そして, ここから,
Magic Flip The Diamond
| 後 JP: 40 Note that in the last diagram above you now have a Magic Wave [C4] with
the dancers who were in your Magic Diamond. EN: 50 この例では, 中の図の Magic Diamond にいた人が, 右の図の Magic Wave [C4]
となっています. JP: 50 Notes on traffic patterns: EN: 60 The basic rule is try to get to your ending position
with a minimum number of collisions (trying for zero collisions would be a good
goal). EN: 70 基本的なルールは, 他の人と同じ位置になることの回数が最小になるように,
終わりの位置へ行くことです (1 回も同じ位置にならないことが良いです). JP: 70 On Magic Cut The Diamond or
Magic Flip The Diamond, the points can often work as if In Tandem. EN: 80 Magic Cut The Diamond または Magic Flip The Diamond では,
points は多くの場合 Tandem で動くことができます. JP: 80 In our opinion, callers should say Magic Diamond Cut | Flip The Diamond rather than
Cut | Flip The Magic Diamond. In the first case, the dancers
initially hear the word Magic and can immediately start locating their
Magic Diamond. Also, in our opinion, Cut|Flip The Magic Diamond is
NOT the same as Magic Cut|Flip The Diamond, since
on a Cut|Flip The formation those with handholds
do a formation Circulate as the others simply slide together and
Trade (Cut) or Phantom Run (Flip). Hence, for a Cut|Flip The Magic Diamond
only the Centers are working Magic. EN: 90 私達の意見では, コーラーは Cut | Flip The Magic Diamond でなく
Magic Diamond Cut | Flip The Diamond と言うべきです.
そうすれば, ダンサーは始めに Magic と聞くので,
自分の Magic Diamond をすぐ捜し始めることができます.
また, 私達の意見では,
Cut|Flip The Magic Diamond は Magic Cut|Flip The Diamond と同じでは ありません.
なぜなら, Cut|Flip The formation では, 手をとっている人が
formation Circulate をし, 他の人は単にお互いに近づいて
Trade (Cut のとき) または Phantom Run (Flip のとき) をします.
したがって, Cut|Flip The Magic Diamond では Centers だけが Magic で動くことになります. JP: 90 Dancers are listed in order of their Circulate path within the above diagram: EN: 110 [This is the hardest one to see.] EN: 120 Work with these dancers in a distorted Diamond. EN: 130 これらのダンサーが distorted (ゆがんだ) Diamond で動きます. JP: 130 Magic Interlocked Diamonds are rarely used since they are
difficult to visualize and often involve hideous traffic patterns. EN: 140 Magic Interlocked Diamonds はほとんど使われません.
なぜならば, 見つけることが難しいことと, しばしばひどい通り方になるからです. JP: 140
| Magic Line | Wave Concept -- [C4] | |
From Parallel Lines | Waves. EN: 10 A Magic Line | Wave is a Distorted Line | Wave in which the Ends of
one Line work with the Centers of the other Line. EN: 20 Magic Line | Wave は 1 つの Line の Ends が他の Line の Centers と動く
Distorted (ゆがんだ) Line | Wave です. JP: 20 Work with these dancers... EN: 30 thinking you are here... EN: 40 Hint: When the caller says Magic Line | Wave, diagonally reach
forward or backward to join hands with your partner in the Magic
Line | Wave. This helps to identify who is working with whom. EN: 50 ヒント: コーラーが Magic Line | Wave と言ったら,
Magic Line | Wave でのパートナーと手をとります.
これは, 誰が誰と動くかを確認することの助けになります. JP: 50 Note: On calls such as Magic Line In Roll Circulate, Out Roll Circulate,
Here Comes The Judge, Sock It To Me,
those doing the Circulate should identify themselves by making a noise
(say 'here' or 'me') and raising their hand. Those doing the
Circulate do a normal Circulate
since they are moving from an End position to another End position; the Others
Flip one position within their Magic Line toward the End doing the
Circulate. EN: 60 注釈: Magic Line In Roll Circulate, Out Roll Circulate,
Here Comes The Judge, Sock It To Me のようなコールでは,
Circulate をする人は, 手を上げて 'here' または 'me',
日本では 'はい' などの声を出して自分自身を確認すべきです.
Circulate をする人は, End の位置からもう 1 つの End の位置へ動くので,
普通に Circulate をします. JP: 60 Sample Traffic Patterns: EN: 80 From Parallel Waves. In-Facing Ends & Out-Facing Centers Circulate as the Others Split Circulate twice.
Ends in Parallel Waves. This traffic pattern works from Waves only. EN: 90 平行な Wave から. 中を向いた Ends と外を向いた Centers は Circulate をし,
他の人は Split Circulate twice をします.
平行な Wave で終わります. この通り方は Wave からのときだけです. JP: 90 From Parallel Inverted Lines. Those Facing Pass Thru;
all Wheel & Spread; dancers not within their original Magic Line do
a Pass Thru in order to end on a spot from their original Magic Line.
Ends in Parallel Inverted Lines. EN: 100 平行な Inverted Line から. 向い合っている人が Pass Thru をして;
全員で Wheel & Spread をして; オリジナルの Magic Line にいない人が
Pass Thru をして, オリジナルの Magic Line の位置で終わります.
平行な Inverted Line で終わります. JP: 100 From Parallel Waves. Magic Arm Turn 1/2
(danced as Split Circulate Twice); Centers Cast Off 3/4;
Very Centers Trade; Centers Cast Off 3/4.
Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 110 平行な Wave から.
Magic Arm Turn 1/2 (Split Circulate Twice のように動きます) をし;
Centers Cast Off 3/4;
Very Centers Trade; Centers Cast Off 3/4 をします.
