2 Scoot Back. EN: 20
Alle udfører 1/2 Scoot Back. DK: 20
From a Mini-Wave Box (or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2): EN: 30
Fra en Mini-Wave Box (eller anvendelig T-Bone 2 x 2): DK: 30
Leaders 1/2 Box Circulate as Trailers Extend & Arm Turn 1/4. Ends in a Two-Faced Line. EN: 40
Leaders laver 1/2 Box Circulate mens Trailers laver Extend & Arm Turn 1/4. Ender i en Two-Faced Line. DK: 40
From a Single 1/4 Tag: EN: 50
Fra en Single 1/4 Tag: DK: 50
all Extend & Arm Turn 1/4. Ends in a Wave. EN: 60
Alle laver Extend & Arm Turn 1/4. Ender i en Wave. DK: 60
A common dancer mistake from the Single 1/4 Tag is to do a Slither after the Arm Turn 1/4. EN: 70
En almindelig danse-fejl fra Single 1/4 Tag er at lave en Slither efter Arm Turn 1/4. DK: 70

 Galaxy Formation | Circulate -- [C1]galaxy.php  

A Galaxy FORMATION consists of a Box inside of a Diamond. This is the opposite of an Hourglass FORMATION which consists of a Diamond inside of a Box. EN: 10
En Galaxy FORMATION består af en Center-Box og en udvendig Diamond. Dette er det modsatte af en Hourglass FORMATION der består af en udvendig Box og en indvendig Diamond. DK: 10
From a Galaxy. The Circulate path of a Galaxy consists of 8 spots. Move up to the next position in the Galaxy (Box dancers move forward into the next outside Diamond position, as Diamond dancers move forward into the next Center position). Your new facing direction is determined by the dancer currently occupying the spot to which you will move. You must either face the same direction as that dancer (i.e., you are following his or her back), or 180° in the opposite direction (facing Galaxy Circulate). This means that sometimes your facing direction will change 90° and sometimes your facing direction will not change at all. From a normal R-H or L-H Galaxy, the traffic pattern of Galaxy Circulate results in all dancers moving in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction, respectively. If no dancers come to the same spot, then Galaxy Circulate ends in a Galaxy. EN: 20
Fra Galaxy Formation: Cirkulationsmønsteret i en Galaxy består af 8 punkter. Man cirkulerer til næste position i Galaxy'en som vist nedenfor (Box-dansere cirkulerer fremad til den udvendige Diamond-position , og Diamond-danseren cirkulerer fremad til den næste Center-Box position) Din nye ansigtsretning er bestemt af danseren der står på den plads du cirkulerer til. Du skal enten have samme ansigtsretning som denne danser (gå efter ryggen), eller modsat ansigtsretning (ved Facing Galaxy Circulate). Det betyder at nogle gange vil din ansigtsretning skifte 90°C og andre gange ikke skifte overhovedet. Fra en Right Hand eller Left Hand Galaxy formation vil traffik mønsteret enten være med eller mod uret. Hvis ingen dansere optager den samme plads, ender Galaxy Circulate i en ny Galaxy DK: 20
A Galaxy looks like this. EN: 30
En Galaxy ser sådan ud DK: 30
The Outside 4 dancers are often referred to as the 'Points' of the GalaxyEN: 40
Outside 4 dansere bliver ofte betegnet som "Points" af Galaxy'en DK: 40
Within the Outside Diamond, there are no Centers of the Diamond and no Points (hence it is illegal to call something like Outsides Concentric Flip The Diamond). EN: 50

 Interlocked Diamond Formation -- [C1]interlockeddiamond.php  

An Interlocked Diamond FORMATION consists of the same footprints as normal Twin Diamonds or Point-to-Point Diamonds. The only difference is that each Centermost dancer is working with the 3 dancers in the far Diamond. EN: 10
En Interlocked Diamond FORMATION består af de samme pladser som en normal Twin-Diamond eller Point to Point Diamond. Den eneste forskel er at "Very Center" danserne arbejder sammen med de 3 dansere i den fjerneste Diamond. DK: 10
Examples of Interlocked DiamondsEN: 20
Eksempler på Interlocked DiamondsDK: 20
(infrequently used) EN: 30
(Ikke så meget brugt) DK: 30
dancers work together in one Diamond as the EN: 40
dansere arbejder sammen i den ene Diamond mens DK: 40
dancers work together in another Diamond. EN: 50
dansere arbejder sammen i den anden Diamond. DK: 50
From Twin Diamonds or Point-to-Point Diamonds. Diamond Circulate to the next position in your Interlocked Diamond. From Twin Diamonds, the traffic pattern has the Very Centers moving in front of the In-Facing Point. EN: 60
Fra Twin Diamonds eller Point-to-Point Diamonds. Udfør en Diamond Circulate til den næste plads i din Interlocked Diamond. Fra Twin-Diamonds er reglen at Very-Center går før infacing-Point danser. DK: 60
(also known as Cut The Interlocked Diamond.) From Twin Diamonds. Centers Interlocked Diamond Circulate as Points Slide together and Trade. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 70
(Også Callet Cut The Interlocked Diamond). Fra Twin-Diamonds. Centers laver Interlocked Diamond Circulate mens Points glider sammen og laver en Trade. Ender sædvanligvis i Parallelle Lines. DK: 70
(also known as Flip The Interlocked Diamond.) From Twin Diamonds. Centers Interlocked Diamond Circulate as Points Phantom Run (Flip in) toward each other. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 80
(Også Callet Flip The Interlocked Diamond). Fra Twin-Diamonds. Centers laver Interlocked Diamond Circulate mens Points Phantom Run (Flip in) mod hinanden. Ender sædvanligvis i Parallelle Lines. DK: 80
From Twin Diamonds. Interlocked Diamond Circulate; Very Centers Trade; Centers Cast Off 3/4. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 90
Fra Twin Diamonds. Lav en Interlocked Diamond Circulate, Very Centers Trade og Centers laver Cast Off 3/4. Ender sædvanligvis i Parallelle Lines. I nedenstående er den afsluttende Cast Off 3/4 en Push-Cast DK: 90