平行な Wave で終わります. JP: 110 Note: on 8-dancer calls (e.g., In Roll Circulate, Spin Chain Thru),
the call is done normally except when you are
required to move from an End to a Center or vice-versa. EN: 120 注釈: 8 人のコール (例えば, In Roll Circulate, Spin Chain Thru) では,
Ends から Centers へ移動するとき, またはその逆のとき以外は,
普通にコールを行います. JP: 120
From Back-to-Back Couples or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2 (all Leaders). EN: 10 背中合わせのカップルまたは適切な T-Bone の 2 x 2 (全員が Leads) から. JP: 10 Back-to-Back Couples end in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 30 背中合わせのカップルからは, 右の Mini Wave の Box で終わります. JP: 30 Those doing the Partner Tag can not Roll. EN: 40 Partner Tag をする人は Roll できません. JP: 40 Chase Right [Plus]
could be thought of as a Mini-Chase then Box Counter Rotate 1/4. EN: 50
The Mirror C ONCEPT is accomplished by executing the
definition of the given call and replacing: EN: 10 Mirror C ONCEPT は, 与えられたコールの定義を次のように置き換えます: JP: 10 Right with Left and vice-versa; and EN: 20 Right を Left に, また逆に Left を Right に, そして, JP: 20 Beau with Belle and vice-versa. EN: 30 Beau を Belle に, また逆に Belle を Beau にします. JP: 30 At any point where you would normally pass Right-shoulders, pass
Left-shoulders and vice-versa. At any point where you would normally use the
Right-hand, use the Left-hand and vice-versa. At any point where the Beaus
do something, the Belles do it and vice-versa. EN: 40 普通右肩で通り過ぎるときは, 常に左型で通り過ぎます, またその逆です.
普通右手を使うときは, 常に左手を使います, またその逆です.
Beaus が何かをするときは, 常に Belles がそれを行います, またその逆です. JP: 40 Pass Left-shoulders instead of Right-shoulders EN: 50 Left Pass Thru; Boys 1/4 Left as Girls 1/4 Right EN: 60 Left Pass Thru をし; Boys 1/4 Left, Girls 1/4 Right JP: 60 (from a One-Faced Line): The left-side Couple goes in front EN: 70 (One-Faced Line から): 左側のカップルが前になります JP: 70 When doing the Mirror version of a call in which two dancers end on the
same spot (such as an odd Tally-Ho) step to Left hands instead of Right hands!
The Mirror C ONCEPT is more binding than the Right-hand same-spot
rule. EN: 80 Mirror でコールを行い, 2 人が同じ場所で終わるとき
(普通でない Tally-Ho のようなとき), 右手でなく左手をとります!
Mirror C ONCEPT は同じ場所で右手をとることのルールより,
もっと拘束力があります. update JP: 80 Note: The words Left and Reverse have traditionally been used to
indicate Mirror (e.g., Left Swing Thru, Reverse Flutter Wheel) but their
usage is inconsistent. Dancers may not know what is intended when
something like 'Left Circle By' is called. Should one Circle Left the
first given fraction then Left Touch the next given fraction? Or,
since you are normally moving to the Left on a Circle By, should one
Circle Right the first fraction? Reverse can also mean
' In Reverse Order',
'Rewind', or have other meanings ('Reverse Stack The Line':
original Trailers instead of Leaders go across to right hands!). If we
only had the choice of using Left or Reverse, what would the Mirror version of
Shake & Rattle
be called? The Mirror version of Shakedown is
called Left Shakedown and the Mirror version of Reverse Split Swap is
called Split Swap! The Mirror C ONCEPT resolves these
ambiguities. EN: 90 注釈: 伝統的に Left と Reverse が Mirror
(例えば, Left Swing Thru, Reverse Flutter Wheel),
'Left Circle By' のようなコールがなされたとき,
Circle Left を始めの fraction だけ行い,
Left Touch を次の fraction だけ行うのでしょうか?
それとも, Circle By では普通は左へ動くので,
Circle Right を始めの fraction だけ行うのでしょうか?
Reverse は
' In Reverse Order',
'Rewind' を意味し, また他の意味のこと ('Reverse Stack The Line':
オリジナルの Leaders でなく Trailers が行き 右手をとります!) もあります.
もし Left か Reverse のどちらかを使わなければならないとしたら,
Shake & Rattle の Mirror はどちらを使うでしょうか?
Shakedown の Mirror は Left Shakedown とコールされ,
Reverse Split Swap の Mirror は Split Swap とコールされます!
Mirror C ONCEPT はこれらの曖昧さを解決します. update JP: 90 Hint: If you can imagine dancing in a mirrored room and executing a
call normally, your reflection would be dancing the Mirror version of that call. EN: 100 ヒント: Mirror (鏡) がある部屋の中にいて普通にコールを動いて踊っているとき,
鏡の中ではコールを Mirror で踊っています. JP: 100 Common misconceptions: A Mirror Pass The Ocean is not a Pass The Sea. A Mirror
Pass The Ocean involves a Left-shoulder Pass Thru, whereas a Pass
The Sea involves a Right-shoulder Pass Thru. EN: 110 共通の間違い: Mirror Pass The Ocean は Pass The Sea ではありません.
Mirror Pass The Ocean では左肩の Pass Thru ですが,
Pass The Sea では右肩の Pass Thru です. JP: 110 Note: For many calls, the Mirror version of the call is the same as the call
itself. For example, a Mirror Scoot Back is a Scoot Back (since the definition
of Scoot Back does not involve Beaus|Belles or Left|Right); Similarly, when
starting from a Wave, a Mirror Spin The Top is the same as Spin The Top. EN: 120 注釈: 多くのコールでは, コールの Mirror はコールそのものと同じです.
例えば, Mirror Scoot Back は Scoot Back です (なぜなら
Scoot Back の定義には Beaus|Belles も Left|Right も含んでいません);
同様に, Wave からの, Mirror Spin The Top は Spin The Top と同じです. JP: 120
From any Line of 4 or other applicable formations. EN: 10 任意の 4 人の line または他の適切な formation から. JP: 10 A Line of 4 ends in a Line of 4. EN: 30 4 人の line からは 4 人の line で終わります. JP: 30 Everyone changes their facing direction by 180°. EN: 40 Centers should take a slight step forward before doing the Cross Run.
This makes the movement smoother for the Ends, as it gives them room
to move into the center. EN: 50 Centers は, 少し前進してから Cross Run をすべきです.
これは ends が center の方へ横に入る場所をあけて, 動きやすくするためです. update JP: 50 If both Centers start facing the same direction,
they pass Left-shoulders with each other
since they are doing a Centers Cross Run (Half Sashay and Run). EN: 60 もし centers が同じ方を向いているところから始めるときは,
centers はお互いに 左肩 で通り過ぎます.Centers は
Cross Run (Half Sashay and Run) をするからです. JP: 60 The original Ends should move into the center
without changing their facing direction
and then do the Trade. Do not change your facing direction as
you move in, as it may confuse others, and make it difficult to
properly do the Trade. The confusion occurs because the other End
might not be aware of your original facing direction, and hence
would not know whether to do an Arm Turn 1/2 (from a Mini-Wave)
or a Partner Trade (from a Couple). EN: 70 オリジナルの ends は 向きを変えずに centers へ入り Trade をすべきです.
もう1人を混乱させてしまい Trade がきちんとできなくなります.
もう1人の ends にとって, あなたのオリジナルの向きが分からなくなり,
mini wave から Arm Turn 1/2 をするのか,
カップルから Partner Trade をするのかが分からなくなり混乱します. JP: 70 Is Mix legal from a Diamond? EN: 80 No. The Centers can not do a Cross Run because there is no one to run around
(Cross Run requires that those doing the Run action end in a spot originally
occupied by a real dancer). EN: 90 いいえ.Centers にとって回る相手がいないので Cross Run ができません
(Cross Run では, Run をする場所には 生身のダンサー がいなければなりません). JP: 90 [Centers Trade & Spread; then Original Ends slide together & Trade]
could be used instead to obtain the desired result of a Mix from
a Diamond. EN: 105 [Centers は Trade & Spread; そしてオリジナルの Ends が近付いて Trade]
が, diamond からの Mix で望まれた結果を得るための代わりとして使えるでしょう. JP: 105 Swing & Mix was the original call,
and was later generalized to be anything & Mix. EN: 110 そして後に anything & Mix と一般化されました. JP: 110 Swing & Mix is no longer explicitly listed on the CALLERLAB
A2 list.
However, the calls Swing [A2] and Mix [A1] are on C ALLERL AB
In our opinion, Swing & Mix should be listed on the A2 list as
a separate call because it can be done from Facing Couples.
According to the current C ALLERL AB definitions, a Swing & Mix is a Swing
followed by a Mix. Swing, as defined by C ALLERL AB, must start from
a Wave or Inverted Line, not Facing Couples.
Swing is defined as Ends and Adjacent Centers Arm Turn 1/2.
However, Swing & Mix
is still widely called from Facing Couples, and it should be legal. EN: 120 Swing & Mix is a 3-part call due to historical reasons. EN: 130 Swing & Mix は, 歴史的な理由により 3 パートのコールです. JP: 130
| Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B] | |
From a Generalized 1/4 Tag in which the Very Centers are
directly facing an outside dancer. EN: 10 一般化された 1/4 Tag で Very Centers が外の人と真っすぐに向かい合っているところから. JP: 10 Very Centers and directly-facing outside dancers Pass Thru; EN: 20 Very Centers と真っすぐに向かい合っている外の人が Pass Thru をし; JP: 20 Center 4 Cast Off 1/4 and Roll and Spread to become Ends of Lines
as the Others Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag; EN: 30 Center 4 は Cast Off 1/4 and Roll and Spread をして Line の ends になり,
他の人は Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag をし; JP: 30 all Counter Rotate 1/4. EN: 40 全員で Counter Rotate 1/4 をします. JP: 40 Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 50 The Cast Off 1/4 can be from either a Mini-Wave or a Couple. EN: 60 Cast Off 1/4 は Mini-Wave または Couple のどちらからでも行えます. JP: 60 Be sure to pass Right-shoulders on the Vertical 1/2 Tag. EN: 70 Vertical 1/2 Tag では必ず右肩で通ってください. JP: 70 Very Centers and diagonally-facing Outside dancers Jay Walk EN: 80 Those doing the Pass Thru (or Diagonal Pass Thru) should point at each other before moving as in
Chain Reaction. EN: 90
| Oddly | Evenly Concept -- [C3B] | |
Break up the anything call into its component parts.
Do the odd-numbered parts working any Concept and the
even-numbered parts normally. EN: 10 anything call をパートに分解し,
奇数のパートは any Concept で行い, 偶数のパートは普通に行います.
訳者注: odd は奇数を意味します. JP: 10 Break up the anything call into its component parts.
Do the even-numbered parts working any Concept and the
odd-numbered parts normally. EN: 20 anything call をパートに分解し,
偶数のパートは any Concept で行い, 奇数のパートは普通に行います.