 Jaywalk -- [C1]jaywalk.php  

From applicable 2-(or more) dancer formations. EN: 10
Udgangsposition: Dansere der er facing - enten direkte eller diagonalt. DK: 10
All (or designated dancers) do a diagonal Pass Thru, to end in the other dancer's starting position and face opposite to the other dancer's original facing direction. EN: 20
Alle (eller designated dansere) laver en diagonal Pass Thru med hinanden og ender på den andens dansers position, altid med modsat ansigtsretning af den den anden dansers originale ansigtsretning. DK: 20
Jaywalk is a 2-dancer call. EN: 30
Jaywalk er et 2-dancer call. DK: 30
A Jaywalk can be a Pass Thru, Diagonal Pass Thru, or you can turn up to 90° (as in a Facing Diamond Circulate). EN: 40
Jaywalk kan være en Pass Thru, Diagonal Pass Thru, eller du kan dreje op til 90° (som i en Facing Diamond Circulate). DK: 40
Always pass Right shoulders. This is important since the caller could call 1/2 JaywalkEN: 50
Passer altid Right Shoulders. Dette er vigtigt da Calleren kan sige 1/2 JaywalkDK: 50
Take the original opposite facing direction of the dancer who was originally occupying your ending spot. EN: 60
Din slutposition er altid med modsat ansigtsretning af den danser der oprindelig stod på pladsen. DK: 60
Before moving, point at the dancer with whom you are to Jaywalk. This ensures that the other dancer realizes that they are working with you. EN: 70
Før du starter Callet, peg på den danser som du skal udføre Jaywalk med. Dette sikrer at den danser er klar over at han skal arbejde med dig. DK: 70
If you are diagonally facing more than one dancer, Jaywalk with the closest dancer on your half of the formation. EN: 80
Hvis du kigger diagonalt på mere end én danser. Skal Jaywalk udføres med den danser der er nærmest i din halvdel af formationen. DK: 80
work with these dancers
in a Distorted Box EN: 90

 Linear Action -- [C1]linearaction.php  

From a Generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra 1/4 Tag eller 3/4 Tag, Wave mellem parallelle Mini-Waves, 1/4 eller 3/4 Lines, eller Two Faced Line mellem parallelle Mini-Waves. DK: 10
Centers Hinge & Box Circulate 1 & 1/2 as Outsides Hinge & Trade; those who meet (Center 4) Cast Off 3/4 as the Others move up (as in Chain Reaction). EN: 20
Alle laver Hinge. Centers laver Box Circulate 1 & 1/2 mens Outsides Trade. Dem der mødes laver Cast Off 3/4 mens de andre Move Up (Som i Hourglass Circulate). DK: 20
Ends in Parallel Waves, Parallel 3 & 1 Lines, or a Parallelogram (if outside dancers end on the same spot). EN: 30
Ender i Parallelle Waves, Parallelle 3 & 1 Lines eller i et parallellogram (hvis Outsides ender på samme plads). DK: 30
Those who meet Cast Off 3/4
as Others move up EN: 40
Dancers ( and ; and ) end on the same spot and therefore take Right-hands. EN: 50
Danserne ( og ; og ) ender på same plads i Right-hand Mini Waves. DK: 50
Everyone starts with a HingeEN: 60
Alle starter med en HingeDK: 60
When the Outsides start in a L-H Mini-Wave, a common mistake is for the Outsides to 1/4 In & Step to R-H! From a Mini-Wave, Hinge & Trade is the same as Arm Turn 3/4, hence a L-H setup remains a L-H setup. EN: 70
The final Centers Cast Off 3/4 can be an Arm Turn 3/4, or a 'Push' Cast Off 3/4. EN: 80
Den afsluttende Centers Cast Off 3/4 kan enten være Arm Turn 3/4, eller en 'Push' Cast Off 3/4. DK: 80

 Little -- [C1]little.php  

From a 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & FoldEN: 20
A R-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel R-H Waves, a L-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 30
On Scoot & Little, Outsides go toward the handhold used during the Scoot Back (the "hot-hand"). On Scoot Back & Little, Outsides always go to the Right. The former is one call whose definition says the handedness of the Scoot Back determines the direction which the Outsides take. The latter is two calls stuck back-to-back: Scoot Back and Little. The definition of Little has the Outsides always going to the Right, no matter what precedes it. EN: 40
On Little, everyone except the original Very Centers can Roll. EN: 50
The caller can optionally give a direction (In, Out, Right, Left) for the Outsides, in which case the Outsides 1/4 toward the given direction & Counter Rotate 1/4 (e.g., Left Little, Out Little). EN: 60
According to the CALLERLAB definitions, Little [C1], Little More [C2], and Plenty [C1] can also be called from Twin Diamonds in which case the outsides omit the 1/4 Right. This usage seems to be dropping out of favor since nowadays there are several callers who always want the outsides to 1/4 Right. We believe that dancers should have a single consistent definition to follow, hence we believe the outsides should always 1/4 Right. When callers wish to use one of these calls from Diamonds omitting the 1/4 Right, they should say 'Outsides go As You Are: all Little | Little More | Plenty'. EN: 70