訳者注: even は偶数を意味します. JP: 20 Calls that have parts are identified throughout our definitions. EN: 30 パートに分けられるコールは, 私達の Definitions 全体で示されています. JP: 30 For example, an Oddly Tandem Swing & Mix is a Tandem Swing,
normal Centers Cross Run, and Tandem Centers Trade. EN: 40 例えば, Oddly Tandem Swing & Mix は Tandem Swing,
普通に Centers Cross Run, Tandem Centers Trade です. JP: 40 Oddly has been known as Random, and EN: 60 Oddly は Random として知られてきました, そして JP: 60 Evenly has been known as Reverse Random. EN: 70 Evenly は Reverse Random として知られてきました. JP: 70
| Once Removed Diamond Concept -- [C2] | |
From the formation obtained from Parallel Two-Faced Lines after the Outsides
Concentric Follow Thru. EN: 10 平行な Two-Faced Lines から Outsides Concentric Follow Thru をしてできる formation から. JP: 10 A Once Removed Diamond is a Diamond in which you work with the dancers
occupying the positions on every other plane from you. EN: 20 Once Removed Diamond は, 自分から 1 つおきの場所にいる人で作る Diamond です. JP: 20 Work with these dancers in a Once Removed Diamond. EN: 30 Once Removed Diamond ではこれらの人で動きます. JP: 30 In the above example, the Outsides' traffic pattern is to Dodge inward & Trade The Wave. EN: 40 この例では, Outsides の traffic pattern (通り方) は, 中へ Dodge して Trade The Wave です. JP: 40
| Open Up The Column -- [C3A] | |
#1 dancer Trail Off & Roll as #2 dancer Circulate,
Peel Off
& Roll as #3 and #4 dancers Circulate;
Centers Cast Off 3/4; all Extend. EN: 20 1 番目の人は Trail Off をして Roll をし, 2 番目の人は Circulate,
Peel Off
をして Roll をし, 3 番目と 4 番目の人は Circulate,
Centers Cast Off 3/4 をし, 全員で Extend をします. JP: 20 Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 30 Note: Open Up The Column is the same as Transfer The Column [A1]
except that the First Two do a Trail & Peel movement instead of a Trail Off movement.
There is a call (not currently in use) named Clover The Column in which the
First Two do a Peel Off movement
(1/2 Invert The Column and 1/4 In).
We would like to see these 3 calls generalized so that we can do a
Trail (Transfer) The Column, Trail & Peel (Open Up) The Column,
Peel (Clover) The Column and Peel & Trail The Column. EN: 40 注釈: Open Up The Column は, 始めの 2 人が Trail Off のようでなく, Trail & Peel のように動くことを除いては, Transfer The Column [A1] と同じです.
今は使われていませんが Clover the Column というコールがあり, 始めの 2 人は Peel Off の動き (1/2 Invert The Column and 1/4 In) をします.
私たちは, これらの 3 つのコールを一般化し,
Trail (Transfer) The Column, Trail & Peel (Open Up) The Column,
Peel (Clover) The Column and Peel & Trail The Column ができると思います. JP: 40 From Columns of 3.
#1 dancer Trail Off & Roll as #2 dancer Circulate,
Peel Off & Roll as #3 dancer Circulate & Cast Off 3/4.
The Very Center dancer then does an
'Extend' to end between the outsides. EN: 50 3 人の Column から.
1 番目の人は Trail Off をして Roll をし, 2 番目の人は Circulate, Peel Off をして Roll をし, 3 番目の人は Circulate をして Cast Off 3/4 をし, Very Centers が外側の人の間へ 'Extend' をします. JP: 50 'Extend' to end between the Outsides EN: 60
| Own The anyone anything By anything -- [C3A] | |
Designated dancers do their part of the first anything call as the
others do their part of the second anything call. EN: 10 指示された人は, 始めの anything call の自分のパートを行い, 他の人は, 2 番目の anything call の自分のパートを行います. JP: 10 Note: If you are a Center and your anything call is a 4-(or fewer) dancer call,
work with the nearest Outsides. Do not work in the center! EN: 20 注釈: Center にいるときに anything call が 4 人で行うものだったら, もっとも近い Outsides と動きます.Center で動くのではありません! JP: 20 Note: If necessary, take into account the facing direction of dancers not
in your group. For example, on a call such as Vertical, you may need
to know the facing direction of the adjacent dancer. Below is an example
where both sets of dancers must take into account the facing direction of the
other dancers. EN: 30 Note: It is also possible to do Own The {anyone} {anything} By {anything}
when the overall formation required to do the given call doesn't exist, but
your part of the formation does. See example below, where the Outsides do not
have a Tidal Wave, and the Centers do not have an Eight Chain Thru, but both
sets of dancers can do their part of their call. EN: 40
| Patch (The) anyone -- [C3A] | |
From a Couple or Mini-Wave. EN: 10 Hinge; designated dancers U-Turn Back in flow direction (Roll twice). EN: 20 Hinge をして, 指示された人が flow の方へ U-Turn Back (Roll twice) をします. JP: 20 Ends in a Couple or Mini-Wave. This is a 2-part call. EN: 30 カップルまたは mini wave で終わります.これは 2 パートのコールです. JP: 30 Note: Determine who are the designated dancers before doing the
Hinge, not after. For example, from a Couple: Patch The Beaus is a Partner
Hinge (now both dancers are Beaus) followed by original Beau U-Turn
Back. Similarly, from Parallel Lines: Patch The Ends refers to the
original Ends, not those who become Ends after the Hinge. EN: 40 注釈: Hinge をする前に, だれが指示された人であるかを決めます.Hinge をしてからではありません.例えば, カップルから Patch The Beaus では Partner Hinge をし (2 人とも Beaus になり), オリジナルの Beau が U-Turn Back をします.同様に, 平行な Lines からの Patch The Ends はオリジナルの ends で, Hinge をして ends になった人ではありません. JP: 40
From Trade By or 3/4 Tag. EN: 10 Trade By または 3/4 Tag から. JP: 10 Centers Arm Turn 1/2 and Slip as Outsides
Cast Back
and Touch 1/2; Centers of each side Cast Off 3/4 as others