 Magic Column Concept -- [C1]magiccolumn.php  

A Magic Column typically consists of Parallel Columns in which the Center dancers are holding the opposite hands from the Outside dancers (i.e., the Outsides are holding R-H as the Centers are holding L-H, or vice-versa). EN: 10
En Magic Column består typisk af Parallelle Columns hvor Center danserne holder modsatte hånd end End danserne - se nedenstående eksempler. DK: 10
From applicable Generalized Columns. In-Facing Ends and Out-Facing Centers Crossover Circulate as Others Circulate. An alternative way of thinking of this is that you do a Crossover Circulate if and only if your next Circulate would take you from an End to a Center or vice-versa. Otherwise do a normal Circulate. From normal Magic Columns, the traffic pattern has the Out-Facing Center dancer moving first (in front of the In-Facing End dancer who must wait). This is important in case the caller calls a Magic Column 1/2 Circulate, since sometimes this will cause you to pass Right-shoulders and sometimes Left-shoulders. EN: 20
Fra Magic Columns: Hver danser bevæger sig fremad i circulations mønsteret der er vist ovenfor. Hvis en End- og en Center-danser er ansigt til ansigt, skal de passere hinanden og her bestemmes passeringsreglen af hvilken skulder End har ind mod center. Er det højre skulder, passeres med højre skulder og visa versa. Center danseren skal gå først. Dette betyder at højrepasserings reglen er ophævet i dette Call. Man kan også sige at In-Facing End-dansere og Out-Facing Center-dansere laver en Cross-Over-Circulate mens de andre laver en Circulate. DK: 20
There are 2 Centers and 4 Ends. On a Magic Column Circulate, the Centers and the In-Facing Ends Crossover Circulate as the Out-Facing Ends Circulate. EN: 30
Der er 2 Centers og 4 Ends. I en Magic Column Circulate, skal Centers og de In-Facing Ends udføre Crossover Circulate mens de Out-Facing Ends laver en Circulate. DK: 30
Typical calls done from Magic Columns at C2 or below include: EN: 40
Typiske kald fra Magic Columns på C2 eller nedenstående: DK: 40
The word 'Column' is often omitted by the caller (e.g., Magic Circulate means Magic Column Circulate, Magic Transfer The Column means Magic Column Transfer The Column). EN: 50
Ordet 'Column' er ofte udeladt af Calleren - eks. Magic Circulate betyder Magic Column Circulate, Magic Transfer The Column betyder Magic Column Transfer The Column. DK: 50
If the given call is a 4-dancer call such as Walk & Dodge, be sure to work in your Box of 4. EN: 60
Hvis det givne Call er et 4-dancer call som f. eks. Walk & Dodge, så vær opmærksom på at arbejde i din Box af 4. DK: 60
From normal Magic Columns, after a Magic Column 1/2 Circulate, the Center 6 always end up in Magic Columns of 3. EN: 70
Fra en normal Magic Column, efter en Magic Column 1/2 Circulate, vil Center 6 altid ende i en Magic Columns af 3. DK: 70
The general idea of Magic formation is that the Centers of one side are working with the Ends of the other side. At C3B, we also have Magic Diamonds and Magic Lines | WavesEN: 80
(Work on each side!) EN: 90
From Magic Columns. #1 & #2 Magic Transfer (#1 normal Transfer as #2 Magic Column Circulate & then follow #1 dancer); #3 & #4 dancers Magic Column Circulate; Centers Arm Turn 3/4; all Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 95
Fra Magic Columns. #1 & #2 laver Magic Transfer (#1 laver en normal Transfer mens #2 laver en Magic Column Circulate & følger så danser #1); Danser #3 & #4 laver Magic Column Circulate; Centers Arm Turn 3/4; og all Extend. Ender in Parallel Waves. DK: 95
Note: On Magic Transfer The Column, the Outsides have a strong tendency to want to make a Wave of the wrong-handedness. It is the Centers (those doing the Arm Turn 3/4) who determine the handedness of the resulting Waves. The handedness of the resulting Waves is because of the ExtendEN: 100
Noter: I Magic Transfer The Column, har Outsides en tendens til at ville lave en Wave med forkert håndhold. Som altid er det Centers der bestemmer om det bliver en right- eller left-hand wave, da det afhænger af hvilken hånd de brugte til Cast Off 3/4. DK: 100
Very Centers and Very Outsides move up EN: 110
Very Centers og Very Outsides move up DK: 110
since these entries also define the Magic version of their call. EN: 120
The following Magic Column calls that are primarily done at C3B or above. EN: 130
In general, the given call is done normal except when moving from an End to a Center, or vice-versa. From an Eight Chain Thru: the traffic pattern used for a Magic Pass Thru is a Cross Trail Thru; the traffic pattern used for a Magic Right (or Left) Pull By (or a variation such as Touch 1/4, Turn Thru, etc...) is to form a Right (or Left) Star (which is usually danced without changing your facing direction). EN: 140
AND OTHER CALLS STARTING WITH A Right Pull By): From an Eight Chain Thru, do a Magic Right Pull By (form a R-H Star and turn it halfway to end back-to-back in a Trade By formation); complete the given call. EN: 150
From a Double Pass Thru. Centers (lead) Right Pull By; all do a Magic Left Touch 1/4; (form a L-H Star and turn it halfway to end in Parallel L-H Waves); complete the given call. EN: 160
From an Eight Chain Thru. Cross Trail Thru; Centers Turn Thru as others Right-face U-Turn Back; all Cross Trail Thru; Centers Right Arm Turn 3/4 as others Right-face U-Turn Back and Roll. If Spread is added, it is a Magic Wave Spread. EN: 170
From a Magic Column. On each side, Leaders Split Counter Rotate 1/4 as Trailers (as one movement) Magic Column Circulate and 1/4 In. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Trailers should think about following a Leader's back as they would in a normal Split Counter Rotate 1/4. Leaders work normal since they are not crossing from an End to a Center, or vice-versa. EN: 180

 Make Magic -- [C1]makemagic.php  

From Generalized Columns of 4 (usually a 1/4 Box or Magic Columns) or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra generelle Columns eller andre anvendelige formationer. DK: 10
Any Out-Facing Centers who are facing an Outside dancer do a Pass Thru with that dancer as any In-Facing Centers diagonally Pull By (with each other) using outside hands. EN: 20
Enhver Outfacing Center der er ansigt til ansigt med en Outside danser laver Pass Thru med denne danser mens enhver infacing Center danser laver en diagonal Pull By med outside hånd. DK: 20
3 times EN: 30
3 gange DK: 30
Sometimes in the 'heat of battle', the In-Facing Centers simply Jaywalk [C1] (instead of outside hand Diagonal Pull By). EN: 40
The dancer's verbal response to Make Magic is 'Poof!' Dancers who Pass Thru or Jaywalk should point at each other ('point & poof'). EN: 50
If all Centers are facing in, the conventional traffic pattern is to have the Centers do a Cross Trail Thru [A1] (Pass Thru & Half Sashay). EN: 60
Hvis alle 4 Centers er infacing laver de en Cross Trail Thru [A1] (Pass Thru & Half Sashay). DK: 60
Make Magic is a Those Who Can movement. I.e., Out-Facing Centers do not move unless they are directly facing an Outside dancer; likewise, In-Facing Ends do not move unless they are directly facing an Inside dancer. EN: 70
Make Magic er et Those Who Can Call - dvs. Out-Facing Centers kan ikke gå hvis de ikke er direkte ansigt til ansigt med en Outside danser; ligeledes kan In-Facing Ends ikke gå undtagen de er direkte ansigt til ansigt med en Inside danser. DK: 70