do their part of Fan The Top. EN: 20 Centers は Arm Turn 1/2 をして Slip をし, Outsides は Cast Back
をして Touch 1/2 をし, each side の centers が Cast Off 3/4 をし, 他の人は Fan The Top の自分のパートをします. JP: 20 A Trade By or R-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel R-H Waves;
a L-H 3/4 Tag ends in a Parallelogram. EN: 30 Trade By または右手の 3/4 Tag からは平行な右手の Waves で,
左手の 3/4 Tag からは Parallelogram で終わります. JP: 30 Note: The Cast Off 3/4 is sometimes a 'Push Cast.' EN: 40 注釈: Cast Off 3/4 は, あるときは 'Push Cast' となります. JP: 40
| Phantom Columns | Lines | Waves Concept -- [C3B] | |
From a 4 x 4 Matrix, visualized as 4 adjacent Columns | Lines | Waves. EN: 10 4 x 4 Matrix から, 4 つの隣り合った Columns | Lines | Waves を見てください. JP: 10 Inside Columns | Lines | Waves work together in a 2 x 4 Matrix as the
Outside Columns | Lines | Waves work together in a (Disconnected) 2 x 4 Matrix. EN: 20 Inside Columns | Lines | Waves が 2 x 4 Matrix で一緒に動き,
Outside Columns | Lines | Waves は (Disconnected) 2 x 4 Matrix で一緒に動きます. JP: 20 For Phantom Columns, work with these positions. EN: 30 Phantom Columns では, これらのポジションで動きます. JP: 30 For Phantom Lines | Waves, work with these positions. EN: 40 Phantom Lines | Waves では, これらのポジションで動きます. JP: 40 has an example of 12-Matrix Phantom Columns. EN: 50
| Pitch direction | anything -- [C4] | |
From Tandem dancers, Facing dancers, or Back-to-Back dancers. EN: 10 Tandem の人, 向かい合った人, または背中合わせの人から. JP: 10 Leaders Right
Zing (1/4 Right and Run) as
Trailers Circulate and turn 1/4 toward the given direction or do the
anything call. EN: 20 Leader が右へ
Zing (1/4 Right and Run) をする間に,
Trailer は Circulate をして与えられた direction の方へ 1/4 向きを変えるか,
anything のコールを行います. JP: 20 Pitch direction ends in a Couple or a Mini-Wave. EN: 30 Pitch direction は, カップルまたは Mini-Wave で終わります. JP: 30 If no direction or anything call is given the Trailers
Circulate and do nothing else. EN: 40 もし direction や anything call がなかったときは, Trailer は Circulate の後, 何もしません. JP: 40 If a direction precedes the word 'Pitch', the Leader does the
Zing toward that direction (i.e., 'Left Pitch Right' is a Leaders
Left Zing as Trailers Circulate and 1/4 Right). EN: 50 もし 'Pitch' の言葉の前に direction があるとき, Leader は
Zing を, その direction の方へ行います (すなわち, 'Left Pitch Right' では Leader は Left Zing をし, Trailer は Circulate and 1/4 Right をします). JP: 50 If the given direction is 'In' or 'Out', do a
1/4 In | Out (as opposed to a Face In | Out). EN: 60 もし与えられた direction が 'In' または 'Out' のときは,
1/4 In | Out をします ( Face In | Out ではなく). JP: 60
From Facing Lines or other applicable formations. EN: 10 向かい合った Line または他の適切な formation から. JP: 10 Facing Lines ends in a Double Pass Thru. EN: 30 向かい合った Line からは Double Pass Thru で終わります. JP: 30 When Plan Ahead is done from formations other than Facing Lines
(e.g., Inverted Lines with the Ends Facing Out):
the Ends must be careful to Circulate 1 & 1/2 before the Hinge.
There is a tendency for the Ends to Hinge with the first dancer they meet. EN: 40 Plan Ahead は, 向かい合った Line 以外の formation (例えば, ends が外を向いた Inverted Lines) から行われます:
Ends は Hinge をする前の Circulate 1 & 1/2 に注意する必要があります.
Ends には, 始めに会う人と Hinge をする傾向があります. JP: 40 We have recently learned that there are callers who believe that the
first part for the Centers is a 1/2 Circulate and Hinge (instead of
Touch 1/4). This can lead to several other possible starting
formations. EN: 50 近ごろ私たちは, centers の始めのパートは Touch 1/4 の代わりに 1/2 Circulate をして Hinge と信じるコーラーがいることを知りました.そうすると, 他にいくつかの始めの formation があることになります. JP: 50
From Generalized Columns. EN: 10 Ends
Turn To A Line
('Turn & Deal' toward Promenade direction)
as Centers do a Leads U-Turn Back (by turning toward the Left),
Veer Right, and As Couples Extend. EN: 20 Ends は,
Turn To A Line
(Promenade 方向へ 'Turn & Deal') をし, Centers は Leads U-Turn Back (左回りに), Veer Right, As Couples Extend をします. JP: 20 Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 30 Alternative definition (this is the original definition!): EN: 40 1/4 To Promenade, Step Ahead, Turn another 1/4
toward their initial turning direction, and adjust to
end in Parallel Lines. EN: 50 Promenade の方へ 1/4 向きを変え, Step Ahead をし, 始めに回った方へさらに 1/4 回り, 平行な Line にアジャストします. JP: 50 1/4 To Promenade, Step Ahead,
1/4 To Promenade, and Step Ahead (to become Leaders in
Parallel Lines). EN: 60 Promenade の方へ 1/4 向きを変え, Step Ahead をし, Promenade の方へ 1/4 向きを変え, Step Ahead (平行な Line の Leaders となるように) をします. JP: 60
| Quadruple formation Concept -- [C3B] | |
Quadruple formations consist of four adjacent
formation some of which may have positions occupied by phantoms.
The given formation is usually a 4-dancer formation such as a Box,
Column, Diamond, Line, or Wave. Work with the dancers and phantoms within your
formation. Keep track of the phantoms and allow spaces for them
upon completion of the call. When formation is a 4-dancer formation,
there should be a total of 16 dancer | phantom positions before and after each call. EN: 10 Quadruple formations は 4 つの隣り合った
formation から成り, そのうちのいくつかには phantom の position があります.
与えられる formation は普通, 例えば Box,
Column, Diamond, Line, または Wave のような 4 人の formation です.
自分の formation で, 人と phantom と一緒に動きます.