 Pass The Axle -- [C1]passtheaxle.php  

From Eight Chain Thru, Parallel R-H Waves, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra Eight Chain Thru, Parallel Right Hand Waves, eller andre anvendelige formationer. DK: 10
Pass Thru; EN: 20
Alle laver Pass Thru; DK: 20
Centers Pass Thru as Ends Cross Cast BackEN: 30
Centers laver Pass Thru mens Ends laver Cross Cast BackDK: 30
all Trade; EN: 40
alle laver Trade; DK: 40
Centers Trade. EN: 50
Centers laver en Trade. DK: 50
Ends in Facing Lines. Pass The Axle is a 4-part call. EN: 60
Ender i Facing Lines. Pass The Axle er et 4-part kald. DK: 60
Note: Historically, those doing the Cross Cast Back always passed Left Shoulders. Then a group of callers decided it would be easier if the definition were changed to specify passing Right Shoulders, and began teaching it this way to their dancers. The CALLERLAB definition of Pass The Axle is defined in terms of Cross Cast Back (which is defined in terms of Trail Off, which in turn is defined as a Left shoulder pass from a Couple), hence the shoulder pass should be Left shoulders. The moral of all this is that you should be aware that some dancers may insist on passing Left Shoulders and others may insist on passing Right Shoulders. We prefer passing Left Shoulders, but will yield when faced with a conflict. Please be aware that there is a controversy and try not to collide with anybody. EN: 70
Husk i Cross Cast Back skal der passers venstre skulder akkurat som i Trail OffDK: 70
Pass The Axle But Cast 1/4 (or 3/4). Replace the Partner Trade (Cast 1/2) with Cast 1/4 (or 3/4). EN: 80

 Percolate -- [C1]percolate.php  

From Parallel Waves, applicable Parallel Lines, Eight Chain Thru, 2 x 4 T-Bones, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra parallelle Waves, anvendelige Parallelle Lines, Eight Chain Thru, 2 x 4 T-Bones eller andre anvendelige formationer. DK: 10
Those in the Center Line do a Hinge & Cross as the Others Any Hand Turn Thru. EN: 20
Dem der befinder sig i den resulterende Center Wave laver en Hinge & Cross mens de andre laver en Any Hand Turn Thru. DK: 20
Usually ends in Back-to-Back Lines or T-Bones (with everyone facing out). EN: 30
Ender almindeligvis i Back-to-Back Lines eller T-Bones (hvor alle kigger ud). DK: 30
The anything call replaces the first Circulate. EN: 40

 Phantom Concept -- [C1]phantom.php  

The idea for the Phantom CONCEPT is to overlap two sets of Parallel Columns | Lines | Waves at 90° to each other, filling in the blank spots with "ghost dancers." EN: 10
Ideen med Phantom CONCEPTet er at at overlappe to sæt af parallelle Columns | Lines | Waves med en vinkel på 90° på hinanden, og fylde de tomme felter ud med "spøgelses" dansere. DK: 10
Do the given call working with imaginary dancers (i.e., Phantoms). Assume that the Phantoms are in whatever position, have whatever facing direction, and are of whatever sex is necessary in order to execute the given call. The call is then danced with both the dancers and the Phantoms participating. Keep track of the Phantoms that you are working with and reserve space for them at the completion of the call. EN: 20
Udfør det givne kald men arbejd sammen med de imaginære dansere (Phantoms). Forestil dig at danserne er i hvilken som helst position, ansigtsretning og køn der er nødvendigt for at udføre kaldet. Kaldet udføres både med rigtige dansere og Phantoms, og det er vigtigt at holde styr på de Phantoms du arbejder med, og give plads til dem ved afslutningen af kaldet. DK: 20
From this formation... EN: 30
Fra denne formation... DK: 30
imagine you are here EN: 40
forestille sig denne formation DK: 40
eftersom DK: 50
imagine you are here EN: 60
forestille sig denne formation. DK: 60
In the above diagrams, the EN: 70
I ovenstående diagram skal DK: 70
dancers and their Phantoms work independently of the EN: 80
dansere og deres Phantoms arbejde uafhængigt af DK: 80
dancers and their Phantoms. EN: 90
dansere og deres Phantoms. DK: 90
These are all of the phantom spots. EN: 100
Disse er alle phantom pladserne. DK: 100
Sometimes you need to
envision this formation... EN: 110
Nogle gange skal du
Forestille dig denne formation... DK: 110
and other times you need to
envision this formation. EN: 120
Og andre gange skal du forestille
dig denne formation. DK: 120
Typical calls done Phantom at C1: EN: 130
Typiske Phantom kald på C1: DK: 130
Phantoms can also be used from other formations: EN: 140
Phantoms kan også anvendes fra andre formationer: DK: 140

 Plenty -- [C1]plenty.php  

From a Generalized 3/4 Tag (usually a R-H 3/4 Tag) or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra 1/4 Tag, 3/4 Tag, Twin Diamonds eller andre anvendelige formationer. DK: 10
Little (Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Fold); EN: 20
Alle laver en Little (Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 mens Centers Step & Fold); DK: 20
Split Circulate twice; EN: 30
Alle laver herefter en Split Circulate to gange; DK: 30
Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 and Roll as the Center four Concentric 1/2 Zoom. EN: 40
De nye Ends laver Counter Rotate 1/4 and Roll, mens de nye Centers laver 1/2 Zoom til en wave. DK: 40
Usually ends in a 1/4 Tag. EN: 50
Ender sædvanligvis i 1/4 Tag DK: 50
The Split Circulate twice is also referred to as Star 1/2. Callers often modify the amount to turn the Star (each 1/4 turn of the Star corresponds to one Split Circulate). EN: 60
Calleren kan modificere antallet af Split Circulates (eks. Plenty, do 3 Split circulates) og kan undertiden referere til disse circulates som Turn The Star (hver 1/4 Turn the Star svarer til 1 Split Circulate.) DK: 60
Callers often Replace the Split Circulates with another call or Interrupt the Split Circulates with other calls. EN: 70
Variationer: Mange Callere erstatter eller afbryder Split Circulates med andre kald. DK: 70
On Scoot & Plenty the Outsides 1/4 to the handhold unless otherwise directed. EN: 80
Med hensyn til retningen for outsides ved Scoot & Plenty, så gælder samme regler som ved Scoot and Little - brugte man højre hånd i Scoot Back går man til højre og visa versa - undtagen hvis andet er angivet. DK: 80
After doing the Split Circulates, if all Centers are facing Out they U-Turn Back (away from the Center of the Set) and Touch. If all Centers are facing In, they Touch. EN: 90
Er alle Centers outfacing efter de 2 Split Circulates udføres deres 1/2 Zoom som en U-Turn Back - væk fra Center efterfulgt af en Touch. Er de infacing laver de bare en Touch. DK: 90
It is our opinion that when Plenty is called from Diamonds, the caller should say something like 'Outsides go As You Are' or 'Centers Start A' so that the outsides do not start with a 1/4 Right. EN: 100
Når Plenty er Callet fra Diamonds skal Outsides ikke starte med en 1/4 Right. Calleren vil ofte sige 'Outsides go As You Are' eller 'Centers Start A'. DK: 100
The caller can optionally give a direction (In, Out, Right, Left) for the Outsides, in which case the Outsides 1/4 toward the given direction & Counter Rotate 1/4 (e.g., Left Plenty, Out Plenty, Scoot & Plenty In on the outside). EN: 110
Calleren kan give retninger (In, Out, Right, Left) for Outsides, og her skal Outsides lave 1/4 i den retning der er angivet og Counter Rotate 1/4 (eks. Left Plenty, Out Plenty, Scoot & Plenty In on the outside). DK: 110
In particular, there is a discussion about the usage of calling Plenty from Twin Diamonds. EN: 120

 Press direction -- [C1,C2]press.php  

Designated dancers move one position forward. EN: 10
De designerede dansere går én position fremad. DK: 10
Designated dancers move one position backward. Press Back is typically only used as a gimmick. EN: 20
De designerede dansere går én position tilbage. Press Back bruges typisk som en gimmick. DK: 20
As one movement, designated dancers move one position forward and one position toward the given directionEN: 30
I én bevægelse går de designerede dansere én position fremad og én position i den retning der bliver angivet. DK: 30
Non-designated dancers do not move or adjust in any manner. EN: 40
De ikke-designerede dansere må ikke flytte sig eller justere på nogen måde. DK: 40
Do not change your facing direction during this call. EN: 50
Der ændres ikke ansigtsretning i dette kald. DK: 50
'Position' in terms of this definition refers to a spot that could be occupied by a dancer. Within a 2 x 4 there are eight positions. A Squared Set, Butterfly, or "O" is a 16-Matrix (4 x 4) formation, and one position refers to an adjacent spot within that rectangular grid. EN: 60
'Position' i dette kald refererer til en plads der kan være optaget af en danser. I en 2 x 4 er der kun 8 pladser. Et Squared Set, Butterfly, eller "O" er en 16-Matrix (4 x 4) formation, og én position refererer til en ved siden af liggende plads inden for denne matrix. DK: 60
The direction can be In, Out, Right, or Left. In and Out are relative to the Center of the Set. EN: 70
Retningerne kan være In, Out, Right, eller Left. In og Out refererer til centeret af formationen. DK: 70
Note that in the example above, dancers are completely offset after the Press Ahead. A common dancer mistake is to go only half-way. EN: 80
Læg mærke til at i det ovenstående eksempel er danserne fuldstændig offset efter Press Ahead. En almindelig fejl er kun at gå halvvejs! DK: 80
The following examples illustrate the differences among the similar calls Extend, 1/2 Press Ahead, and Step ThruEN: 90
De følgende eksempler illustrerer forskellene mellem tilsyneladende lignende kald Extend, 1/2 Press Ahead, and Step ThruDK: 90
Often callers misuse the term Extend when they mean to use Press Ahead or 1/2 Press AheadEN: 100
Det sker ofte at Callere misbruger kaldet Extend når de mener Press Ahead eller 1/2 Press AheadDK: 100

 Ramble -- [C1]ramble.php  

From a 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra 3/4 Tag eller andre anvendelige formationer. DK: 10
Outsides Cast Back (Peel Off) as Centers Fold to face each other (danced as a Single Wheel); all Slide Thru. EN: 20
Outsides laver en separate (er ansigtsretningen ud er det en Cast Back eller Peel Off) og en Slide Thru med hinanden, mens Centers laver en Single Wheel og en Slide Thru. DK: 20
A 3/4 Tag ends in general Columns. Ramble is a 2-part call. EN: 30
In the following diagram, EN: 40
I det følgende diagrammer, er DK: 40
= Boy and EN: 50
= Boy og DK: 50
= Girl. EN: 60
= Girl. DK: 60
as Centers Fold to face EN: 70
mens Centers Single Wheel DK: 70
Ramble is a sex-dependent call since it involves a Slide Thru. Since Ramble is called from all possible sex-arrangements at C1, many dancers learning C1 need to re-learn how to properly do a Slide Thru. EN: 80
Ramble er et kønsbestemt kald eftersom det involverer en Slide Thru. Da Ramble kan Calles fra alle mulige køns-positioner skal man være opmærksom på at udføre Slide Thru korrekt. DK: 80
Some glossaries define the Outside's part of Ramble as a Divide (1/4 Out & Ends Bend) instead of a Cast Back (or Peel Off), hence you may encounter a caller calling Ramble from a setup in which some of the Outsides start facing in. EN: 90
as Centers Once Removed Fold to face EN: 160