Phantom の動きを追って, コールの終わりでは, phantom の場所を空けるようにします.
Formation が 4 人の formation のとき,
全体では, コールの前と後の両方とも, 16 の人または phantom の position があります. JP: 10 Quadruple formation is analogous to
Triple formation
except that there are 4 occurrences of the given formations instead of 3. EN: 20 When doing a call in Quadruple formation, work only
with the dancers and phantoms within your formation. Shape-changing
calls are allowed and will end in a different set of Quadruple formations. EN: 30 Quadruple formation でコールを動くとき, 自分の formation の中だけで,
人と phantom と動きます.
Shape-change のコールを行うことができ, その場合, 異なるタイプの
Quadruple formation で終わります. JP: 30 Quadruple formation is clearer for dancers than
Split Phantom formation,
as dancers only need to track their 4 spots, rather than the 8 spots for Split Phantom. EN: 40 Quadruple formation は, ダンサーにとって
Split Phantom formation
Split Phantom では 8 つの spot で動きを追いますが, Quadruple では 4 つの spot だけになるからです. JP: 40 Typically, a long axis traverses through the entire set of 4 formations.
Visualize surrounding each formation within an imaginary bubble.
The long axis is the line that traverses the 4 formations, connecting the four bubbles in
a linear fashion. Dancers work within their bubble to do the given call,
which may be a shape changer.
Upon completion of the call, the new formation (including any phantoms) is still enclosed in a
bubble shaped to enclose the new formation, and the bubbles must still be connected in
a linear fashion. Stay within your formation and adjust the four bubbles
as necessary to line up side-by-side along the original long axis. EN: 50 通常は,
4 つの formation の全体を横切る長軸があります.
各々の formation を包む仮想風船を考えてみてください.
4 つの風船でまっすぐにつなげられた 4 つの formation を横切るものが長軸です.
ダンサーは風船の中で, 与えられたコールを行います.
そのコールは shape changer でもかまいません.
コールの終わりで (phantom を含む) 新しい formation は,
そして, 風船は依然としてまっすぐにつながっています.
自分の formation の中にに留まり, 4 つの風船が始めの長軸に沿って並ぶように,
位置を adjust します. JP: 50 Assume that phantoms are facing in whatever direction is needed to do
the given call. For Quadruple Wave, phantoms must be facing such
that each formation is a Wave. The caller can optionally be more specific and give
the exact name of the formation (e.g., Quadruple R-H Two-Faced Line). EN: 60 Phantom はどちらを向いていても良く, 与えられたコールを行うために,
Quadruple Wave であれば,
formation が wave になるように phantom の向きを決めます.
コーラーは, もっとはっきりと formation の名前を
(例えば, Quadruple Right-Hand Two-Faced Line のように) 指定することができます. JP: 60 (End-to-End) Quadruple Column|Line|Wave EN: 65 Note: Quadruple Wave Turn The Key is not the same as Split Phantom Waves Turn The Key. EN: 68 注釈: Quadruple Wave Turn The Key は Split Phantom Waves Turn The Key と同じではありません. JP: 68 In the former case, dancers work within their Wave of 4, and the Counter Rotate 1/4 is a Lockit;
whereas in the latter case, the Counter Rotate 1/4 is an 8-dancer (Parallel Lines) movement. EN: 69 前者では, 4 人の Wave で動き Counter Rotate 1/4 は Lockit になりますが;
後者では, Counter Rotate 1/4 は 8 人 (平行な Line) の動きとなります. JP: 69 The formation may occasionally be a non-4-dancer formation. For example, EN: 70 Formation は, たまには 4 人でないこともあります. 例えば, JP: 70 Sometimes, the outside formations can be at a 90° angle to the inside
formations. For example, EN: 75 外側の formation は内側の formation に対して 90° の角度となることがあります.
例えば, JP: 75 Also possible, but rarely seen, are 6- or 8-dancer Quadruple formations
(e.g., Quadruple Tall Six, Quadruple Hourglass, etc.). EN: 80 また, 6 人または 8 人の Quadruple formation
(例えば, Quadruple Tall Six, Quadruple Hourglass, など) が可能ですが, ほとんど使われません. JP: 80
| Quick Step | anything -- [C3A] | |
From a 1/4 Box or other applicable formations.
#2 dancer Press Out
Ah So
with the adjacent dancer as the Others Circulate.
A 1/4 Box ends in Columns. EN: 10 From a 1/4 Box or other applicable formations.
#2 dancer Press Out and do the anything call with
the dancer they meet
(working Phantom if necessary) as the Others Circulate. EN: 20 1/4 Box または Column
から.2 番目の人は Press Out をして, 会った人と (必要なら Phantom と) anything のコールをし, その他の人は Circulate をします. JP: 20 Phantoms that end up between the Outsides and the Centers are removed
at the end of the call. EN: 30 Outsides と centers の間に Phantom ができるときは, コールの終わりで取り除かれます. JP: 30 #2 Press Out as unapproached dancers Circulate EN: 40 #2 Press Out 隣りに誰も来なかった人が
Circulate JP: 40 Quick Step is a Quick Ah So. EN: 50 Quick Step は Quick Ah So です. JP: 50 If the anything call is 'Cycle' do a Recycle. EN: 60 anything のコールが 'Cycle' だったら Recycle をします. JP: 60 #2 Magic Press Out as unapproached dancers Magic Circulate EN: 70 #2 Magic Press Out 隣りに誰も来なかった人が Magic Circulate JP: 70
From Generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations. EN: 10 一般化された 1/4 Tag または他の適切な formation から. JP: 10 A Generalized 1/4 Tag ends in a Tidal Line.
This is a 2-part call for the Centers. EN: 30 一般化された 1/4 Tag からは Tidal Line で終わります.