 Regroup -- [C1]regroup.php  

From Parallel Lines or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra Parallele Lines eller andre anvendelige formationer. DK: 10
Centers Trade & Roll as Outsides 1/4 Out, Trade & Veer Out (Press Out). EN: 20
Centers laver Trade og Roll mens Ends laver 1/4 out, Trade og Veer out (Press Out) og bliver normalt Ends i facing lines (Ihvertfald bliver Ends altid facing) DK: 20
Parallel Lines end in Facing Lines. EN: 30
Parallelle lines ender i Facing Lines. DK: 30
Although Regroup can be done from any Parallel Lines, it is almost always called from Back-to-Back Lines. This is primarily done because of flow considerations for the Outside dancers. EN: 40
Outside 4 always end directly facing each other on the Outside. EN: 50
Outside 4 ender altid direkte ansigt til ansigt med hinanden Outside. DK: 50
The Outsides should pass Right-shoulders with each other. Other glossaries may define the Outsides' part as 1/4 Out & Cross Cast Back [C1] (hence implying a Left-shoulder pass). EN: 60
Ends skal passere højre skulder med hinanden da det er en Trade. (Andre sete fortolkninger kan definere Ends' part som 1/4 Out & Cross Cast Back [C1] - og det indebærer en Left Shoulder Pass som ikke er korrekt). DK: 60

 Relay The Shadow -- [C1]relaytheshadow.php  

From a Tidal Wave, Facing Lines, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra Tidal Wave eller Facing Lines. DK: 10
Arm Turn 1/2; Center 6 Cast Off 3/4 as Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; resulting Center Wave Hinge & Spread (to become Ends of Parallel Waves) as Others do the Centers part of Cast A Shadow (Leaders Cloverleaf as Trailers Extend; Hinge; Extend). EN: 20
Alle laver Swing, derefter laver Center 6 Cast Off 3/4 mens The Very Ends laver Counter Rotate 1/4 og møder Very Centers og danner en Center Wave, så laver de Hinge og Spread (og bliver Ends i Parallelle Waves), alt imens de andre laver Centers part af Cast A ShadowDK: 20
Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 30
Ender i Parallelle Waves. DK: 30
Others do the Centers
part of Cast A Shadow EN: 40
de andre laver The Centers part of Cast A Shadow DK: 40
Note: To smoothly dance Relay The Shadow, those doing the Hinge & Spread often lightly tap hands as they go by each other, rather than pause at the handhold, Hinge, then slide apart. EN: 50
For at opnå glidende dans i Relay The Shadow, vil danserne der udfører Hinge & Spread ofte, i stedet for at få handhold og pause, give hinandens hånd et lille klap og glide direkte ind i Hinge og Spread. DK: 50

 Relay The Top -- [C1]relaythetop.php  

From Parallel Waves, Eight Chain Thru, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra Parallelle Waves, Eight Chain Thru eller andre anvendelige formationer. DK: 10
Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends 1/2 Circulate; Centers turn the Star 1/4 as Others Trade; those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). EN: 20
Alle laver Arm Turn 1/2 og derefter laver Centers Arm Turn 3/4 mens Ends laver 1/2 Circulate (gør deres del af Hourglass Circulate) og danner en Star mellem 2 Mini-Waves. Center Star drejer 1/4 mens de andre laver en Trade. Dem der mødes (Center 4 i 6 hånds Waven) laver Cast Off 3/4 mens de andre move up (laver Phantom Hourglass Circulate.) DK: 20
Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 30
Ender i Parallelle Waves. DK: 30
Others move up EN: 40
Star 1/2, 3/4, or Don't Turn The StarEN: 50
But turn the Star Star 1/2, 3/4, eller Don't Turn The Star. DK: 50
Note: You may wish to think of Relay The Top as start like a Relay The Deucey but finish like a Chain ReactionEN: 60

 Reverse Explode [from a Wave] -- [C1]reverseexplode_c1.php  

From a Wave or Inverted Line. EN: 10
Fra en Wave eller Inverted Line. DK: 10
As one movement, Step Thru and 1/4 Out. EN: 20
I én bevægelse laves en Step Thru og 1/4 Out. DK: 20
Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 30
Ender i Back to Back couples. DK: 30
Note: From a Tidal Line | Wave, be sure to work on each side, ending in a Trade By formation. EN: 40
Fra en Tidal Line/ Tidal Wave, så vær opmærksom på at arbejde i hver side - her ender man i en Trade By formation. DK: 40

 Rotary Spin | anything -- [C1,C2]rotary.php  

From an Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves). Right Pull By; Outsides Courtesy Turn & Roll as Centers Step To A L-H Wave and Cast Off 3/4. Ends in Parallel R-H Waves. EN: 10
Fra Eight Chain Thru (eller Parallelle Right Hand Waves). Alle laver Right Pull By; Outsides laver Courtesy Turn and Roll mens Centers laver Step to a Left Hand Oceanwave og laver Cast Off 3/4. Ender i Parallelle Right Hand Waves. DK: 10
From an Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves). Right Pull By; Outsides Courtesy Turn & Roll as Centers Step To A L-H Wave and do the anything call. Ending formation (dependent upon the anything call) can be Parallel Lines, Diamonds, Hourglass, etc. EN: 20
Hint: After the Right Pull By, get your Left-hand ready! EN: 30
Note: Be sure to Step To A L-H Wave before doing the anything call. EN: 40

 Rotate -- [C1,C2,C3B]rotate_c1.php  

Rotates (Rotate, Reverse Rotate, Single Rotate, and Reverse Single Rotate) are listed on different challenge lists according to the starting formation. EN: 10
At C1, EN: 20
På C1, DK: 20
Rotates can only be called from a Generalized Squared Set, or from similar formations (e.g., from Columns, the Ends only). EN: 30
kan Rotates kun calles fra generelle Squared Set, eller lignende formationer (eks. fra Columns, The Ends Only) DK: 30
At C2, EN: 40
På C2, DK: 40
Rotates can also be called from Parallel Lines or from a 2 x 2 (e.g., In Your Block Single Rotate 1/4). EN: 50
At C3B, EN: 60
På C3B, DK: 60
Rotates can also be called from Columns. EN: 70
Procedure for dancing Rotates: EN: 80
Identify the center point of your setup. EN: 90
The center point of your setup is the very center point of the square (commonly called the "flagpole center") except in the following cases: EN: 100
If you are in a 2 x 4 formation and are in Lines, the center point is the Center of each Box (i.e., work Split). If you are in a 2 x 4 T-Bone, the center point for the Column dancers is the flagpole center, whereas the Line dancers are working Split. EN: 110
If Rotate is preceded by the term Split, then divide your formation into two equal subformations. The center point is the Center of your subformation. From a 2 x 4, Split means to divide the setup into two 2 x 2s, not two 1 x 4s. EN: 120
If Rotate is preceded by the name of a formation in which to work, the center point is the Center of that formation. For example, from Columns consider 'Each Column Single Rotate 1/4'. In this case, the center point is the Center of the 1 x 4 setup. EN: 130
Turn 1/4 relative to that center point according to the following rules: EN: 140
Individually 1/4 To Promenade EN: 150
Individually 1/4 To Reverse Promenade EN: 160
Turn 1/4 so that your left shoulder is toward the Center of your formation. EN: 170
Turn 1/4 so that your right shoulder is toward the Center of your formation. EN: 180
Counter Rotate the given fraction around that center point. EN: 190
From a Squared Set, active dancers work around the outside of the set. The inactive dancers should move into the center of the set. EN: 200
When dancing Rotates, there are 3 things to listen for: EN: 210
Single or not; EN: 220
Reverse or not; EN: 230
How far. EN: 240
from Squared Set EN: 250
fra Squared Set DK: 250
(Those designated) As Couples 1/4 To Promenade & Counter Rotate the given fraction around the outside of the set as non-designated dancers (if any) move into the Center. EN: 260
De designerede dansere drejer en As Couple 1/4 mod Promenaderetningen (højre) og laver en Counter Rotate den given fraction på ydersiden af squaren, mens de ikke-designerede dansere (Hvis der er nogen) går ind mod Centeret. DK: 260
(Those designated) As Couples 1/4 To Reverse Promenade & Counter Rotate the given fraction around the outside of the set as non-designated dancers (if any) move into the Center. EN: 270
De designerede dansere drejer en As Couple 1/4 mod Reverse-Promenaderetningen (Venstre) og laver en Counter Rotate den given fraction på ydersiden af squaren, mens de ikke-designerede dansere (Hvis der er nogen) går ind mod Centeret. DK: 270
(Those designated) Individually 1/4 To Promenade & Counter Rotate the given fraction around the outside of the set as non-designated dancers (if any) move into the Center. EN: 280
De designerede dansere drejer en individuel 1/4 mod Promenaderetningen (Højre) og laver en Counter Rotate den given fraction på ydersiden af squaren, mens de ikke-designerede dansere (Hvis der er nogen) går ind mod Centeret. DK: 280
(Those designated) Individually 1/4 To Reverse Promenade & Counter Rotate the given fraction around the outside of the set as non-designated dancers (if any) move into the Center. EN: 290
De designerede dansere frejer en individuel 1/4 mod Reverse-Promenaderetningen (Venstre) og laver en Counter Rotate den given fraction på ydersiden af squaren, mens de ikke-designerede dansere (Hvis der er nogen) går ind mod Centeret. DK: 290
Do not Face In or Bend The Line after a Rotate unless the caller explicitly tells you to do so. EN: 300
Lad være med at lave Face In eller Bend The Line efter en Rotate undtagen Calleren specifikt siger det. DK: 300
Non-designated dancers move into the center of the set without changing their facing direction. EN: 310
from Squared Set EN: 320
fra Squared Set DK: 320
from Parallel Lines, or from a 2 x 2 but not from Columns EN: 340
Work in each Box of 4. EN: 350
As Couples 1/4 To Promenade and (working in the resulting Line of 4) Counter Rotate the given fraction. This is the same as As Couples Zag-Zig; Lockit n times (where n is the number of quarters within the given fraction: n=1 for 1/4, n=2 for 1/2, n=3 for 3/4, etc.). EN: 360
As Couples 1/4 To Reverse Promenade and (working in the resulting Line of 4) Counter Rotate the given fraction. Same as As Couples Zig-Zag; Lockit n times (where n is the number of quarters within the given fraction). EN: 370
Individually 1/4 To Promenade and Box Counter Rotate the given fraction. Same as Zag-Zig; Box|Split Counter Rotate the given fractionEN: 380
Individually 1/4 To Reverse Promenade and Box Counter Rotate the given fraction. Same as Zig-Zag; Box|Split Counter Rotate the given fractionEN: 390
from Parallel Lines EN: 400
Cheat for Single Rotate 1/4 (from Lines): EN: 420
Leaders Left-faced U-Turn Back; Belles Walk; Beaus Dodge. EN: 430
Cheat for Reverse Single Rotate 1/4 (from Lines): EN: 440
Leaders Right-faced U-Turn Back; Beaus Walk; Belles Dodge. EN: 450
Be aware that there are many dancers who use these cheats. Also, experienced dancers often seem as if they are dancing this way (when they are Trailers they simply do some sort of Walk & Dodge movement). We believe it is okay to dance this way if you still think in your mind to 'turn 1/4 & Box Counter Rotate', so that you keep in mind that there is a flowing direction toward which you can Roll. Note that this cheat will not work if the fraction is 0/4. If the fraction is greater than 1/4 then use Box Counter Rotates for the rest of the call. EN: 460
from Columns and other formations EN: 470
from Columns EN: 480
from a T-Bone 2 x 4 EN: 500
In this example, the dancers work as if they are in Columns whereas the dancers work as if they are in Lines (i.e., work Split) EN: 510
Some work Split: EN: 520
Some work Split:
all EN: 530
from Columns EN: 540
Note: from Parallel Lines, Split Single Rotate is the same as Single RotateEN: 550
Hints for dancing Rotates: EN: 560
On Rotate or Single Rotate, turn 1/4 (As Couples or Individually) so that your Left-shoulder is toward the center of your setup. EN: 570
Ved Rotate eller Single Rotate, drej dig 1/4 (As Couples eller Individuelt) så din Venstre Skulder vender ind mod midten af squaren. DK: 570
On Reverse Rotate or Reverse Single Rotate, turn 1/4 (As Couples or Individually) so that your Right-shoulder is toward the center of your setup. ('Reverse' and 'Right' both begin with 'R'.) EN: 580
Ved Reverse Rotate eller Reverse Single Rotate, drej dig 1/4 (As Couples eller Individuelt) så din Højre Skulder vender ind mod midten af squaren. DK: 580
Rotate means As Couples; Single Rotate means IndividuallyEN: 590
Rotate betyder As Couples; Single Rotate betyder IndividueltDK: 590
If no fraction is given, then assume 1/4. In our opinion, the caller should always give a fractionEN: 600
Hvis ingen fraction er givet så gælder 1/4. DK: 600
The caller can give the fraction 0 (or 0/4), in which case just turn 1/4 and do not Counter Rotate at all. EN: 610
Calleren kan give fractionen 0 (eller 0/4), her skal du blot dreje 1/4 og ikke udføre Counter Rotate. DK: 610
Why is the Rotate FAMILY split across three levels? The answer is that the definition of Rotate is inconsistent, in the sense that the definition is formation-dependent. In our opinion, dancers should have one concise definition that can be applied to any legal starting formation. The C2-style Rotates are the culprits, and we believe these Rotates should have been named Split Rotate (instead of Rotate), and Split Single Rotate (instead of Single Rotate), so that there would be no conflict. Unfortunately, Rotates were not defined quite so cleanly. EN: 620