Centers にとっては 2 パートのコールです. JP: 30 Rally is a Little [C1]
followed by Centers Peel & Trail as Outsides Inward Roll To a Wave. EN: 40 ヒント: Rally を,
Little [C1]
をして Centers Peel & Trail, Outsides Inward Roll To a Wave と考えることができますが, どうでしょうか. JP: 40 Historically, callers have called Rally from Twin Diamonds (expecting the
Outsides to 'go As You Are'). It is our opinion that when Rally is called from
Diamonds, the caller should explicitly say something like 'Outsides go As You
Are' or 'Centers Start A' so that the outsides do not start with a
1/4 Right. EN: 50 歴史的に, コーラーは Rally を Twin Diamonds から Outsides が 'go As You Are' をすることを期待してコールしてきました.私たちの意見としては, Rally が Diamonds からコールされるときは, コーラーは 'Outsides go As You Are' または 'Centers Start A' などのように明示的に指示をするべきだと思います.そうすれば, outsides は 1/4 Right で始めないでしょう. JP: 50
From a Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2s. EN: 10 Mini-Wave の Box, Tandem Couple, または適切な 2 x 2 の T-Bone から. JP: 10 Trailers 1/2 Box Circulate and Phantom Run (Reverse Flip) as Leaders Box
Circulate 1 & 1/2. EN: 20 Trailers は 1/2 Box Circulate をして, Phantom Run (Reverse Flip) をし, Leaders は Box Circulate 1 & 1/2 をします. JP: 20 A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Wave; a T-Bone 2 x 2 usually
ends in a Diamond; Tandem Couples ends in a One-Faced Line. EN: 30 Mini-Wave の Box は Wave となり, 2 x 2 の T-Bone は普通 Diamond となり, Tandem Couple は One-Faced Line となります. JP: 30 Trailers usually lightly tap hands with each other as they flip away. EN: 40 Trailers は普通お互いに少し手をはたいて (訳者注: lightly tap は, はたくというよりふれてでしょうか) から, 外へ flip します. JP: 40 Original Leaders can not Roll. EN: 50 オリジナルの Leaders は Roll できません. JP: 50
From an applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag. EN: 10 Very Centers and directly-facing Outside dancers
Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line
Counter Rotate 1/4
around the outside; Center 6 Trade; Very
Outsides and the Very Centers Phantom Hourglass Circulate. EN: 20 Very Centers と真っ直ぐに向かい合っている Outside の人が
Pass Thru をする間に, Center Line の ends は
Counter Rotate 1/4
を外側を回るように行い; Center 6 Trade をし; Very
Outsides と Very Centers は Phantom Hourglass Circulate を行います. JP: 20 Ends in Parallel Lines or Parallelogram Parallel Lines
(if dancers come to the same spot). EN: 30 平行な Line または Parallelogram (もし ends が同じ場所となるとき) で終わります. JP: 30 Those doing the Pass Thru should point at each other before moving. EN: 40 Pass Thru をする人は, 動く前にお互いに point すべきです. JP: 40 Be careful not to get Reactivate mixed up with Reaction.
Some dancers shout 'Toe' when the call is Reactivate
('Reac-TOE-vate') and 'Shun' when the call is Reaction ('Reac-SHUN'). EN: 50 Reactivate を Reaction と間違えないように注意してください.
コールが Reactivate ('Reac-TOE-vate') のとき
'Toe (トォウ)' と言い, Reaction ('Reac-SHUN') のときは
'Shun (シャン)' と言うダンサーもいます. JP: 50
From an applicable non T-Bone 2 x 2. EN: 10 T-bone でない適切な 2 x 2 から. JP: 10 Ends in a Mini-Wave Box.
This is a 2-part call. EN: 20 Mini-Wave の Box
で終わります.2 パートのコールです. JP: 20
| Reflected Concept -- [C3B] | |
From various formations. EN: 10 Do the any Tagging call (or any variation of a Tagging call)
to the 1/2 Tag position;
Arm Turn 1/4 (i.e., Split Counter Rotate 1/4);
complete the any Tagging call. EN: 20 Any Tagging call (または Tagging call の応用) を,
1/2 Tag の位置まで行い;
Arm Turn 1/4 (すなわち, Split Counter Rotate 1/4) をし;
any Tagging call を終わらせます. JP: 20 Complete The Flip The Line EN: 30 Complete The Flip The Line JP: 30 The general idea of Reflected is that you start the Tagging
call and are moving in a straight Line, you hit some imaginary wall
and get "bounced" or reflected off of it at a 90° angle and then you
complete the call. EN: 40 Reflected (反射した) のもともとのアイデアは, Tagging call を始めて真っ直ぐ進んでいるときに, 仮想の壁にぶつかり, 90° 反射し, コールの残りを行うというものです. JP: 40 On calls such as
Track 3
Invert The Column ,
even though eight dancers are required to execute the call, the Tagging portion
of the call only involves (2 sets of) 4 dancers. EN: 50 The generalized definition of Reflected is to do the given call
to the 1/2 Tag position; Counter Rotate 1/4 with
respect to the number of dancers doing the Tagging portion of the
call; complete the given call. EN: 60 Reflected の一般的な定義は,
与えられたコールを 1/2 Tag の位置まで行い;
コールの Tagging の部分を行うダンサーの数の場所で
Counter Rotate 1/4 を行い;
与えられたコールを終わらせます. JP: 60 From a Couple or Mini-Wave.
1/4 In and Touch (this is a Partner 1/2 Tag);
Arm Turn 1/4 (since there are only two people in the Tagging portion);
Step Thru (to end Back-to-Back). EN: 70 カップルまたは Mini-Wave から.
1/4 In and Touch (これが Partner 1/2 Tag) をし;
Arm Turn 1/4 (Tagging の部分では 2 人しかいないので) をし;
Step Thru (Back-to-Back となります) をします. JP: 70 From a Line of 6.
Line of 6 1/2 Tag; Tandems of 3 Arm Turn 1/4;
all Complete The Tag to end in Back-to-Back Tandems of 3. EN: 80 6 人の Line から.
Line of 6 1/2 Tag をし; Tandems of 3 Arm Turn 1/4 をし;
全員で Tag を終わらせ Tandems of 3 が Back-to-Back となります. JP: 80
| Release anything -- [C3A] | |
From a Generalized 1/4 Tag or Generalized 1/4 Diamond. EN: 10 一般化された 1/4 Tag または, 一般化された 1/4 Diamond から. JP: 10 The End of the Center 4
Press Ahead
as the unapproached Outside dancer (12-Matrix)
Press Out;
Outsides work with Phantoms (if necessary) and all do the anything call. EN: 20 Center 4 の ends は
Press Ahead
を, 隣に人がこなかった Outside の人は (12-Matrix で)
Press Out
そして, Outsides は, もし必要なら phantom と行い, 全員で anything のコールをします. JP: 20 Note: Phantoms that end between the Outside dancers and the Center are removed
at the end of the call unless the anything call involves a concept
which specifically includes phantoms (e.g., Release
Triple Wave
Ah So
retains the Phantoms whereas Release Ah So doesn't). EN: 30 注釈: anything のコールが phantom を含むコンセプトのコールであるとき以外は, Outsides と centers の間の phantom はコールの終わりでいなくなります.
例えば, Release
Triple Wave
Ah So
では phantom を残しますが, Release Ah So ではとり除きます. JP: 30 On a Magic Release, the Outside 6 act as if in Distorted Magic Columns of 3.
#2 dancer Magic Press Out (a long way to go) as unapproached Outside dancer
Magic Column Circulate; all do the anything call. EN: 60
From a Mini-Wave Box (or other applicable 2 x 2 if fractionalized). EN: 10 Mini Wave の Box (または fraction があるときは, 他の適切な 2 x 2) から. JP: 10 Ends in a Mini-Wave Box.
Reset is a 4-part call. EN: 20 Mini Wave の Box で終わります.
Reset は 4 パートのコールです. JP: 20 Reset is often fractionalized. EN: 30 Reset には, しばしば fraction が付けられます. JP: 30 When dancing with phantoms, it is helpful to know that Reset
is equivalent to Box Circulate Twice. EN: 40 Phantom と踊るときは, Reset は
Box Circulate Twice と同じ動きになることを知っていると, 助けになります. JP: 40
| Reverse Checkpoint anything By anything -- [C3B] | |
From applicable formations. EN: 10 Center 4 do the first anything call and the resulting Ends (of that
Center 4) move away from the Center of the Set without changing their facing
direction (i.e., Stable). The Others (original Outsides) work around
the Very Centers to do the second anything call, ending as close as
possible to the positions vacated by the resulting Ends of the Center 4. EN: 20 Center 4 が始めの anything のコールを行い, その 4 人で Ends となった
人は, 向きを変えずに (すなわち Stable で) Set の Center から離れます.
他の人 (オリジナルの外の人) は, Very Centers の回りで 2 つ目の
anything のコールを行い,
Center 4 の Ends となった人が空けた場所へ可能な限り近づきます. JP: 20 Centers Recycle and the resulting Ends slide away from the center EN: 30 original Outsides work around the Very Centers to do a Touch 1/4 EN: 40 Centers 1/4 Thru and the resulting Ends slide away from the center EN: 50 original Outsides work around the Very Centers to do a Follow Thru EN: 60 Dancing Hint: The original Outsides should usually delay moving until the Centers have
almost completed the first anything call, so that sufficient space is
available for the Outsides to execute the second anything call. EN: 70 ダンスのヒント: オリジナルの外の人は, 普通, Centers が始めの
anything のコールをほぼ終えるまで待つべきです.
そうすれば, 外側の人にとって, 2 つ目の anything
のコールをする場所が十分にできます. JP: 70 Note: The original Center 4 become the Very Centers and Very Outsides of the
final ending formation. EN: 80 注釈: オリジナルの Center 4 は, 全体の終わりの formation で,
Very Centers と Very Outsides になります. JP: 80
| Reverse Order Concept -- [C3B] | |
Break up the call into its component parts, and do the parts in reverse order. EN: 10 与えられたコールを構成要素のパートに分解して, そのパートを逆の順序で行います. JP: 10 Note: Some callers simply say Reverse when they mean Reverse
Order. This can often be ambiguous. Consider Reverse Recoil:
does the caller want a Reverse (Mirror) Recycle then Step & Fold, or does the
caller want a Step & Fold then Split Recycle? EN: 20 注釈: あるコーラーは, Reverse Order を意味するときにときに,
単に Reverse と言います. これは, 多くの場合あいまいです.
Reverse Recoil を考えてみると:
コーラーは, Reverse (Mirror) Recycle をして Step & Fold をしたいのか,
または Step & Fold をして Split Recycle をしたいのか, 分かりません. JP: 20 (Starting from Parallel Waves): EN: 30 次の 2 つを対比してみましょう (2 つの平行な Wave から): JP: 30 In the latter case, you hear the word Split first, and hence you must
divide the starting formation into two 2 x 2s. Each 2 x 2 then does the call. EN: 50 後者では,
Split の言葉を先に聞いているので,
始めの formation を 2 x 2 へ分けなければなりません.
そして, 2 x 2 の各々でコールを行います. JP: 50 which is a Reverse Order Spin The Top. EN: 60 それは, Reverse Order Spin The Top です. JP: 60
| Reverse The Pass -- [C3B] | |
Tandem Couples (couple が tandem になった formation) から. JP: 10 Original Trailers Trade. EN: 40 Original Trailers Trade. JP: 40 Ends in Tandem Couples. EN: 50 Reverse The Pass is a 3-part call that can be fractionalized into sixths. EN: 60 Reverse The Pass は, 3 パートのコールで, 1/6 づつに分けることができます. JP: 60 Original Trailers Trade EN: 70 Original Trailers Trade JP: 70