 Scatter Scoot -- [C1]scatterscoot.php  

From Parallel Waves or applicable T-Bone 2 x 4s. EN: 10
Fra Parallelle Waves eller anvendelige T-Bones 2 x 4. DK: 10
Leaders (all 8) Circulate as Trailers Scoot Back. EN: 20
Leaders laver (all 8) Circulate mens Trailers laver Scoot Back. DK: 20
Parallel Waves end in Parallel Waves. EN: 30
Parallelle Waves ender i Parallelle Waves. DK: 30
Scatter Scoot is the same as Scoot Back except that the Leaders (all 8) Circulate instead of Split Circulate. EN: 40
Scatter Scoot er det samme som Scoot Back med undtagelse af at Leaders laver (all 8) Circulate istedet for Split Circulate. DK: 40
From Parallel Waves, Scatter Scoot is choreographically equivalent to Out Roll Circulate [A2]. EN: 50

 Shakedown -- [C1]shakedown.php  

From Back-to-Back Couples or a T-Bone 2 x 2 in which everyone is a Leader. EN: 10
Fra Couples Back to Back (og I en T-Bone 2 x 2 hvor alle er leaders). DK: 10
As one movement, Belles 1/4 Out & Run as Beaus Run & Roll. EN: 20
I én bevægelse udfører Belles laver 1/4 Out og Run mens Beaus en Run and Roll. DK: 20
As one movement, Beaus 1/4 Out & Run as Belles Run & Roll. EN: 30
I én bevægelse udfører Beaus laver 1/4 Out og Run mens Belles en Run and Roll. DK: 30
Back-to-Back Couples ends in Facing Couples. EN: 40
Back to Back Couples ender i Facing Couples. DK: 40
Alternative definition: As one movement, 1/4 Right (if Shakedown) or 1/4 Left (if Left Shakedown); Box Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll. EN: 50
On Shakedown, everyone moves clockwise one position and turns 3/4 to the Right. EN: 70

 Siamese CONCEPT -- [C1]siamese.php  

Siamese means 'As Couples or In Tandem'. That is, those who are a Couple work As Couples, and the others work In Tandem to do the given call. EN: 10
Siamese betyder 'As Couples eller In Tandem', dvs. Couple danserne arbejder "As Couples" og Tandem danserne arbejder "In Tandem" og udfører det givne kald. DK: 10
Sometimes it is difficult to determine who is paired with whom within the Siamese unit. From a 1/4 Box (see the left-most diagram below), dancers EN: 20
Undertiden er det svært at bestemme hvem der er "par" med hvem i Siamese enheden. Fra 1/4 Box (s venster figure i diagram nedenfor), bliver dancene DK: 20
and EN: 30
are often tricked into thinking they are part of a Tandem unit when in fact they are part of an As Couples unit. Also, the dancers EN: 40
ofte forledt til at tro at de er del af en "Tandem" enhed, men de er i virkeligheden del af en "As Couples" enhed. Også danserne DK: 40
are often tricked into thinking they are working in a Tandem unit with dancers EN: 50
kan forledes til at tro at de arbejder i "Tandem" med danserne DK: 50
and EN: 60
(respectively). EN: 70
(henholdsvis). DK: 70

 Split [Square Thru] Concept -- [C1]splitsquarethruconcept.php  

From a T-Bone setup. EN: 10
Fra T-Bone formationer. DK: 10
Those facing (or those in a R-H Mini-Wave) Right Pull By & individually turn 1/4 to face the inactive dancers; all Finish the given call. EN: 20
De der er ansigt til ansigt (eller de der er i Right Hand Mini Wave) laver Right Pull By og drejer indviduelt 1/4 mod de inaktive dansere, herefter udfører alle resten af kaldet. DK: 20
The word Split in this context does not necessarily mean that you stay within your group of 4! It means that you start the call as in Split Square Thru [A1]. EN: 30
Ordet Split mener ikke nødvendigvis at du forbliver i din gruppe af 4 - det betyder kun at du starter kaldet som i Split Square Thru [A1]. DK: 30
20-December-2024 11:39:33
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